Great Artist

Chapter 863: self redemption

863 Self Redemption

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This is the most impactful picture after the start of "Mysterious Skin".

In the stark contrast of Neil being raped, everyone stopped breathing, and the people with the heavy dashi in their hearts couldn't breathe. But then, after the visual and auditory impact, the picture suddenly stopped, only Neil's empty and fragile eyes, an empty street, a blunt iron gate and a biting cold wind in the middle of the night. The conflict brought about by the contrast instantly makes people feel the pain of the heart being torn apart, like a drowning person, helplessly raising his hand to call for help, but only seeing the endless sea, that despair makes all the colors instantly disappear. faded to grey.

It was like the calm after the explosion. After the earth-shattering sound, the shock in the silence deepened even deeper into my heart.

Looking at the blood-covered Neil sitting on the subway in New York, his thin shoulders were surrounded by the noise of the subway, and blood-red flowers bloomed one after another on his white t-shirt, and his whole person became thinner and thinner. , the indifference and cruelty of society are overwhelming at this moment. Neil, who came home, looked at Wendy who was sleeping with mixed eyes, and walked lightly to the bathroom.

Neil carefully took off the t-shirt, every movement of his was so painful, affecting the sore muscles all over his body, and the slender arms and shoulders carried an invisible heaviness. He was like an angel with broken wings. Lost the energy to take off again. Watching him also take off his pants and curl up in the dark corner of the bathroom, like a newborn baby.

Neil's eyes were blank. He slowly embraced his knees, trying to absorb a little warmth, so that his body, which had lost its temperature, could feel the flow of life again. But he failed, his slightly trembling body protested, and just like that, the tears could no longer bear the weight of life, and fell from his eyes.

In the silent space, Neil's low sobbing sound leaked from his knees, just a slight sound, and then he saw him biting his lips, swallowing all the sounds in his stomach, and crying silently. However, this tiny voice echoed in the silent bathroom, but it made that heaviness even more desolate.

At this moment, all the emotions and all the pressure of the audience who felt like they were about to suffocate found a breakthrough, a catharsis point, and tears burst. Quietly watching the big screen, biting his lips lightly, tears flowed out of his eyes without warning. // "" Advertisement Full text txt download Heart rolled into a ball, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

On the road of Neil's growth, his fragility, his unruly, his depravity, and his spontaneity were all turned into pieces at this moment, and his thin shoulders could no longer bear it. He is like a wounded newborn beast, rampaging in this society, covered with bruises and bruises, but unable to find a warm port of berth, he can only curl up in the corner and lick his wounds.

Christmas is here, Neil comes home, and Brian finally sees the scarred Neil. The two lines of Neil and Brian finally intersected. Although the audience has basically guessed some clues, the five hours of Brian's disappearance is finally going to reveal the truth.

Ten years, ten years have passed since that summer, and an eight-year-old child has grown into an eighteen-year-old boy.

Neil remembers Brian, remembers it clearly, and took Brian back to the coach's house. But the house was already a different person, and it was no longer the coach's house. Neil and Brian climbed in from the back window. In this room, Neil and Brian followed the memory footprints to piece together the five hours of ten years ago.

"I was his favorite, and out of so many people, he chose me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when it started, I felt honored." The fragility and firmness of the tears, which are more and more deeply thought-provoking.

It was a baseball game and suddenly it rained heavily. No one came to take Brian home, so the coach walked over with Neil and said, "We'll take you home." Then the coach and Neil took Brian back to the coach's house, and Neil said, "He didn't take you into the bedroom because it was just me and him, so it happened in this room."

"Every time there are other boys, it's the same steps. The coach always uses me as an example and pulls you in to play. He'll take off my clothes, make me look happy, and let others It was such a fun game." Neil woke up all of Brian's memories, "I stuck my tongue in your mouth and then to him. We took your clothes off and you whimpered like a puppy, and the coach was the most Love that."

Little by little the scars were opened, and Brian didn't seem to be able to take it anymore, so he snuggled up on Neil's shoulders. Brian's expression was not painful, only calm, and that deep calm made people feel more and more upset in their hearts.

Three people, two eight-year-old boys, and an adult uncle, kiss each other, have oral sex, and have sex. Then play the five-dollar game, as long as you put your hand into the coach's chrysanthemum to the elbow, you can reward five yuan. The boys don't know what's going on. They follow the coach's sweet words and smiles like a dream. The coach groaned, the coach said it was cool. After it was over, Brian didn't react, as if he was completely empty, then he fell straight down, his face was facing the floor, and he started to have a nosebleed. Since then, no matter what tension and fear he encountered, especially sex, He would have inexplicable nosebleeds and fainted in pain, but after waking up, he couldn't remember the blanks in his memory.

Brian curled up on the sofa, lying on Neil's lap, trying to calm himself down a bit, trying to find a little warmth in Neil's embrace, if only a little. The truth of the matter is like a faint blue light, making the whole world become icy and snowy.

Brian started to have a nosebleed again, and he roared frantically, "Is it like this (nosebleed)? Is it like this?" The bleeding Brian finally collapsed, and the whimper sounded like it was coming from **** . Neil hugged Brian tightly, but Brian was still trembling. The nightmare of the past five hours engulfed him, and his uncontrollable trembling finally released all the horrors in his memory.

Looking at this scene, tears flowed uncontrollably again, not because the audience was too fragile, but because the impact of the story was too powerful and deep, making people unable to fight back.

Blake Lively pursed his lips tightly to prevent his cry from leaking out, but the tears could not be stopped. The silent pain was not magnificent, but it passed through pictures, through words, through that. The suppressed crying was like a heavy fist slamming directly into the heart in an instant. The pain, the grief and the bitterness were painful to the extreme, but they were speechless.

Not just Blake Lively and Amanda Seyfried, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ryan Gosling, watching themselves on screen and speechless Come. None of them thought that the final picture of Evan Bell would be like this. Even if it was himself on the picture, the shock still came. Don't talk about other people, even the two boys, their eyes were full of tears, their mouths were open, and they were speechless.

Even the crew members, not to mention the rest of the audience? The same expression appeared in the cinema at this moment.

Brian finally calmed down. Neil stroked Brian's hair and looked at him quietly. The two were not friends, let alone brothers. In ten years, this was just the first time they met. But because the two people are in this space together, in a space with a special turning point, the hearts of the two people are endlessly close together, because only in this way can they warm each other and let each other's cold torso grow. A little warm.

Neil said.

We sat there and listened to the chants. I want to tell Brian that it's over and it's going to be alright. But that's all self-deception, and I can't say it. I wish we could go back in time and erase everything, but that's not possible. There is nothing we can do. So, I just sit quietly and try to tell him with my heart that I'm sad about what happened. I remembered the pain and sorrow and the tragic experiences in the world, and I wanted to escape. I pray with all my heart that we can leave this world like two beautiful angels, fly into the night sky, and disappear.

The camera returns to mid-air, the sofa is like a boat, the surrounding night sky is like an endless ocean, and Neil and Brian are sitting in this small boat. The shot goes higher and higher, the ship becomes smaller and smaller in the black sea, and finally becomes a tiny blob of light in Neil's low narration.

In this cruel and indifferent world, only Neil and Brian cling to each other, they can't find a way out for redemption, they can only redeem themselves, and they can only move forward ignorantly and recklessly in the process of growing up. Growing up stubbornly in the groping. In the dark space, only the pair of faintly bright figures became the only support in each other's hearts.

Listening to Neil's voice, the story gradually came to an end, and everyone realized that there was no going back. What happened can never be changed, "I want to escape, like two beautiful angels", this is the voice from the bottom of my heart, which makes people feel sad. The picture also disappeared gradually following Neil's words, and the black sea water rushed in, instantly submerging all the light spots.

In a trance, a scene in the film appeared in everyone's mind. Fifteen-year-old Neil and Wendy stood side by side under the screen of the open-air theater, and Neil said, "I wish there were movies now."

"Me too, playing what we've been through so far," Wendy said.

Wendy picked up the rustling radio and listened, "I heard a sound." At this moment, little snowflakes fell from the sky. "It's the voice of God."

"I heard that too," Neil said.

This is probably the best memory in the whole movie. Couldn't help but bring tears to my eyes.

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