Great Artist

Chapter 932: There is no danger

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Some flammable foam materials are often used in the studio, and when this material burns, it releases toxic cyanide, so the crowd must be evacuated as soon as possible. 《》www../《》www../

In a huge studio, fire prevention measures must be complete, but because there are too many sets and complexities, there is often no way to press fire hydrants on every set. Generally speaking, one is installed in an area.

Also, not every set has a fire alarm. It just so happened that the set on fire didn't have an alarm, it was just next door, so the alarm didn't go off until the smoke spread to the next door.

David Shore looked at the set full of smoke with lingering fears. Obviously, no one expected that the studio would catch fire! It would be bad if everyone was slow to react, in case the studio collapsed.

Evan Bell suddenly appeared just now, attracting all the attention, and the timing of his appearance was too sudden. I planned to shoot, but I was annoyed not to mention; as the nominal producer of "Doctor House", he appeared for the first time and surprised everyone; but it was too late to be surprised, and even before he could make a sound, he heard Evan Bell said "fire alarm", there is so much information to be processed in this second, it makes people feel that the brain suddenly panics.

When people deal with crisis situations, there are two principles. The first is to accept the last piece of information; the second is that the information that has the greatest impact on them will occupy the main part of the brain. So in the current situation, everyone's first reaction is naturally: fire alarm.

So, no one cares anymore whether the filming of the TV series is interrupted, because even if it is interrupted, it can be restarted; no one cares whether Evan Bell came to the scene, because he will not leave for a short time today.

David Shore was not in a hurry, he listened to Evan Bell's voice, "Please leave the door in order, don't worry, don't worry..." Evan Bell shouted at the top of his voice But his voice was not flustered, with a calming calm, so that the emotions at the scene did not get out of control. Also, almost everyone who has gone through a fire drill knows what to do.

The fire drills in American schools are not notified in advance. In an ordinary class, the fire alarm will suddenly sound, and then the teachers will organize the students to move along the escape route in an orderly manner. Although everyone didn't know whether the alarm was true or not, under the calm guidance of the teacher, although the students were flustered, they were not completely flustered and could complete the retreat safely. It's like an earthquake drill in Japan, which has become a habitual part of their lives.

Therefore, everyone followed the voice of Evan Bell and followed the guidance of Sean Mayer and evacuated the studio in an orderly manner.

Evan Bell saw that everyone had almost left, but David Shaw was still standing there. He couldn't help but walk over, "What's wrong with Shaw, are there any staff in the other sets in the studio?"

David Shore shook his head, "Even if the siren was heard, it should have come out. I was just waiting for the crowd to evacuate, and I was ready to carry these devices out." David Shore was standing at a camera at this time. In the front, Evan Bell looked down, and he was still carrying an iron box in his hand, which should contain the film that had been shot today.

Evan Bell looked back, Hugh Laurie and other actors had already left, and David Shore was left with only two photographers, dismantling the machine, to see how they were not in a hurry , as if nothing happened, but when you look down on their hands, you will be frightened by their speed. This is called professionalism.

Evan Bell did not continue to be polite, "Is there anything I can help."

David Shore saw Evan Bell for the first time today. He heard a lot of rumors, but he didn't know much about himself. However, David Shore didn't intend to look at it any further, and nodded directly, "Can you help take out these notebooks? When we discussed it before, there was a record on it."

When everyone went out just now, they all followed instinct, put down everything around them, and left directly. Therefore, the entire scene is now full of shooting tools and materials. David Shore did not leave immediately, but only stayed to help evacuate the crowd. Now the crowd has basically left, and David Shore looked at the fire and spread it. The speed did not reach the point of urgency, and naturally I thought of my own efforts. No one wants to watch the fruits of their hard work be destroyed like this, let alone this situation that is not very urgent, David Shaw is even more reluctant to let go and run away.

Evan Bell also had the same idea, so he came over to ask. Hearing David Shore's words, Evan Bell bent down and picked up the three laptops next to him, all of which were still on. Evan Bell pulled out the plug directly, folded the notebook like a stack of cookies, stuffed it under his arm, and was ready to leave. Seeing Evan Bell's posture, David Shore looked at Bell and smiled casually, Evan Bell responded with a smile, and then pointed out, "Go out. , in the slow, firefighters are about to come in 'rescue, we're up."

David Shore and the other two photographers couldn't help laughing, but they didn't continue to refuse, and trotted out to the door.

The billowing smoke behind him is like a giant beast, getting stronger and faster, roaring and swallowing the entire studio, like a sandstorm, drowning all the surrounding scenes, leaving only in sight. The tumbling smoke and dust, with an unmatched momentum, devoured everything with the tongue of flame, squeezed the surrounding air completely, heated everything with the scorching temperature, and the air pressure and temperature continued to rise, as if relying solely on this The momentum can melt the studio.

Even if the smoke is still a distance away, even if the fire is still a distance away, the heat wave that is enough to scorch people is chasing behind, forcing Evan Bell and his party of four to speed up, and then speed up, because the neck I felt the high temperature on my back and it seemed that I could burn myself at any time. Even through a layer of clothes, I could feel a thin layer of goose bumps on the skin. The small particles between the blisters and the pimples were clearly visible. A reminder to everyone: if you don't go fast, you're going to be roasted.

Fortunately, this place is not far from the gate, and most of the people have already left, a few hundred yards away, Evan Bell and four people ran for a while, and they saw the light of the gate, and the heat wave behind them seemed to be It lacked a little speed, and was quickly swept away by the cold air pouring in from the gate.

Evan-Bergarli ran a few steps forward and rushed into the white light at the door. The suffocating high temperature and high pressure in the studio were all left behind, and the noisy outdoor voices replaced the flames. The crackling sound that destroyed everything penetrated Evan Bell's eardrum.

When I raised my head, I was replaced by a crowd of people in sight, and not far away, the fiery red fire truck was very conspicuous. Just as Evan Bell came out, a firefighter in uniform came up and held Evan Bell's hands, as if Evan Bell had escaped from death. Evan Bell was dumbfounded, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

The firefighters ignored Evan Bell's words and said directly, "Please stay away from the studio to avoid gas infection."

Evan Bell suddenly woke up. Because of the construction materials in the studio, the gas was poisonous. Even if the firefighters came to put out the fire, they had to evacuate all the crowd first, and the safety of the crowd was their first consideration. Looking back, it was the same with David Shore and the others. The firefighters stepped forward one after another, took the things in their hands, and then helped them to evacuate into the distance.

Evan Bell walked another fifty yards and the entire studio crew was here. Not far away, there are other studio staff watching. In Burbank's photography base, although fires don't happen often, it's not uncommon, but everyone is concerned about whether anyone is injured. .

Sean Mayer greeted him, and if something happened to Evan Bell, he would probably die of guilt. After he left the studio just now, he recalled the situation just now. Evan Bell rushed towards the fire source immediately, and then organized everyone to leave the scene. He even confirmed that everyone had left, and became the last group of people to leave.

"Evan, are you crazy?" Sean Mayer asked worriedly, "David, why did you stay until the end? You didn't know it was a fire, a fire! You should have been together as soon as possible. Come All these props can be purchased again, it's not the most important part."

"Sean, you see I'm so weak, you're still nagging..." Before Evan Bell finished speaking, Sean Mayer's expression froze. Living. Of course Evan Bell has no problem, he just doesn't want Sean Mayer to worry about it any longer. It was really interesting to see Sean Mayer's stuck expression.

But I didn't expect that Evan Bell's words stabbed a hornet's nest, and Sean Mayer immediately turned back and shouted, "Ambulance, ambulance, Evan needs to be treated..."

Sean Mayer's words made everyone around him focus their attention. Although Evan Bell's performance today can't be said to turn the tide and become a hero or something, it is indeed his vigilance that minimizes the damage and avoids more panic. What's more, he is still Evan Bell, who has attracted the attention of countless people. Therefore, when Sean Mayer said that "Evan needs medical treatment", everyone became nervous.

Evan Bell stood there, and it was his turn with a frozen expression.

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