Great Artist

Chapter 997: video site

~Date:~Oct 08~

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After the acquisition target is determined, the next step is to negotiate. This process will be very long, and it may last for a year. However, if it is fast, Lang Youqing and concubine are interested, and it is absolutely possible that the negotiation will be successful in a week or two. The ☆ important thing is to watch Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson play.

"I have to be thankful that I'm not the one who has been negotiating with others. Just imagining myself sitting at the negotiating table makes my scalp tingle." Sean Mayer said with a funny expression. He is very aware of his strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to negotiation, it is his character and his shortcomings that he is too careless in thinking about things. If he sits at the negotiating table, it is estimated that he will have nothing to say if his underwear is picked up by others.

What is extremely difficult for Sean Mayer is not difficult in the eyes of Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson. One learns management and one learns law, which must contend with countless difficulties. specialized. Seeing the lingering fear on Sean Mayer's face, Teddy Bell laughed.

Eden Hudson turned to Evan Bell, "Have you heard of a video sharing website? How is it different from 'Facebook (k)'?"

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows and laughed, "These are two completely different things. 'Facebook' is a social network, we use websites to make friends; video sharing websites..." Speaking of which, Evan- Belt paused, utube should not have been established yet, and now he does not know any of the famous video sites, "Countless netizens can post their own original videos for everyone to see. You can share the video. The website is imagined as a TV on a computer. You can see all kinds of weird videos, and you can also see videos from the perspective of onlookers that do not appear on the news. Of course, it is estimated that movies, TV series, and mv will also appear♀ It's a video sharing site, and it's not about socializing. It's about sharing."

In Evan Bell's view, Eden Hudson should be confused by the word "share", "Facebook" is to share photos, share one's own life, share one's own social network; video site is to share" Videos" - a wide variety of videos.

"What's the matter? Suddenly remembered asking about the video sharing website?" Evan Bell just asked casually. Eden Hudson's gossip personality often asks some inexplicable things, and then uses his brain hidden under the iceberg to run on his own, who knows what conclusions he can draw in the end.

"It's just that you mentioned this distribution channel. I think the Internet seems to be a good channel now." Eden Hudson's words made Teddy Bell and Sean Mayer confused. , while Evan Bell was a little surprised. You know, people realize that the Internet can also be a distribution channel, at least in 2008, or even after 2009. Eden Hudson has this awareness right now. It's very rare. "You know, we can cooperate with itunes to put our movies and TV on itunes for paid download and viewing." This plan was developed by Evan Bertie, and now Eleven Studios know it, "I I was thinking, why can't I leave itunes? For example, blogs, places like 'Facebook', build a website to share videos, and use the website to promote and even distribute."

Eden Hudson's current thinking is a bit confusing and unclear, but Evan Bell understands it, because this is still a constant discussion for 2012.

"I went to Palo Alto once last week, and you know, the lawsuit, by the way, is still unresolved. Mark is a total eccentric bastard." Eden Hudson said with a calm expression on his face. The expression was swearing. Then he returned to the topic he said nonchalantly, "There. I met a few young entrepreneurs who were starting a business and they were arguing about video sharing sites in Pizza Hut." In fact, there is Evan Bell. , Eden-Hudson has a clear understanding of the role of the network, and is also very sensitive to the expansion of this aspect. Otherwise, Eden Hudson wouldn't care what websites a few college students were discussing. "Afterwards, I went up to chat with them and gained a lot."

Eden Hudson is more professional than Evan Bell in the field of networking. The prototype of Eleven Blog was built by Eden Hudson. So it's not hard to get this iceberg to talk to a bunch of tech nerds -- except, of course, Mark Zuckerberg.

"The three of them have set up a video sharing website called 'utube', and they are discussing what videos should be uploaded and how to promote it in the future. You know, if you want to make this kind of website bigger, the investment is huge. Yes, they are in the early stages of their business now, so they don't have a clear plan." Eden Hudson looked at Evan Bell and asked for his opinion, "Do you think this kind of video sharing site can be a distribution channel? "

Evan Bell didn't answer right away, but asked Eden Hudson to tell everything he knew about Youtube.

In fact, what Eden Hudson is talking about is the industry giant utube, which will occupy more than 43 percent of the global video website market share. The share is only 3.5 percentage points. This gap can never be made up through hard work. This is an absolute advantage.

Chad Haley, Judd Karim and Steve Chen (Chen Shijun), a young Chinese-American, founded utube. They compiled the website's admiration and code. This website serves various uploaders. Provide a platform where they can share their favorite videos, including movie clips, TV clips, music videos, homemade amateur videos, and more. And netizens can search for videos they are interested in through this website. It is a website to share life and interests through videos.

If "Facebook" has created the myth of social networking, then utube is a well-deserved leader of video sharing websites. For a lifetime, after utube was established, the three founders knew that video sharing websites did not have enough funds and servers. cannot be developed. Think of the "Facebook" Mu, Mark Zuckerberg is constantly buying servers to provide support for high access traffic. For video sharing sites, uploaders' uploads are a huge burden compared to "Facebook", and the number of servers they need is definitely hundreds of thousands of times that of social networks.

So, the three founders began to seek investment in Silicon Valley, and soon won the favor of venture capital giant Sequoia Group, investing $100 million to make the video-sharing site grow rapidly. Five months later, Google Inc. Acquired utube website for $650 million. After years of development, utube has become not only a well-deserved video sharing website, but also the third largest website in the world, followed by Facebook and Yahoo.

However, both utube and "Facebook" have an unavoidable problem, that is, making money. "Facebook" relies on a huge audience base, innovates in advertising placement, and has achieved considerable development prospects after listing, and the problem of profitability has basically been solved. And utube has not been able to turn losses into profits until 2010, which made Google quite embarrassed. Since 2011, Google has come up with many novel methods, which alleviated the problem of utube. Before the rebirth of Evan Bell's car accident, utube has actually been on a slow profit track, which is a welcome thing.

When Eden Hudson met Chad Holly, Judd Karim, and Steve Chen at Pizza Hut, they had just finished building the site and were discussing what videos to upload to start the site. work. As for future promotion, they knew they were going to invest in venture capital companies, but because of their connections, they were completely black-faced♀ All three young people had just graduated from college and met each other at PayPal. Only then did I know that the three of them were alumni. Later, they resigned from the company and created the utube website together.

"So you're saying that the site is just getting started, and the first video hasn't even been uploaded yet?" Evan Bell doesn't remember very clearly when utube was created, so he's never been sure. Evan Bell actually thought about utube before, but the future of this website is Google's fancy, and the problem of profitability is also very serious, so Evan Bell did not take it to heart. But life is always full of surprises. Who would have thought that Eden Hudson would actually have an interest in utube.

Eden Hudson nodded.

"So? Do you think this website can be a distribution channel? Then you mean we can invest in this website?" Teddy Bell asked aloud from the side, he knew a lot about this aspect Little, he didn't even ask too much about "Facebook".

"Yes, why not? Since Evan Bell can use a few million dollars of investment to become the second largest shareholder of 'Facebook', why can't we cultivate an online distribution channel by ourselves, no matter whether it can become a tenth in the future A major distribution channel for a studio, but at least the investment can still be established, no?" Eden Hudson didn't have this idea at all, he just heard about the video sharing site and was nervous. Then Eleven Studio began to open up its own distribution channel, so he felt that the two were somewhat related, so he said it and discussed it with Evan Bell. But now after speaking, Eden Hudson thinks, why not?

Evan Bell sat next to him but didn't rush to express his opinion. Seeing both Eden Hudson and Teddy Bell appear contemplative, he said, "Eden, you know the video sharing website How troublesome is it?"


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