Great Artist

Chapter 836: at the auction

836 bidding meeting

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Evan Bell, who was standing on the podium, accepted the questions no longer "Is this design copied by you", "Is this design an idea given to you by someone else", "Is it a matter between you and the main committee?" ” and other topics, everyone discussed the design drawings themselves. Evan Bell's professional strength cannot be said to be obvious to all and convincing, but at least everyone will no longer look at him with tinted glasses, thinking that he is just an artist who broke into the architectural design profession to play tickets, but from a professional point of view Be picky.

However, dissonant sounds exist everywhere. Just as Evan Bell was about to step off the podium ten, there was an old man in the audience who stood up and shouted at Evan Bell, "Go back to your stage, but a yellow-haired boy, go back and play. Your play, your song..." After a series of unsightly swear words, a security guard came up in time and removed the old man from the scene.

The expressions of the other designers in the audience were very weird. Anyone who was scolded by pointing their nose like this would probably not be able to smile. However, watching others being scolded is another way of thinking. Some people will inevitably have a bit of a good show mentality, and their expressions will suddenly become very happy.

Evan Bell's expression is indeed not very good, but he is not angry, just a trace of disdain on the corner of his mouth, and said to the microphone, "When you are free from the life of a caveman in the primitive society, I will obediently go back and sing. Acting."

In an instant, almost everyone in the audience turned their heads to look at the old man who spoke up just now. From this action, it can be seen that everyone has the heart of gossip. Everyone saw that the old man was choked by Evan Bell like this, and his entire face suddenly turned red, as if he had drank two glasses of whisky. If you add a tuft of white beard, then it will be a model for Grandpa Christmas.

The old man was so excited by Evan Bell that he was speechless. Looking at his round eyes, it almost made people think that he would faint in the next second. The security hurriedly took the old man away from the scene, only the sound of the door opening the door of the venue rang alone.

Evan Bell was very calm, "Do you need me to sing a song at the scene?" Facing Evan Bell's self-joking, the venue was silent, Evan Bell wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, "Huh? , I am also worried that a leather shoe will fly up, and even if I dodge the attack of the projectiles, I am afraid that I will be concentrated by the foot odor, which is bad. Well, this is the end of my presentation today. "

Afterwards, Evan Bell walked off the podium, and the designers at the venue woke up and applauded, mixed with kind laughter. Regardless of the Dubai Municipality's bid for this time, for these professional architects from around the world, they did see a different side of Evan Bell from the screen.

On the TV and movie screen, the image of the artist is always rich and changeable, especially for the actor, different characters show their different charm; on the news, the news around the actor is magnified by the media. It will always seem more exaggerated than life. From the recent news on Evan Bell, we can see that after the big heat in July, August can also be troubled by a sequel to "Brokeback Mountain" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". There must be a lot of uproar, not to mention those true and false scandals. From a certain point of view, in fact, the image that the artist reflects under the spotlight is not the most real.

But today, I first saw Evan Bell's boldness and innovation in his design scheme, and of course his youthful self-confidence; then I saw Evan Bell's humorous eloquence from the last accident, the kind of self-deprecating self-deprecating eloquence. Calmness and calmness are really impressive.

Recognition in the industry is the same in all walks of life. If you want to be recognized, you have to show your strength. On Broadway, Evan Bell conquered the tricky American Drama Society; in terms of music and movies, the questionable Evan Bell also showed the best level every time, winning the hearts of film critics little by little , Don't you see the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which has been boasted by the media that "has a major conflict with Evan Bell" after the release of "The Notebook" and "Mechanical Enemy" didn't say a word? Evan Bell's reputation with the American Dramatic Association, coupled with the excellent level of excellence in each production, has brought back the hearts of the academy little by little, and this is ability. Similarly, in the field of architectural design, whether you are a singer, an actor, or a student in a school, whether you are a mule or a horse, take it out and let it go, and everyone will naturally have a bottom line.

Now it seems that Evan Bell has indeed won the respect that should belong to him step by step in the industry.

However, the tidbits just now did not cause further disturbances, because this was a confidential bidding meeting, so the reporter left the scene before the publication began. Otherwise, if they discover this tidbit, they will definitely report it in a big way.

When Evan Bell returned to his position, Richard Randy smiled and nodded to his disciple. Although they were both competitors, Richard Randy gave his heartfelt praise.

Subsequently, Evan Bell also listened to his teacher's plan very seriously. Richard Wendy's design scheme re-embodies the importance of the water element. Whether it is the main building or the use of the whole area, Richard Wendy expresses his desire to build a unique oasis in the middle of the desert. This can also be called the most ingenious design today, and Evan Bell couldn't help but sigh. In terms of creativity alone, his teacher was still ahead.

After the bidding meeting, Evan Bell finally had time and Richard Wendy to start a series of discussions on the design of the two sides. Due to the competition, the two did not have much communication before. Now finally had the chance, the two also had a heated discussion, and the process of pointing out each other's shortcomings was quite gunpowder, and the other four students were stunned. Of course, not only the design of the other party, but also the outstanding design proposal at the bidding today is also the focus of discussion between the two. This collision of ideas is definitely a pleasure for professionals.

Evan Bell and Richard Wendy's design drawings were released on the first day, and this was just a wonderful prelude. This time, the Dubai Municipal Government's publicity campaign for the Burj Khalifa was indeed enough. The bidding competition lasted for three days before and after, and a total of more than 50 design teams made presentations and participated in the competition.

The reporter interview group did not say anything about the whole bidding meeting, nor did they say about the top-level environment of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, and the architects were well cared for, with clever arrangements for lunch and dinner, relaxation during rest time, and even organized a Leisure activities near Burj Al Arab Hotel. This is not just a mere design bid for the Burj Khalifa, it is part of the city's publicity. Through the lens of reporters, through the competition of designers, and their personal experience, the first round of publicity for the city of Dubai was carried out.

Evan Bell is very curious, who made the urban publicity plan this time. It is not only grand enough, but also atmospheric enough, and the content is rich and unique enough, especially the attraction of the landmark building of the Burj Khalifa, and its influence on Egypt. The "utilization" of Wen Bell, a super popular new star, maximizes the publicity effect. After this series of publicity, I am afraid that the number of tourists who come to Dubai will double again.

After Evan Bell's appearance on the first day, the reporters' interview group did not press any further. After getting the materials they wanted to report, they did not pester Evan Bell any more, but other colleagues began to cooperate with Evan Bell. Wen-Bell contacts, not to talk about active conversations at parties, and usually say a few words more or less when they meet each other. Compared with the last bid for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center building, this time Evan Bell has significantly more contacts with industry insiders.

However, for Evan Bell, communicating with other designers is not as attractive as the sea. Of course, if the designers are willing to lie on the beach with him, bask in the sun and chat a few words, Evan- Bell doesn't mind communicating with other colleagues.

After the bidding meeting on the third morning, Evan Bell disappeared from the venue. The Dubai Municipal Government, who is determined to use Evan Bell's reputation for publicity, is a little panicked. They must master Evan Bell's whereabouts and hope that Evan Bell can participate in the various itineraries arranged this time. of various attractions.

As Evan Bell's professional housekeeper, Lydia Alison worked hard. She searched for Evan Bell everywhere, and it took nearly 20 minutes to find Evan Bell on the beach. . At this time, Evan Bell was wearing a pair of beach pants with blue background and white flowers, with a red upper body, and was playing beach volleyball with a group of young people in their Evan Bell's level is not very good. Like that, he made a lot of mistakes, but he had a lot of fun.

Evan Bell in the sun is bathed in golden luster, laughter and sweat fluttering in the sound of the waves, making people truly feel the beauty of midsummer and the publicity of youth.

Lydia Alison stood beside her, dressed in a neat suit, her high heels were stuck in the sand, the sea breeze blew up the corners of her clothes and skirt, and her hair was messy and embarrassed. Looking at this scene, I couldn't help but feel a little envious. But she still had to put away her thoughts and focus on her work, "Mr. Bell, there will be an organized event for the bidding in the afternoon, won't you participate?"

Lydia Alison shouted with all her might, her voice was a little unstable in the wind, but it still reached Evan Bell's ears. Evan Bell turned his head and showed a big smile, "It's such a beautiful sunshine, why don't you join us?"

This simple sentence, but with endless temptation, made Lydia Alison stand on the spot, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

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