After chatting with Mu Liangcai for a while, Xu Chuan bid farewell to the two and left alone.

In the villa apartment, Pan Deming was sitting opposite Mu Liangcai, with a smile on his face, he took a sip of tea and said, "It's good to go back to China, Professor Xu is a real genius."

On the opposite side, Mu Liangcai also smiled and said, "Yes, Professor Xu is a real top scholar. For such a scholar, we are more at ease when he returns to China. There are too many accidents staying there."

"If there were no other arrangements, we would have taken him back to China long ago."

Pan Deming smiled and said, "I don't know how far he can go in the future, but from the current point of view, he is still devoted to learning."

After a pause, Elder Pan sighed again, and continued: "The domestic academic environment needs to be rectified. It's too bad to retain talents."

"It's time to change the previous thinking. We have a very unhealthy traditional thinking, thinking that intellectuals should live in poverty, and research funds should be mainly used to buy equipment, which leads to relatively large restrictions on labor costs for researchers."

"This kind of thinking is extremely harmful to the development of science. Compared with advocating feelings, improving the treatment of scientific researchers, especially the treatment of graduate students, is the real feasible way."

On the opposite side, Mu Liangcai smiled and said nothing.

Some things, it's not that they don't know, but it's too difficult to change.

In many cases, it is not that the country does not do it, but that it cannot be done, or that it has to pay a huge price, which is not worth it in comparison.

Changes in the academic system and scientific research require money to support them.

country, no money. This is the biggest problem.

Regardless of the fact that China's GDP ranks second in the world, second only to the United States, but that is based on its large size. On average, it is directly out of 50 per person.

The size is large, and any change in anything is a stormy sea.

I want to change it, but it's hard.

A small boat is easy to turn around, but a big boat requires a long journey.

But as long as the direction is right, it can always be done.

Xu Chuan didn't think about it that much. He doesn't really care about the academic environment in China now, or he doesn't think about it that much.

All he wants now is a cleaner academic environment in China.

This is difficult for others, but it is not so difficult for him. The country invites him to make a request, and the above-mentioned words are enough.

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan stepped into the venue of the exchange conference, planning to find other mathematicians to exchange ideas.

This International Mathematical Congress is probably the last good chance.

If you miss it, you will have to wait another four years. Second, it is a question of whether he can go abroad for exchanges after four years. After all, he is still a purely theoretical researcher, and all his achievements are basically public. Every country can study.

After returning to China, he switched to application and began to study room-temperature superconducting materials, nanomaterials and other things, and it became a big trouble.

At that time, if he wants to go out, the higher-ups will arrange people to dissuade him.

However, if it is difficult to go abroad, there may be an opportunity to facilitate the holding of the International Mathematics Conference in China, so that he does not need to go out.

Moreover, with his current ability, coupled with Hua Guo's economic take-off, the national strength has become much stronger, so it may not be hopeless to accomplish this matter.

At least in China, it is impossible for a thief to steal the Fields Medal winner's medal at the mathematics conference.

This time at the International Mathematical Union, he may be able to use this point to promote it.

Although it is a bit late to make a move now, it must still be done. As a big country with the second largest economy in the world, it is too shabby to have held an International Mathematical Conference.

However, it is a troublesome thing to do, and some mathematicians at home and abroad have to be contacted to jointly promote it.

It is difficult for him alone, even if he is a Philippine Award winner, to promote this matter.

"Forget it, let's talk about it first. Anyway, there is no rush. There will be a meeting to vote on the next day after the end. There is still time to proceed."

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan stepped into the exchange meeting venue to find other mathematicians for exchange.

The afternoon passed quickly.

On August 2nd, the second day after the International Congress of Mathematicians, the mathematics exchange meeting officially opened.

Every four years, the International Mathematical Union will invite a group of top mathematicians to give reports at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

This is not only their duty, but also the honor of mathematicians who are on stage to give reports.

Mathematicians who can be invited to give 45-minute or one-hour reports at the conference are top talents in various countries.

Just like Hua Guo, if he has the ability to give a 45-minute report at the International Mathematical Conference, he is eligible to apply for Changjiang Scholars; if it is a one-hour report meeting, he is even eligible to apply for a national academician.

Of course, at the International Congress of Mathematicians, in addition to the one-hour and forty-five-minute reports that start at a fixed time, there are also ten-minute reports for general scholars.

Any scholar participating in this mathematics report meeting can apply to the International Mathematical Union for a 10-minute report meeting in the field of their interest to demonstrate their ability.

If you're lucky, you might have a better chance if you fall into the eyes of a top expert.

Naturally, the mathematicians who came to the conference would not let go of this opportunity to intuitively understand the latest research trends in the mathematics world and to supplement their knowledge in the field of interest.

Of course, limited by the development of mathematics today, there are quite a lot of reports at each International Mathematical Congress.

There are hundreds of lectures just by invitation, not to mention those 10th lectures that are self-applied, the number is even more.

In order to allow mathematicians to find the reports they are interested in, the organizers of the International Mathematical Union have planned the reports of these applications by category.

This year's International Mathematics Conference roughly divided more than 20 categories.

Xu Chuan didn't know exactly how many classifications, he didn't look carefully at those forms.

In fact, at his level, most of the symposiums are of little value. Generally, only symposiums held by mathematicians of the same class are of any value.

After all, the report meeting is not a private exchange, it is open to mathematicians all over the world. In this kind of meeting, many imperfect things cannot be brought out.

However, the quality of the reports at the International Congress of Mathematicians is very high. Many times, some top mathematicians will also look for reports from other big names who are interested in them to learn about mathematics in other fields.

In the venue, Xu Chuan brought four students over in formal attire.

Due to the request of the International Mathematical Union, he has two reports, one of which is about the Xu-Hodge theorem, which is arranged in the afternoon of the third day.

The other session was about the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem won by the astronomy and astrophysics communities, and it was scheduled until 9 am on the first day.

This arrangement, on the one hand, is to attract those astronomers and astrophysicists to participate in the opening ceremony and expand the influence of mathematics.

On the other hand, it is convenient for those astronomers and astrophysicists who came to the conference to leave early after listening to the report.

After all, the International Mathematical Congress will last for nine days.

At eight o'clock, the venue was already crowded with people, and there was almost no room to sit in the huge venue.

However, nearly half of the scholars participating in this report are not mathematicians.

At the International Congress of Mathematicians, more than half of the scholars attending a mathematician's report meeting are not mathematicians. This is also a rare and rare thing. This is the first time in history.

"Professor, come on!"

As the report was approaching, Amelia, who was sitting next to Xu Chuan, smiled and cheered him up.

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile, got up and walked onto the podium.

Although Fields Medals were stolen at this International Mathematical Congress, the specifications have never been lowered.

Taking the microphone from the host, Xu Chuan handed over a USB flash drive to the staff and connected it to the virtual projection.

The content of this report meeting is in the USB flash drive, and there is also a backup on the International Mathematical Union. However, considering that sometimes the reporter will make some minor changes to the content of the report, all the ones that are provided by the reporter on the spot are generally used, which is convenient for adapting the reporter to make academic reports.

Of course, such large-scale changes are definitely not allowed. For example, the report you submitted to the International Mathematical Union was Hodge’s conjecture, but it was changed to Riemann’s conjecture when you took the stage temporarily. This is not acceptable. By doing this, you are playing with others and wasting everyone's time.

Xu Chuan did not change his thoughts on the submitted content. Today's report meeting was requested by many top scholars in the field of astronomy and astrophysics from the Mathematical Union. Most of the things he submitted have been read by most people in the audience. Changes are troublesome.

As Xu Chuan came to the stage, the originally noisy venue fell silent in an instant. More than 2,000 people in the venue cast their gazes in unison.

This year's International Mathematics Conference had less than 4,000 participants, among whom nearly 1,000 were non-mathematicians.

And this report meeting gathered nearly half of the people of this International Mathematical Congress.

The other 20 report venues were divided into half, and there were more than a hundred people in one venue on average. Such a huge disparity in the number of people was extremely rare.

Originally, many mathematicians were not very interested in expanding the application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, but a large number of people from the astronomy and astrophysics circles came together and aroused their interest.

Coupled with the fact that no other top-notch reports were scheduled today, Xu Chuan attracted nearly half of the crowd by himself.

Facing the nearly 2,000 people in the audience, Xu Chuan smiled calmly. After briefly introducing himself and the content of the report, he began to explain the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

".To truly understand and utilize the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, it is necessary to fully understand the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture and the Weyl-Berry proof process."

"This expansion is not simply developed from the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem. Some mathematical methods in the proof process of the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture are also the core."

".The counting function N(λ) associated with the fractal drum is calculated with a fairly precise upper and lower bounds, and then a 'small opening' is opened between the non-connected branches of the region to connect the non-connected regions. Use this In this way, the example of the non-connected region discussed before becomes the situation of the region, and by this means, the discontinuous eigenvalues ​​can be continuously connected.”

"While boundary value parameters"

In the venue, the Nobel laureate Professor Sal Perlmutter sat in the front row and looked at Xu Chuan on the stage with glasses. After listening carefully for a while, he poked his friend Brian Schmidt with his hand. special.

"Our last application was really a correct choice."

Brian Schmidt didn't turn his head to answer, but just nodded in response.

He was reluctant to turn his head and talk to Perlmutter beside him, fearing that he would be distracted and miss some details.

This time the report meeting, the young man on the stage, even if it had just started, let him see something he had never seen before.

Very detailed, interesting and practical. At least, it is for the calculation of parameter information of distant celestial bodies in the field of astrophysics.

In the past, few people in the astronomy and astrophysics circles could use the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to complete the calculation of the parameters of distant celestial bodies.

But after this report meeting, there will definitely be some more people. At least, he has a high probability of understanding it, and Sal Perlmutter beside him can also understand it.

Astronomers and astrophysicists have gained a lot, and the mathematicians in the room have also gained a lot.

Although the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem is a method for calculating distant celestial bodies, it is not suitable for other mathematical calculations, but in the final analysis, this is mathematics.

is mathematics, then its foundations apply to mathematics.

Whether it is the exact calculation of the counting function N(λ) associated with the fractal drum in the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture proof; or the torsion method in the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem

These are quite delicate things. When separated, each one is wisdom, and when combined together, it is knowledge built with wisdom.

As for knowledge, everyone can learn and absorb it, transform it into their own things, and then apply it to other issues.

On the podium, Xu Chuan explained the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem along the PPT copy bit by bit.

Unlike in the past, this time he explained in great detail, breaking down almost all the key details involved in the calculation.

The joint request of several Nobel Prize winners and dozens of top scholars still needs to be responded seriously.

On the stage, Xu Chuan explained seriously.

In the audience, most of the scholars were listening carefully, even those students who followed their tutors to increase their knowledge were immersed in it.

Rather than saying that this is a report meeting, it is better to say that this is a classroom.

On the podium, a teacher is lecturing, and off the stage, 2,000 students are listening to the class carefully.

Evangelism, receiving karma and solving doubts, people go there~

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