Great Country Academician

Chapter 208 The tears of the astronomical world flowed to the mathematical world

After sending away Halifax Bruce, the director of the PPPL laboratory, Xu Chuan felt a little headache.

Judging from the memories of my previous life in my mind, the PPPL plasma laboratory under the direct jurisdiction of the US Department of Energy seems to be studying how to control plasma turbulence in the past two years.

This also fits the purpose that Bruce came to him, to control for modeling plasma turbulence.

As for the specific progress and situation, he is not very clear. After all, when he conducted experiments at PPPL in his previous life, it was already after 2030.

Although he has seen some historical data of PPPL laboratories, it has been a long time and he can't remember clearly.

But what he can be sure of is that the study must have failed and was abandoned in the end.

After all, if it succeeds, the PPPL laboratory will definitely apply this technology, and he will definitely have a very clear memory.

After watching Halifax Bruce leave, Xu Chuan turned around and picked up his cell phone from the sofa, preparing to buy a ticket to return home.

But when the booking software was opened, he finally forked out the ticket purchase page after hesitating for a while.

Although it is necessary to return to China as soon as possible, it is not suitable now. He is still waiting for an opportunity, but he does not know if it will come.

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan stabilized his emotions and began to think.

The experience of his previous life made him panic when he faced the application of nuclear energy physics in this country again.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, you can know that being approached by PPPL is not something that is so urgent that he needs to buy a ticket to return to China immediately.

According to the habits of this immigrant country, if he wants to stay, then the executive of the immigrant ju must come to invite him personally, not the director of a laboratory.

This has something to do with the immigration policy of the United States. In fact, a top scholar like him is no longer limited to ordinary immigration applications.

Even the highest EB-1A talent application in the US immigration policy is not worthy of his achievements.

For such talents, immigrants are generally introduced specially.

For example, in March of this year, Cao Yuan, a genius who completed the 1.1° superconductivity experiment of double-layer parallel graphene, was specially invited by American immigrant Ju.

So if the United States really invited him to stay, it would probably be someone from the immigration office who came in person, not the director of PPPL.

Bruce came to him, most likely accepted Fefferman's suggestion, and wanted to invite him to study the control of plasma turbulence with Fefferman in the past.

But now that he has rejected the invitation with an annual salary of 1.5 million meters, Bruce will go back and discuss with other senior managers and managers to discuss whether to increase the price and pay other prices to continue inviting him.

But according to the behavior of the Americans, there is a high probability that continuing to raise the price will be denied.

Because the Philippine Award winner Fefferman has accepted the invitation.

It is not worth spending a lot of money to invite another mathematician when a top mathematician has already accepted the invitation.

The probability of putting this in any laboratory or company is the same. The annual salary of 1.5 million yuan is already very high. If it is raised again, who knows how much it will take to get him done.

Therefore, according to speculation, the PPPL laboratory will definitely let Fefferman try it alone first. If the work can be advanced, there is no need to invite him again.

If Fefferman can't push forward, then PPPL will definitely come back to find him.

So when will the next invitation be, it depends on Fefferman's personal ability.

But what is certain is that there is a high probability that Fefferman will not be able to solve this problem, even with the help of Purdue University.

On the one hand, the phased results of the NS equation cannot provide support for plasma turbulence modeling.

On the other hand, Fefferman's physical ability is not good.

Xu Chuan couldn't be more clear about the ability of this friend. Not to mention mathematics, the winner of the Philippine Award, the world's top expert.

I also have some abilities in physics, but they are basically limited to the analysis of high-energy physics and particle physics, which I learned when I cooperated with Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

As for fluid mechanics, although Fefferman had some contact with the relationship between the study of manifold mathematics, he was not in-depth and basically had no contact with turbulence.

When the two of them cooperated in the previous life, he taught him little by little knowledge about in-depth fluid mechanics.

It is impossible to model plasma turbulence without knowing much about turbulence. Not even with the assistance of Purdue University's turbulence experts.

If possible, he and Fefferman had already solved this problem in the previous life.

If possible, he would never have to risk going to Princeton to study mathematics in his life.

So what is certain is that as long as the PPPL laboratory does not give up the control of plasma turbulence, it will definitely come to him again later.

At that time, more favorable conditions will definitely be offered.

For example, helping him immigrate, bonuses, profit sharing, revenue sharing, promising academician glory and other things.

Although the PPPL laboratory does not have such a large amount of energy, its boss does.

In order to retain a talent, this immigrant country can offer conditions that many people can't imagine.

As for when to come to him, it depends on Fefferman's ability.

But according to his understanding of Fefferman, this time may be about two to three months.

After thinking about these things clearly, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a little.

I have to say that Fefferman, his best friend for two lifetimes, really scared him this time, so scared that he almost bought a ticket and ran away.

Of course, this pot can't actually be thrown at Fefferman's head.

Instead, he has to thank this friend.

Without the thoughts and ideas brought by Fefferman, it is not known how long it would take to produce the phased results of the NS equation.

One of the purposes of his coming to Princeton in this life is to seek to establish a mathematical model for the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Now with this staged result, he can move forward at most two steps, and then he can try modeling.

After getting the control model of plasma turbulence, combined with superconducting materials, double magnetic mirror system and other things he researched in his previous life, he can try to launch a charge towards controllable nuclear fusion.

Although the problems of the first wall material and tritium self-sustainability are still not too big, as long as the ultra-high temperature plasma in the reactor chamber is controlled, the remaining troubles will be far less serious.

It's like taming a wild horse. The first thing you have to do is put the rein on it.

As long as the rein is put on, there is a certain chance of taming it.

However, before trying to tame the wild horse, he had to go back first.

Fortunately, he has never entered the field of applied science in his life.

Research in pure theory and basic science has not been overemphasized by the country at the foot of the current year.

If you wait 20 or 21 years, when this country starts to block talents in the field of basic science, with his current achievements, he will definitely not be able to go back.

As for now, there is still plenty of time. He should still be able to leave before he officially rejects the immigration invitation and tears his face.

In fact, at this meeting, Xu Chuan probably has some speculations in his mind as to why the United States, including his home country, has not moved yet, and no one from the immigration office or talent introduction organization has come to look for him.

However, this speculation still needs some time to be verified.

After returning to a normal life, Xu Chuan devoted his time to teaching his four students and continuing to make breakthroughs in the NS equation.

However, this time there is no liver explosion research, just a follow-up attempt on the NS equation, and even the main attention is not on it.

The days passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye, the time came to the end of June.

As he expected, in the past ten days, the PPPL physics laboratory did not come to him again, and Fefferman disappeared in Princeton.

Obviously, the PPPL laboratory finally chose a more 'economical' approach.

After all, the annual salary of 1,500,000 meters gold is scary enough, and if there is a further increase, no one knows how much that young genius needs to be invited.

What's more, Xu Chuan's age is there. Even if he is in his early twenties, even if he has great achievements in mathematics, he does not have enough scientific research experience.

Whether it is worth paying a huge price to invite him, even with the endorsement of Fefferman, the winner of the Feifei Award, is also an uncertain thing.

In comparison, it is undoubtedly safer to let Fefferman try alone first.

This also allowed Xu Chuan to further confirm his guess.

At the end of June, on this day, Xu Chuan was explaining the tools of 'Algebraic Clusters and Group Mapping' to his four students, when the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Xu Chuan stopped explaining, took out his phone and took a look. The number seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it for a while.

After the call was connected, the voice from the other end came over: "Hello, Professor Xu Chuan, I am Martin Grücher, Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union."

Some familiar voices made a figure that looked exactly like a bald eagle appear in Xu Chuan's mind. He smiled and said, "Hello, Secretary-General Martin."

Martin Grücher, Executive Committee Member and Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union, a mathematician from a Germanic country, but his inverted V-shaped eyebrows, hooked nose, and sharp eyes make him look like the national bird of the United States, the bald eagle quite similar.

However, contrary to his appearance, Martin has a very easy-going personality, and he once promoted the holding of the 2006 International Mathematical Conference in Huaguo.

Prior to this, he had received a call from the secretary-general in April, inviting him to attend the International Mathematical Union Congress and give a one-hour report at the meeting.

"I hope the call didn't disturb your research." Martin Gretcher said on the phone with a smile: "I'm calling you this time to invite you to give a 60-minute report at the International Mathematical Congress."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was a little puzzled: "A one-hour report? But I remember that I promised to come last time, and I have already submitted all the papers for the report."

Martin Groucher explained: "This 60-minute report is an extra invitation."

"Because of your previous expansion of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles are eager for you to explain it in detail. After receiving letters from many well-known scholars, and after discussions in the committee, I would like to invite you You will give an additional report at this mathematics conference."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, confused, and asked hesitantly, "Write to you from the astronomical and astrophysical circles? Ask me to give a math report? What's the situation?"

Martin Groucher shrugged and said: "Yes, they said that they have sent you many emails and made many phone calls, and wanted to ask you to explain the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, but You've been putting it off with no time."

"Many scholars who study astronomy find it difficult to use your extended Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem freely, so they eagerly hope that you will hold several more lectures."

After a pause, Secretary-General Martin then jokingly said: "Three Nobel Prize winners in astrophysics and more than 20 top scholars in non-mathematical fields can jointly write a letter to the International Mathematical Union, please a mathematician. You are the first one to do math reports since the establishment of IMU, and it is probably a miracle that will never happen again in the future.”

"In addition, Professor Sal Perlmutter wanted me to tell you that if you came to the stage to report on the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem this time, he would write to the Nobel Committee every year until you won the Nobel Prize."

Three Nobel Prize scholars and more than 20 top scholars jointly wrote to IMU, and IMU could not ignore this application.

Moreover, it is the responsibility of IMU to promote international mathematical research cooperation, encourage and support international mathematical activities that are conducive to the development of mathematical science.

The International Mathematical Union will definitely find ways to promote this kind of report meeting that will help expand the influence of mathematics.


Hearing Martin's explanation, Xu Chuan paused for a moment, with an embarrassing expression, a little dumbfounded.

After being reminded by the secretary-general, he finally remembered the emails that were randomly disposed of in the mailbox in the past, as well as the phone calls that he had dealt with casually.

It's just that he really didn't expect that the casual rejections in the past would all go to the IMU of the International Mathematical Union.

Although he didn't care much about the achievements of the astronomical community, he was too embarrassed to refute when things had gotten to this point.

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