Great Artist

Chapter 1871: add fuel to the fire

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When "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." came to an end, everyone was stunned, not because the movie wasn't good enough, but on the contrary, it was too good, too shocking, that people couldn't find a suitable attitude to describe.

Watching the clown say with a crazy smile, "Why so serious?" That kind of horror comes from the bottom of my heart; watching Harvey-Dante fall from light to darkness under the pressure of the clown: Watching Batman be forced into darkness for the ultimate justice in his heart: watching humanity struggle like a flaming flame in the Joker's leather-gloved palms..." No one could describe himself readyly Inner shock, what is human nature? What is justice and evil? Is right and wrong really that simple?

This kind of shock from the big screen sounded the alarm in the hearts of every audience, and echoed in their minds for a long time. Although "The Mystery of the Prequel to Batman..." has already presented Christopher Nolan's new interpretation of superheroes, but no one could have predicted the current situation, which is so shocking, not even inferior to "No Country for Old Men" The connotation of an Otushka-level independent film like "The Blood Will Come" has made "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." surpassed countless box-office commercial blockbusters in one fell swoop, becoming a new model for the perfect combination of business and literature.

The surprised faces with their mouths wide open didn't stop until Neil Darcy stood up first and broke the silence with his own applause. , stood up one after another, and then began to applaud, only to find that their body was a little stiff. Of course, it was not because the movie was too long that the body was stiff, but the slowness of the brain was unable to sensitively control his body. Disjointness resulting from the functioning of body muscles. At this moment, the power of the film penetrates directly and strongly through the protection of the skin and penetrates into the bottom of everyone's heart, from the soul to the body, from the spiritual level to the physical level, completely.

The applause in the cinema went from scattered to converging, and finally led to thunderous applause. Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale and others who were sitting in the first row of the audience all walked to the front of the big screen and accepted the hottest cheers and chasing forests from the audience.

There is no doubt that "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." Even without Evan...Bell directly participated in the premiere, he still relied on the film's perfect high level and won the most sincere love from the audience. Enjoying the five-minute applause at the scene, the pride in the heart of the crew standing in front of the big screen cannot be described in words.

"Evan will regret it." Christian... Bell whispered to Christopher Nolan, making the big director smile, but Christopher Nolan raised his eyebrows, revealing a pair of "I doubt" the expression Christian-Bell also turned his head with a smile.

Evan-Bell did not personally feel the cheers at the scene; however, part of the applause belonged to Evan-Bell. It is conceivable that the subsequent film reviews could not ignore Evan-Bell's contribution. After the release of the movie, fans of The Joker will show a geometric increase. Just like the original Captain Jack Palo! Because even Christopher Nolan, and even the rest of the cast, were blown away by Evan Bell's performance on the big screen, and that soul-stirring fear shivered slightly The Joker wasn't just a character An image is a symbol and a nightmare. The Joker's light occupies almost half of the entire movie, and no one can ignore this.

Michael Kane's eloquent words last week "If next year's best supporting actor at Ouska is not Bell, I'll see who it is!" Before that, everyone still had some doubts, and when the film really ended its premiere, People understand the weight of this sentence, and Michael Kane's words are even more deafening.

After the premiere of the movie, there is a set time for fans to ask questions. As expected, the Joker has become the focus of everyone's attention. It has nothing to do with Evan Bell's personal popularity, but in "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight...". The Joker's powerful aura easily focused all the focus on him. He played with Batman, Gordon, and Dante like marionettes. He was "subdued" by Batman at the last moment, but was the Joker really subdued? No, when Dante, the "Knight of Light" incarnates into a double-faced man, and when Batman falls into darkness and becomes the "Dark Knight", the Joker's arrogant laughter is still the background music that cannot be ignored.

In the whole question-and-answer session, the topic of clowns almost occupied half of the share, but Evan Bell, who was not at the scene, became the biggest focus, which made people laugh and cry. But the other actors did not have any dissatisfaction, whether it was Christopher Nolan, Christian... Bale, or Michael Keith, Maggie Gyllenhaal, they were all very keen to talk about Evan and Bell, and they enjoyed it. It tells the anecdotes that happened on the set, which greatly satisfies the fans.

But even so, Christopher... Nolan's words were immediately true, "We should really let Evan connect after the movie screening, so many questions, asking him directly will obviously have more interesting answers. "The reporters were immediately dissatisfied, and Evan Bell, the damned murderer, didn't show up at the scene! But behind the dissatisfaction is the explosion of willpower. At this time, it is estimated that the paparazzi all over the world have begun to cast a net on Evan and Bell. With such developed modern communication, how long can Evan and Bell disappear? It's an unknown.

Christian-Bell gave Christopher Nolan a meaningful look. Although Christopher-Nolan usually has a good-looking image to the outside world, Christian-Bell deeply doubted that Christopher-Nolan just now did it on purpose. The focus is on Evan Bell. But thinking of the turmoil that Evan Bell was going to face in the next period of time, Christian Bell laughed smugly: "Who told this guy to go on a trip and not come back! He deserves it!"

Regardless of whether this is Christopher Nolan's means of framing the blame, everyone's focus on Evan Bell will not be weak. Even without the fanning of others, the light of the role of the clown can be easily highlighted without any foil. . As for Christopher Nolan, at most he poured a barrel of oil on the bonfire, well, just a barrel of oil.

Christopher Nolan and Christian, Bale and others about Evan-Bell's ideas were quickly confirmed, and when the lively premiere continued for a full hour after the movie was over, film critics and The reporters couldn't wait to go back. They couldn't bear any more waiting. If the rushing emotions in their hearts were not vented, they would inevitably suffer internal injuries. It is unprecedented that both journalists and film critics are so eager to express their inner thoughts through words.

Neil Darcy, the film critic from The New York Times, shouted like a madman, "Why so serious?" The audience who walked out of the movie theater in high spirits actually responded to Neil Darcy's crazy actions, and the phrase "Why so serious" rang out one after another in Times Square.

No one remembers Batman, and no one remembers Two-Face, a line from the Joker... or strictly speaking, the Joker's every move, which captured the hearts of all the audience, and everyone was whistling about the Joker in the movie. Every plan..." As if the Joker was the hero who saved Gotham City.

Outside the movie theater, fans and reporters who were not able to enter the premiere were stunned when they looked at the expressions of excitement and incomprehension. They couldn't understand where the audience's excitement came from. They expected the movie to be brilliant, but they didn't expect it to be so majestic: they expected Evan Bell's outstanding performance, but they didn't expect the Joker to take all the light as a supporting role "Is the movie really so Excellent? Isn't the protagonist of the movie Batman but the Joker?

The uproar in Times Square made people think of the prestige when "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was released. Everyone was fascinated and crazy about Jack tearing up Captain Palo. , every line of the captain has become the focus of heated discussion, and today, such a situation has happened again, and the honor still belongs to Evan Bell. However, this time the role is more challenging and tense than Captain Jack Sparrow, and a "why so serious?" is enough to drive all fans crazy.

Neil Darcy's mood was extremely excited at this time, the excitement in his chest was constantly pounding, and the sparks that burst out made him unable to calm down and walk well. Even if he sat in the car, his body still couldn't. Trembling with control, not out of fear, but out of admiration! It's hard to imagine that Christopher Nolan actually delivered such a wonderful work; it's even more difficult to imagine that Evan... Bell, after experiencing the test of several classic roles, actually once again contributed enough to go down in history. show.

As a film critic, Neil Darcy is happy, happy, and excited at this time. He just wants to record all his feelings, and then recommend such an absolutely classic work to the general audience. . Christopher Nolan has not only injected connotation into the "Batman" series, but also a new mode of comic hero series movies, which is enough to be regarded as an epoch-making act!

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