Great Artist

Chapter 1698: position question

Today's tenth update, please recommend, please subscribe!


Evan Bell finally completed the post-production of "There Will Be Blood" during this period, so that it could meet the scheduled screening date on December 26. In fact, Evan Bell did not intend to release "Blood Will" so early. After missing Toronto and Venice in September, Evan Bell hopes to bring "Blood Will" to the long-lost Sundance movie. Festival.


Unfortunately, the "Batman: The Dark Knight" filming deadline far exceeded expectations, which forced Evan Bell to postpone a series of plans, such as "There Will Be Blood" at the Sundance Film Festival. ——Missed the registration time; for example, the original plan for "There Will Be Blood" was to meet the American audience at the end of December, and it had to be postponed; for example, the creation of the script of "Juno", which is estimated to be postponed to the next year . Therefore, Evan Bell also relaxed his mentality and no longer deliberately pursued schedule problems. In this state, the post-production of "The Blood Is Coming" was completed half a month earlier than expected.


Thomas Lansing looked at the timetable. First, he signed up for the Berlin Film Festival for "There Will Be Blood". "There Will Be Blood" and the solemn and professional atmosphere of the Berlin Film Festival are definitely a match made in heaven. The original release date, December 26th, was actually a decision made in July, when Evan Bell, before entering the "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" crew, "The Blood Is Coming". "The post-production was almost done, so Thomas Lansing and Tye Keys discussed the schedule for the Toronto release. Who knows, as a result, "The Blood Will Come" first missed Toronto and then postponed its release time. But now, since the later stages of "There Will Be Blood" have been completed, Thomas Lansing and others simply followed the trend after discussion and let "The Will Come" be released on December 26 as originally planned. .


After finishing all post-production today and sending the copy of "There Will Be Blood" for reproduction, Evan Bell and his mother came to dinner, Teddy Bell was completely entangled by the Writers Guild of America strike during this time. Now, there have been meetings to discuss the specific plans of YauTvte; Eden-Hudson is no exception, in addition to the strike thing, Phwne's thing is one after another, he simply lives in Palo Alto, Feel free to get in touch with the YaWTwbe Facebook team.


Evan Bell and Catherine Bell were chatting happily when they noticed that someone stopped by their table. Evan Bell did not notice any signs of paparazzi nearby, and thought it was just another guest. , but after the other party stopped, Evan Bell couldn't help but look up, and immediately saw Nicholas Conte's modest smile.


Nicholas Conte, who has been the president of the Producers Guild of America for many years, was selected as the main player in this negotiation, along with the two heads of Warner Bros. and Universal Television.


Nicholas Conte, Barry Mayer, and Jeff Zucker, all three representatives of hardliners, Nicholas Conte has repeatedly condemned the Writers Guild of America statement, and did not hesitate to use an iron fist policy with screenwriters. They confronted each other; although Barry Mayer had a good relationship with Evan Bell, it was precisely because Warner Bros. obtained more benefits from the cooperation with Eleven Studios that Barry Mayer had a great deal of interest in his hands. He was always unwilling to compromise, and intimidated the representatives of the screenwriters union in the last negotiation before the strike, which not only intensified the conflict, but also became an opportunity for the screenwriters union to unite; Jeff Zhu Ke is also a powerful figure, and his attitude towards the screenwriters' strike has always been a strong suppression. After the strike broke out, the producer's union's cold-handling policy was written by him and Nicholas Conte.


Therefore, Nicholas-Conte is definitely a hard character. His hairline has retreated to a white hair in the center of his forehead, which makes him more kind, but the sharp wrinkles on his face can also be easily seen. Stubbornness, even a modest smile on his face can't alleviate that sternness.


"It's really a coincidence, Ms. Bell, are you having dinner with Evan?" Nicholas Conte subtly started the topic from Catherine Bell, alleviating his abruptness.


Although Catherine Bell was a little surprised, she didn't even know who the man in front of her was, but she still glanced at her younger son, then smiled at Nicholas-Conte and said, "Is this Evan's friend? Are you too? Are you coming for dinner?" Catherine Bell's calm answer, although not leaky, quietly threw the topic away. Especially looking at Nicholas-Conte's face even older than Catherine-Bell, she called her "friend", which really made Nicholas-Conte feel embarrassed.

Evan Bell sat opposite but did not intend to introduce, just smiled and watched his mother's smiling lips spit out embarrassing words. With Nicholas Conte's determination and scheming, naturally he will not be stimulated by Catherine Bell's words, but he has always been used to being strong, although he is not like Michael Inas, "Whoever obeys me prospers." I'm dead", but it's not easy to get along with. He also understood in his heart. It seems that Evan Bell has no intention of resigning today.


"No, I'm not here for dinner, I just want to talk to Evan about something. His phone can't get through, so I have to come to the door in person." Nicholas Conte's words surprised Evan Bell , Don't these big guys like to go around in circles? Nicholas Conte is also an old fox. He actually chose to cut to the chase. Is this a trick or is he really impatient? "Otherwise, I'm worried that the chaos will continue outside."


Catherine Bell did not speak again, she knew that her younger son would definitely answer. Sure enough, Evan Bell looked at Nicholas Conte with a smile, "Sir, I'm not a superman, I don't have the ability to call the crowd." The subtext is that he is not even a negotiator of the Screenwriters Guild. , of course, there is no decision-making ability.


Nicholas Conte directly ignored Evan Bell's words, and just stared at Evan Bell with a smile, that smile made Evan Bell suddenly feel that the hairs on his back stood up, not fear or cowardice, It's uncomfortable, and the look in Nicholas Conte's eyes makes people feel very uncomfortable.


But Evan Bell did not avoid his eyes, and still looked at Nicholas Conte calmly and calmly. Evan Bell didn't owe Nicholas Conte any debts, and he didn't do anything wrong, and he wasn't worried about Nicholas Conte's eyes full of condemnation and inquiry.


Nicholas Conte didn't intend to see anything from the exchange of eyes, the corner of his mouth was hooked, still smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Maybe you are not a superman, but at least you are a clown. "The meaning of confrontation in these words is very strong. Of course, Nicholas Conte did not mean that Evan Bell played the role of the clown, but satirized Evan Bell to sow discord, which is obviously the producer's position Eleven Studio. , but ran to support the screenwriters union, which made it really difficult for the producers to do it.


"Yeah, that's true." Evan Bell nodded as if he didn't understand what he was saying, "I really like the role of the clown, he knows who he is so clearly, too. If he works so firmly towards his goal, even if others have always misunderstood him, he will still go his own way, won't he?"


Evan Bell seems to be talking about the role of the clown, and he seems to be talking about himself, and it seems that he is talking about the writers' strike. The hidden meaning in these words also detours a few times, making Nicholas. - The smile at the corner of Conte's mouth grew wider. "This operation is very involved, aren't you afraid that things will get out of control? You know, you are a partner in our camp. If all of them are united, our losses will be even greater.


This thoughtless remark seemed to have nothing to do with the topic of the Joker just now, but Evan Bell knew that Nicholas Conte was implying himself that he was also a member of the producer's camp. If the screenwriters, actors, and directors all unite, the loss of Eleven Studios is inevitable. Moreover, because of YauTWbe's relationship, maybe Eleven Studio's loss will be more direct than other film Evan Bell is not panic at all, and his sly eyes towards Nicholas Conte are also more and more Getting used to it, "It's precisely because things are going to get out of control, so now, when things can still be grasped, you have to seize the opportunity as soon as possible, right? Otherwise, the loss will come. I don't care about the loss, what about the others? "Speaking of this, Evan Belt paused, gave Nicholas Conte a serious look, pursed his lips, and then said, "I'm not you, so I don't know how you feel about the next loss." Yes, don't you care as much as I do. In the same way, you're not me, you'll never know my side, can you?"


Although Evan Bell didn't say it clearly, how could Nicholas Conte not hear it? In fact, Evan Bell is completely in the screenwriter camp, and he doesn't care about the division of Yahoo's interests at all. This made Nicholas-Conte narrow his eyes, as if he thought for a while, and then said, "It's true." This sentence is meaningful, "Then I won't disturb your meal, see you next time."


After speaking, Nicholas Conte said goodbye to Catherine Bell very politely, and then left decisively without looking back. Just like his character, he is straightforward, decisive, and most importantly, tough and uncompromising!


The tenth update was completed, and I bowed again to thank the leader of the Demon Prison Elves, wow, ha ha! Then, continue to ask for a monthly pass! March is coming to an end. [Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update team @福沄Just want to hear from you". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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