Great Artist

Chapter 958: fitness


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"Wait!" This time it was Evan Bell. He interrupted Gore Verbinski's slogan for the shooting and made everyone around him turn their attention, but Evan Bell said At the end, "God, I feel like my blood is about to coagulate, let me jump on the spot twice and move on.**" Then, I saw Evan Bell carrying a bamboo pole, like a little rabbit, standing there Jump up.

Everyone's expressions are quite weird. On the one hand, they feel that Evan Bell's actions are too happy, but on the other hand, they feel that what Evan Bell said is not wrong. He was **** and down. Twenty minutes later, the blood is indeed different. Therefore, everyone looks like they want to laugh but feel inappropriate.

Evan Bell was still jumping out of breath, even if he didn't see everyone's expressions, he knew what everyone was thinking at the moment, so he panted, "Laugh if you want, don't hold back. That's it." This sentence seemed to be a fuse, and all of the people around him burst into laughter. It wasn't so funny before, but this hold, and then stimulated by Evan Bell, it suddenly turned into a belly laugh.

Evan Bell also just jumped to get the blood flowing again, so it was ready in no time. Gore Verbinski gave an order, and the big drum next to him began to beat, and the tribal natives were still shouting at the same time. Just the drum beat and the shouting, they formed a wonderful rhythm. Evan Bell couldn't help but think of African percussion. Many times, just by changing the rhythm of the drum and the type of drum, he can play a wide variety of music. This is indeed a very magical thing.

But soon Evan Bell didn't have time to think about these questions, because the two strong extras, separated to the left and right, lifted the bamboo pole that was interspersed behind Evan Bell, and then stood up. At this time, Gore-Verbinski's shout became clear in his ears, "Two, one..." The shooting has begun.

The distance between the face and the yellow sand on the ground began to widen. Evan-Bell only felt that the whole person was pulled down by gravity, not only the weight of the whole person, but also a heavy object on his back, all the weight down The finger-thick rope is deeply sunk into the muscles of the arms and abdomen. This rope is a hemp rope used for pulling fibers, which is very rough. And because of the filming, Evan Bell is now wearing a thin shirt, and there is an extra vest on his abdomen to block, but the effect is not great. Evan Bell could clearly feel that the rope was drawn into his muscles, and even if he inhaled and tightened, it would not help. The rope easily broke through Evan Bell's defense line and began to tighten little by little. .

After reaching a certain height, Evan Bell began to shake, and the ground in front of him began to move. After a while, the other side's good firewood branches appeared in sight, with dead branches, straw and large pieces of firewood. Formed a huge bonfire. "Huh" Evan-Bell felt that the distance from the ground was pulled again, and the shaking of his body became more obvious, followed by a clicking sound, and then he stopped shaking.

Evan Bell knew he was being framed.

At this moment, listening to the shouting next to him and looking at the bonfire below, even if Evan Bell did not suggest himself, he could clearly feel that he was the meat on the chopping board, and he was the one that was about to be cooked by the fire. "Suckling pig", "Well done." Evan Bell said something subconsciously, and Gore Verbinski heard this sentence from the monitor. After Evan Bell added a sentence, it became more vivid. It further highlights the unruly but fearful personality of Captain Jack Sparrow.

At this time, a torch was stretched out, and he was about to light the fire. Captain Jack Sparrow's eyes were constantly drifting, a little timid, a little cunning, and a little scared. On the one hand, he was a coward who was afraid of death. "But on the other hand, he won't give up, and he won't give up until he has a real hang-up.

Suddenly, another child aborigines ran over and said anxiously in the native language. The extremely clever Captain Jack Sparrow had already studied the "tribal language" and understood the content of the conversation. The captives they had captured, the crew of the Black Pearl and Will-Turner Jr., were planning to escape.

Captain Jack Sparrow glanced at the natives holding the torches, and noticed their hesitation. The natives of the tribe were hesitating, whether it was more important to eat "meal" first or capture the captives back. So, Captain Jack Sparrow knew immediately that his opportunity was coming, and said quickly, "Go, go grab them." Then he shouted with the motivating sentence "Pe Lara" in the indigenous language, which immediately inspired the mood of the residents. Hurrah, and everyone ran away.

But the problem was that the torch was thrown right next to the bonfire, and the falling sparks rolled on the straw, "No no, oh, no no..." Captain Jack Sparrow yelled angrily. But at this time, everyone was overexcited, and no one paid any attention to what happened to the Captain, and ran away.

"Not good! Captain Jack Sparrow said depressedly, looking at the sparks flying towards him, the captain had to puff up and try to use his lung capacity to defeat the natural wind, but how can manpower compete with the natural force? Well, the sparks are still unstoppable toward the bonfire.

When dry wood and dry grass meet Mars, what will happen? Naturally a fire. The bonfire burned up immediately, and the depressed Captain Jack Sparrow was also dazed. He was still trying his best to blow on the gradually burning flames, trying to blow out the flames in front of him like a giant blowing out a candle. It's a pity that the captain is not a giant, and the flames in front of him are not candles. With a hula-la, the whole fire is burning.

Wisdom in urgency. At this moment, the wisdom of Captain Jack Sparrow's years of adventure finally came to the fore.

Captain Jack Sparrow began to use his abdominal force to let himself fall down, because the bamboo pole on his back is elastic, so when the whole person falls to the lowest point, it will naturally bounce back. Then this rebound force, the whole person concentrated the power on the waist again, and quickly pressed down when falling, so that the arc of the bamboo pole's rebound gradually began to increase three times, the captain not only used the waist but the whole person. He began to press down, but he was firmly tied to the bamboo pole, and it was really not an easy job to exert force on the upper body and calf.

But fortunately, Captain Jack Sparrow is skilled, and the whole bamboo pole swayed. When the bamboo pole leaped from the support pole, the captain slanted to the right and fell to the right side with a click. On the ground, fortunately, this is only a half-person height distance, and if you fall, you will only be hit by the sand on the ground twice. Moreover, Captain Jack Sparrow used the power of his fall to turn outside again, avoiding the blazing fire directly.

"Ka!" Gore Verbinski's voice came over, "Evan, are you alright?"

In fact, during the filming just now, the bonfire was naturally not lit, and special effects will be used to make it later, otherwise Evan Bell tossed it twice, and fell into the fire without mastering the strength, or his hair and shirt were ignited. Well, that would be bad. Therefore, there is not much danger when filming. The most important thing is that Evan Bell must master the power to jump down, otherwise the whole face will fall towards the bonfire. Although there are protective measures underneath, at least it will not be **** or something. , but I guess it hurts enough.

Evan Bell was lying on the ground, panting, don't underestimate the scene that lasted less than a minute, but it was very exhausting. "How is it? How does it work?" This kind of scene is best done once, otherwise the actors will suffer.

Gore Verbinski walked over, "Yes, let's take another close-up." It was a panorama just now, but now it's a close-up and a close-up. It is also necessary to shoot a scene from multiple angles. "Need a break?"

"No, come on, take a rest, I guess I won't be able to find the swaying rhythm just now." Being hung on it in the pose of a suckling pig, how to master the swaying pose is not an easy task .

Hearing Evan-Bell's answer, the staff grabbed the two ends of the bamboo pole again and pulled Evan-Bell up♀Because it was a close-up, the bonfire below was cleaned up and a sponge was laid on it. Pad to make sure Evan Bell doesn't get hurt when he falls.

It's a pity that after the second shooting angle was not mastered, it was shot twice in succession, and this was finally completed in less than a minute. Next, is the follow-up escape.

Captain Jack Sparrow fell to the ground and rolled, and then the force of inertia directly kicked the rope on his feet, then kicked the rope on his feet neatly, and started running out with the bamboo pole on his back. But because the bamboo pole was too long, he could only bend over and run rampant with the bamboo pole on his back. Before Gore-Verbinski shouted "card", the staff exclaimed, "Hey, Be careful."

At this time, Evan Bell was a humanoid weapon, carrying a bamboo pole on his back, and he couldn't see the front. So all the surrounding staff exclaimed.

Evan Bell hurriedly braked the car, stood there and dared not move, but said with a smile on his mouth, "It seems that my power is very scary, and I was shocked at once."

"It's just you that's scary." Orlando Bloom's voice came from next to him, he gently piled on the bamboo pole, Evan Bell couldn't stand still, and began to spin in place, looking very embarrassed. Everyone around laughed. Orlando Bloom is still too "kind" to play pranks too hard. If Eden Hudson is here, he will definitely push Evan Bell like a top.

Evan Bell turned for half a circle, then fell to his knees on the ground, panting and depressingly said, "The turtle's life is really difficult." The laughter next to him grew even louder.

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