Great Artist

Chapter 380: like a fish in water

The show isn't over yet. When he heard the closing remarks of the Vinson-Black show, Jason-Mayez remembered that he still had the line "I want to thank the entire show team, Eddie...Mark" and then there was a long list of staff." And all the live audience." Apparently, the show "What's this guy's name" is deliberately praising Jason-Mayez. Whether it's from the difficulty of the program's questions or from the point of view of the host Vinson-Black's popularity, they are all pressing Evan Bell and supporting Jason-Mayez.

Of course, this is the result of discussions between Evan Bell, Jason-Mayez and "Saturday Night Live". Although there is a script, everyone's live performance is very good, and the audience is completely laughing. continuously.

Next, Evan-Bell put on a hood and pajamas again, and dressed up as a nerd. Following the opening beer doll costume, Evan-Bell once again joined the ranks of comedians and starred in the funny version of " "Ben-Hur" - This movie is tied with "Titanic" for the most Oscar-winning movies, and once won eleven Oscars. Afterwards, Evan-Bell acted as a psychological hypnotist and starred in the classic variety show "Secret Words" in the 1960s. Through funny and exaggerated performances, the scene once again became a sea of ​​laughter.

Seeing Evan-Bell in various weird corners, he is completely at ease, and Evan-Bell seems to enjoy the process very much for being able to entertain the live audience.

After several different scenes were over, Evan Bell stood next to the opening stage and introduced with a smile, "It's time for the performance of the musical guests. According to the plan, it should be the second song of Jason Majes. The performance time of the song. But as a singer, it seems like a big regret for me not to perform today." Many audience members in the audience began to applaud. Everyone knows that if Evan Bell does not perform, he will The audience is a pity. "So, under the strong request of Lauren, I still set foot on this stage." Evan Bell, who stepped on the stage, put on a classy, ​​blue and purple tooling kù, Pair it with a khaki cardigan for a completely casual and comfortable look. The scene immediately erupted in thunderous applause, just like the grand occasion at the opening. "A song "Sky Light" is dedicated to everyone." Evan-Bell said into the microphone.

Only by actually listening to singers such as Evan Bell, Linkin Park, and Jason Majes at the scene, will you know the charm of the concert scene: and only after you have truly experienced the atmosphere of "Sky Light" on the scene, will you understand The kind of shock that goes deep into the bone marrow.

The "Saturday Night Live" recording studio is not a big one, there are only more than 300 people in the audience, and the space is limited to one place. But when the music sounded, the beauty brought by the music spread on the scene and moved everyone.

A song is no more than a quarter-pointer, but the aftertaste left in the heart has a long history.

At the last moment, Evan-Bell still wore a wig and held vulgar and simple props to give laughter to the audience: At this moment, Evan-Bell, who was dressed simply in work clothes and kù, used a voice as clear as a blue sky to bring laughter to the audience. The most original emotion. The next moment, Evan Bell, who put down the microphone, put on a wig after the commercial came back and appeared in the funny "paid commercial" segment at the end of the show.

Andy Samberg—

One of the regular members of "Saturday Night Live" sat on the sofa wearing a white striped shirt, a red vulgar tie, and an old-fashioned two-eighth haircut. Originally, this role was supposed to be played by Evan Bell, but because of the time conflict, Evan Bell did not have much time for rehearsal, and finally handed it over to Andy Samberg, while Evan Bell was only a supporting role partner act.

Anne Samberg said with a friendly smile, "Oh, hello everyone." Then stood up. "I'm Arthur Perkins. Does the following happen to you often?" A long hair appeared on the screen. The mature woman said angrily, "I can't talk to you, your job is too big!"

Immediately afterwards, a young and beautiful girl appeared, "Arthur, yours is really oversized. I hate it to death."

Finally, a strangely dressed exotic girl appeared on the screen "Arthur Perkins, your brother is really too big." Arthur Perkins appeared on the screen with a smug smile on his face" I used to always have to deal with this kind of thing. The girls kept complaining to me that my one was really too big! Big!"

At this moment, Evan Bell, a nerd wearing a grey shirt and a tie with a strange pattern, jumped out and stood beside Arthur Perkins, "Yes, I'm his friend Randy. I've always had this trouble. Randy and Arthur Perkins said in unison. "Our guys are too big!"

"That's why we took ERIX. Randy spoke, and the two of them called out the name of the product "Allison" again.

When Arthur Perkins was introducing the product, Randy stood beside him, staring at the video with a blank, dazed, even weird expression, as if the camera was chocolate, ready to be eaten by him like.

... Ellis, is the first drug on the market that can shrink your fairly large dick.

No way, it's really too big! ,, Randy agrees with a jittery face, "It's really too big."

"If you see that our words are very small now, you will feel very, very small."

Arthur Perkins pressed his head hard, showing his emphasis on "very, very, very small. That's because "Alli shrinks, it works fast, and the effect is good. ' asked Randy impatiently. "Oak asks how does it work?" "Arthur stopped Randy in a hurry," Kins said. "It's not there yet." "Sorry!" Randy, who was so moved that he seemed a little anxious, said "sorry" as he watched his chest rise and fall due to his rapid breathing, and even made people suspect that he would faint at any time. "It works really fast! "But, but how does it work? ' Randy couldn't restrain his movements again, and jumped up and down to ask again.

"As long as you take it on time like we do, your guy will go from pretty big to just right." As they spoke, Arthur Perkins and Randy raised their hands, two feet apart (sixty feet apart). cm), shortened to seven inches (about eighteen centimeters).

Immediately afterwards, the two did not speak any more, but silently narrowed the distance between their hands again, and the distance between them was even less than two inches (about five centimeters).

The action gestures of this image... made all the audience laugh and swayed.

"Yeah, girls prefer the right ones!" Randy said like an expert, and if you put aside the breathless rhythm of his speech, he does sound like an "expert." "If you don't believe me, ask them."

The picture was switched to the long-haired mature woman again, who looked surprised and blank. "I heard that Arthur's guy used to be very big, but now I see it, very small. It must be shortened, I like shortened."

The beautiful young girl who reappeared on the screen squinted her eyes, as if she couldn't see the dialogue board because of my shortsightedness——

This is obviously a satire on the social phenomenon that shopping channels find amateur actors to make exaggerated advertisements according to the manufacturer's requirements. "Arthur's friend Randy, suddenly broke out... What, what the **** is this, what do you want me to say?" She looked shyly and embarrassedly at the "staff" next to her.

The last exotic girl appeared, holding a large bag of potato chips and was eating "What is that?

What? Say now? "While eating potato chips, the exotic girl said weakly and casually, "Oh, Ellis,!" and then continued eating potato chips.

The audience's laughter never stopped, and almost every line would set off a lot of laughter.

"It's convincing." Even though the feedback from the three girls just now was completely nonsense, Arthur Perkins was still talking nonsense with his eyes open, and he continued to introduce the product... Ellis, in a low-key bottled packaging. "At this time, Arthur Perkins took a giant two-foot (about 60 cm) bottle from the staff" so that if the girl accidentally saw "Ellison" on your coffee table, she would Will know your **** used to be pretty big before taking it. "Yes, yes, Big Bird is for Birdman," Randy said impatiently as he stood beside him.

At this time, a man with curly hair and beard appeared ~ Bill Hader appeared again. Immediately, Arthur Perkins moved extremely eagerly, "Get, get out!"

Then, Randy and Arthur Perkins showed their calm expressions and took a deep breath." "Ellie, huh! "

The three girls also appeared on the screen together, shouting "Ai Lishu" together, but this uneven voice was not convincing at all.

The final narrator explains the ad perfectly, . . . Ellis "That's the real reason Arthur and Randy's job is so small!"

Amid the unbridled laughter of the audience, the show cut into the commercials again. When the commercial came back, Evan Bell, who had changed into the opening costume again, stood behind him, including Jason Maez, Bill Hader, and others, and the entire "Saturday Night Live" cast appeared.

Evan Bell smiled and said, "Thank you all for watching this episode, thank you Jason, thank you" all the actors on Saturday Night Live, thank the audience. After speaking, Evan Bell took the lead in applauding. "I hope everyone can enjoy this wonderful night, the night of the planet six, the night of the party!" "

Amidst screams, cheers and applause, the "Saturday Night Live" hosted by Evan Bell came to an end! ! .

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