Great Artist

Chapter 608: 2 big guys

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At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Evan Bell met the representative of Universal Pictures in the office on time, but the identity of the representative was somewhat unexpected.

"Good afternoon, I'm Ron Mayer." The white-haired, wrinkled old man firmly held Evan Bell's right hand. After the self-introduction, he pointed to the person beside him with a smile. , "This is my assistant, Steven Spielberg." This introduction made Steven Spielberg, who was standing beside him, laugh.

Ron Mayer, the current president of Universal Pictures. This old man took over Universal Pictures in the 1980s when Universal Pictures was crumbling, and relied on his excellent communication skills - he had a close relationship with Steven Spielberg, and he had extraordinary vision. , bringing Universal Pictures back to the top.

Evan Bell found that the number of bigwigs he had met recently was really too many, and he was surprised every time. Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, was the expected meeting of Evan Bell; Barry Mayer, the head of Warner Bros., was deliberately arranged by Evan Bell, but he did not expect Warner Bros. to Christopher - Nolan attaches so much importance to let Barry Mayer come forward in person; CBS boss Nancy Trim is her responsibility, she will meet Evan Bell because of the importance of the "Navy Criminal Investigation Service"; Not long ago, the head of Disney, Michael Inas, and today's Ron Mayer are all accidents.

However, the name "Evan Bell" has gradually entered the attention of the bigwigs, and it is also a portrayal of his current momentum in Hollywood. An actor who can continue to make money at the box office, an actor who has a unique vision in production. Coupled with the additional singer status, it is normal for the bigwigs who are always concerned about market trends to notice Evan Bell.

Originally, today's meeting was arranged for Stephen Sommers to come, but. Ron Mayer decided to come in person after seeing the amazing box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean", and the great director Steven Spielberg was purely because of the good relationship between the two people. Was pulled over as an escort. But one thing cannot be denied, Steven Spielberg is indeed interested in Evan Bell, who has met twice.

Ron Mayer was a bright and talkative old man who always spoke crisply. Don't be sloppy. From time to time, he would bring that thunderous laughter, "Mr. Bell, if we had known that you were interested in 'Mysterious Skin', we should have grabbed the adaptation rights first, so that we could have a chance to cooperate. "

The same is polite, but Ron Mayer's words are more meaningful than Michael Inas, and the expansive feeling makes the atmosphere of the conversation very light. At least for Evan Bell. He prefers Ron Meyer.

"Mr. Mayer, if you want to cooperate, there are countless opportunities in the future." Evan Bell replied politely. The smile seemed more sincere. "Universal Pictures is still interested in 'Mysterious Skin'. It's entirely possible to buy the distribution rights, right?"

Seeing Evan Bell's sly smile, Ron Meyer laughed. Even if Universal Pictures is interested in the script of "Mysterious Skin", they will not pay for the distribution rights until the finished film is shot, which is not a good deal.

"There are definitely not a few companies who want to cooperate with Mr. Bell now, but it's a pity that Universal Pictures hasn't looked for it yet." When Ron Mayer finished saying this, he glanced at Steven Spielberg and ended up getting this The bearded director gave a helpless smile, "Lang, don't look at me. Last time I wanted to interview and cooperate with Mr. Bell, but it didn't work. You asked me for help, but the wrong person."

Unexpectedly, Steven Spielberg would mention the fact that Evan Bell missed the "Getaway" interview. Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Spielberg, can I understand that you are not satisfied with the role played by Leon?" The role played by Evan Bell was ultimately played by Leonor. Played by Doo DiCaprio.

Evan Bell's eloquence has long been no secret, Steven Spielberg laughed non-stop, then put his right index finger on his mouth, and whispered, "Don't tell Lay Ang." This childlike behavior made the director's innocence clear at a glance. No wonder he started DreamWorks and later filmed "The Adventures of Tintin" with Peter Jackson.

The smile on Ron Mayer's face was also always on. Seeing that the atmosphere was good now, he took out the script, "Here is a script proposal, Mr. Bell can read it to see if we have a chance to cooperate." Ron Mayer handed over the script, "It's a pity that we at Universal Pictures didn't get the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Bell." Although these words are polite, they are very technical. Especially when Ron Mayer said it in a hearty tone, it was more sincere.

A big company like Universal Pictures will naturally not express regret for not having the opportunity to cooperate with Evan Bell. They regret that they have not been able to make money through Evan Bell. Evan Bell has not yet reached the status of Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, etc. A major company will miss the opportunity to cooperate with him. However, from Ron Mayer's mouth, there is no blunt politeness, but it makes people really think that they are very important to Universal Pictures. For this alone, Evan Bell is not surprised, Ron Mayer can bring Universal Pictures out of the quagmire to where it is today.

Evan Bell's current film companies include Disney, Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, and Sony Columbia Pictures. In addition, Pyla méng, New Line, DreamWorks, Universal and many other companies have never cooperated. Therefore, although Evan Bell felt the sincerity of Ron Meyer's words, he would never take it seriously.

"Lang, when you say that, does it imply that Mr. Bell and our DreamWorks will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future? This is good news." Steven Spielberg suddenly interjected, making the three of them unable to help themselves. laughed.

Evan Bell looked at Ron Mayer with a smile on his face, "Mr. Mayer, can you tell me about this script?" In fact, Evan Bell knew the movie when he saw the name on the cover.

"Van Helsing", Evan Bell really did not expect that this movie originally starring Hugh Jackman would actually come into his own hands. The script is a rambling tale, in which Van Helsing, a famous vampire hunter, will simultaneously face off against some of the household names in Universal's history: Dracula the vampire, werewolves and Frankenstein.

The word of mouth of this movie can only be considered ok. The specific number of box office Evan Bell can't remember clearly, but it should be pretty good. At least, after this film, Hugh Jackman's tough guy image is more and more solid.

As far as Evan Bell is concerned, he has no interest in this movie. This is purely a movie that highlights the protagonist Van Helsing. Besides, Evan Bell has no plans to take on a new script recently, at least the "Van Helsing" script did not impress him.

However, Ron Mayer and Steven Spielberg appeared together, and Evan Bell couldn't just look at a cover and just say no. It was more appropriate to listen to the content before rejecting.

"This script was written by Stephen Sommers, and he was the director. He was supposed to come over today, but he went to see another actor, Hugh Jackman." Ron Mayer introduced directly, he He didn't hide the fact that Evan Bell still has competitors. In Ron Mayer's view, Evan Bell's personality is clear and neat, and it is more appropriate to say this kind of thing directly than to hide it.

Stephen Sommers, who once served as the screenwriter of "The Scorpion King", and later filmed "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns" two box office bombs, can be said to be very good at this kind of grand and epic action thriller.

"Van Helsing is a powerful vampire hunter, and at the same time he has a romantic temperament that attracts women. This film tells the story of Van Helsing against evil characters." Ron Mayer said succinctly, the story of this kind of commercial film The content is often not necessary for a long narration, and it is enough to grasp the main point. "Stephen immediately thought of two people after writing the script, one is Jackman and the other is you. Both of you are outstanding musicals. Actors, and have also performed as tough guys on the Hugh Jackman is famous for his role as "X-Men" Wolverine. As for Evan Bell, it doesn't really make sense. Among the tough guys on top, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" can barely be counted as one. However, this can only be regarded as one of the criteria for judging the character. What Ron Mayer didn't say is that Evan Bell is still high now. His popularity, coupled with his expressive interpretation of Captain Jack Sparrow, made the audience have more expectations for Evan Bell's acting skills. Therefore, Universal Pictures does hope to use Evan Bell's box office Appeal, pull the box office of "Van Helsing".

"As for the heroine, we're considering Kate Beckinsale recently," Ron Meyer said simply and casually. Kate Beckinsale, "Pearl Harbor" actress. Then he went on to say, "I don't know what Mr. Bell thinks about this script?" In fact, this sentence is to ask Evan Bell's views or questions, and there must be communication before further dialogue can take place. .

No, at this time, Steven Spielberg inserted a sentence next to it, "If you are not interested in Lang's script, just say it. I have a good script here." , Ron Mayer's expression at Steven Spielberg is very interesting.

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