Great Artist

Chapter 993: trade-off

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"All? Hehe." Steve Jobs couldn't help chuckling when he heard Evan Bell's "big talk", but he didn't say much, just that "hehe" chuckle, which contained too much A lot of information seems to be saying, "Young people really love to talk big, and they are not afraid of the wind and flash their tongues." .

As Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs has always been praised for his big-picture vision and keen sense of where the future is headed. Think about it, when Pixar was bought by Steve Jobs from George Lucas, it was just an animation division of Industrial Light and Magic. It was only $10 million, and now it has become the leading animation studio in the United States. ·It's the fragrant bun that everyone is greedy for. And Evan Bell is even more aware that in the future, Disney will spend a full $6.7 billion for Pixar. This is a 670-fold increase from the $10 million that year.

Such Steve Jobs, when considering cooperation with Disney, naturally thought of all aspects, distribution channels, work resources, studio quality, and future stability. Steve Jobs has made comprehensive consideration. The conclusion is that Disney is indeed the best choice, not only because Disney can satisfy Steve Jobs's idea of ​​maximizing interests, not to mention the two parties have had good cooperation for more than ten years. Of course, the premise is that Michael Inas steps down, otherwise cooperation is impossible. But even Disney can't satisfy all the ideas of Steve Jobs, at least, Pixar's ** will be seriously challenged.

Evan Bell certainly knows what it's like to talk big in front of Steve Jobs. Others may not see Apple's excellence yet, but he absolutely knows it. But under such circumstances, Evan Bell still said this, naturally he had his own considerations.

Evan Bell knew that although he was only tentative when he first talked about cooperation matters, he failed to impress Steve Jobs. The main reason was that he did not clearly explain the advantages of Eleven Studios. At that time, Evan Bell analyzed a lot, and various pros and cons were explained, but Steve Jobs was very clear about these things, and there was no need for Evan Bell to analyze it with him. However, Evan Bell was only conducting a preliminary test at that time, so it doesn't matter if he didn't achieve his goal. But today is Evan Bell's second chance. He must seize it. He wants to make Steve Jobs clearly realize: what is the advantage of Eleven Studio, so as to make Steve Jobs inner Add the name of Shangxi Studio to the waiting list of partners.

So, Evan Bell is talking big.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not a "big talk", because Evan Bell would say so from a source.

"First of all, let's look at the distribution channels of Pixar's works. The strength of Disney's distribution resources is that it has a large distribution network and a good reputation for animation. However, as of now, neither of these seem to dominate. In terms of distribution networks, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. are the biggest distribution companies; as for cartoons, Disney is already behind in 3D computer animation. So if Pixar wants to ensure distribution, and either Even large film companies can achieve their goals, and even if they are independent, there must be many companies that come to the door." In fact, I discussed this issue last time. Evan Bell did not say much, which is also the most disadvantageous of Eleven Studios. the point.

"In terms of work resources, hehe, Steve, you don't think young people will log on to twnes to watch those old-fashioned Disney animations, right? Disney's work resources are rich, but in fact, the real use is very limited. I think it is a dream. The works of the factory have an advantage over Disney in this respect, not to mention other companies. Of course, in my opinion, the work resources of Eleven Studio are definitely more attractive to young people than Disney, although our work resources Very few, even a little pitiful, but just an 'American Idol, I think it's attractive enough." Evan Bell's words hit the key point in Steve Jobs' heart at once. .

Indeed, in fact, Steve Jobs' biggest desire for Disney is not distribution channels, but works resources. A stable distribution channel is important, but as Evan Bell said, with the quality of Pixar's works, the distribution company is definitely not lacking, but the negotiation process is a little troublesome. But the resources of the works are different, which are crucial works for the future development of itvnes. Steve Jobs was well aware of how important it was for twnes that Evan Bell commercialized digital music; he was also well aware of the power of "American Idol" right now. It is true that Eleven Studios may not have any advantage in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, it is definitely not inferior to any major film company.

"As for the studio's autonomy, I don't think Pixar will face this problem as long as it's not working with major studios," Evan Bell said simply, "So, keep Pixar's best interests at bay. , I think it would be a very good idea to reach a cooperation between Pixar and DreamWorks, or Eleven Studio." Unlike the last time, Evan Bell did not mention any independent business, but put Eleven Studio. It was pushed out directly, and the willingness to cooperate was very directly expressed.

It was only then that John Lasseter realized that Eleven Studio and Pixar had the idea of ​​cooperating. If you can cooperate with Eleven Studio, this is really good. Perhaps, Eleven Studio does not have much advantage in distribution channels and work resources, but it does allow Pixar to have a free development future.

In the second negotiation, compared to the last time, Steve Jobs only added a new content to his mind: that is, the resources of the Eleven Studio's works seem to be more valuable than he thought. If it is said that Steve Jobs was very interested in the last time, he did not say anything, let alone specific actions; then this time, Steve Jobs did take Eleven Studio into consideration. .

Take a look at the current partnership between Evan Bell and Pixar Studios... Needless to say, Steve Jobs has gotten his answer from the excitement in John Lasseter's eyes. The so-called cooperation is a matter of trade-off of interests. It was the case in the past, it is the case now, and it will be the same in the future. Now, the stakes on Eleven Studios have increased, so Steve Jobs is willing to take it into consideration, but the final decision is still a matter of trade-offs.

Looking at the calm smile on Steve Jobs' face, Evan Bell secretly cursed in his heart, and he was very dissatisfied with his performance today. Because in the cooperation plan with Pixar, Eleven Studios can come up with too few chips, and it is too difficult to compete with Disney.

"What did you say for dinner just now?" Steve Jobs didn't respond to Evan Bell's words, regardless of whether the topic was blunt or not, and jumped back to the topic just now.

Evan Bell was a little discouraged, but he still said with a smile on his face, "French cuisine, how is it, are you interested? I talked to Brad and the others about French cuisine for a long time in the afternoon, and now my mind is full of these things. "

"Brad's house is full of mice, I'm embarrassed for you, and now my head is not full of mice." Although John Lasseter has great expectations for the cooperation of Eleven Studio, he also knows that, Business matters are still up to Steve v Jobs, not only because Steve Jobs owns 5.1 percent of Pixar Studios, but also because Steve Jobs is the real business man. So, John Lasseter did not continue on this topic.

Hearing this sentence, Evan Bell's whole face suddenly wrinkled, "I really admire Brad, he doesn't mind this question at all." Just entered Brad Bird's conference room, There are at least twenty mouse cages placed inside. They said that in order to draw the protagonist little mouse Remy in "Ratatouille" vividly, they had to observe the form of the mouse up close, so they brought a bunch of mice over.

In fact, if it was just a few, it would be fine, but when there were more than two dozen, when they were discussing, the mice kept crawling in the cage. also said they thought it was weird at first, but they got used to it. God, habit? "

Evan Bell, along with John Lasseter and Steve Jobs, left the conference room and joined the group heading for dinner.

Although Evan Bell didn't make much movement on the surface, he was very clear in his heart that he still didn't grasp the second chance today. Steve v Jobs still doesn't look moved. This frustrates him a bit.

Evan Bell actually knows very well that the biggest disadvantage of Eleven Studios is the distribution channel. If there is a distribution channel, it is estimated that the cooperation plan with Pixar Studio will be much more confident.

Regarding the distribution channel, in fact, when David Greenblatt was still in the company, they discussed it. But Eleven Studio was originally a small company. At the beginning, even the eleven production department was not fully established, and there was no energy to manage the distribution. Therefore, Evan Bell decided that there is no need to be too greedy, and focus on the production of works. But now it seems that the issue of distribution channels has restricted the further development of Eleven Studios.

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