Great Country Academician

Chapter 210 Greater than the Nobel Prize

At the end of July, in the southern hemisphere, Brazil's second largest city, Rio de Janeiro, began to be lively on the 30th.

The quadrennial International Mathematical Conference will be held here soon, and mathematicians from all over the world will gather here.

As the largest and most important large-scale exchange meeting in the mathematics field, the International Mathematical Congress is the most important event in the mathematics field.

The conference is held every four years. The first conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland in 1897. It has a history of more than 100 years.

It is a global academic conference on mathematical sciences, known as the Olympic event in the mathematics world.

It has been more than a hundred years since the first session was held in 1897, and has witnessed the rise of top mathematicians one after another, such as Poincaré, Hilbert, Klein and other great mathematicians. participated in this event.

And this year's mathematics conference will witness a new batch of young mathematicians rising like bright stars.

Xu Chuan, the youngest tenured researcher of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton; Peter Schulz, the highest-level W3 full professor at the University of Bonn in Germany; Australian professor Aksayi Venkatesh who won medals in both competitions

Too many outstanding young mathematicians gathered at this event, waiting for the highest honor in the mathematics world - the Fields Medal.

Among these people, the most anticipated one is Xu Chuan, a young scholar from Huaguo.

The two reports registered on the official website of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) are very exciting.

One about the Xu-Hodge theorem, one about the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

It is foreseeable that these are probably the two most brilliant and lively speeches at this year's International Mathematical Conference.

The former is one of the seven millennium problems in the mathematics world, a hot spot that attracts much attention, a century problem related to the one million gold award for Clay mathematics research, and a bridge connecting algebraic geometry, topology and mathematical analysis.

What is certain is that almost all mathematicians attending this conference will attend this report if there is no accident.

Even though the proof paper of Hodge’s conjecture has been peer-reviewed for several months, there are still no more than one percent of people in the mathematics world who can understand this paper.

Of course, this kind of top-level mathematical conjecture proof paper is not prepared for ordinary mathematicians.

Ordinary mathematicians want to understand this paper, and the difficulty is no lower than that of scholars in astronomy and astrophysics who want to understand the extended application of Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

However, as a bridge connecting the three major fields of algebraic geometry, topology and mathematical analysis, its importance is beyond doubt and invaluable.

In particular, the core tool in the proof paper: "Algebraic Variety and Group Mapping Tool", is even more valuable.

Not only Xu Chuan himself, but many mathematicians in the field of topology have noticed its remaining potential.

This mathematical tool also has great potential in other issues similar to Hodge's conjecture, so many mathematics professors are studying and learning algebraic varieties and group mapping tools.

It's just that there are too many mathematical fields involved in this tool, and it is difficult to understand in a short time.

If there is a detailed explanation by the creator, it will be much easier to understand.

Therefore, many mathematicians came here for Xu Chuan's lecture. After all, if they can use this tool to solve a world-class problem, they may also have the opportunity to touch the highest glory in the mathematics world.

As for the extended application report meeting of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, many mathematicians paid attention to this report meeting, but not as many as the Xu-Hodge theorem.

After all, this mathematical result has been published for two or three years, and mathematicians in the field of isospectrum have basically studied related papers.

Those who paid attention to this report were more astronomers and astrophysicists invited by the International Mathematical Union.

For them, the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem can bring huge results, and it is not impossible for them to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The New Zealand astrophysics professor who discovered the 'TRAPPIST-1' star system last year was on the list of candidates for the Nobel Prize. If it wasn't for the shocking discovery of gravitational waves, he might even have the opportunity to touch the world's highest honor.

People in the astronomy and astrophysics circles really don't know what the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are thinking.

Obviously, the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem is worthy of the Nobel Prize in Physics, even greater than the discovery of gravitational waves. After all, it is not the first discovery of gravitational waves, and its importance is far less than that of the first discovery. High, but those nt committees just refused to award him the Nobel Prize.

A tool that can accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies is of self-evident importance to human beings.

Perhaps human beings are still unable to immigrate to alien galaxies, but it can help humans save countless time and energy in the future, to screen and find those planets suitable for human immigration from the vast sea of ​​stars and countless galaxies, just like this New Zealand professor found In the 'TRAPPIST-1' galaxy, a second 'Earth' was found as well.

In this respect, its value is beyond what the Nobel Prize can describe.

On July 31st, Xu Chuan brought his four students to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Although tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the conference, the hotel arranged by the International Mathematical Union is already full of people.

After getting off the taxi, Xu Chuan was recognized as soon as he walked into the hotel gate.

"Professor Xu Chuan?"

A middle-aged man saw Xu Chuan walking in. After calling out in surprise, he walked over quickly, and the attention of others in the spacious hotel lobby was also attracted.


Xu Chuan smiled and greeted the stranger in front of him. He didn't know this person, but as he proved Hodge's conjecture, it was normal for him to be recognized by others.

It's like when he was still studying, he would take the initiative to say hello to Deligne, Wei Teng and other top bosses who met for the first time to make their faces familiar. Only now he was the one being visited.

"Professor Xu, nice to meet you. My name is Athol Bennett. I am an astrophysicist. The extended application tool of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem you created is the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. Mathematics tool, you are amazing!"

Athol Bennett, who came forward, stretched out his hands enthusiastically, and slapped him after a bragging flattery.

Xu Chuan didn't care, and said with a smile: "The ability of mathematics is there, it just depends on whether you can find a way to use it. The Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem is just a weak part."

"You are too humble. This is the greatest tool in the astronomy world. It can bring about the future for mankind." Athol Bennett shook Xu Chuan's hand.

After a pause, Professor Athol said in a somewhat aggrieved voice: "It's just that it's too profound. I've studied it for more than a year, but I still haven't fully grasped its usage."

Xu Chuan: "I hope the report the day after tomorrow will give you some insights."

"I'm ready, just waiting for the report to come." Athor looked excited, but then he changed his tone and asked cautiously: "But before that, can I ask you for a contact information? OK."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem."

Hearing this, other scholars gathered around in the hall also spoke one after another.

"Professor Xu, can I also ask you for your contact information? I have some math questions and I want to ask you for advice."

"Chuan God! Can you take a photo with me?"

"Can you sign it for me? I want to give it to my son. I hope he can be as good in mathematics as you are."

The turbulent crowd surrounded Xu Chuan, as if a zombie saw a living person, they raised their hands and shouted frantically.

But Gu Bing and Amelia had been squeezed out, standing outside the encirclement, you look at me, I look at you, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, the staff of the International Mathematical Union arranged to receive the guests in the hall discovered the situation here, and ran over in time to rescue Xu Chuan from the crowd.

After dealing with the other scholars in the hall, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, led the four students through the check-in procedures, and was just about to go upstairs when he saw a few familiar figures.

After seeing clearly the figure walking in front, his eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly.

"Academician Pan."

Xu Chuan walked quickly to the front of the team and stood in front of an old man.

The old man in front of him was Academician Deming Pan, a great and respected mathematician whom he had met at the Crawford Awards Ceremony.

Seeing Xu Chuan, Pan Deming quickly walked out of the team, held Xu Chuan's hand tightly, and had a smile on his face.

"Meet you again, Professor Xu Chuan."

"Why do you come here in person? It's tiring to travel long distances."

Xu Chuan greeted with a smile. The old man in front of him is already in his eighties and almost ninety years old. He never expected to fly over from China at this age.

"Compared to the energy you spent proving Hodge's conjecture, my running around is nothing. I walked dozens of kilometers in the Taklimakan desert back then, not to mention that now I only need to sit in a plane and a car."

After a pause, the old man looked Xu Chuan up and down, and sighed: "How many years have passed, and our country has finally produced such a mathematician. You are the glory of the country."

"Old Pan is serious. I just did what a scholar should do." Xu Chuan said modestly.

Pan Deming smiled, did not continue on this topic, but turned around and said, "I'll introduce you to two people."

"Zhang Wei and Xu Chenyang are both excellent young mathematicians. Maybe I can talk to you about some math problems."

Xu Chuan naturally knew the golden generation of Peking University, but he didn't expect that these two people came here with the team of Peking University.

After all, both of them are now working at universities in the United States.

After shaking hands with the two of them respectively, Xu Chuan greeted with a smile: "Wei Shen, last time we said goodbye, long time no see."

"Yangshen, I've heard of your name since I was in school. Your solution to the linear increase problem of an automorphism group of algebraic varieties has inspired me a lot."

Zhang Wei, who is thin and wearing rimless black glasses, laughed and joked, "In front of you, God Chuan, this title is unacceptable."

On the side, Xu Chenyang, who was chubby, also smiled and said: "Young generation under the age of 40, who dares to proclaim themselves a god in front of God Chuan? I'm afraid Schultz would not dare."

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes slightly, and said helplessly, "The two masters, please stop teasing me."

The three of them were communicating with each other, and the huge team from Peking University spread out behind them, looking at the few people in front of them who were communicating with each other, a little agitated and excited.

Peking University's team is very large, there are thirty or forty people, but most of them are students who came to see the world with their tutors and professors.

After seeing Xu Chuan, these students, who were basically older than Xu Chuan, were like star-chasing fans seeing the star they were chasing, their eyes lit up and they were very excited.

If it weren't for the big bosses in front of the scene, these students would have rushed forward to ask for autographs, ask for group photos, and inhale European spirit.

After all, they had heard the name Xu Chuan too much.

Starting from the proof of the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture, to the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, to the Xu-Hodge theorem, to the NS equation

Everything about this name is legend.

For any young scholars in Huaguo who are interested in furthering mathematics, the name Xu Chuan is not only like a bright lighthouse on the coastline, guiding them forward; it is also like Mount Everest, overlooking the plateau of mathematics, It is more like the sun hanging in the sky, exuding bright brilliance, but it is beyond reach.

Adding more can only be put in tomorrow morning (not finished yet), I played very late last night, and I only woke up this afternoon, sorry.

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