Great Country Academician

Chapter 212 The Youngest Philippine Award Winner in History

The Fields Medal, as the highest honor a young mathematician can get, is undoubtedly the honor it represents, and it is the goal that all young mathematicians pursue.

When Professor Shigefumi Mori, chairman of the International Mathematical Union Committee, spoke again, all eyes fell on him.

Whether it was the audience in the venue or the audience watching the live broadcast on the Internet, they all stared at this rather thin old man with fiery eyes.

The former hoped to hear his name from him; the latter hoped to hear the name he wanted to hear from him.

Especially those scholars who were expected to win the Fields Medal, or those related to them, all looked nervously and expectantly at the old man on the stage.

Even Xu Chuan, when this moment came, could not help holding his breath, waiting for the arrival of fate.

Especially for those mathematicians who are much older but hope to touch this medal, such as Zhang Wei, Xu Chenyang from Peking University, Professor Kocher Birkar from Iran, etc., they are even more apprehensive. Nervous and looking forward to.

This year's International Mathematical Congress is the last chance for them to get access to the Philippine Prize in their careers.

In four more years, they will have crossed the age limit of forty for the Filipino Awards.

If you don't get it this year, you won't have another chance in the future.

Sensing the expectant eyes and tense atmosphere in the audience, Professor Shigefumi Mori pushed his glasses and spoke slowly.

A solemn and steady voice sounded in the venue, and the award speech of the first Fields Medal winner spread from the podium to the entire venue, and then spread to the whole world.

"He has a very high talent in mathematics, a persistent spirit of research, and an extraordinary effort."

"Since he won the full score gold medal in the International Olympiad, this young scholar has never stopped pursuing mathematics and even science."

"From the Weyl-Berry conjecture to the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, from Hodge's standard conjecture to the Xu-Hodge theorem. He took one epic problem after another from the mathematics hall, and conquered one mountain after another. "

"Not only that, for mathematics, he is also able to apply it skillfully to other disciplines. From the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, to the use of mathematical methods to complete the calculation of the mystery of the proton radius, to the calculation of high-energy The Emergence Channel of Physical Particles”

"His research spanned the three major fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy, brought a brand-new method to the astronomy and astrophysics circles, and lit a bright light for the future of mankind."

"At the age of twenty, such great achievements and contributions are made. I believe this cannot be explained by an excellent talent. Behind the greatness, there is more sweat and hard work that ordinary people cannot see."

When the award speech was finished, the host on the podium, Xi Sen, scanned the entire assembly hall again, and his eyes finally stopped for a moment on a young man in the front row.

After a pause, the chairman of the International Mathematical Union Committee took a deep breath, and continued in a solemn tone: "The first winner of the Fields Medal is Xu Chuan!"

As soon as the words fell, applause like a mountain torrent and earthquake erupted in the entire conference, which was deafening and long-lasting.

When this name appeared, he had already become a legend; only 20 years old Fields Medal winner, the youngest Fields Medal winner in history, and the first Fields Medal winner in Huaguo.

When this name appeared, the entire venue, whether it was a mathematician, an astronomer, an astrophysicist, or an ordinary audience who came from outside to participate in this grand event, all of them felt excited.

In the venue, thunderous applause lasted for a long time, and in the channel broadcast live through CTV media, tens of millions of netizens instantly maxed out the entire live broadcast room.


[Big guy is awesome! Shout! 】

[The first Fields Medal winner of Chinese nationality, the youngest Fields Medal winner in history, witness the legend! 】

[The youth is strong, the country is strong! We finally got a Fields Medal too, which is not easy. 】

[The 20-year-old Fields Medal winner is too scary. When I was 20 years old, I was only a sophomore, and people could already be my mentor. 】

[Squinting smile, I'm afraid this is not a mentor for you, but a mentor for your mentor's mentor's mentor. 】

[If I remember correctly, the youngest winner of the Philippine Award should be Professor Jean-Pierre Serre, who won the Philippine Award at the age of 27, which set the record forward for a full seven years I am afraid that no one will be able to break this record in the future. 】

[Terrible, really scary, so scary! 】

[Every time I watch this, I realize that I am a fw. 】

[There are three kinds of geniuses in the world, one is born, one is a hard-working genius, and the other is a combination of two, I am neither of the three, I am just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary, working hard every day to repay the mortgage . 】

【Sometimes the gap between people is bigger than between people and dogs. 】

In the live broadcast room with tens of millions of people, the bullet screen was vented like a flood.

For Huaguo, this is a carnival. The 20-year-old Fields Medal winner not only broke the embarrassing situation that Huaguo had no native Filipino winner, but also directly broke the record for the youngest winner of the Filipino Award, unprecedented.

A Fields Medal represents more than just a gold medal and 15,000 Canadian dollars.

It also means that the scholars of this country have stepped onto the international stage and made their own voices; it also means that the mathematics level of this country is in line with the international standards, and even has been at the forefront in some fields.

In the conference hall, the applause like a tide lasted for a long time.

Amidst the applause, Xu Chuan stood up with a smile on his face, first bowed slightly to the audience in the venue behind him to show his respect, and then walked onto the stage amidst more enthusiastic applause.

Surrounded by the eyes and cameras of the audience, he stepped onto the stage and stood in the center.

Shigefumi Mori, president of the International Federation of Mathematicians, hugged Xu Chuan with a smile, then took a gold badge from the staff and put it on for him.

Xu Chuan bowed slightly so that the old man in front of him could put on the medal for him.

"Congratulations, Professor Xu Chuan."

After wearing the medal, the old professor shook hands with Xu Chuan again and sent congratulations on behalf of the International Union of Mathematicians.

Wearing a golden medal, Xu Chuan thanked with a smile, and stood in the center of the stage, and the commemorative scene was photographed by media from all over the world.

The ceremony continued with the announcement of the first winner.

Without any suspense, the second winner is Peter Schulz from the Germanic country.

This is a Germanic professor who is known as the Mozart of mathematics and the genius of the century, and is known as the successor of Pope Grothendieck.

During his doctoral period, he created his own mathematical tool "similar to complete geometry".

When he was a professor, he not only fully applied the geometric method in the field of algebra, solved several difficult problems in the field of algebraic geometry through this method, but also further optimized the "seemingly complete geometry" and promoted it to "P· S into domain - geometry theory'.

Using the "P·S Progression-Geometric Theory", Schultz successfully built a solid bridge between geometry and algebra, and made a major breakthrough in the Langlands program, one of the three major programs in the mathematics world.

The contribution of such a top leader in the field of arithmetic algebraic geometry is obvious to all.

In fact, at the International Mathematical Congress four years ago, Schultz, who was only 27 years old at the time, had the opportunity to break the record set by Professor Jean-Pierre Serre.

But unfortunately, the mathematics community was not familiar with his "P·S Progression-Geometric Theory" at that time, which caused him to miss this opportunity.

And after this great man made a series of major breakthroughs on the Langlands program by using the "PS Progression-Geometric Theory", no one can doubt the excellence of this theoretical tool.

If Xu Chuan, a rising star, hadn't proved Hodge's conjecture and brought the "Algebraic Variety and Group Mapping Tool", he should be the first candidate for this year's Philippine Award.

As for the third winner of the Philippine Award, it is Professor Kocher Birkar, a scholar from Iran.

This is a mathematician who came out of the war.

When he came up from the stage, Xu Chuan cast an interested look.

He wondered if history would repeat itself again.

This Professor Kaucher Bilkar is the mathematician who has 'won' two Phi Medals in history.

The reason is that the medal was stolen just over half an hour after he stepped down with the award.

The current staff failed to retrieve his medal in the end, but after discussions with the International Mathematical Union, the organizing committee held a special ceremony to re-issue the Fields Medal to him.

So Professor Kocher became the only mathematician who won the Philippine Award twice.

Xu Chuan knew about this and had contact with the professor yesterday.

But he didn't remind the professor to keep his briefcase safe.

Won the Philippine Award twice, this can also be said to be a story full of "legends" in the mathematics world. Anyway, the professor did not lose anything. The briefcase and wallet were finally recovered. Just a medal and a little money.

In the end, the medal was reissued, rounded up, which means that nothing was lost, and I also received two "unique" Philippine awards, which is still very good.

As for the fourth Philippine Award, it was awarded to Professor Aksaj Venkatesh from Australia, in recognition of his contributions to the comprehensive analysis of number theory, homogeneous dynamical systems, topology and representation theory, and to solve Long-standing problems with the distribution of arithmetic objects are solved.

Another Philippine Award winner this year, Professor Alessio Figalli from Italy, regrettably missed this year's Fields Award because of Xu Chuan's appearance.

However, he is not without opportunities. He is only 34 years old this year, and after another four years, he still has a chance to win the Fields Medal.

Perhaps the neighborhood committee of the International Mathematical Union took this into consideration and chose Professor Aksay between Professor Aksay Venkatesh and him.

After all, Professor Aksayi Venkatesh is 37 years old, and he will miss the Fields Medal after waiting for another four years.

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