Great Artist

Chapter 1991: Sensational

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Anne-Hathaway closed the laptop and left the darkened hall. Following the dim light in the bedroom, she trotted all the way to the door. But when he reached the door, he couldn't help but stop his slightly anxious steps.

Only one bedside lamp in the room was turned on, but the whole window was open, and the cold water-like moonlight penetrated the glass, dyeing the thick night with a layer of cold silver. When the moonlight met the cream-yellow bedside lamp, The warm tones made everything around him hazy.

Anne Hathaway followed the outline of the light and looked at Evan Bell sitting on the balcony. Evan Bell was wearing blue plaid cotton pajamas at this time, sitting cross-legged on the balcony, holding a large sketchbook in his hand, writing something on it, it seems that he should be writing a song. The moonlight sprinkled on Evan Bell's body, casting a blurry shadow, hiding most of his face in the shadow, covering up his usual sharpness little by little, leaving only the faint light between his eyebrows. Melancholy and tender.

Looking at Evan Bell in front of her, Anne Hathaway's mind came to the plot of the novel "One Day", fragmented fragment after fragment, but the faces of Dexter and Emma in the picture evolved. Becoming Evan-Bell and herself", an unspeakable sadness came to her mind.

Anne-Hathaway spent three days before and after reading all the stories of "One Day". If it hadn't been for the rehearsal at the Kodak Theater during the day, it would have been faster. It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful and moving story can be drawn in Evan's "Bell's brushstrokes with infinite charm in the dullness".

The smart and cunning Emma and the unruly and unrestrained Dexter are like two parallel lines. They originally thought that they would never have any intersection in their lives, but the short escape the night before graduation caused the two to entangle for a whole time. Twenty years. London, Rome, Paris, Edinburgh, time and space change, they miss each other, fantasize, impatient, comfort, hurt but always miss each other when they need each other most.

When reading the novel, Anne Hathaway couldn't tell if they were more friendship than love or love more than friendship, she couldn't even tell if it was Emma and Dexter or she and Evan Bell The story of deja vu is not the plot of the story, but the feelings between the two people. Maybe it's the same sentence: a little less than love, a little more than friendship.

Anne-Hathaway couldn't help thinking, maybe God is jealous, jealous of such a beautiful so-called confidant, who may never meet her in her life, and even if she does, it may not be immediately given by God. ending. Or maybe, at the moment when their eyes met, they already fell in love with each other, but they didn't say anything and saw countless loves that became fragile and helpless in reality, so they chose to cover up everything with friendship, deceive themselves, and forgive each other with a smile. impulse.

Friendship is always easy and long-lasting. As a friend, you are still you, and I am still me. Once it becomes love, two people are no longer only their own. Therefore, choose friendship so that you can leave when you need to leave. Sometimes hugs, kisses, encouragement, and support appear, but they don't give selfishly, but they make people cry more and more. So, unknowingly, the two really regarded each other as friends, went on trips together, went on vacation together, watched the figure on TV, talked about each other's life on the phone, and even congratulated each other on finding the right fit. of love.

This is the story of Emma and Dexter, but isn't it the story of Anne Hathaway and Evan Bell? For twenty years, Emma has been waiting for Dexter, always beside him, accompany him, laughing, weeping, growing and suffering, like a confidant, like a family member, like another self, in front of her, Dex Te never needs to pretend. In the most difficult and painful moments of his life, he always thinks of Emma first. He feels that she will always help him and can always rely on Emma.

Such a story is so similar that Anne Hathaway can hardly extricate herself. In a trance, she saw herself and Evan-Bell 17 years from knowing each other to the present, saw herself struggling and suffering after discovering that she fell in love with Evan-Bell, and saw that facing Evan-Bell, she couldn't handle it. Chaotic emotional life, hesitant self...

In the novel "One Day", Emma and Dexter finally fall in love in Paris, hold each other's hands tightly, and live happily ever after, ready to get married. However, Evan Bell did not give them a perfect ending. After an argument, Emma and Dexter go to work separately, but both have decided to compromise and apologize to each other. On her way home from get off work, Emma was in a car accident and left this world forever. Dexter's pain is like an awl, and it is only at this moment that Dexter suddenly understands how deep Emma's love is for him, and he will grow up overnight.

Anne Hathaway looked at Evan Bell, who was shrouded in moonlight, her face full of sadness, she still couldn't get out of Story A, Yan was too real, looking at the piled up typefaces , Anne Hathaway can substitute herself and Evan Bell in her mind, and then interpret the story vividly.

Suddenly, Anne Hathaway remembered what Dexter's father said, "I think the best thing for you to do is to live as if Emma never left." Where there is love, there is hope. Even though Emma is no more, her love is still with Dexter, as if she never left. This love supports Dexter through the rest of his lonely life. . In fact, Dexter finally understands that Emma has always lived in his heart, no matter where she is, she has always been by his side, never far away. This has been the case for the past twenty years, and it will be the same for the next twenty years.

Dexter is actually happy. It's enough to have a confidant in life, and he got it, and this confidant happens to be the woman who loves him the most.

Emma said, "No matter what happens tomorrow, at least we still have today..." Today is the most real thing. If you love, then love, don't be afraid of being rejected, don't be afraid of losing.

One day, everything will be lost. Instead of thinking about it all the time, it is better to let it go. If we don't try, we won't understand what would have happened if we confessed in the first place. Or just like Emma and Dexter, after going through the hardships of the years and going around a full circle, they dared to face their hearts, but because of an accident, they got along with each other so briefly.

Although Evan-Bell said that the story was inspired by Anne-Hathaway, Anne-Hathaway is not sure whether the real inspiration for the story came from herself or Evan-Bell. When Anne-Hathaway decided to accept Evan-Bell's relationship, the two came together. In fact, what she experienced was such twists and turns and pain in "a day". She is very fortunate to this day that she made the right choice. , so she and Evan-Bell had a happy and happy life.

Although Anne-Hathaway knew that there was always someone named Blake Lively, she didn't care, as Emma said, "No matter what happens tomorrow, at least we still have today..." She didn't want to regret it. , and she didn't want to leave Evan-Bell, she often thought that she and Evan-Bell would go to the end of life like this, forever, forever.

After reading the story of "One Day", Anne Hathaway became more determined. She didn't want to regret it, so she would continue to persevere and stick by Evan Bell's side.

The story of "One Day" is too moving and too real to make Anne Hathaway unable to get out of the story for a long time, not only because she has a deep sense of substitution, but also because the story is so beautiful, which is A kind of beauty that is both fairy tale and reality, with the romance and fantasy of fairy tales, but also the cruelty and desolation of reality.

Anne Hathaway remembered the last page of the novel. In the dark night, she turned to the last night of the story, and the story went back to Edinburgh in 1900, the first time Emma and Dexter met. meet. At this moment in the twilight of the summer night, they were hugging and kissing on the street, letting passers-by hurry. It was the sweetest kiss in their life.

It all starts here. Here, this day. But it doesn't stop there.

"There will be a period later." He said, slowly stepping back.

"I hope She smiled.

"I hope so too. Goodbye, Emma."

"Goodbye, Dexter."


"Goodbye, today..."

Anne Hathaway read this page more than once, she read this paragraph back and forth, and then dragged the mouse down, trying to find out some more stories, she thought, this story is not over yet , there should be something else; she thought that the car accident seemed to be in sight, and Emma's vivid life came back into her body bit by bit from the black and white picture"""

When she couldn't find the following story, Anne Hathaway closed her laptop and ran to the door of the room with bare feet, trying to ask Evan Bell. Is this the end of the story? Are there any episodes that haven't been written yet? But looking at Evan Bell, who was bathed in moonlight, Anne Hathaway suddenly realized: this is the end of the story.

Realizing this, all of a sudden, the calm mood just now was pierced by a rush of sadness, the kind of hurricane that passed through the hole in the heart, making Anne Hathaway only feel a chill from the cold. The soles of her feet jumped up to the top of her head. Her eyes that were dry a second ago were soaked with tears this second. Her emotions fell into a state of collapse. The sadness came from her heart, and she stood there, like a helpless person. Child, crying sadly.

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