Great Artist

Chapter 927: flash show

[Volume 4 is brilliant] 927 flash mob performance


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Sebrina Tinaia saw the figure on the back of the truck that made her dream, he was sitting behind the drum, holding a drum stick in his hand and talking and laughing with Andre Lindbergh , From this angle, I can only see that he is wearing a simple white T-shirt, and he can't even see his face because of the distance, but Sebrina Tinaya just feels it, feels it The smile on his face gleamed in the midday sun. ***

Evan Bell, that is Evan Bell, Sebrina Tinaya recognized it at a glance, how could she not recognize it, she was thinking about being able to see Evan Bell once, even when she was dreaming at night. thinking about this. Now, Evan Bell really appeared in front of her, Sebrina Tinaya didn't care whether it was a reality or a dream, she just wanted to run wild, she just wanted to follow, even if she wanted to burn her life at all costs.

So, Sebrina Tinaya ran up and joined the group, and a group of people followed behind the truck. Fabienne Jones reacted almost at the same time, and she didn't have any more ideas, she just followed.

What makes people wonder is that neither Evan Bell nor the rest of the extrajudicial fanatics are shouting with their horns, they are just driving the truck slowly, and then occasionally remembering, they are shouting into the street , more often they are still chatting with each other by themselves. They did not deliberately conceal their whereabouts, but did not specifically publicize their arrival. This in the end is why?

The speed of the truck is not fast, and there are 70 or 80 people behind it, which is not huge, at least compared to the scale of thousands of people where Evan Bell went during the official publicity period. It's a bit shabby, but Evan Bell doesn't seem to care at all, and when the truck reaches the corner of Green Street, it stops.

Evan Bell has stood up, looked around, held a microphone in his hand, and asked directly to his mouth. "Can I park here?"

No one expected that Evan Bell's first sentence was not a greeting, but such a question. But none of the people present did not know Evan Bell, so it didn't matter whether he introduced himself or not. A group of people answered piecemeal, "Yes! Yes!" The voices came one after another.

Sebrina Tinaya only felt that her head was hot. She didn't have any ability to think, she could only rely on her own instinct to react, and she also subconsciously replied "Yes". This voice had no practical meaning in her ears, as if it came back from outside the universe, with an echo of the void.

As the trucks began to search for the stop line, the members of the Outlaws began to prepare. Diego Ramos walked to the front with his bass on his back and looked back at his brother. Then start playing the bass. The bass is low pitched, and Diego Ramos' rhythm is not fast. It's just a muffled sound, from quiet to music, quietly pulling up the rhythm speed, and rendering the atmosphere of the scene. Callistor Ramos also came forward with the guitar on his back, and he was in charge of the melodic guitar, so he used the rhythm of the bass and started to play small pieces of electronic melody. The quiet Green Street quickly became lively and turned into a small performance scene.

Fabiana Jones noticed at this time that the truck was well equipped, with two small speakers and musical instruments, and all the wires were connected to a power strip. If you leave the crowd and look aside, It can be seen that the power strip is followed by a long ground wire, which has been connected to the coffee house on Green Street at this time. Soon, Teddy Bell came out of the coffee house, and then stood directly beside the truck without leaving.

Only two minutes before and after, a small street performance venue was completed on the back of the truck, I have to admire it, fully equipped!

However, Fabiana Jones' eyes were quickly taken back from Teddy Bell, because Evan Bell came to the front on the truck and waved to everyone with a big smile.

At this time, Sebrina Tinaya finally saw the handsome face clearly, because there were less than 100 people in the audience at this time, so her position was very high, about five yards away from Evan Bell. Every detail of his body can be clearly seen.

Evan Bell was dressed simply, a white T-shirt that read "Encore", then covered with a large red cross, meaning "No Encore", paired with a pair of sky blue jeans and orange Canvas shoes, the hemp rope belt around the waist is looming, very eye-catching.

In the eyes of Sebrina Tinaya, Evan Bell is like a god, automatically glowing, with a light that makes people unable to look directly, the whole person is surrounded by the halo, even if the sun comes to the top of the head at noon Can't take away a shred of light from Evan Bell.

"Hey, Jersey, good noon." Evan Bell said into the microphone, just as the crowd in front of the truck started to shout, Evan Bell went on to say, "Evan Bell and the outlaws are here! Let's enjoy this wonderful afternoon! So, 'Hey, life girl, Hey, ster' is a song for everyone."

As soon as Evan Bell's voice fell, there was no time for the audience to react, and the performance of the four extrajudicial fanatics had already begun.

The song "Hey, Life Girl" is included in "Three", and Sebrina Tinaia, Fabiana Jones and others have naturally heard it, and this song is the latest single of the album in two The official release a few days ago has also officially spread throughout the United States. I did not expect that Evan Bell sang this latest single as soon as he arrived in Jersey City today.

In the refreshing guitar sound and the rhythm of the sand hammer, Evan Bell's clear voice rang in the sky above Green Street, "Hey...hey..." This moving voice quickly attracted people around the block. , which made the crowd around the truck start to grow little by little.

"I have your lip print on my left earlobe, I know I will never forget you, so I let myself fall in love with you. You are shrouded in the sweet moonlight, that fragrance appears in every dream I have, in When we met, I decided that you were my destiny."

In the light and lively rhythm, Evan Bell's clear voice is like the spring water when the snow is melting in March, ding-dong in his ears, with a little bit of chill, a little warm breath of spring, and the liveliness and warmth of spring. Joy, dispelling the cold of early November in winter, makes people involuntarily sketch the comfort and chicness of road trips in their minds, and their hands involuntarily start to beat the beat, following Evan Bell's voice together with the rhythm.

The applause of "crack, clap, clap" was a little messy at first, but Evan Bell raised his left hand and tapped the rhythm with a forefinger in the air. Everyone followed this beat and quickly applauded Unify and bring everyone into this cheerful rhythm.

"Hey girl in my life Hey,ster, you don't sing like the Mr. Mister band on the radio at all, know your gestures are so otherworldly. Hey girl in my life, tonight I don't want to Miss your every move, hey...hey..."

Evan Bell's scene seems to have a kind of magic power, which easily substitutes people into the story depicted by his singing, and then can't help but sway with the rhythm of the song, completely integrating into the world of melody, the smile on the corner of his mouth, The rhythm of the hands, the rhythm of the body, everything is so natural, it comes out naturally from the bottom of my heart.

Sebrina Tinaya had completely forgotten herself at this time. Her eyes were only placed on Evan Bell's body, and she couldn't take it away for a moment. She couldn't feel what other people around her were doing, even though the surroundings had been gathered. Surrounded by the crowd, but she didn't feel it at all, she just followed Evan Bell's rhythm and entered this world called "Evan Bell", the corner of her mouth bloomed with the most beautiful smile in the world, exuding a kind of happiness called happiness breath.

The sunshine is like a naughty little elves, dancing in Evan Bell's voice, the joy that dispels all haze, all darkness, and all negative emotions, makes this noon beautiful .

"My only antidote to the awkwardness of your swing dance is to look at you. You're a goddess, I'm your devotee, you're the only one in my dreams. You see, I can finally be myself now, but In fact, for you, I can be anything, and I want the world to see us together."

Evan Bell's transparent voice reflects the appearance of an angel under the azure blue sky, and the gentleness and expression of every word are I am intoxicated and unable to extricate myself. Sebrina Tinaya discovered that Evan Bell has this ability, the ability to make people fall in love at first sight, the ability to make people fall in love at first sight, that kind of heart-pounding, beautiful and unforgettable. His sunny smile, his casual movements, his moving voice... Everything makes people so intoxicated that they feel that they are willing to melt in this sunshine. This is the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Hey girl in my life, I don't want to miss your every move tonight."

When Evan Bell sang the last lyric, Sebrina Tinaya was still deeply intoxicated by the singing, and the melody floating in the air seemed to still be full of vitality, jumping lively under the sunlight . But at this time, Evan Bell's voice came from the microphone again, "Hey, the girl in my life, goodbye."

Sebrina Tinaya stared at Evan Bell's eyes tightly, feeling as if he was saying this to herself, which made her heart beat instantly. But she soon found out that something was wrong, because the truck actually started again, and Evan Bell's figure was getting farther and farther, "Jersey, goodbye!"

Evan Bell just left? He left after singing a song!

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