Great Artist

Chapter 1830: relentless gunshots

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This is not the first time Evan Bell has participated in a military funeral. The funeral of Casey Burns is still vivid in his mind.

The etiquette of firing a gun salute is suitable for many occasions, including national celebrations, international welcome ceremonies, and military funerals. The firing of the gun salute originated in the United Kingdom, from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century, when the United Kingdom had become the number one colonial empire, and almost every continent in the world had its deadly place. When British warships sailed past foreign forts or entered foreign ports, they arrogantly asked the host country to fire their guns and salute them to show respect and surrender to Britain. In return, British warships generally fired seven shots. However, the British colonialists believed that the weak country and the robbed, the colony and the suzerain could not be on an equal footing. The British warship fired a gun salute, and other countries responded three times, so the British warship fired seven guns, and the twenty-one gun salute was the highest etiquette in response. born. However, with the gradual decline of Britain's international status, British warships also began to fire twenty-one gun salutes to express equality.

Generally speaking, according to international practice, the 21st ring is the highest standard, welcoming the head of state or other people of the corresponding level; the 19th ring is the head of the government or the person of the corresponding level; the 17th ring corresponds to the deputy The general manager is true.

At a soldier's funeral, instead of the cannon salute, the gun will be fired, which also shows respect for the soldiers who gave their lives for the country. Generally, the gun firing team fires three rows of guns into the sky. Of course, the highest etiquette is 21 shots.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt just said "It's just three firings" is not a disrespect to this firing ceremony, but a satire on the government, these soldiers gave their lives, but in the end they The only thing to get is three shots. The solemnity and solemnity of these three shots could never make up for the broken hearts of the relatives.

Speaking of the lives lost because of the war, Evan Bell's inner regret always starts to rise and fall involuntarily. He wrote a song "Habitat (allH. Me Evan just yesterday because of his conversation with Mark Richard. -Bell thought that his mood had calmed down, but who knows, he couldn't help sighing again today.

Evan Bell will always oppose war, not for the sake of opposing it, but in this peaceful age, the pain caused by war is so profound that it is almost impossible to destroy it repeatedly. This is not the era of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period when human life was like a mustard. It is difficult for people to describe the disappearance of life as a cloudless wind. Although birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, but imagine the pain of relatives and friends who leave this world forever due to an accident due to illness, it is already unacceptable, and these lives are lost in the rumbling fire, For a war in which no one knows whether it is just or unjust, and for a war that no one can see the end of, how can the relatives and friends of these soldiers be reconciled?

"Joe." Evan Bell whispered, "We are on the set." Everything here is prepared for filming, there is no need to be too serious. But Evan Bell still remembered the funeral of Kathy Burns when he died, the stranger whom he had never met in his life, the weak figure of his pregnant wife crying to sleep in the mourning hall, and that Three deafening shots were fired, and the infinite emptiness left after the shots were fired.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt obviously didn't want to joke anymore. He found a place outside the camera and sat on the floor, watching the shooting situation of the crew. Evan Bell stayed where he was, he had to stay in the background.

The filming started soon. The platoons were fired, the salute horn was sounded, and all the personnel who attended the funeral in military uniforms raised their hands in front of the spirit frame. The solemn gunshot, the luxurious trombone, played leisurely under the mottled sunlight.

Evan Bell didn't want to cry, not because he wasn't sad, but because he didn't think it was worth it. "It's just three shots." This is the epitome of the life of the deceased soldier. What a short clip, no matter how solemn and solemn the shot is, it cannot fully show the life of a soldier, even the highest standard of twenty. Not even a salute.

Because life is not interpreted by firing guns and salutes, the color of life may have the most special color on the battlefield, but this is only one of the seven colors of the rainbow, and the other colors are more from life. Relatives, friends, lovers.

When he realizes that a soldier's life is only three shots, his heart is not sad, but sad, but absurd, but ridiculous.

The filming of this scene was not smooth. Just for the shooting part, Kimberly-Pearce shot it four times to pass the stage, and the part of the trumpet sounding was corrected twice, and the third time it was nod to pass the stage. Evan Bell just stood there, listening to the shots fired again and again, five times before and after, a total of fifteen shots. Does fifteen ringtones make sense? Yes, because it represents the government's respect for the soldiers; but no, because this is not only a comfort to the family, but more like a reminder on the battlefield, plundering the last strength in my heart, and the whole world crashed. collapse. Evan Bell looked at Kimberly Pierce, who was serious about giving a play to Yao Ning-Tatum, and couldn't help but look back at Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who was sitting in the distance. He was sitting tightly on the grass, due to the distance. It's too far to see the expression on his face, but he can clearly feel the breath of strangers on his body. This reminds Evan Bell of when he first met Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Chaos, stubbornness, and wandering on the brink of crisis. Such Joseph Gordon-Levitt, in his distinctive way, expressed his dissatisfaction with this society and insisted on his obsession with movies. "Stop Loss" is the truest portrayal of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's heart.

"Evan, what are you thinking?" Kimberly Pierce saw Evan Bell in a trance on her way back to the monitor. The shooting of this scene today was not very smooth, and the effect of the whole atmosphere did not meet Kimberly Pierce's expectations. While the actors were adjusting, she was also making adjustments.

Evan Bell took his eyes back, focused on Kimberly Pierce, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "No, I'm just thinking. One life, in exchange for a lavish funeral with twenty-one shots fired, Do you think it's worth it?"

"Twenty-one shots? No, it's just a..." Kimberly-Pearce's voice gradually dropped, "Three shots..." It turned into a murmur at the end, and then Kimberly-Pearce stopped. After coming down, she thought for a while before looking at Evan Bell again, "Why, why do you think this way? Many people have always thought that - apart from other factors - only at the funeral. , Twenty-one shots, this is the highest honor for the dead, don't you think it's not worth it?"

Evan Bell curled his lips, "The highest honor for the deceased, yes, the point is that the deceased has gone and can't come back, right?" The stubbornness at the corner of his mouth was sarcastic, looking at In Kimberly-Pearce's eyes, it was very dazzling, "Kimberly, I've been thinking. Why do you fight when you know it's not worth dying for? Don't you know that war can't avoid death? Is war? Didn't it suffocate you? Could death make you proud? No, I never thought so. Maybe death is just a way to escape, the cruelest and most ruthless way to escape."

"Evan, that's not the case." Kimberly-Pearce tried to express her opinion.

Evan Bell shook his head and continued, "When you burn the houses and homes of those innocents during the war, when you realize that the war is either your death or my life, how cruel would you still be? Choose to throw yourself into a war-torn battlefield, and when your hands are covered in blood, go to **** like a liar for forgiveness and redemption."

"Evan, your idea is extreme..." Kimberly-Pearce smiled helplessly.

Evan Bell shrugged, looking like he didn't care at all, "I know, I have always had such a view on war, very extreme, very selfish, and never consider any country or the like, because I am not a saint , I'm just an ordinary person, I want to protect my peaceful life." Evan Bell pointed to the actors sitting in the family seat, "This is the shooting scene, I know that these people are Tom's family members in the play. .But what if all this is true? You can say to your family in front of your Did your family die well in the war? I can't tell, and I can't accept it. If someone Say this to me, and I will destroy him with all my might."

"So, I'm thinking, one life, in exchange for a luxurious funeral with twenty-one shots fired, do you think it's worth it?" Evan Bell finally said, no indignation, no complaints, just some infinite regrets and lost. Ass, stock decides the head, the words are not rude, what kind of thoughts will you stand in what position, Evan Bell is not a political leader, he is destined to not be able to "see far away", so his deep hatred of war is also Couldn't be more clear.

Kimberly Pierce was not angry, but laughed, "Evan, you forgot, this movie is my idea, and I'm on your side." This made Evan Bell's mouth twitch up. Bullshit, Kimberly-Pearce didn't say anything more, "I saw a statistic not long ago, and the number of American soldiers killed in action has exceeded 4,000. Yes, even if there are 210,000 shots fired, it cannot be called them back."

After Kimberly Pierce said this, she took a step and continued to move forward. After taking two steps, she stopped and turned back to Evan Bell and said, "Thank you, your words just opened my mind. "Kimberly Pierce has always felt that her thinking was incorrect and that there was a deviation. Now inspired by Evan Bell, Kimberly Pierce's whole idea opens up.

Evan Bell nodded, "My honor." (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to "" to vote for a recommendation and a monthly pass. Your support is my greatest motivation.) "Ben The text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @”

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