Great Country Academician

Chapter 227 Measures Against Nuclear Radiation

Qi Zhongxing admired the young man in front of him.

As a nuclear energy worker, he knows how dangerous things like 'nuclear' are.

When he was young, he participated in the manufacture of the two bombs. Mr. Deng, the hero of the two bombs, died of nuclear radiation infection. Before his death, even his urine had produced extremely strong radioactivity, and he was in great pain.

At that time, what Mr. Deng suffered was only the radiation exposure from the fragments of the nuclear bomb that had not yet fully started the chain reaction.

In contrast, the radiation intensity of spent fuel rods taken out of nuclear power plants is more than ten times higher.

The courage to conduct research on such an extremely dangerous item, not to mention whether it will be successful, is worthy of admiration.

On the side, Xu Chuan didn't think so much.

For the research and reuse of nuclear waste, this is what he has done in his previous life.

In terms of danger, there is indeed, but it is not as exaggerated as Qi Zhongxing and others imagined.

The pollution of nuclear waste is indeed very strong, and the strong radiation is also terrible, but it is not impossible to deal with it.

For example, use anti-radiation concrete, lead, steel and other heavy metal materials as containers to store nuclear waste or prevent radiation.

For example, the reason why lead can isolate radiation is that its structure is tightly arranged and dense; it can effectively prevent rays from passing through, and can well block X-rays and various radioactive rays.

In hospitals, when doctors make X-ray fluoroscopy diagnosis, there is often a lead plate protecting their chest; personnel working in atomic energy reactors also often wear large aprons containing lead.

This is the main method currently used by countries to preserve nuclear waste or radiation protection - to use the high density of materials to resist strong radiation shocks.

Theoretically, any material with high density can be used for radiation protection.

Osmium metal, for example, is much denser than lead. Lead is 11.3437 g/cm and osmium is 22.59 g/cm, more than double that.

Using osmium to make protective clothing is theoretically better than lead, but correspondingly, such a protective clothing may weigh several tons.

In addition, osmium is much more expensive than lead, which makes it not suitable for use as a radiation protection material.

In contrast, lead that can be bought for a catty for a few dollars, which is cheap and effective, is undoubtedly more suitable.

But correspondingly, traditional lead materials also have their own shortcomings when dealing with nuclear radiation.

For example, the current lead shielding materials are difficult to wrap, the workers are exposed to high doses, and the safety quality and effect of shielding are difficult to guarantee.

These shortcomings make it difficult for lead materials to perfectly cope with the impact of nuclear radiation.

On the basis of this traditional way of confrontation, Xu Chuan adjusted his way of dealing with radiation shocks.

He stopped thinking about using traditional high-density materials to deal with radiation shocks and turned his attention to other fields.

The reason why nuclear radiation is so terrible is that it can ionize or excite matter.

In the final analysis, nuclear radiation is a flow of high-energy microscopic particles released during the transformation of atomic nuclei from one structure or one energy state to another structure or another energy state.

These high-energy particles have extremely strong penetrating power. After the lattice atoms of the nuclear structure material are hit by them, the hit atoms will be dislocated, and the original lattice point position will become a vacancy.

Due to the existence of a large number of irradiation defects, when nuclear energy materials are plastically deformed by external loads, the movement of internal dislocations will be affected by the defects produced by irradiation, thereby greatly changing their mechanical properties.

Such as hardening, embrittlement, creep, fatigue and so on.

This is the so-called so-called material irradiation effect, and it is also the main reason why nuclear waste is difficult to deal with at present.

Because there is no material that can withstand high-intensity radiation spent fuel for a long time.

As far as the human body is concerned, the tiny high-energy particles in nuclear radiation are like bullets. When the stream hits the human body, it will act on the human DNA, break the DNA chain, and terminate it physiologically. Normal cellular metabolism.

For the human body, cells also need to be metabolized. Old cells die, and the human body replicates new cells based on DNA. However, after nuclear radiation, the DNA is broken, and normal new cells cannot be produced.

The specific manifestation is that various organs in the body are bleeding and incapacitated, and then people will fart.

This is where the horror of nuclear radiation lies. It is like a sharp scalpel that can disassemble materials at the atomic level.

Lead can resist radiation because it has a high density, and when it can block most microscopic particles, it will not be disassembled in a short time.

In addition to this method, are there other means to fight against the scalpel of nuclear radiation?


Such as the 'atomic cycle' technology!

This is a new method that Xu Chuan spent nearly three years in his previous life to find.

The harm of nuclear radiation lies in its super strong ionization ability, which can destroy the grain boundaries and structures of traditional materials, and lead to embrittlement, weakening and loss of properties of materials.

But what if there was a material whose grain boundary structure could repair as fast as the ionizing power of nuclear radiation?

So does it mean that it can perfectly intercept nuclear radiation.

The "atomic cycle technology" was established based on this theory.

In past research work, Xu Chuan found a material - 'crystalline erbium zirconate'.

This material fits the theory almost perfectly.

It can not only withstand the strong attack of radiation, but also quickly complete self-repair after the grain boundary is ionized, and recondense into a stable grain boundary structure.

The main materials constituting the 'crystalline erbium zirconate', erbium zirconate and erbium titanate, can resist radiation radiation for a long time through the continuous movement of atoms inside the material.

Ceramics made of this material can preserve nuclear waste for a long time, at least for more than 100,000 years.

Later, Xu Chuan followed this route and developed a series of anti-radiation materials to deal with nuclear radiation.

This is the basis of nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration conversion mechanism technology.

With these technologies and materials, Xu Chuan dared to face nuclear waste and directly turned the originally extremely dangerous nuclear waste into paper tigers.

After staying at the construction site for a few days and discussing with Chief Engineer Qi to determine the functions and style of some research institutes, Xu Chuan returned to Jinling.

The research institute is under construction, and the first batch of ten recruited scientific researchers are familiarizing themselves with the paper on the "Mechanism of Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion of Electric Energy".

In the next month, he has time to do his own thing.

In Nantah University, in Chen Zhengping's office, Xu Chuan was flipping through two documents in his hand.

On the opposite side, Chen Zhengping introduced with hot tea, "I have already found the research institute you want."

"However, due to your limited budget and the fact that not all research institutes are willing to sell, there are not many research institutes I can find here."

"After selection, the two in your hand are more suitable."

"The first research institute is called 'Zijin Composite Materials Research Laboratory'. It is small in scale and covers an area of ​​about 50 acres. There are not many scientific researchers. There are less than 20 at present. However, it also has carbon materials and The research qualifications for polymer energy membrane materials and some equipment are quoted at 13 million."

"The second one is called 'Institute of Advanced Polymer Materials', which is larger in scale, covering an area of ​​about 100 mu, and has nearly 40 doctoral and postgraduate students. It is mainly engaged in the synthesis, application and research of polymer energy membrane materials. and product development."

"However, it lacks research capabilities in the field of carbon materials, mainly because it lacks talents and complete equipment in this field. It does have qualifications. The quotation is 21 million."

"You can take a look at these two research institutes. If it's not suitable, I'll look for it again."

In order to find a suitable research institute, Chen Zhengping took great pains.

During this period of time, he read the institute's materials with more than two digits, and finally picked these two from them.

As an academician, he usually presides over tens of millions of scientific research projects, but he personally selects materials research institutes that can be purchased with 20 million funds. For this sake, he can only say that he has nothing but love.

After carefully reading the two documents in his hand, Xu Chuan said, "Just the first 'Zijin Composite Materials Research Laboratory'. It doesn't matter if the institute is small, qualifications and well-equipped equipment are enough."

Chen Zhengping nodded, and said: "Okay, then I will arrange Fan Pengyue to help you deal with this matter, and we can talk about the price later, so we should be able to lower it a bit."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan's heart moved, and he asked, "Brother Fan is still in Nantah?"

Chen Zhengping gave an 'hmm', and continued: "He is now a postdoctoral student and will soon be promoted to an assistant. Why, do you have an idea?"

Xu Chuan laughed and said, "I have other things on my hands, and I may not have much time to manage my research institute."

Chen Zhengping's eyelids twitched. At first he thought that Xu Chuan wanted to poach Fan Pengyue to his research institute. Unexpectedly, he guessed the poacher, but the position was completely wrong.

He thought he was a researcher, but at best he was a formal researcher, but it turned out to be a manager.

The gap between them is huge.

If a scientific researcher takes the management route to advance, he will not be able to sit in the position of supervisor at all.

This is still a small and medium research institute. If it is a large research institute or a scientific research institution with a national background, the time will be longer.

Now that Xu Chuan poached Fan Pengyue, he started directly as a supervisor or even higher, which saved him at least eight years of time.

Although Fan Pengyue is currently doing postdoctoral research with him, he has access to a lot of scientific research resources and projects.

But it's not bad to follow Xu Chuan.

As the first winner of the Fields Medal of Chinese nationality, Xu Chuan will definitely get no less resources, scientific research funds and scientific research projects than he, an academician.

In contrast, one is a postdoctoral fellow, and it will take a long time to be promoted to a professor; the other is managing a research institute, which can be said to be a step up to the sky.

Which one to choose, everyone knows.

But can Fan Pengyue bear this burden?

Chen Zhengping didn't think about whether to let others go or not. What he considered was whether Fan Pengyue's ability could help Xu Chuan support this research institute.

Compared with Fan Pengyue, who is now thirty years old and still a postdoctoral student, Chen Zhengping undoubtedly values ​​and likes Xu Chuan more, and he spares no effort to help Xu Chuan.

With this in mind, he raised a question.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Brother Fan is still very good. You have learned a lot from your mentor, and he has helped manage many of your projects over the years. I believe in his ability. .”

After a pause, he continued: "It's just that the research institute here is not big, and the total assets of 20 million are not enough to mentor you for a scientific research project. I hope that Brother Fan will not dislike me as the research institute's wife." Just small."

Chen Zhengping thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll call him and ask him to come over."

Xu Chuan was not polite either, and said with a smile, "Teacher, please."

He has almost achieved the ultimate in pulling the mentor's wool.

Not to mention that Chen Zhengping helped find the research institute, the management staff had to dig it out from under him.

If it was another person, he would probably have been blasted out with a broom long ago.

After receiving Chen Zhengping's call, Fan Peng rushed over in a hurry.

"Little brother, you are back!"

In the office, Fan Pengyue greeted Xu Chuan in surprise when he saw Xu Chuan beside him.

Xu Chuan looked up and down at Fan Pengyue's increasingly fat body, and said with a smile, "Master Xiong seems to have had a pretty good life in the past two years."

On the side, Chen Zhengping also smiled and said: "This guy looks more and more like a bear. If he grows a little more flesh, he will really become a bear."

Hearing this, Fan Pengyue smiled sarcastically and scratched his head.

In terms of body shape, he has indeed gained a lot of weight recently, and he can't help himself when he is thirty.

But he is a man from the Northeast, isn't it normal for him to be a bit stronger.

After laughing and teasing a few words, Xu Chuan turned to the topic and expressed his thoughts.

Hearing Xu Chuan's invitation, Fan Pengyue was surprised at first, then surprised, and then confused.

He glanced at Xu Chuan, then at Chen Zhengping, and replied cautiously: "Well, junior brother, I'm still working as a postdoctoral fellow with my supervisor, and I'm afraid I don't have the ability to directly take over the management of a research institute."

In terms of heart, no one would be indifferent to the conditions proposed by Xu Chuan.

Although the research institute is small, it has all internal organs.

On the one hand, it takes many years to be promoted to a professor at Nantah University, and on the other hand, it is going directly to the pinnacle of life, no one will not be tempted.

But in front of his mentor, Fan Pengyue didn't feel too good and agreed directly. After all, Chen Zhengping treated him very well.

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Just now I have made an agreement with the teacher. Although it is not very good to dig out my teacher, but I lack a trustworthy person to help me. I have no choice but to ask the teacher to borrow someone."

Chen Zhengping glanced at Xu Chuan, and said, "You don't have to think too much about me, this is a very good opportunity for you. It's better to follow Xu Chuan than to follow me."

Hearing this, Fan Peng took a deep breath, made up his mind and said, "In this case, I'll give it a try."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Welcome Senior Brother Fan~"

After a pause, he then looked at Chen Zhengping, and said cheekily: "Teacher, I also want to ask you to be a consultant in the research institute. I don't know if it's convenient."

Chen Zhengping glanced at Xu Chuan angrily, and said, "You boy, isn't it enough to poach Fan Pengyue? Even my idea?"

Xu Chuan laughed and said, "I'm just getting started in material science, and there's still a lot I don't understand. Teacher, you can ask me to be a consultant, and I can continue to study with you and be your student."

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