Great Artist

Chapter 898: Kitami screening

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Can history be changed? Some say yes, some say no. In Evan Bell's view, the details of history can be changed, but there is no way to change the general direction.

The once-popular "Xun Qin Ji" explained this issue. In short, if Ying Zheng cannot become Qin Shi Huang, then history will change, and everything in the future may change, even the people who originally existed. It may also cease to exist.

The movie "Butterfly Effect" released in January this year is more about the cause and effect of historical development. The reason why people are who they are now is because of the little bits and pieces of growth that make people different. If important events in the process of growth have changed, or even disappeared and never happened, then people will not be. the current individual.

To explain it in the simplest way, for example, a person's parents met on a certain day twenty years ago, and ended up falling in love, getting married, and having children. Meet, then maybe, maybe, this person will not exist.

The rebirth of Evan Bell actually has the opportunity to change history, but in the process, changes in some small events seem logical, but most things still follow the historical trajectory. For example, what just happened, Heath Ledger missed the role of Ennis in "Brokeback Mountain", but he still came together with Michelle Williams.

Now, another history is about to change, but I don't know how far the butterfly effect can radiate this time.

Originally scheduled to be released in early September, "Crash", Paul Haggis decided to participate in the Toronto Film Festival to participate in the exhibition, do some publicity, see the reaction of professional film critics, and then show it. So Fox Searchlight decided to postpone the release time and set the premiere on September 20th.

Unlike most works participating in film festivals in order to gain the favor of distributors. Paul Haggis' decision to include "Crash" at the festival was the result of discussions with Fox Searchlight, and was considered from a publicity perspective. This is great for both word-of-mouth and publicity programs for "Crash."

This was not the case in a previous life. After "Crash" received critical acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival, Lionsgate bought the distribution rights to the film, which was officially released in Canada in September. But due to the negligence of the staff, they simply forgot that a movie had to be in Los Angeles for more than a week to qualify for the Oscars. This made "Crash" miss the 77th Oscar, which indirectly made "Million Dollar Baby" the big winner of the year; then, "Crash" was officially released in Los Angeles in 2005, which won the 70th Oscar The qualifications for the eighth Oscars, the final result of the Chinese is clear, Ang Lee won the best director. The best picture was "Crash" won.

Now, all the same, "Crash" won numerous critical acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival, but the distribution rights to the film were bought by Fox Searchlight early on -- and it's worth noting that they beat Lionsgate. film industry. Subsequently, "Crash" is about to be fully screened in more than 2,000 theaters in North America, which makes "Crash" join the competition for the 77th Oscars. "Crash" and "Million Dollar Baby" are about to meet, both of which were written by Paul Haggis, in fact. "Crash" and "Million Dollar Baby" were not the biggest hits in the Oscar selection process in the past life. At that time, there were more powerful works, and the winning works were dubbed by the media as "accidental" adjectives. So, what will be the result of this competition? Will the trajectory of history change, or will it simply become unrecognizable?

Evan Bell's entry into the "Crash", how much the butterfly effect was produced, will leave time to reveal the answer.

The release of "Crash". Evan Bell did not attend. He still stayed in Wyoming to shoot "Brokeback Mountain", and the film has entered the most important part of shooting. Evan Bell has a series of scenes of inner eruption and emotional conflict, which is a severe test for Evan Bell. The biggest challenge for Ennis in "Brokeback Mountain" is just beginning. Even Evan Bell, who made a breakthrough again, did not dare to relax his vigilance, and still devoted himself to shooting.

The premiere of "Crash" was not grand at the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. As Eleven Studio's fourth film to meet the audience - including the "mysterious skin" that has been opened in Venice, "Crash" also continues Eleven Studio's always "thrifty" for the premiere. The premiere of "Deadly Identity" is full of stars, and the film's cast alone is enough; "Because it was on the stage of the Venice Film Festival, the premiere is relatively the most grand; and "Crash" has returned to the line of "Deadly Identity", relying on the film's own cast, it is enough to attract attention, Therefore, this is not a grand premiere, but it still attracts the attention of the media.

Most of the ten actors who had "deadly identity" at the beginning were not well-known, but they were the backbone of the actors. For the audience, these faces were more familiar and kinder. The same is true for "Crash". Except for Evan Bell, Don Cheadle and Sandra Bullock, the other actors in the cast are all familiar faces, and they are more familiar than "Deadly Identity". The cast is even stronger. Matt Dillon, Thandie Newton, Brandon Fisher, Terrence Howard... all of them are actors who often appear on the big screen.

When Paul Haggis appeared on the red carpet, he still had a smile on his face when he saw the nearly 200 onlookers at the scene. This situation was much better than he expected. Originally, he was worried that this would be a deserted premiere, and Eleven Studio didn't pay someone to come and decorate the scene, which would be very embarrassing. Now it seems that his worries are unnecessary.

"Paul, why didn't Evan appear at the premiere as one of the film's leading actors and the film's producer?"

"Paul, what do you think of Evan's unanimous praise for his performance at the Toronto Film Festival?"

"Paul, there have been many reports of discord when Evan was working in other crews. Is your cooperation still pleasant?"


Paul Haggis soon discovered that the liveliness of the scene was not unusual, because with the addition of Evan Bell, the red carpet would not be lively. Now Evan Bell is a powerful magnet. Wherever he appears, he can easily gather the media and fans. Even if he does not appear, he can achieve good results with his name. Paul Haggis suddenly thought that the Dubai government would invite Evan Bell to participate in the city's publicity. This plan now seems to be wiser.

"Problems come one by one." Paul Haggis was not angry, but happier. The film has received enough attention, and he is confident in the quality of the film, so maybe the film can achieve good results that exceed expectations. Not sure, that's a good thing. "First of all, 'Crash' is a group movie. There is no protagonist. Everyone is just a supporting role. Evan is also one of the supporting roles. Of course, his role is still very important." Paul Haggis Art is still a little researched, so after his words, the media can't catch the loopholes. Originally, the reporters wanted to say, "The director publicly accused Evan: You are not the protagonist, you are not the most special one", now it seems that marrying No disaster.

"Secondly, Evan really wanted to come to the premiere, but because of the filming of 'Brokeback Mountain', he really couldn't get away, so he asked me to apologize to the media and fans here to express my apology. "It's a fact, Evan Bell said so when Paul Haggis was on the phone with Evan Bell yesterday, but there is a difference: Evan Bell only mentioned an apology to the fans, "media" This part was added by Paul Haggis himself, "Finally, Evan's performance in the film is very good, and all of our actors are very good. This film is a group work, and it is because we The collective brilliance of the actors leads to a finished product that finally satisfies all of us.”

Paul - Haggis is still dripping, everything. And quietly, it shows that the "Crash" crew is very harmonious, and there is no so-called discord at all.

Not only Paul Haggis was bombarded by the media, but all the other actors were not spared. When Sandra Bullock arrived at the scene, she was asked "How do you feel about working with Evan?" The actress who made her mark by appearing in comedy films such as Silly Sister is not really "stupid", on the contrary She is also very familiar with the tricks of the media, "I don't have a direct rivalry with Evan, but he is really a very good actor..." Barabara, it's not easy to compliment a person, Sandra Boo Locke talked a lot, and after seeing the eager expressions on the faces of the reporters disappeared, he said, "In short, this movie is very worth looking forward to. I hope everyone can have their own harvest when they come out of the cinema. ."

The premiere, which was not grand, came to an end amid the praises of the actors. The reporters were also quite helpless. The actors' answers in the official voice did not give any chance to explode. Knowing to lead the conversation to the film itself is king. Therefore, the reporter could not find the explosive point of provocation at all. In desperation, they can only expect the movie to bring some topics.

I heard that when "Crash" was screened at the Toronto Film Festival, the seats were full and there was applause. This is indeed something to look forward to.

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