Great Artist

Chapter 613: character wings

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Person (n), a very simple word. The components that make up a person include the basic components of the body, but this can only distinguish people from their appearance. Although there are no two identical leaves in the world, twins are often difficult in a sense. distinguishable. What really distinguishes people is not their appearance, but a person's personality and his life. Everyone's personality is different, no matter how close they are, it is impossible for two completely identical characters to appear.

Therefore, what constitutes a person should include appearance, body, and personality, as well as a person's life from birth to the present. Even if they are twins, they experience the same thing as a child and they will form different identities. How a person's personality is formed is an eternal topic of psychology that needs to be explored.

It can be seen from Christopher Nolan's emphasis on the script of "Batman: Time for War" that Christopher Nolan wants to explore how Bruce Wayne grew into a Batman who slays evil. He experienced as a child The impact of the incident on his heart and personality. Simply put, it's how Bruce Wayne's "person" came to be.

It can also be seen from Evan Bell's adaptation of "Mysterious Skin" that Evan Bell focused on the core of growing pains. After experiencing similar pain, Neil and Brian chose different ways to Deal with pain and grow into a different "person".

In fact, including the formation of Captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean", and Evan Bell likes to construct the character's life in his mind before playing a character, because Evan Bell believes it. Only after a thorough understanding of the causes and consequences of the formation of an angle can one integrate oneself into this angle. Evan Bell's outstanding interpretation of John La Roche in the "Adapted Play" is because he has a thorough understanding of John La Roche's life, and it turns out that Evan Bell has a good understanding of this character. The field is very deep. Successfully impressed most of the judges throughout the awards season.

Therefore, when he first came into contact with the script of "Mechanical Public Enemy", Evan Bell proposed to reshape the male protagonist. The source of the male protagonist's dislike of robots must have a source, and when everyone has given up resistance, what is the reason why the male protagonist still persists alone. Only the source of the male protagonist's disgust and persistence can be fully narrated. This script is truly complete. Out of a simple commercial blockbuster, it becomes meaningful.

The rewriting of the script for "Enemy Robot" was completed before Evan Bell signed with Twentieth Century Fox, and Evan Bell also had a name on the producer list of "Enemy Robot", However, Evan Bell, the film's producer, will not be involved too much. His authority is mainly to improve the script. In the past month, Alex Proyas has made three adjustments to the script, mainly focusing on the transformation of the male protagonist.

The story told by Public Enemy Mechanical isn't very complicated. The hero, Spooner, is a police detective. In 2035, intelligent robots have been widely used by humans, and due to the limitations of the well-known "three laws of robotics". So humanity is full of new people who can do all kinds of jobs without complaint, and many of them even become members of a family.

Chicago-based USR has developed a more advanced NS-5 super robot. And it is planned to reach an average of every five people can have a robot of this model, and then on the eve of the launch of the new product, Dr. Langning, the creator of the robot, committed suicide in the company. Spooner became the investigator of the case.

During the investigation, Spooner suspected that the case was not the work of human beings, and Lawrence, president of the USR Corporation, appeared to be involved in the matter. Spooner discovers that a robot named Sonny is most likely the murderer of the Doctor. During the hunt, he discovers that Sonny not only possesses the ability to think for himself, but also possesses human-like emotions. During the questioning, Sonny told Spooner that he was not killing the Doctor, but helping him do one thing.

Later, Lawrence determined that the robot killing was just an "industrial accident" and brought Sonny back to the company, which brought great difficulties to the investigation. After in-depth investigation, Spooner was hunted down by a large number of NS-5 robots. Obviously, some people did not want Spooner to find out the truth.

The story unfolds during Spooner's investigation, uncovering one amazing secret after another. At this time, robots are completely out of human control, and the world seems to be dying. How should Spooner solve this problem is the most important question of the film.

It can be said that the content of the story of "Enemies of Machinery" is still very colorful. Under the guidance of the three laws of robotics as the core, Alex Proyas wrote a wonderful story. However, there is a lack of strong and in-depth arguments in the shaping of the male protagonist Spooner, which is why Evan Bell feels that the core of the story is not clear enough.

Due to the busyness of Evan Bell, the shooting of "Enemies of the Machine" was delayed by more than a month, which also gave Alex Proyas enough time to think about the wings of Spooner. . Before the opening ceremony of the film, Alex Proyas and Evan Bell discussed the angle again.

Evan Bell did not read the script, but listened carefully to Alex Proyas's elaboration of the story of the corner, and then concluded, "The reason why Spooner distrusts robots is because he once He suffered a serious car accident, and the car accident made him a person who used high-tech repair and synthesis. At the same time, there was a little girl of twelve years old. The robot refused to treat the little girl based on the survival rate. Spooner deeply felt that robots were ruthless, so he was deeply disgusted by robots."

Alex Proyas nodded, "After all, robots' calculations are based on cold data. They convert every detail of life into a series of numbers, so Spooner is absolutely sure that this is with him. Deviating from the life you want.”

In fact, before, Alex Proyas's perfection of the corners was almost in this direction, and now it's just a little more refined, but Evan Bell still thinks it's too weak, he thought about it, and said it carefully , "Alex, I think there is only one reason for Spooner's dislike of robots, and the reason why he still insists when everyone gives up resistance: he misses the warmth between people."

Alex Proyas did not speak, motioning for Evan Bell to continue. Evan Bell's thoughts gradually became clear, "Spooner is a traditional man. He misses the simple life without robots before, likes listening to old songs, and he misses all the situations when people deal with people. Because people are A creature with emotions and movements, happy, angry and quarrelsome, he hopes to feel the vitality in life, instead of facing the cold body and indifferent data of the robot. What he misses most is the relationship between people Warmth, such as the happiness of old couples joining hands to grow old, such as the joy of play between children, such as the comfort of gags between friends. Therefore, it can be said that Spooner has always had a bad impression of robots.”

"When Spooner had a car accident, the robot gave up the treatment of a twelve-year-old girl based on the cold data, which became the fuse, which detonated Spooner's inner rejection of robots. Extremely disgusted, he even suspects that if the data judged by the robot to the human is wrong, the robot will not hesitate to shoot at the human, then the three laws of the robot will become a joke." Evan Bell said the faster and faster, The more he spoke, the more fluent he became, and Alex Proyas was silent. In terms of his understanding of the angle, Evan Bell, an actor, always had such a unique and profound understanding, which was very important to Alex. - A whole new story for Proyas.

"Out of the nostalgia for the warmth of human interaction and the disgust for the cold handling of robots, Spooner hates robots." Evan Bell slowed down a little bit, letting Alex Proyas speak. Raising his eyes and looking at Evan Bell, he realized that Evan Bell was about to say the point, "At the same time, it was also because of the warmth in my heart that everyone gave up in the face of a huge crisis. However, Spooner is willing to persevere, because he hopes to rely on his own strength to regain the warmth in his heart."

Alex Proyas suddenly realized, "You mean It's because Spooner always has a wish in his heart, that is, yearning for a warm life, which led him to hate robots and become a his beliefs."

Just a psychological reason, all of Spooner's actions have been reasonably explained. This is the core content of the role, and it instantly makes the role of Spooner three-dimensional. The plot of the whole movie is explained rationally in an instant, and it becomes smooth immediately. In fact, this is not unusual. Evan Bell can feel the subtlety of this from Christopher Nolan's handling of the "Inception" actor Cobb. This time, Evan Bell hopes to make Spooner's role come alive through this method.

Evan Bell nodded, "It's also because of this warmth. In the finale, Spooner released his suspicions about Sonny, who had human emotions, because he realized that the robot Sonny also has the same as humans. Emotions are no longer cold data. This warmth made Spooner reject robots, and it was this warmth that made Spooner accept Sonny."

With Evan Bell's explanation, the entire story system in Alex Proyas' mind immediately became complete, and the entire emotional trend, including the twists and turns of the story, became reasonable and came to life in an instant.

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