Great Artist

Chapter 452: 1 funeral

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Messy gravel, dark soil, sloping logs, snow and ice that have not yet melted can be seen everywhere in sight. In the continuous forest, there was a small hillside, a group of people stood there in a dark manner, and the surrounding tombstones stood scattered. Around the hillside, tall and hazy spruces spread over the mountains and plains, covering the sky and the sea with a fine net, revealing the slightly dark blue color of the Stockholm sky. The sound of the waves was blown by the light wind piece by piece, passing through the dense spruce forest, and also brought the cold with thick moisture in the forest, which made people shiver.

Evan Bell tugged at his black tie awkwardly. He was wearing a black suit and black cotton shirt. Catherine Bell of Eden-Hudson used to wear it for Eden. What Hudson did is because Eden-Hudson didn't tell Evan-Bell to come to Stockholm before, Evan-Bell didn't bring a black shirt at all, Eden-Hudson was already prepared and matched it with a single provincial suit. and black leather shoes. It's rare to see Evan Bell with such strict rules.

Although Evan Bell in a black suit exudes the ghostly temperament of Lucifer in the depths of hell, no one cares at this time. Since Katherine Bell sewed the clothes by herself, they were all tailor-made, and Eden-Hudson had slightly wider shoulders than Evan-Bell, so Evan-Bell didn't feel very fit wearing this shirt at this time, and could not help but feel a little bit wider. awkward.

More importantly, the atmosphere at the scene was very quiet and depressing, which made Evan Bell very unaccustomed to it. He felt that he could hardly breathe, and involuntarily pulled the black tie around his neck.

For two generations, this is the first time Evan Bell has attended the funeral.

Eden-Hudson is also in a black suit that fits, making his already cold temperament even more freezing point. From a distance, it seems that the cold air that has turned into a substance can be seen constantly escaping.

Evan-Bell looked to his side. Eden-Hudson stood up straight, his hands folded under his stomach, relaxed as if they were normal. It's just that the tǐng's back is rigid and rigid, as if moving forward or backward will break the body into pieces: there is also the tight shoulder line, through the tailored suit shoulder line shows the underlying muscles. stiff. Standing in the middle of a group of people, Eden-Hudson pursed his lips stubbornly and stubbornly, looked at the priest in front of him, expressionless.

Standing beside Eden-Hudson was a man with a sullen face, his eyebrows were tangled all the time, as if the whole world had offended him. The wrinkles on the forehead and the corners of the eyes reveal the traces of the years, and also reveal the cold temperament of this man. Eden-Hudson's nose and face are very similar to his. This is his father.

Evan-Bell remembered the scene when father and son met last night. Dylan-Hudson's pair of entangled thick eyebrows seemed to be more and more inseparable. The disgust in his eyes was not like seeing his own son, but like watching Arrived at roadside horse manure. Dylan-Hudson glanced at Eden-Hudson and muttered, "No money to use?"

Eden-Hudson didn't answer, his expression still stiff.

Dylan-Hudson threw out "I have something to do with my secretary." Then he left. Followed by a graceful woman, she introduced herself with a smile. The flaming red chún lit the cold weather on the island. "Hello, I'm Yina, Mr. Hudson's secretary." Only then did Bell know that this was the tenth secretary Eden Hudson knew.

On Dylan-Hudson's right hand, a woman in a black suit, graceful and graceful, stood quietly in place, holding a black Prada bag in both hands. Looking at the pitiful expression on her face, everyone would think that she was mourning the funeral. If Evan Bell wasn't an actress, if Evan Bell hadn't heard the line she said ten minutes ago when she met Eden Hudson, "Custom nosewear? Expensive, where was it made? Savile Row? Or in America? Give me a business card." Presumably Evan Bell would think so too. This is Eden-Hudson's mother.

Kathy-Hudson didn't show up with her husband yesterday, she didn't arrive until eight o'clock in the evening. It was her mother who died, Eden-Hudson's grandmother. But Kathy-Hudson's first words since arriving were, "Don't bother me, I'm going to take a bath and make a face mask. Damn weather, my skin is like a dry cactus in the desert. "After that, Eden-Hudson hadn't been able to see his mother again, until this morning, ten minutes before the funeral.

Evan-Bell turned his head and looked at the priest who was presiding over the funeral, but sighed in his heart. In the past life, his relationship with his parents was almost the same. There is no communication, no communication at all, and even the phone needs to be transferred by a secretary. He only met his parents three times in three years of high school, and only two times in four years of college. However, he was more fortunate than Eden-Hudson. At least, he's just combing with his parents, yes means no. And Eden-Hudson's parents, not only "have equals no" but also two superb.

The pastor invited Mason-Thomas to the stage to address his late wife. The old man, leaning on crutches, stepped forward. Standing in front of the microphone, he was stunned, as if he didn't know what to say. After a long pause, he said, "My wife, Elisabeth-Brianto Thomas, my beloved"

"Love? Humph!" A sneer came from the right side, and Evan Bell could hear it. It was the voice of Casey Hudson. "I don't know who raises a woman outside every day, and then asks his wife to keep the vacant room at home. Now he actually talks about his love. The most ironic moment in the world is this moment..." "Speak less, this is your mother's funeral"... talk It was Dylan-Hudson. Although he lowered his voice, the impatience in his tone could not be suppressed.

"That stupid woman is just trying to make herself feel uncomfortable." Casey-Hudson turned her head and looked at her titular husband lù with a look of mockery, the huge gold earrings on her ears were in the middle of the day It shone brightly under the light, and some were out of time to be dazzling. "It's not happier to let it go like I am. By the way, you are a good secretary now, are you a model?" Facing his wife's ridicule, Dylan-Hudson didn't answer, but looked at his watch, and then I looked at the old man in front of me who was talking intermittently, "Damn, can't it be over soon?

I have to catch the 3:00 pm flight! I have hundreds of thousands in circulation this minute." Hearing Dylan Hudson's words behind him, Evan Bell suddenly felt very happy.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Eden Hudson's gradually clenched fist, and Evan Bell suddenly realized that he had a mission today. Evan Bell quietly walked past Eden-Hudson, stood between Eden-Hudson and Dylan-Hudson, and then pushed Eden-Hudson to the left.

When Evan-Bell's palm touched Eden-Hudson's right arm, the muscles that were so tight that they could explode at any time made Evan-Bell a little worried. Eden-Hudson's expression is still the same, but the volcano in his heart has already moved stupidly, and there is a possibility of eruption at any time.

Evan-Bell pushed, but Eden-Hudson didn't move. Evan-Bell increased his strength and pushed Eden-Hudson over.

As soon as he turned around, Evan-Bell saw Dylan-Hudson's eyes. Dylan-Hudson seemed to see a stranger by accident, but his eyebrows were just tangled again and he didn't ask any questions. It is estimated that he does not fully recognize the residents here, so he cannot confirm whether the stranger in front of him is from this island.

"Eden seems to be having a good time lately and wears a tailored suit. You're giving him extra pocket money again? You're willing to give him extra pocket money, why don't you give me more?" Casey-Hudson's voice was relaxed Lively, with a hint of charm. It seemed that what was being held at this moment was not her mother's funeral, not even a funeral, but a wedding. "How about I sleep with you for one night today, and you give me an extra $100,000 for the next six months?"

Dylan-Hudson looked Kathy-Hudson up and down, and paused, "If you're willing to do it here, I can consider it."

"Here? You're not afraid of being so cold that you won't be able to stand up, but I'm also worried that it's so cold that I'm not interested." Casey-Hudson said refusal, but at this time she was winking like silk, as if she was directly hooking up My husband is here. The two of them were like prostitutes, customers and prostitutes, and they bargained on the spot.

What kind of couple is this? Evan-Bell didn't want to know, nor was he interested in knowing, he only knew how terrible it would be to live with such parents.

No wonder, no wonder Eden-Hudson didn't want to go home for Christmas, maybe it was because the house was empty and no one was Maybe it was because even if there were people at home, it couldn't stay.

In the past life, Evan Bell did everything he could, hoping to win the attention of his parents: but for Eden Hudson, he had already given up all this, except for the blood relationship that could not be broken. , he has cut off all ties with his parents.

Evan Bell didn't pay attention to the conversation between the man and woman around him. He focused on Eden and Hudson. After all, in the face of this situation, it was really difficult for Eden and Hudson. Continue to endure. If he suddenly broke out and ruined the funeral, Eden Hudson would not forgive himself after thinking about it.

At this point, Evan-Bell understood, Eden-Hudson said, "I'm afraid I'll hit them." They should be referring to the pair on his right. Sex at the funeral of his mother, complaining at the funeral of his mother-in-law, this is really not what a normal person should do. Of course, if Eden-Hudson hit his parents at his mother's funeral, it probably wouldn't be normal.

"Evan? Are you Evan Bell?" Damn, the voice was Kathy Hudson.

The big outbreak continues, add more later, please subscribe! ! .

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