Great Country Academician

Chapter 230 The Choice of the Nobel Prize

Xu Chuan ignored the two people who were eliminated. A month ago, he made it clear and clear. Today's assessment is the key to determining whether they can enter the project.

If you fail the assessment, it is impossible to stay.

It's impossible to enjoy welfare with him.

Although he has plenty of places for official researchers, it is impossible to waste them on these people.

A test paper, although it can't completely screen out people with ulterior motives, but at least it's too obvious, and it's okay to kick out people who don't take him seriously.

Just like Sun Heng, who only got 31 points, it can be said that he almost didn't read the paper he sent down at all, and didn't take the words of the person in charge seriously at all.

Wouldn't this kind of person be kicked out and kept for the New Year?

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but the beginning period is also the best time to establish rules.

If he has controlled the beginning, then there will be no major problems for a long time to come.

Just like a building, as long as the foundation is stable, it doesn't matter how many floors it goes up.

In Shanghai, Xu Chuan is screening researchers to ensure the purity of the team.

And far away in Sweden, Stockholm, and the Royal Academy of Sciences, one meeting after another is constantly being held.

The time is approaching October. Whenever this time, this city, or even this country, will attract the attention of the whole world because of the Nobel Prize list.

Because according to the usual rules, the annual Nobel Prize awards are announced one after another on October 1 each year.

But this year is a special year.

The first is the suspension of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The reason is that Arnold, the husband of the Swedish Academy academician Katrina Frostensson, had sexually assaulted or harassed 18 women and was suspected of leaking the list of Nobel Prize winners.

This led to the resignation of several Academy of Arts fellows, including Claes Ostergren, Shel Espmack, and Peter Enlund.

A huge scandal broke out at the Nobel Academy of Letters, which stopped the evaluation and awarding of literary prizes.

This is the first time since World War II that the Nobel Prize in Literature has been suspended.

Secondly, it is now September 30th, but the winner of the most advanced or most important physics award among the Nobel Prizes has not yet been selected.

It was rumored that there were quarrels among the selection committee members in the office of the Physics Branch these days, but there was no result.

And with the deadline approaching, the last meeting of the physics branch was held in a quiet research institute.

It doesn't look that big, but it is in a meeting room full of historical atmosphere.

The five selection committee members for the Nobel Prize in Physics gathered here again.

At the meeting, the chairman of the selection committee had a headache and glanced at the two selection committee members, Professor Wolfgang Kettler and Professor George Smoot, who were almost completely opposed to each other.

The former supported 'breakthroughs in the field of laser physics' to win this year's Nobel Prize in Physics.

The latter supported the "extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem" and won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics.

The two elderly people, whose combined age is more than 130 years old, quarreled for nearly two months over this matter.

This is also extremely rare in the selection of the Nobel Prize.

Although there have been many times in history that the opinions of the Nobel selection committee could not reach a consensus.

But like this year, it was honestly the first time that they were so loud.

In particular, Professor George Smoot has nominated the "Extended Application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry Theorem" for three consecutive years.

But in the past two years, he was just thinking about it, and he seemed to have concentrated his energy on this year, and he and Professor Wolfgang Kettler were about to have a real quarrel.

The two insisted on their own words, and neither could convince the other.

Shaking his head with some headaches, the chairman of the selection committee knocked on the long solid wood table and said, "Everyone, today is the last day of September. The other awards for this year have already been evaluated, and we are the only ones left."

"According to the annual habit, the Royal Academy of Sciences will announce the winners of the Physics Prize on October 4th, but we still haven't come up with a result yet."

"Today, no matter what, we must come up with a result."

In front of the oval desk, the four selection committee members looked at each other.

Indeed, no matter what, they should make a choice today.

In fact, even today, the five selection committee members of the Nobel Prize in Physics still have no idea who should be awarded the Physics Prize this year.

The five people sitting here seem to be divided into three factions.

One faction, led by Professor Wolfgang Kettler, advocates a 'breakthrough in the field of laser physics'.

The other group, led by Professor George Smoot, advocated the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

The last one is the chairman of the selection committee. Since the middle and late August, he has not expressed his opinions much.

No matter which scientific research project results, he only conducts rational analysis, and incidentally collects a series of data such as the value, future, development, and defects of the two results raised by the debate between the two factions.

The final meeting began, and after the exchange of opinions among five people, the selection committee continued to discuss the two nominations.

[Breakthrough in the field of laser physics] or [Extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem]

From thousands of recommendations, after nearly half a year, the selection committee of the School of Physics finally selected two results to compete for the final Nobel Prize.

Needless to say, this is a difficult decision to make.

Even the selection committee members who have selected many Nobel Prizes in Physics can hardly make a thorough choice.

Both results are great.

Among them, the breakthrough of laser is a light source that has a revolutionary impact on the progress of human society.

In particular, Prof. Arthur Ashkin's work exploits optical trapping and manipulation of tiny dielectric particles with optical gradient forces.

It not only brought optical tweezers to humans, but also extended the application of this research to bacteria, viruses and cells, and indirectly promoted the development of laser surgery. The emergence of full femtosecond myopia surgery has brought good news to countless myopia patients.

This is a great achievement.

The latter is an extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

Although this achievement cannot bring much value at present, looking forward to the future, I am afraid that there are not many technologies that can compare with it.

Once mankind enters the era of interstellar navigation, it will bring the second, third, fourth and even more immigrant planets to mankind.

The results born of it are also quite great, whether it is the discovery of the double star system of Betelgeuse or the discovery of the 'TRAPPIST-1' star system, it is enough to nominate the Nobel Prize.

At the International Mathematical Conference in the past two months, some astrophysicists even proposed that the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem may go far beyond calculating the data of galaxies.

It may be used to break through high-dimensional space and open wormholes leading to distant universes.

Although this is only an unconfirmed theory at present, the discovery of gravitational waves has provided a key parameter.

Waiting for when humans can find gravitons, maybe they can use it.

Undoubtedly, this is a greater achievement.

The only problem is that it's been around for a relatively short time, only three years now.

Compared with the former, it doesn't seem to get enough time to settle.

In the conference room, there was endless debate and chaos.

The chairman of the selection committee looked at the other committee members and listened to the debate between the two sides, lost in thought.

Obviously, if this continues, there will be no results.

After a while, the chairman of the selection committee recovered from his contemplation, and looked at the selection committee members who were still insisting on their opinions and no one could convince anyone, and knocked on the table.

A crisp voice sounded in the meeting room, drawing everyone's attention.

"Okay, there is no point in arguing like this, and no one can convince anyone. As for how to choose, let's make a choice in the traditional way."

After clapping his hands, the chairman of the selection committee took out a stack of sticky notes from his pocket and gave one to each of the four selection committee members.

"Voting is by name. Please use your surname, honor and belief to make the final choice."

The four selection committee members took the sticky notes respectively, and unanimously took out pens or ballpoint pens from their pockets.

Seeing this scene, the chairman of the selection committee smiled.

He knew that such a plot would happen today.

With his head down, the chairman of the selection committee took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote his name on his own sticky note.

Soon, the note was collected again.

Five sticky notes, the chairman of the selection committee counted the signatures.

[Breakthroughs in the field of laser physics] one.

[Extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem] one.

[Breakthrough in the Field of Laser Physics] Two.

[Extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem] two.

The chairman of the selection committee kept placing post-it notes on the desk, counting while placing them.

When the fifth note fell, the sound of voting also sounded

[Breakthrough in the field of laser physics] Three sheets

After the voice fell, there was silence in the office. Professor Wolfgang Kettler showed a bright smile on his face, and he was the one who won.

The great achievement of the breakthrough in the laser field has finally won the glory of its application.

Of course, he also attaches great importance to the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, but compared with the former, it is too young and needs some time to settle.

Perhaps the future belongs to it, but not now.

Across the desk, Professor George Smoot had a look of disbelief.

He never believed that the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem would lose to the breakthrough in the laser field.

It is obvious that the expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem is more important and valuable, and it is obvious that what it brings to mankind is a broad future.

Why the Nobel Prize will give up the future of mankind.

In the front row of the desk, the chairman of the selection committee just smiled faintly, took out a post-it note from his hand, and solemnly placed it on the desk.

[Extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem] Three.

The calm words came out of his mouth, but everyone was astonished.

Everyone in the conference room looked at the selection chairman with blank expressions.

Isn't there only five selection committee members for the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Where did the sixth ticket come from?

Sensing everyone's gaze, the chairman of the selection committee smiled lightly and said, "These two achievements are indeed excellent, and they are both worthy of the Nobel Prize."

"Under the circumstances that it is really difficult to make a choice, why don't we award this year's Nobel Prize to these two people at the same time?"

"After all, the Nobel Prize has never stipulated that only one achievement can be awarded at a time, and it has never been stipulated that the selection committee can only vote for one person or one achievement."

In the meeting room, the other four selection committee members reacted instantly.

The chairman of their selection committee voted for both [Breakthrough in Laser Physics] and [Extended Application of Xu-Weyl-Berry Theorem].

Three to three, the votes of the two parties were tied.

This means that this year's Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to two different achievements.

In the history of the Nobel Prize, this is not something that has never happened before, but correspondingly, those research results basically belong to the same framework or are close to each other.

For example, the 1978 Physics Prize was awarded to the two fields of "basic inventions and discoveries in the field of low temperature physics" and "discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation".

Or in 1983 for 'theoretical studies of important physical processes concerning the structure of stars and their evolution' and 'theoretical and experimental studies of nuclear reactions for the formation of chemical elements in the universe'.

These different results basically complement each other, or the former promotes the emergence of the latter to a certain extent.

Like this year, it has never happened to distribute the Nobel Prize to two completely unrelated field achievements.

This is also the main reason why no one has ever thought of awarding the Physics Prize to both.

But I have to say, this is the most suitable method.

After screening the first batch of scientific researchers in Shanghai, Xu Chuan began to assign work.

Unlike the 'Chuanhai Materials Research Institute', he needs to personally preside over the nuclear energy research to prevent accidents during the research process.

In the research process of lithium batteries, if something goes wrong, in the hands of a formal researcher, it usually catches fire and burns down the instrument or something.

Worse, it exploded.

However, in formal research, even if it explodes, it is difficult to hurt the researcher.

After all, there are warning signs before the lithium battery explodes, such as the temperature of the battery rising, expanding like a balloon or something. This period of time is enough for researchers to prevent and deal with it.

But research on nuclear energy is different.

This thing is much more dangerous than lithium batteries, and if you are not careful, there will be big problems.

Just in case, Xu Chuan had to watch over here personally.

Regarding the project of "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Mechanism", Xu Chuan's first arrangement was to develop a material that can resist nuclear radiation.

In fact, it is the 'atomic cycle' technology that has been studied in previous lives.

This technology had already been brought out when he met the old man in the capital.

Of course, it is only a theory. In fact, no one knows what effect this technology can achieve except Xu Chuan.

But this does not prevent the transformation of this theory into practical results with the support of the above.

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