Great Artist

Chapter 2127: Actor selection

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"In the Clouds" is a novel from "GQ" contributor Walter...Ken. This novel actually sells very well. It's not a hit novel, it has never been on the bestseller list, and it's not a classic. Reading, the attention of people is even less. Ai Jian... Bell also accidentally discovered this novel at the airport, but he fell in love with this story unexpectedly.

The background of the whole story of "In the Cloud" is actually contemporary society, various layoffs under the economic collapse, and increasingly unfamiliar interpersonal relationships in the context of the Internet society, but each person becomes an independent individual in society - this is not a positive meaning , but refers to individuals who do not have more life circles and networks, which also makes people in modern society increasingly lonely and lonely, and the diversification of entertainment methods cannot save soul and spiritual loneliness.

The male protagonist Ryan is a product born in contemporary society. He is a layoff expert. This job requires him to stay on the plane for most of the year, arrive at various companies in various cities, and make layoffs numbly and even ruthlessly. At the same time, Ryan is also about to become the sixth member in American Airlines history to fly 10 million miles, which gives him a sense of satisfaction.

Ryan is very satisfied with his current state of life. He is estranged from his relatives, has no friends, let alone a girlfriend. His apartment is not like a home, but more like a hotel on the go. That all doesn't start to change until I meet Alex.

Alex is Ryan's colleague. Faced with a similar lifestyle, Ryan suppressed his budding affection for Alex, and used his unstable life as an excuse to escape. He just kept his relationship with Alex. Cox dew marriage relationship.

Ryan likes his current life because this job allows him to give some inspirational speeches from time to time, and he can use his excellent language skills to soothe those depressed souls. Contrary to Ryan, a newcomer to the workplace, Natalie, represents increasingly distant relationships, and the online video conferencing system she has enabled has made layoffs more ruthless. And Ryan's new task is to lead Natalie to familiarize himself with the working environment, which also caused many ideological conflicts between them.

The novel "In the Clouds" was published by Jin 1, and the author Walter... Ken actually wanted to find a production company to adapt it into a movie and put it on the screen, and he also wrote a script for the novel. But no studio was willing to pay to shoot a film where most of the scenes took place in the cabin, and Waltken's script was terrible, even terrifying. Therefore, "in the cloud" has been forgotten on the bookshelf, and no one cares.

Until the end of last year, "In the Cloud" seemed to suddenly become popular. In fact, the so-called popularity was because Evan...Bell and George...Clooney both hoped to adapt this novel into a movie and put it on the big screen. How much of this is directly related to the outbreak of the financial crisis is completely unknown. But Waltken does face a sweet dilemma, should he choose Evan...Bale or George...Cloney?

George... Clooney got investment from Paramount Pictures for the script "In the Cloud", and while he was starring, there was also a cost of 50 million that made people excited: Evan... Bell provided the conditions He became the director himself and invested 30 million yuan.

From an actor's point of view, George... Clooney is obviously more suitable for the role of the actor Ryan. This year, George... Clooney is forty-eight years old. This year is the golden age of middle-aged men. Acting gives George... Clooney an innate advantage in portraying Ryan facing a midlife crisis. After Brad Gray took office, Paramount also paid more attention to independent films, not to mention the investment cost of 50 million.

Evan, who is not yet twenty-seven years old... Bell is going to play the life crisis of a middle-aged man, which doesn't seem very appropriate. However, Evan...Bell has proved his ability many times in the director's position, aside from those awards, Evan...Bell's high-level and high-quality works are also recognized by the audience, and he is not interested in the works. The carvings that are deliberately not sensational or artificial, and the ability to make people think is even more admirable. Although Eleven Studio only provided a budget of 30 million, will there still be fewer masterpieces in Hollywood in recent years, such as "Eleven Produced" and "Evan... Bell Produced..."?

With such a measure, it is no wonder that Waltken felt hesitant.

But in the end, Walter...Ken still chose Evan...Bell, and surprisingly, the first condition for his nod was Evan...Bell himself starred in this work, which was quite surprising.

"In the Clouds" is a very special script. First of all, its story itself is very interesting but limited, and it is difficult to be cheerful... After all, no matter how happy the layoffs are, they can't get rid of the pressure of life, not to mention The story itself is about discussing the current state of society. But the problem is that the actor Ryan is such a layoff expert. This is a very annoying character. He works for the benefit of the company. He must be cold-blooded and cruel. For those who are laid off, it is very It could mean the complete collapse of life. Therefore, whether the role of Ryan can be pleasing, to be precise, not arousing the audience's disgust, has become the core of the entire script.

Going a little deeper, "In the Clouds" is somewhat similar to "Perfume" and "Blood Will Be Little" Juno. A special protagonist is placed in an ordinary story, and the protagonist maintains the emotions of all the audience. Several protagonists are people who are walking on a deviated path from the mainstream of society...including "wilderness survival" to some extent. Therefore, the success of the protagonist occupies half of the success of the film - the rest Half of it is the director's responsibility: whether the protagonist's performance is brilliant or not becomes the decisive factor in whether the film is dull or radiant.

Under such circumstances, the choice of actor Ryan, the actor, must be cautious and cautious. Although Waltken knows that the choice of actors is a matter of producers and directors, as long as he sells the copyright of the adaptation, he will have no right to speak, but he still hopes to see his works on the big screen. Perfect look.

So, should you choose George... Clooney, the first person in the cast, or Evan... Bell, who has an innate advantage in directing?

After struggling, Waltken suddenly remembered, in fact, Evan...Bell is also an excellent actor. To be precise, Evan...Bell is a talented actor. Look at Evan... In Bell's resume, "Sniper Phone Booth" Listu is a man with a mid-life crisis, "Brokeback Mountain" is a man who has been stressed by life from youth to middle age, and "Pirates of the Caribbean" is also coquettish and chic The middle-aged man, not to mention the old-fashioned police officer in "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" and the middle-aged hooligan who "adapted the script". When Evan...Bell first came into contact with actors, what made him a blockbuster was that he crossed the shackles of age, broke the barriers of age, showed superior acting skills, and won countless media exclamations.

So, age is actually not a difficult thing for Evan... Bell. In "In the Clouds", the role of Ryan, in the hands of Evan... Bell, can definitely show the style that is not inferior to George... Clooney, and Waltken is more willing to believe that if Evan... Bell is self-directed Self-acting, then his work will be even more wonderful than George... Clooney.

So, the result was very simple, Waltken made his choice, Evan... Bell nodded and agreed to this request, and "in the cloud" became Evan... Bell's next job.

After getting the adaptation rights, Evan... Bell couldn't wait to start writing the script, which also made Waltken more firm in his choice.

After Evan... Bell finished the script preparation, on the one hand, he started to choose the actors, and on the other hand, he invested in the post-production of "Inception" with Christopher... Nolan.

In fact, in the process of writing the script, Evan... Bell had a preliminary idea for each character. After the script was completed, his ideas were basically determined. What needs to be done now is not to go to the Screen Actors Guild to recruit actors, but to contact the agents of these actors, hand them the script, and ask for their performance In the current state of Hollywood, Evan... ... The works directed by Bell have almost attracted more than half of the actors. They are willing to connect with Evan and Bell through any network, just to be able to appear in the cast of Evan ... Bell's works, which is similar to the original Leon Nadeau... DiCaprio keeps changing agents in order to star in Martin... Scorsese's works. It's a reason.

But it's a pity, look at Evan... Bell's actions after "Juno" last year, "One Day" is the entire British cast, "Inception" completely directly designated a fixed team, and this time "In the Cloud" Evan... Although Bell did not use a fixed team, he directly found the actors and put forward a cooperation request, which disappointed other second-tier and third-tier actors.

But just a few days later, Eleven Studio put out the latest advertisement on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, but it easily attracted everyone's attention. Even the upcoming film festival in Venice failed to attract more attention. much attention. Not only is this the first time that Eleven Studios has taken the initiative to advertise, for a film or music production company, advertising does not seem to have a direct connection with them: it is also a very rare move in Hollywood history, because Eleven The studio's advertisement is to recruit actors! It's like posting a job advertisement, recruiting actors!

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(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @人世秀罗6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Welcome to breaking dawn .)


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