Great Artist

Chapter 903: group bias

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Empire magazine said, "A masterpiece that is not easy to forget, and the director's deep understanding of social issues is amazing."

A one-sentence review in the Chicago Times argued that "the seemingly dramatic traffic accident reflects the brutal nature of the carnage."

In the "Washington Post", it commented, "One of the few American films that has something to say, and it is extremely wonderful."

Obviously, these media agree with the "Los Angeles Times" view, praised "Crash" one after another, and are very optimistic about Paul Haggis' directorial debut.

Turning to the reviews of "Premier" magazine, they criticized "Crash" "again" and "without any accident". Now everyone knows the reason: Evan Bell is involved in the film, "Premier" is obviously not used to. However, every time the comments of "Premier" have something to say and win a lot of supporters, everyone turns a blind eye to this kind of thing.

Surprisingly, many people still look forward to the "Premier" review every time to see how Elliott Carter can hurt Evan Bell. This is people's curiosity. In the midst of praise, everyone will always be curious. The "premiering" strategy has clearly paid off.

This time, Elliott-Carter considered "Crash" to be a total failure, and "artificiality" became his brief review of the film, in which he listed four counts of "Crash" failure.

"First, the plot is far-fetched and deliberate. Every concatenation of plots is too deliberate, obviously deliberate, and for every sin exaggerated to all believable, there must be a redemption that is less believable. Except Evan Bell Besides - God, Evan finally relied on his personality to shine once, and everyone else has been redeemed, which is too far-fetched." Obviously, this is another irony for Evan Bell.

Evan Bell's Tom Chaisen, who at the end of the movie mistakenly kills the short black gangster and destroys the evidence, is the only one in the movie who doesn't get redemption

"Second, there are rough imitation traces. For the classic movie 'Magnolia, the imitation has gone from screenwriting, editing, and soundtracking to the soundtrack! Then, every imitation is not surpassed, but far inferior. This poor imitation will only remind you For the audience, classics can never be surpassed, and the lack of talent of the director of this film has become more and more obvious." "Magnolia" is a classic work in 1999, which once won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival. For Tom Cruise won him the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, which is regarded as a masterpiece to this day.

"Third, the technique is too forceful. In each forceful scene, the camera circles too long, and there is no aftertaste. Fourth, or the consequences of the first three, the actors are deprived of the space to perform, which makes the whole movie watch It's like a boring puppet show. This makes us wonder when TV directors can give up the cliché of stepping into the film field and let professional film directors do it!"

Elliott Carter almost made "Crash" worthless, bashing the movie from every angle, even putting it in the midst of a bad movie. It also put "Premier" on the opposite side of "Los Angeles Times" and started a war.

In this war, the "Hollywood Reporter" said a sentence that is a little fair, "Maybe 'Crash, it is still a little far from the classic, but this is definitely not a bad movie, on the contrary it is still very good." "The Hollywood Reporter "There's still a lot to like about the movie "Crash" to think that Elliott-Carter is exaggerating, and the more nonsense about the parody of "Magnolia."

For Elliott Carter's provocation, countless magazines have come forward to initiate discussions, some support "Premier", some support "Los Angeles Times", and some support "Hollywood Reporter", this film is in the comments The earthquake-like effect caused by the world is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Before William Wood hit back at Elliott Carter's comments for the first time in Entertainment Weekly, William Wood knew that once he got into a fight with Elliott Carter, the excitement was " Premiere" magazine, or other peers, so there is no need to have the general knowledge of Elliott Carter. But this time, William Wood really disagreed with Elliott Carter's remarks.

"First, if there are no coincidences, then it is not called a movie. Life is built by countless coincidences and fates, and the director and screenwriter are responsible for presenting our life in an artistic way. Second, the shooting method There is another way of saying it is similar to 'Homage to idols', otherwise all those who use montage to shoot horror films should not be Hitchcock plagiarists. Third, the use of lenses, the use of light The use is obviously the best contrast to the plot. The light and shade of each shot have profound meanings, and even the exposure, perspective, and color of each character when they appear on the scene have deep meaning. Fourth, Sandra Bullock's performance in the film is less than six minutes, but it makes people see the color; Matt Dillon's self-redemption is shocking; Evan Bell's shock and confusion from heaven to **** And panic, it has exhausted the inner darkness of every ordinary person. This is a group movie, and it is precisely because of the excellent acting that the movie is even better.”

William - Wood published this review on his blog, but the editor-in-chief of "Entertainment Weekly" expressed enough trust in his capable subordinates to ask for the review to be published in the magazine. It was preceded by William Wood's comprehensive review of "Crash". As a result, this detonated a war of words of course, not only caused the sales of "Entertainment Weekly" and "Premier" to skyrocket, but also made everyone's attention focused on "Crash", and it also caused all media to launch a confrontation. In the intense review of "Crash".

In fact, as The Hollywood Reporter's neutral review put it, "Crash" may not be a classic, but it's definitely not a bad movie either.

Chris Fairbank's review of the film in "Film Review" is a good example of this point.

"Maybe it's not a perfect book, but Paul Haggis tells us, with events in his life that couldn't be more real, that prejudice will cloud our eyes.

In this movie, all the characters are like pearls, not the radiant and flawless pearls, but the less-than-perfect pearls with a little blemish. With the development of the film's plot, one pearl after another is linked by coincidences and conflicts, and the light reflects people's souls. Although every pearl has a blemish, that blemish adds a realness to the splendor.

Real, what kind of life is real? In this society, everyone's life has its own pressure. Everyone has their own story. However, when the pressure on people's shoulders is too heavy and leads to distortion, what bursts out is irritability, rebelliousness, anger, and radicalism. Justice and evil are by no means an absolute proposition, because everyone has a good side and an evil side, it just depends on the angle of observation.

Even more so in this movie, there are no absolute good guys and no absolute bad guys. Everyone has different problems and different sins, but everyone's sins have their own causes, which can make people feel disgusted and at the same time, a trace of pity and compassion will rise in a certain corner of their hearts. pity. This is the charm of this film, which truly reflects human nature, the two sides of human nature, and the struggle of human nature. Self-struggle and contradiction is another kind of crash, and this inner crash is what hurts us the most.

The film revolves around racial conflicts and cultural conflicts, and all kinds of conflicts are brought down in front of everyone. White people want to show equal respect to black people, but they discriminate against black people in their hearts; black people are wary of white people's discrimination on the one hand, and Asians on the other hand, and Asians also discriminate against other people of color.

In the movie, the arrangement of the two crashes at the head and tail is very clever. The first time the car crashed was the wife of an Asian trafficker and a southern beauty detective. Both of them scolded each other's race for discriminating against each other's race. In the crash at the end of the film, the African-American female employee encounters the insurance company's claims adjuster, one black and one Asian, both of whom use each other's race as the target of attack. This phenomenon is very funny and very sad.

Such mutual insults showed their lack of self-confidence, and they all worked hard to please the mainstream society. At the same time, prosecutors, as representatives of white people, are also taking advantage of racial conflicts, speaking hypocritical words, giving out their sympathy as a philanthropist, and then achieving their own goals.

Discrimination is everywhere, especially reflected in small people and disadvantaged groups, but the key is whether you discriminate against yourself. Some discrimination is superficial, such as Police Officer Lane's discrimination against blacks, blacks against Asians, but more The worst thing is the unknowing discrimination from the heart, such as the last police officer Hansen, who opposes discrimination on the surface and subjectively, but deep down he has already accepted the discrimination against Ryan - so he did not report his ex Partner Of course, 'discrimination, the word may be too radical, it may be more appropriate to use 'prejudice, everyone has prejudice. Every group has values, and group values ​​form prejudice in everyone's eyes. Group values ​​are statistically based, and prejudice is justified, although we should look at each individual individually. The nature of human beings reflected in this film is not only in the United States, but also in any country, not only in skin color, but also between different social groups. Using skin color is just easier to understand, and easier than clothes. distinguish. "

Although Chris Fairbank did not respond positively to Elliott v Carter's remarks, he used a "prejudice" to express everyone's well-known point of view: Elliott Carter is because of Evan Bell's remarks Prejudice, so against for the sake of opposition. Chris Fairbanks is much smarter than William Wood. He quietly published a "crash" movie review, and in a wise way, let insiders realize Elliott Carter's incompetence. reason.

However, unexpectedly, although a large number of supporters such as Chris Fairbanks and William Wood are applauding the "crash", the voice of criticism is still not small. Obviously, the controversy over "crash" is more than expected. To be more intense.

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