Great Country Academician

Chapter 132 The Companion Star’s Influence on Betelgeuse (Part 2)

After the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem accurately calculates the parameter information of distant celestial bodies and throws it on the arXiv preprint server, Xu Chuan no longer cares about it.

As for the sensation in the astronomical world, it is only spread in the astronomical world for the time being, and it has not broken the circle yet.

Knowing this paper, many astronomy researchers are trying to find a way to understand this paper, but the mathematical knowledge in it is too profound, and almost no one in the entire astronomy community can understand it.

However, the circle of the scientific research community is only so big, and the astronomy community is still linked to the mathematics community, so many astronomers who are concerned about this aspect go to the mathematics professors they have worked with before with their papers.

It is hoped that the mathematics community can help them verify whether the calculation process and calculation method in this paper are correct.

At the same time, the insiders of the journal "Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics" also broke out that the paper is currently in their hands and is being reviewed.

But at the same time, they also encountered a troublesome thing.

That is the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, a theorem that has only been publicly announced in the mathematical community a few months ago. At present, not many people in the entire mathematical community are familiar with this area.

And the contributor of this paper is the original author who proved the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, so now they can't find a suitable person to review this paper.

This is the biggest trouble.

Xu Chuan didn't know the fluctuations in the astronomical and astrophysical circles. After delivering the paper, he didn't pay attention to it for the time being, and he entered a state of rest.

After all, I had been busy for two or three months before and didn't have a good rest. Sometimes I had to stay up all night to sort out the data.

But before he could rest for a few days, the large-scale national astronomical conference hosted by Nantah University was held.

In this meeting, as the founder of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem method for accurately calculating the parameter information of distant celestial bodies, he must participate.

The modern domestic astronomy community actually started very late. The quantity and quality of various large-scale astronomical facilities, including sky survey satellites, large-scale outer-sky space telescopes, and other equipment, currently have a clear gap compared with Western countries.

However, Huaguo is developing and catching up quickly. For example, the Sky Eye, which is currently under construction and located in Zhizhou, QNBYZMZ, Guizhou Province, has created a new model for building giant telescopes with a 500-meter-aperture spherical radio telescope.

A radio telescope with a reflective surface equivalent to 30 football fields has been built, and its sensitivity is more than 2.5 times that of the world's second largest telescope, which greatly expands human vision and is used to explore the origin and evolution of the universe.

In addition, large space stations, survey telescopes and other equipment are also under construction.

When these devices are put into use, Huaguo will become the world's top astronomical observation country.

And now, the timing is perfect.

The emergence of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies, combined with various astronomical equipment, in the next few years, a large number of top astronomers will emerge in Huaguo.

This is the benefit of a subject with breakthroughs at the forefront.

Even if the method of accurately calculating the parameter information of distant celestial bodies is open to the world, as long as he, the founder, has the heart to spread it, he is destined to be ahead of other countries in this subject.

For a brand-new method, especially mathematics, the understanding of the founder will almost inevitably surpass others within ten or even twenty years after the method appears.

A large-scale astronomical conference was held, and astronomers from all over the country came to NTU.

Xu Chuan picked himself up and rode a shared bicycle to the School of Astronomy and Space Science, which was quite far from his dormitory.

Coming to the School of Astronomy and Space Science, the atmosphere of the large conference here is full.

Signs and promotional newspapers were hung on the road, and banners were drawn in front of the teaching building and laboratory building, which is enough to prove that Nantah University attaches great importance to this large-scale astronomical conference.

After all, although the astronomy department of Nantah University ranks among the top universities in the country, universities are universities, and compared with those top astronomical scientific research institutions, their influence is still much weaker.

Therefore, there are not many opportunities to hold such a national astronomical conference. If there is such an opportunity, it must be more formal.

"Chuan God is here."

Outside the auditorium where the meeting was held, Meng Can, a doctoral student from the Department of Astronomy who came to the meeting, greeted with a smile.

He participated in the observation experiment of Betelgeuse before, so he naturally knew Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan said hello, took a meeting schedule from Meng Can, and flipped through it.

It has to be said that with the intervention of the headquarters of the Huaguo Astronomical Society, the influence of this astronomical conference has directly radiated to the whole country, and basically all major famous astronomical institutions have arranged for people to come.

For example, the chairman of the Astronomical Society, the academician Chang Jin of the National Astronomical Observatory, the academician Han Zhanwen of the Southern Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, the director of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc.

These people are almost all the top group in the domestic astronomy circle.

And those ordinary researchers, astronomers, and astronomy professors needless to say, there are 373 people at the end of the list.

It can be said that apart from the large-scale astronomical exchange meeting organized by the Huaguo Astronomical Society every four years, there are almost no other conferences of this scale.

After all, the astronomical community itself is not big, and there are even fewer astronomers involved in the study of cosmic stars.

The program of this large-scale astronomical exchange meeting will last for three days. On the first day, the opening ceremony will be held in the morning and the leaders will give speeches. In the afternoon, the School of Astronomy and Space Science of Nantah University will report on the observation of Betelgeuse.

This work should have been done by Xu Chuan, after all, the research and observation project of Betelgeuse belonged to him.

But Xu Chuan thought it was troublesome. On the second day of the meeting, he had to give a speech and explain the method of Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies, so he left the matter to the School of Astronomy and Space Science .

The Astronomy Department is also willing to accept such troubles. The opportunity to show up in front of so many top scientific research leaders in the country is naturally extremely rare in the eyes of others.

The third day was a small internal meeting. The Astronomical Society organized top talents from various universities and top astronomical research institutes to discuss and exchange the influence of Betelgeuse's companion star on Betelgeuse.

This is also what Xu Chuan is concerned about. He doesn't care about the scale of the meeting. What he cares more about is whether these astronomers can calculate whether the companion star in Betelgeuse has any influence on Betelgeuse after this exchange meeting. Influence.

That's what he's keeping his eye on.

For him, the best result is that the companion star has an impact on Betelgeuse, which can prompt Betelgeuse to explode as a supernova in advance, but it will not affect the magnetic pole of Betelgeuse, and will not change the radiation area of ​​the gamma-ray burst.

In this way, maybe he can still observe the most beautiful fireworks in the universe in his lifetime, which will bring new developments to high-energy physics and will not affect the earth.

This is the best result.

The first two days passed quickly.

On the third day, the School of Astronomy and Space Science of Nantah University arranged a small meeting in the teaching building. There were not many participants, less than 20 people, but most of the top leaders in the domestic astronomy field gathered. .

Xu Chuan seemed extraordinarily out of place among a group of middle-aged and elderly men.

"Student Xu Chuan, do you have any idea to work in our Baicheng Institute of Astronomy after graduation?"

At the meeting, an old man wearing black-rimmed glasses smiled and talked with Xu Chuan.

The corners of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched, what the hell is pulling him to engage in astronomy.

But before he could answer, another old man said, "Come on, old man, you really like to pull people around. He is good at mathematics, and he proved a world-class conjecture at a young age. You go to the observatory? This is a serious waste of talent."

Hearing this, the old man surnamed Fu retorted: "What is a waste of talents? Doing mathematics and astronomy are both contributions to the country, and the status is the same."

On the opposite side, the old man glanced disdainfully: "Thank you for thinking about it, and thank you for being so brave to say it, I don't want to repair it."

"What do you mean."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Su Dingqiang, the dean of the Astronomical Institute of Nantah University, quickly persuaded them to make peace. These two people are really living Taishan Beidou in today's astronomical world.

The former is called Fu Gongli, who led the development of the domestic astronomical community from being poor to the present, and laid the foundation for the development of the domestic astronomical community.

The latter is Wang Shouguan, one of the founders of modern astrophysics in Huaguo. He pioneered the observation and research of radio astronomy in Huaguo, greatly improved the accuracy of timing signals, promoted the development of astrometry, and developed a variety of radio astronomy. astronomical equipment.

In addition, he has participated in several large-scale engineering projects.

For example, Professor Nan Rendong, the chief scientist and chief engineer of Qiangui's large Tianyan, is his student, and he participated in the design and manufacture of Tianyan.

If these two quarreled in Nantah University, no one could be found to persuade them.

Compared with the confirmation exchange meeting in the first two days, the exchange meeting on the third day was less formal.

It is not so much a meeting as it is an exchange between colleagues.

"Academician Wang, from your calculations, it seems that the companion star in the hydrogen envelope of Betelgeuse will not affect Betelgeuse?"

At the exchange meeting, after Academician Wang Shouguan showed his views and preliminary calculations, Xu Chuan looked at the elderly man.

The old man was born in 1923 and is now 93 years old, but his mental state is quite good, and he is still engaged in teaching and research work, but it is not official anymore.

Wang Shouguan smiled and nodded, and said: "I have read all the materials submitted by the Astronomical Institute of Nantah University to an astronomical society. Although I don't understand the calculation process in it, there is your calculation of the mass of Betelgeuse and the companion star on it. .”

"Before I came, I had someone calculate it. If your data is accurate, the companion star in the hydrogen envelope will hardly affect the magnetic pole of Betelgeuse."

"Because the mass difference between the two is too large, ten times the mass difference, the only result is that Betelgeuse directly produces a huge gravitational release energy when the core collapses in the supernova explosion, and pushes out the stable companion star. .”

"If it can still maintain its shape at the moment of the supernova explosion, this companion star will become a 'lonely' wandering star in the universe."

"But it is more likely that it will be destroyed in a supernova explosion."

"Because it is too close to the core of Betelgeuse."

"The powerful impact will be like a scalpel, peeling the star layer by layer like an onion, starting from the outer layer, stripping off all the matter, and finally turning it into hydrogen, helium and other materials that are free in the universe. "

"With luck, over time, this material may reform into a clump, reusing material ejected by Betelgeuse's supernova explosion and the original material from the companion star to slowly recombine into a new star." .”

"However, this time is too long. It may take millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. We cannot observe it."

Xu Chuan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Although this old man is over ninety years old, his thinking and expression are clear, even ordinary people who don't understand astronomy can understand.

After confirming that the companion star will not affect the magnetic poles of Betelgeuse, Xu Chuan also felt a lump in his heart, but he still had a doubt, so he immediately asked:

"Will the supernova explosion of Betelgeuse be advanced or delayed by the existence of this companion star?"

Academician Wang Shouguan pondered for a while, and said: "This cannot be determined, it depends on how far Betelgeuse has reached his old age."

After saying a word, he looked at Xu Chuan, and continued, "You should know some knowledge about astronomy, so I'll just say it."

"Whether the supernova explosion of Betelgeuse will be affected by the existence of this companion star depends on the state of Betelgeuse itself."

"You know, Betelgeuse is now in its old age, and it has evolved into a red supergiant star."

"However, limited by observation technology and computing technology, the astronomical community does not yet know exactly where it has reached the red supergiant star."

"If it is only the initial stage of burning helium in the fusion body, then the time from the supernova explosion must be calculated on the basis of at least a thousand years, and the companion star will not affect it at this stage."

"But if it has reached the late stage of helium fusion and starts to fuse materials such as lithium, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, this companion star may affect Betelgeuse, allowing it to explode as a supernova earlier."

"The key point here is that the fusion of helium subsequent materials is very fast, and the reaction of the star's core will be very strong, and it will explode with very strong energy."

"Like carbon fusion, we call it 'carbon flash.'"

"Its fusion time is very short, less than a second. Under normal circumstances, it will flash within 0.01 seconds to 0.9 seconds, but the energy burst out in this extremely short period of time is quite strong."

"If the carbon flash is large, it could even be powerful enough to tear apart Betelgeuse, tearing a huge crack in the surface of the star."

"Under normal circumstances, this crack will be quickly filled by the surrounding matter, but if the position of the carbon flash happens to correspond to the companion star, affected by the gravity of the companion star, the filling speed may not be so fast."

"It may be only a few seconds off, but it will also have a huge impact on Betelgeuse."

"For example, when cracks exist, Betelgeuse will eject a large amount of matter outward, and reduce the 'electron degeneracy pressure' of the inner core to a certain extent.

"And when the electron degeneracy pressure in the core is reduced to not enough to support Chandrasekhar's limit mass, the core inside the star can no longer support the entire star."

"The extremely powerful gravitational force may directly crush the core, triggering a supernova explosion or core collapse."

"From this point of view, the existence of a companion star may have an impact on the Betelgeuse supernova explosion."

"Of course, the probability of this is actually very small."

Chat status.

Yesterday at one or two o'clock at noon, the body temperature was 37.8. Except for the tightness of the lungs, some tingling when taking a deep breath, and the unstoppable coughing, there were no other symptoms, and the spirit was good.

Around nine o'clock in the evening and close to ten o'clock in the evening, the body temperature rose to 38.7 degrees, the chest tightness intensified a lot, and the throat was a little itchy, but the mental state was still good.

That's it for now, it's over, I'll check the situation when I wake up today.

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