Great Artist

Chapter 1742: 7 major companies

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After the year-end inventory and statistics in 2007, the media went straight to fry.


Yao remembers 25 years ago, when Eleven Studio was established as Eleven Release, many Hollywood media suddenly exclaimed, "Eleven Studio is qualified to challenge." : Change the pattern of the six major Hollywood film companies as an independent studio and become the seventh largest film company. And now, Eleven Studio has obviously completed the most important turning point on this road!


In the North American box office strength list in 2007, Eleven Studio entered the top six for the first time as a second-tier independent film company, ranking fifth, surpassing the established film companies Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox, accounting for 100 With 11/10 of the market share, this small independent music studio founded in Cambridge, Boston, has gained a firm foothold in the American market after rapid development in recent years, and has the ability to change the market pattern of Hollywood movies!


The former king of RKO announced its closure, DreamWorks was acquired by traditional forces after its fortune, and MGM was on the verge of bankruptcy. The sphere of influence of the major Hollywood studios has been maintained for nearly a hundred years, even DreamWorks, which has performed best, has It fell short and failed to break the blockade of the six major film companies. Now, can Studio Eleven really be able to complete this seemingly impossible task?


How could the media not be lively, how could reporters not be excited, how could public opinion not be boiling!


In fact, the rise of Eleven Studios strictly started from a two-year "deadly identity". Before that, Eleven Studios could only be regarded as a music workshop and had no direct connection with the film production industry. . After that, a series of ten works including "Crash", "Mysterious Skin", "Notebook of Love", "Brokeback Mountain", "Little Sunshine", "Perfume", "The Queen Wears Prada" and "High School Musical" One studio has a hundred hits, and every shot is bound to make some gains at the box office, which makes the eleventh studio strong in the "seven big" ranks with the efforts of fourteen films in five years.


No company can open up the market by releasing one or two blockbusters occasionally. The only person who really opened up the studio for Eleven, the one and only one, Evan Bell. Although Studio Eleven has gradually gotten rid of Evan Bell's influence since last year, in general, Evan Bell's influence on this small workshop has dominated all development trajectories. Evan Bell can be seen more or less behind the "independent" works produced by Eleven Studios in the past two years.


In short, Evan Bell made Studio Eleven, and Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson were the irreplaceable first mates on this pirate ship that set sail!


If Eleven Studios only has "movies that make money", then not to mention being among the top seven film companies and changing the Hollywood landscape, Eleven Studios would not be able to compete with Lionsgate even among the second-tier corps. After all, Lionsgate's movie library is more than twice as rich as Eleven's.


Counting down the reasons why the six major film companies are called "Big Six", the capital chain kingdom is obviously the most important link. Not to close down. United Arts, MGM, and DreamWorks, which are single-handedly, all encountered a situation where they did not have funds to rescue the market at a critical moment and fell into a quagmire.


In addition, the major studios also have independent studio divisions such as Fox Searchlight, Sony Classics, Paramount Advantage and other companies that are responsible for the production and distribution of low-cost art films, which can not only occupy the market, but also wait for the opportunity to win the awards season. Awards, and more importantly, will also compete with second-tier film companies in terms of box office, which is really a big weapon.


Finally, the distribution system and peripheral systems are the decisive factors that make independent small companies daunting. The most profitable part of a movie is the distribution, and the peripheral system is the means to mine the residual value of the movie. The decline of DreamWorks In addition to the problem of the capital chain, the gap in the distribution system is also one of the decisive factors.


From the analysis of these three major links, we can see that the reason why Studio Eleven is called the "seventh largest" by the media is not without reason.


In terms of the quality of the film itself, Eleven Studio's unbeaten record is obviously a decisive factor in the company's rise. Whether it's box office, awards or word of mouth, "Eleven Productions" has gradually moved closer to "Evan Bell Productions". It has become a golden signboard that cannot be ignored in the North American film market. In the future, this is bound to become a decisive link for Eleven Studios to further compete for hegemony. "Success is also Xiao He defeats Xiao He", the excitement of walking a tightrope is vividly reflected in Eleven Studio. Fortunately, it seems that Evan Bell has not missed the time!

In the distribution and peripheral links, Lionsgate and Eleven Studios are currently the strongest second-rate publishers outside the six spheres of influence, but Eleven Studios released "Ratatouille" on the distribution system this summer. The elbow restraint he received was clearly manifested. Although he finally relied on the wisdom of Thomas Lansing and others to regain the disadvantage, there is still a long way to go in the future.


As for the peripheral system, it goes without saying that Disney’s huge capital chain comes entirely from the surrounding area. Although Eleven Studios has risen at an astonishing rate and even owns Pixar, it still doesn’t have the ability and energy to get involved in the surrounding area, and can only make the most money from movies. This branch of the money was reluctantly shared with Disney.


However, the factors that really made Eleven Studios win the title of "seventh largest" are other people: "Eleven" and the network field.


Unlike the other six major film companies, Eleven Studios actually has a source of capital chain, and Evan Bell's Apple stock is not for the time being, although this is a very strong capital, just talking about the TV series under Eleven Productions Business and "Eleven" men's clothing brand, this has become the core factor of Eleven Studio's invincible position.


Eleven's current lucrative shows include "American Idol," "Dancing in the Woods," "Grey's Anatomy," "House," "NCIS," "Mad Men" and "Dr. The Big Bang Theory". Among them, the "Mad Men" project alone can bring a pre-tax profit of 600 million US dollars to Eleven Studio in the next three years, not to mention other dramas that have been making money and will continue to make money in the future. "American Idol" and "Doctor House" are the current ratings champions of all programs and drama series, respectively. One of the advantages of TV dramas over movies is that the profits are getting bigger and bigger. As long as the series continues to be filmed, the profits will continue to increase.


The "Eleven" men's clothing brand has now grown into the world's largest men's fashion brand. This year, 11 flagship stores have opened in 11 cities around the world, and the brand's branches in major department stores have risen to 80. This number is staggering. No one will forget that when Eleven Studio snatched Pixar from Disney, the huge funds of the "Eleven" menswear brand provided Evan Bell with enough bargaining chips. Evan - Bell cooperation, there is not enough funds, this deal is not possible.


In 2 years, the net profit of the "Eleven" men's clothing brand crossed the threshold of 10 billion for the first time in history, reaching 10.3 billion US dollars. Of course, this part of the profit was invested due to the opening of the eleven flagship stores. Recycling, but the "Eleven" men's clothing brand has successfully become the top 20 brands in the world by revenue. You must know that the "Eleventh" men's clothing has only been established for four years. This achievement is really appalling.


The "Eleven" men's clothing brand and the TV series produced by Eleven ensure the smooth operation of Eleven Studio's capital chain, and its leadership in the network field has almost wiped out Eleven Studio's zero-based disadvantage in the surrounding fields, making Eleven Studio has the qualifications to compete with the other six major film companies!


In the just-concluded 27 years, uTube not only repelled the impact of the gourd network, but also successfully achieved profitability. Tub brought in a billion dollars in revenue for Eleven Studios throughout the year! This is only the part that belongs to the Eleventh Studio. After the major film companies are divided up, the profits are exclusively for the Eleventh Studio! No wonder the opposing alliance is reluctant to let go no matter what, no wonder is still standing indomitably, such a high income is really enviable.


Even Facebook has achieved profitability in the past surpassing to become the largest social network in the United States is the biggest brilliance in 2 years, and the annual profit of 20 million US dollars is an additional award. Although it is only 20 million US dollars, this is Facebook's real profit after its establishment. It does not need Evan Bell to continue to invest money. After completing self-sufficiency, it also made a profit.


Of course, profit is only one aspect. The online world built by uTube and Facebook together with ne is being integrated into people's lives in a terrifying manner, which makes Eleven Studio's tentacles in the "peripheral" market more and more The wider it is, although it is still under development in 2 years, in 2 years, or in the further future, the advantages of the network field will become the surrounding areas of Eleven Studio, and will make Eleven Studio in the soil of the United States. Rooted deeper and deeper!


From this point of view, although there is still a big gap between the eleventh studio and the six major film companies, it can be made up for. "The title is also a matter of course.


Therefore, when the "New York Times" exclaimed that "New players are king, Eleven Studio has become the seventh largest Hollywood studio", the public opinion not only did not have any differences or refutation, but instead gave a round of applause and cheers, congratulations to Eleven Studio's "" Enthroned". Perhaps, at this time next year, the era of the six major Hollywood studios will really enter the "Big Seven".


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