Great Artist

Chapter 1731: 2 conflicts

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The oilfield was exploited in an orderly manner, but Daniel Prevey encountered an unexpected incident. He actually had a half-brother Henry who he never knew came to the door. Henley Previ came to inform Daniel of their father's death, and then came to Daniel Previ.

Naturally, Daniel Prevey would not easily believe the other party. After careful verification and testing, he finally determined that the other party was indeed Henry Prevey.

All along, it can be seen from Daniel Prevey's attitude towards H.W. Prevey that in fact he still has a family affection in his bones. He is too lonely, so he always hopes to have someone to rely on. But when H.W became deaf, the cold blood in his bones gradually lost his patience, and now with the arrival of Henry Prevey, Daniel Prevey has found a new support.

That night, Daniel Prevey poured out his thoughts to Henry, which was unprecedented, "Henry, are you a man who is easily irritated?"

"That depends on what?" Henry Prevey replied.

Daniel Prevey went on to say, "Are you jealous? Or, have you ever been jealous?"

"I do not think so.

Daniel Prevey's face was looming in the firelight, "My own heart is struggling, I don't want other people to succeed, I have hatred for most people." This may explain his attitude towards Eli A Sandy hostility from the start.

"That part of my heart has long since disappeared." Henry Prevey replied, "Right now, I just want to work and don't think about it. All failures will go away from me, and I don't want to care about other things at all."

Daniel Plevy continued, "You have what's in my heart. Many times when I look at people I see that they don't have anything to like about them, and I want to make enough money, enough to I can stay away from anyone." This sentence may be the true meaning in Daniel Prevey's bones.

"Then how will you treat your son?"

"I don't know, maybe this situation can be changed." Daniel Prevey's voice is not very sure, "Can your health be back to you? I don't know, maybe no one knows, not even the doctor. Do not know at all."

"Where is his mother now?"

"I don't want to talk about these things. All I see is the ugliest side of human beings. I don't even need to search them in memory to get all I need. I need to rule and never try to explain my actions." Daniel Plevy knew himself very well, "Over the years, my hatred has built up little by little... Henry, you have given me a chance to live again here, I can no longer fight alone, and these... ...people are fighting." Daniel Prevey laughed when he was done.

In the dark night, H.W. Previi lit a match and set the family's log cabin on fire. In his rage, Daniel Prevey grabbed his son, took his son on the train the next day, and left the train under the pretext of going to the conductor, letting his work partner take H.W. Prevey with him. Go to a school for the deaf in another city. In a sense when Daniel Prevey ditched H.W. Prevey, cold-bloodedly and without remorse.

When Daniel Prevey started talking about business again, he was still a family business, but the people around him were no longer H.W. Previ, but Henry Previ.

In the process of preparing for the construction of the oil pipeline, Daniel Prevy had full trust in Henry Prevey, but an inadvertent conversation revealed the fact that Henry Prevey in front of him was an impostor! This person in front of him knew Henry Plevey. After he inquired about all the deeds of Henry Plevey, it turned out that Henry Plevey died of tuberculosis, so he borrowed Henry's identity and came to join Daniel Plevey. dimension. This suddenly made Daniel-Plevy out of anger, and he was about to be burnt out by his own anger. In his rage, Daniel-Plevy shot the liar directly, and then buried him. .

Among the man's relics, Daniel Prevey found Henry's diary. Looking at the real photos of Henry when he was a child, there were tears in Daniel Prevey's eyes, which made people move. Perhaps, in the cold blood of Daniel Plevy, there is indeed a family relationship, but unfortunately, no one can make this family relationship last forever.

Daniel Plevy intends to sell oil wells elsewhere and concentrate on exploiting this oil field in Little Boston, but when it comes to the key point, he must build an oil pipeline, otherwise he will not be able to profit from the oil in his hands. The problem is, there is a piece of land that cannot be avoided on the route established by the oil pipeline. It was only then that Daniel Prevey remembered that there was still a piece of land nearby that he had not purchased. William Bandy, the stubborn old man. land.

As a last resort, Daniel Prevy could only find William Bandy, but found that William Bandy couldn't make any sense at all, and he was still a loyal believer of the Third Revelation Society. Levi accepts U Mountain and the story goes back and forth, and Daniel Prevey must seek Eli Prevey's help again.

Daniel Prevey and William Bandy came to the Third Apocalypse Society, and in a very reluctant situation, he took the initiative to stand up and demanded to accept UL and to be redeemed.

"Daniel, are you a sinner?" Eli Sandy stood beside Daniel Pulev, with an undisguised excitement in her tone.

"Yes." Daniel Previ said with his head held high.

"The Lord can't hear your voice, Daniel." There is no doubt that the one who has the upper hand this time is definitely Eli Sandy, and Daniel Prevey is the meat on the cutting board. "Speak louder to the Lord, it's alright." When Daniel Plevy gave an affirmative answer again, Eli Sandy said, "Kneel to God! Pray to him!"

So, Daniel Prevey, who had always had the upper hand in the confrontation, knelt down, "Look up to the sky and tell your sins." Eli Sandy's words confused Daniel Prevey, so he asked, " What do you want me to say?"

"Daniel, you have brought wealth and profit to this place, but you have also brought bad habits. You are a fallen person. You chase after the beauty around you, but you have abandoned your children. You have abandoned your own hand-raised children. Child! Just because he's sick, because you're guilty! Now tell me, 'I'm a sinner'." Eligardi's voice was full of confidence, echoing in the cabin.

Daniel Prevey's face was full of suppressed violence, and his eyes were a bit terrifyingly calm, "I am a sinner."

"louder please!"

"I am a sinner."

"Be louder, Daniel! I'm a sinner!"

"I am a sinner!"

"Lord, I was wrong! Please give me holy blood, I gave up my own child, I will never fall again! I was lost, and now I am back to myself!" Eli Sandy said, Daniel Pravi said, and Eligardi soon discovered Daniel Pravi's weakness, so he repeated, "I gave up my own child!"

Sure enough, Daniel Plevy's expression couldn't be suppressed. He looked at Eli Sandy angrily, but finally gave in, "I gave up my own child!" And at Eli Sandy "loud" In the inciting words of , it broke out completely, as if possessed by a devil, and roared, "I abandoned my own child! I abandoned my own child1"

"Are you willing to accept **** Christ as your Lord and your Savior?" Eligardi asked, and after receiving a positive answer from Daniel Prevey, he slapped him off without hesitation. , "Come out, Chalk!"

"Come out, chalk!" Every time Elijah called out, she slapped Daniel Prevey, one after another! And Daniel Plevey also showed no signs of weakness, "Let me feel the power of the Lord, Eli!"

A slap in the face, another ear in the morning... Elaine Sandy was completely excited at this time, his right hand was like a windmill, and slapped Daniel Prevey's head viciously one by one, that kind of emotion The outburst pushed the whole mood to a climax.

After receiving the baptism, the flushed Daniel Plevy was not angry at all, but smiled smugly, "The oil pipeline is in hand!"

At this moment, the whole body of cold jumped up in an instant.

This is the second physical conflict between Eli Sandy and Daniel Prevey, and it also pushes the conflicting and cooperative relationship between capital and faith to a whole new level.

After Daniel Prevey stood up, he actually stepped forward and shook Eli Sandy's right hand. When he left, he received unanimous approval from the residents, while Eli Sandy stood on the podium, a little overwhelmed. In the face of Daniel Prevey's sophistication, Eli Sandy was still a little immature.

Soon, the construction of the oil pipeline began. In order to show his sincerity to the residents, Daniel Previ took H.W. Previ back, but H.W. Previ was obviously full of resentment. He beat his father and used his most direct counterattack to express it. own dissatisfaction. However, Daniel Previ stopped Van W Previ's actions. His patience with his son was obviously limited, but he had to get along, which made the relationship between the two people a little deformed.

On the other side, Little Boston was obviously unable to restrain Eli Sandy's lofty ambitions, and he decided to leave this area and go to a wider city to preach. This is obviously a good thing for Daniel-Plevy. Before parting, the two competitors looked at each other meaningfully, and then there was no dialogue or any intersection, just staggered.

In the 1820s, a new round of capitalist capitalists, triggered by the oil boom, expanded rapidly in the southern United States; at the same time, religions went south, and churches began to flourish on the gradually emerging southern soil. rise. The influence between religion and capital has always been the king's. On the one hand, they are robbing each other of their control over the people, and on the other hand, they are using each other to seek higher development.

The relationship between Daniel Prevey and Eli Sandy, that's it. Sometimes it is the capitalist family represented by Daniel Plevy who has the upper hand, and sometimes it is the religious leader represented by Eli Sandy. This situation has continued on the development path of history.

For a decade, Daniel Plevey has grown into one of the richest oil tycoons in the South, while H.W. Plevey has grown up in the company of Sandy's youngest daughter Mary, and then the two went into marriage together. palace. The relationship between H.W Previ and his father has always been very tense. On the one hand, he followed in his father's footsteps and gradually grew up, but on the other hand, he resented his father's indifference to him. The method is against his father, so why not try to attract his father's attention.

When he grew up, H.W. Plevy decided to leave his father's side and make his own way. He brought his sign language teacher who had been with him since he was a child to find Daniel Prevey, hoping to communicate privately, but this request was rejected by Daniel Prevey, because he thought, "You can't speak, then Just make a gesture with your hand, and let whoever speak for you, where have you been these days."

"Or, do you think I don't know where your kid has gone?" Daniel Privy saw H.W. Privy's complaining eyes, as aggressive as ever, the years made him old, but still did not make him change. be weak. Daniel Prevey looked at the sign language teacher beside him with disgust and provocation, noncommittal.

H.W. Plewie began to make gestures, while the sign language teacher explained, "I have a hard time talking about this. The first thing to say is that I love you very, very much. From you, I learned to love my career." Although h.W. Privy gestured right in front of Daniel Prevey, but apparently Daniel Prevey didn't care at all, he just drank his drink contentedly and said nothing, "I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to Mexico, I And bring Mary. I miss working out and the oil fields, and it may not be long before I start my own drilling crew and then my own company. It’s time for a change.”

Facing H.W. Previ's farewell declaration, Daniel Previ just raised his left and slammed it down with his index finger, passing the "drilling team" gesture, "In this way, You and I are rivals."

H.W. Prevey hurriedly denied it, but was interrupted by Daniel Prevey, "That's what you meant, kid. Your own company? Not bad! In Mexico? What the **** are you doing? What the **** are you trying to do!"

Even in the face of HW Previ, who was raised by himself, Daniel Previ was still strong to the end, leaving H.W. Previ almost no chance to catch his breath.

Ask for a monthly pass. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @d watermelon]

[Tianlongba Blood] Novel Author: Cooking Wine on Coffee

Introduction to the work: Those peak powerhouses are still dreaming of becoming gods. I am like an ant, but the blood of the gods is already flowing in my body.

This blood, impulsive, violent, extremely overbearing! If you can't kill me, it's you who will die.

Girl, don't worry, from now on, no matter how much trouble you get into, I'll take care of you, brother. If you shovel the grass, I will help you remove the roots; if you kill people, I will destroy the door for you!


In a martial arts world where Qi and blood exercises are practiced, the color of a warrior's blood will change as his strength increases.

Starting from red blood, orange blood, yellow blood, green blood, blue blood... the golden divine blood that only gods have.

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