Great Artist

Chapter 802: relish

802 Relish

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When Ellen DeGeneres said the word "coming out", all the audience at the scene began to boo, because most of the audience was nvxìng, and they didn't want their dream lover to come out of the closet. Uploaded by netizens==

In the face of Ellen DeGeneres' ingenious interpretation of "The Notebook", Evan Bell laughed and even clapped his hands, "Ellen, you are a genius." Evan Bell praised The words made Ellen DeGeneres also smile proudly.

"No, of course not. The reason this movie is close to people's hearts is because it tells a love story that everyone wants to have." Evan Bell laughed, and this began to explain, "As said , I have been trying very hard to tell this story true. In fact, this is indeed true. The original novel is actually an adaptation based on reality. I hope to let people know that love is indeed unavoidable, but it is not It is not only seen in movies, it is always by our side. When we pass by love, what we need to do is not complain, but when the next opportunity comes, learn to be courageous, learn to strengthen our heart, learn to learn Face the reality and hold love firmly in your own hands. Love may be the happiness you once had, the love you had when you were in love, or the persistence to stay together for life. This is what I hope to express."

"Wow, like you said, that's exactly what we've been looking for. So, you mean, you're not coming out? The movie was moved by the story itself?" Ellen DeGeneres I hope to reconfirm this issue.

"No, I like nv people, no doubt." Evan Bell affirmed with a smile.

Ellen DeGeneres nodded, "Of course you like nv people. Anne Hathaway, Natalie Bōterman, Megan Fox, Blake Lively, Jesse Ka-Alba, Scarlett-Johansson... God, you make all men in America jealous, of course you like nv people, sorry I misunderstood you just now, but which of these nv people are real?"

Evan Bell immediately covered his mouth, "Alan, your shot is really accurate, it hurts." That playful expression made the audience laugh out loud, and they liked to take a detour when asking about scandals on talk shows. , even if it is mentioned directly, it is not as red as Ellen DeGeneres. "These are all called scandals. Since they are 'scandals', the truth of the facts is not important, because the scandals themselves are generated by reporters chasing rumors, right?"

"You mean, these are all fake?" Ellen DeGeneres didn't intend to let Evan Bell go, and continued to ask. "Including Scarlett Johansson?"

Ellen DeGeneres will say this, mainly because Evan Bell was photographed with Scarlett Johansson by the paparazzi two days ago when Evan Bell was signing a signing in Nashville. The photo of walking into the hotel immediately caused an uproar in the entire entertainment industry and became the absolute focus of all entertainment news in the past two days.

First of all, Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson are the two most high-profile actors in the new generation. The scandal between them is undoubtedly that Mars hit the earth, and the possible fire between them has also made everyone talk about it. Secondly, when Evan Bell was filming an MV in Paris not long ago, the media also reported that Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson had a tangled relationship with Evan Bell. At that time, the media thought that Jess Ka-Alba won, and Evan-Bell chūn once. However, it now seems that the real winner should be Scarlett Johansson. The media immediately began to go back to dig out the details of the trip to Paris, hoping to find evidence that Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson "crossed Chencang secretly".

This is the origin of the so-called "profound **ō".

Evan Bell did meet Scarlett Johansson when he was in Nashville. In fact, the two not only drank together at the bar, but also spent the night together. The paparazzi took pictures of the hotel entrance, that's true. However, neither Evan Bell nor Scarlett Johansson took it too seriously. They just met, drank, and then happened what all young people can do when they drink. Afterwards, both Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson left freely and without further involvement.

"Friends, we're just friends." Evan Bell said with a smile on Ellen DeGeneres' questioning.

"Friend, okay, I see. I think you will have more and more friends in the future." Ellen DeGeneres' words are meaningful, and there are many connotations worth exploring. some time. For the audience at the scene, watching these two people come and go, it is absolutely delightful and enjoyable. "Speaking of friends, Evan, you can now be said to be the idol of everyone in the world. Your every move will attract the attention of the whole world. Do you think you can still live like a normal person? For example, meet new people Friends; say, walking down the road without being surrounded by a group of people."

"I have always been an ordinary person. I once said that I am a student who likes to make music and film. Standing on the stage, I can dedicate my performance to entertain the public, but in fact, I am just a person who is immersed in performance. It's just an ordinary person." This question seemed a little normal, and Evan Bell didn't continue to joke, but answered it seriously.

"But it's a very difficult thing, because on the one hand people don't want to disturb your life, but on the other hand, everyone goes crazy when they see you. So it's hard for you to live a normal life." Len DeGeneres spoke right after Evan Bell spoke.

Evan Bell couldn't help but nodded again and again, "Of course, the screams and cheers came from all around, and I felt that a group of people was centered on you. This is not the life of ordinary people. However, I have always been awake, everyone is right. My cheers and support do not mean that I am superior to others, but that my profession happens to stand under the spotlight. Therefore, I will always maintain a normal heart and a humble heart, and I will share with friends Let's go out for a drink together," said this, there was a low voice at the scene, it was estimated that everyone was joking about the scandal of Evan Bell and Scarlett Johansson going to drink together, "I will also go to the cinema to see a movie, and also If I have more time, I will study hard in school."

"Speaking of humility, yes, I think it's a very difficult thing. Because if I were your friend, I think I would always sigh involuntarily at your talent, because you are really amazing." Ai Len-DeGeneres spoke very fast, and then a series of words popped out, "I may be sighing every day: God, you are really too bāng, God, you are really too sexy, God You are truly incredible..."

"Haha, Alan, I won't buy it." Evan Bell is not so easy to coax, and directly retorted with a smile.

"Evan, I'm serious." Ellen DeGeneres said with a serious expression, "Tell me, singer..." She had just started to count, Evan Bell said with a helpless expression , "Isn't it? Again?" But he apparently failed to stop Ellen DeGeneres, "Actor, director, scholar, architect, creator, producer, Broadway actor, host... God , what you have done is truly amazing."

"No no no, Ellen, although I've said it many times, I still have to say that I'm not as good as you said. Whether it's a singer or an actor, I'm still learning, not to mention the director, producer, etc. It's more complicated work. What's more, I'm still a student at Harvard, and I've been working hard to enrich myself." Every time he faces this kind of praise, Evan Bell is always humble, because he knows his own Jinliang is far less stingy than the media's evaluation, "If everyone says it like you, and I believe it, then I know that I will not make any progress in the future. This is not only humility, but also to myself. A clear understanding. If a person loses praise and does not know where he is, then his future is a disaster, and I don’t want myself to be a disaster.”

Evan Bell's words caused a round of applause, including Ellen DeGeneres.

"Let's applaud Evan, what a **** guy." Ellen DeGeneres said with a smile, and the naughty tone made Evan Bell himself clapped and laughed. Then, she continued the topic, "I can see that you are always challenging yourself, and you always seem to want to challenge some new areas."

"I know that is not a proper job, I have long been accustomed to this word." Evan Bell himself said the media's comments on him, "I like mountain climbing, adventure, including road trips. , I like to try something new."

"Hehe, but you are doing very well, in every field." Ellen DeGeneres immediately received, "You have already won the award, Amy, Tony, Grammy, Oscar... What are your future plans, will you win all the awards that may be involved?"

"No, of course not." Evan Bell smiled and waved his hands again and again. In fact, except for the Grammys, which are worthy of the name, he was only slightly involved in the other three awards ceremonies and just started. "I can only say, thank the fans for their support, and thank you for the awards given to me at various awards ceremonies."

Ellen DeGeneres didn't intend to continue on this topic, but returned to the topic of "no business" just now, "Your director's 'The Notebook' is in theaters, your new album 'Three' has just been released, next week The movie 'Enemies of the Machine' you starred in is coming out again, and your summer vacation has been really busy."

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