Great Artist

Chapter 845: self breakthrough

845 Self-breakthrough

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Closing his eyes, Evan Bell tried to calm himself down, he didn't recall Ennis's life and character, because he had already figured it out during the script writing process, he focused his energy on this. In a scene, starting from this scene, seek a breakthrough. In this scene, Ennis and Jack sit down for a drink, and for the first time Ennis talks about his father and brother, and why he came to herd the sheep. This is very unusual for Ennis, who has always been taciturn. It was also the first relatively formal conversation between the two since they met.

Why was Ennis willing to open up to Jack and tell the story of his family, and what was his state of mind when he told the story? Evan Bell paused and thought about it carefully. This was because of Ennis's character.

Under Ennis's taciturn character, because it contains a very deep background. At the age of nine, he was indoctrinated by his father that "gay should be damned", which scared him. Fear? Why?

If it is a heterosexual who has accepted homophobic thoughts since childhood, then he should not be afraid when he hears that his father killed a homosexual with his own hands. He should take it for granted like his father. Only a homosexual would feel afraid because he is a potential direct victim, and he is afraid of what will happen to him in the future, or even to be killed by his father. So, he started suppressing himself, suppressing and hiding, cutting off any desire to be close to the same sex.

At the same time, because of fear, Ennis began to comply with the expectations of society, the expectations of a man, he was walking in the footsteps of social norms, he found a stable job, and planned to marry Emma after the grazing season. If he hadn't met Jack, his life would have gone so peacefully.

But in this way, he may never know what true love is. It's sad to never know what it's like to truly love someone for the rest of your life. But that's Ennis' future.

Ennis hides all his feelings in his heart, is accustomed to not saying anything, and his interpersonal relationships are also very withdrawn. Including this scene being filmed, Ang Lee asked Evan Bell to tell Ennis's own family story, not to have any There are too many ups and downs, and no additional things are explained. This shows Ennis's attitude towards people. He handles everything indifferently because he is afraid of being seen through.

It was Ennis who met Jack, the first boy in his life who had a crush on him. Jack's outgoing personality, although there is a cover up, can't stop his love for Ennis. This allowed Ennis to find a sense of identity, and he couldn't help but unload his heart, and then he opened his mouth to tell the story of his family.

Although Evan Bell focused his attention on this scene, but traced back to the source, the whole idea spread out, and the whole plot was sorted out. So what state should such Ennis be in?

A little shy, a little reserved, a little nervous, and at the same time a little happy, a little excited...

In terms of eyes, Evan Bell's eyes began to float. He should be immersed in his own world. Many times his eyes are staring at the spirits in his hand, and he dare not look at others. This is his original personality. , but also timid, shy, restrained performance. But out of his sense of identity with Jack, his eyes drifted to the other man beside him involuntarily, and just came back as soon as they touched... This kind of jerky, nervous, and a little happy eyes is very important.

No, this is too much. Evan Bell sent a message in his eyes, but he found that his mood fluctuated too much, and the feeling of his eyes was still inaccurate. How about a little bit? Evan Bell's eyes floated on the various members of the crew. But when it floated to Michelle Williams, Evan Bell suddenly felt a little tight, no, this happiness should not be seen. Ennis himself, he would peek at Jack, it is already out of line, if there are more emotions in his eyes, it is not Ennis.

Suddenly, Evan Bell discovered the point. In fact, his eyes didn't need too much emotion at this time. The jerky feeling was enough to show Ennis's inner confusion. It's no wonder that I haven't found the right rhythm before, as you can see from this detail!

What about facial expressions? Poker face? No, at least the corners of the mouth should be relaxed a bit, for example, pursed lips, pouted lips, and can also put on a little smile, the kind of stubbornness that does not easily reveal his thoughts, but inadvertently reveals his joy... But Ennis should He didn't notice the abnormality in his expression, this was because his inner emotions leaked out from the gap in Yan Yan Shi's heart door.

Inadvertently, then what kind of smile is inadvertent? The so-called inadvertent smile is the twitching of the corner of the mouth. Maybe even I don't notice the movement of the corner of my mouth... Wait, I don't even notice it? Evan Bell's thoughts suddenly stopped. He seemed to have captured something that seemed to exist, but he couldn't capture the essence.

What about the rhythm of speaking? Evan Bell's mind is digging bit by bit, trying to get himself back to the correct rhythm of acting. Ennis speaks with a strong Texas cowboy accent, not only is it relatively vague, but the rhythm of his speech is also fast, as if it came out of his throat. So what kind of state are you already in when you speak?

Evan Bell thought about it, and the sentence just now popped up in his mind, "I didn't even notice it", and his thoughts couldn't help but float again. Why didn't you even notice it? Because Ennis was so contradictory in his heart that he ignored his inner desires. Over the years, Ennis habitually disguised himself, but after telling the lie a hundred times, the false became true, and In the same way, when a person wears a mask habitually, the mask can no longer be taken off. Therefore, Ennis himself didn't realize that there was a crack in his conflicted heart because of Jack's arrival, but he just went with the flow and deviated from the original track. This is the real Ennis in the face of Jack, but Ennis has no idea of ​​this fact.

I didn't even realize it... Inadvertently... Ennis didn't know this fact at all... Evan Bell connected his thoughts little by little, and suddenly his head lit up!

Details, details, details... Evan Bell is always too obsessed with details, hoping to carve out characters through details, but the problem is that details are not deliberately shown, but people show it instinctively. Evan Bell's research on the details is not wrong in itself, but the order is wrong. He should first think about "if it was Ennis, what would he do at this time", and then go from the "how to" action. Take a break. The current situation is more like, after Evan Bell shaped Ennis through the details, he put the detail labels on Ennis one by one.

In fact, these two approaches have the same goal, because the final performance is very delicate and wonderful. But the problem is that Evan Bell's current method will lead to the wrong rhythm of the entire performance due to a single error. He has to adjust and adjust again. Only when he finds the best state can he integrate with the role. If the former method is used, the details may not be so perfect, but the flow of the characters is irreplaceable.

The details of a person are not that complicated. Just like Evan Bell, when he talks, he can do whatever he wants, so those who try to imitate him must start from the eyes, expressions, and movements to study, and finally come to a reason. But from Evan Bell's point of view, he wouldn't think about why he did this action, he just did it if he wanted to.

After thinking about this, Evan Bell found that he was still too good, and it could even be said that he put the cart before the horse and made another stupid mistake. Because I learned to carve the details and understand the characters when "adapting the script", but then the pursuit of details became more and more extreme, and now "Brokeback Mountain" is facing a bottleneck again.

Evan Bell's whole head lit up in an instant.

Now what Evan Bell is thinking about is not what Ennis "would do" in this conversation, but the process of Ennis and Jack generating this conversation, so this process can't be clearer in his mind. Evan Bell closed his eyes, and the development of the whole plot was very clear in his mind, "Okay, we can start." When he opened his eyes again, Evan Bell said easily.

Li An originally sat next to him and waited calmly. Hearing Evan Bell's words, he couldn't help but feel the ease in Evan Bell's tone. This is the first time since filming started. Because this scene was just a close-up shot of Evan Bell, and Jake Gyllenhaal was there to help the scene, so as soon as Evan Bell was ready, Ang Lee raised his right hand to get all departments ready , and then shouted "start shooting".

Evan Bell leaned on a dry tree trunk and held an iron cup in his hand, which contained wine to keep out the cold. In between, he raised his eyes and looked at Jake Gyllenhaal next to the camera, pursing his lips slightly , vaguely, "What?"

Jake Gyllenhaal confronted with the script bro, that's more than what you've said in the past two weeks. "

Along this handsome cowboy in a khaki jacket, white and blue plaid shirt, and a cowboy hat, "Damn, I only talk so much in a year." As he spoke, the handsome man's lips pursed slightly, then The lips that moved because of the speech did not have any arc, but it could make people feel the smile at the corner of his mouth, with a little bit of pride and a little bit of shyness.

After he finished speaking, the handsome man's gaze turned to the direction he had just spoken - Jack's position. The handsome guy just closed his mouth after speaking, but the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared because of the shutting up, which made him feel more uneasy and embarrassed.

"Ka!" Ang Lee's voice suddenly came over, awakening Evan Bell from the role of Ennis, "Ennis, it's good." Even when he praised, Ang Lee's voice was the same as before, Not too overjoyed, but it can still be seen from his smile that he is very satisfied with Evan Bell's performance this time.

On the last day of August, it broke out to ask for a monthly pass and ask for a subscription! There will be one more later!


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