Great Country Academician

Chapter 232 The Youngest Nobel Prize Winner in History

In the laboratory, everyone looked at Liu Gaojun and Chen Zhengping with their mouths open in bewilderment, and even the air became quiet.

No. Nobel Prize?

Are they hallucinating?

Even Xu Chuan showed a little disbelief.

He won the Nobel Prize? what's the situation?

Although he won the Nobel Prize twice in his previous life, in this life, he really never thought that he could get this honor now.

This is the Nobel Prize, the highest honor in science.

Three years ago, Nobel Laureate Professor Sal Perlmutter recommended his name to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

But Xu Chuan never thought that after only three years, he won the crown of the academic world.

As a result, when Chen Zhengping and the two informed the news, others were a little confused.

After all, he was only twenty-one years old. Even if there are enough results, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will not consider such a young scholar.

Except for geeks like William Lawrence Bragg who won the physics prize at the age of twenty-five, almost all other scholars are over sixty years old.

After a while, Xu Chuan came back to his senses, and quickly took out the phone from his pocket.

Swipe your finger across the screen, the display screen lights up quickly, unlocks, and there are dozens of missed calls on the phone interface.

The first missed call starts with the area code 046, which is from Sweden.

Then, some acquaintances.

From Princeton's Deligne, Witten, and Fefferman, to Nantah's Chen Zhengping, Liu Gaojun and others, and even his parents and younger sister, all gave him phone calls and messages.

It can be said that almost everyone who is familiar with him has made at least two calls to him, and also sent text messages or prestige.

Looking at the display on the phone screen, Xu Chuan couldn't help swallowing.

Judging from these missed calls and messages, it seems that Chen Zhengping and Liu Gaojun were not kidding, he really won the Nobel Prize.

The call about the Nobel Prize is actually quite interesting.

Because the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences always calls the Nobel Prize winners on the day when the list of corresponding awards is announced.

Sometimes it will be hanged up as a liar. For example, James Morris, the winner of the 1996 Economics Prize, once hung up the Nobel Prize phone number "brutally" several times.

Fortunately, Professor Stavanomak, the lifelong secretary-general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, has the spirit of perseverance, and finally proved his identity through several phone calls.

Sometimes because of the time difference, when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences called, the winners might be sleeping, or they might be in blocking mode like Xu Chuan.

For example, Professor Sal Perlmutter, the winner of the 2011 Physics Prize, was awakened from his sleep by a reporter.

If the winners are not connected through continuous calls, the Royal Academy of Sciences will start the 'bombing' mode.

They will collect the phone numbers of many relatives, friends and colleagues of the winners, notify these friends, and then ask the friends to call to pass on the news, or they will make a trip in person to deliver the news.

Generally speaking, even if you are sleeping or turning on the shielding mode, at least some parents, wives, children and grandchildren can receive the call and pass it on to the winners.

However, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences may not have expected that such a "wonderful work" as Xu Chuan would emerge this year.

His blocking mode is really blocking all incoming calls, whether it is from Xu's father and Xu's mother, or from other people, none of them can get in.

So much so that this time, after many people knew that Xu Chuan had won the Nobel Prize, Xu Chuan himself knew the news.

In the office, others are still immersed in this shocking news.

At the same time, Xu Chuan unshielded the phone in his hand, and it vibrated again. The ringtone resounded throughout the quiet laboratory, causing everyone to tremble and wake up quickly.

Xu Chuan was also surprised by the phone number starting with 046. He swiped his thumb across the screen, and he quickly connected the phone.

"Professor Xu Chuan, I finally got in touch with you."

When the phone was connected, there was an exclamation sound that was not easy.

Xu Chuan smiled dryly, and said, "Sorry, I'm doing research in the laboratory today, and I didn't pay attention to the phone."

"It seems that you already know." On the other end, Professor Stavano Mark, the lifelong secretary-general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, said with a smile.

Xu Chuan nodded, and replied: "Yes, my alma mater has informed me, I hope it is true."

"Hahaha, of course." The Secretary-General, Professor Stavanomac, smiled, then cleared his throat, and spoke again solemnly.

"Professor Xu Chuan, hello, I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences."

"Because of your great contribution in the field of astrophysics, you have developed and created a method to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies, and observed and calculated the detailed information of the Betelgeuse galaxy. You will cooperate with a breakthrough in the field of laser physics. Professor Arthur Ashkin together received the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics."

Xu Chuan finally calmed down when he mentioned it, and quickly replied, "Thank you."

On the opposite side, Secretary-General Prof. Stavanormark said with a smile: "The Nobel Prize Awarding Ceremony will be held on December 10, 2018 in the Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden. The invitation letter has been mailed to you, and we look forward to your arrival."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Thank you, I will attend on time."

"I will welcome you on time." Secretary-General Professor Stavano Mark said with a smile.

Immediately, he suddenly said: "By the way, Professor Xu Chuan, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the astronomical and astrophysics communities have a heartfelt request."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Say it."

Stavanomac said with a smile on the other end of the phone: "We hope you will rename the achievement 'Extended Application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry Theorem'."

"After all, as the main achievement of winning the Nobel Prize, it is fully qualified, isn't it?"

"Now it sounds too much like a mathematical achievement."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was stunned again, then smiled and said: "Of course, I will think about its new name."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan let out a long sigh of relief.

The Nobel Prize, the highest honor in the scientific world, did not expect that he would get it only four years after his rebirth. Moreover, it is not the result of winning the Nobel Prize twice in the previous life, but a brand new result of research in this life.

Noticing the expectant gazes from other people in the lab, Xu Chuan smiled and nodded vigorously.

After receiving the confirmation echo, the entire laboratory erupted instantly.

"Fuck! The boss is awesome!"

"Congratulations boss!"

"Amazing, Chuan Shen! The first double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in history! Breaking the historical record!"

"Treat the guests, it's unreasonable not to treat the guests for a meal!"

In the laboratory, there were cheers and congratulations.

For these researchers at Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, Xu Chuan won the Nobel Prize, and they are also beneficiaries.

Following the first Nobel Prize winner in history to conduct experiments, this work experience is more than gold-plated.

Almost all made of 24K pure gold.

No one thought that researchers in such a small research institute with a total asset of less than 20 million would have such a super opportunity!

Working in the research team of a Nobel Prize winner, hey~, it's an exciting thing to think about.

There was carnival in the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, and the outside world was also cheered and shocked.

On October 4, when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, it was the Golden Week in China.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, this is an extremely rare holiday.

People who are free are lying on the bed and swiping their phones.

Suddenly, a piece of heavy news came directly to the number one hot search on all major software platforms.

The news that Xu Chuan won the Nobel Prize in Physics still climbed to the top of the hot search list on all major platforms at an extremely fast speed.

At first, countless netizens thought it was some kind of fake news, or someone was fooling them.

But as time passed, when some people went out over the wall and took screenshots of the official website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and when the major media announced the good news, the entire network was boiling because of this news.

"People's Daily": "Because of his great contribution in the field of astrophysics, Chinese scholar Professor Xu Chuan won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics!"

"New Youth Daily": "Professor Xu Chuan, a famous Chinese scholar, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for developing and creating a method for accurately calculating the parameter information of distant celestial bodies, and observing and calculating the detailed information of the Betelgeuse galaxy! "

"Xinhua Daily": "Congratulations to Professor Xu Chuan of our country for winning this year's Nobel Prize in Physics! Congratulations!"

"Global Times":"."

When the major media announced the news on their accounts one after another, the entire Internet was blown up in an instant.

[Fuck! it is true? I thought it was an April Fool's joke. 】

[Chuan God? Nobel Prize in Physics? Didn't he meow study mathematics and engage in mathematics research? Same name? Or is it that the Nobel established the mathematics prize? 】

[Hiss~, I thought it was a joke at first, but I didn't expect it to be true, it's a blockbuster! 】

[If I remember correctly, this person won the Fields Medal in August this year, right? Now with a Nobel Prize? 】

[Winning the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal at the same time, does this break the historical record? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in history and the greatest scholar in the world today. 】

[I remember that he is only 21 years old this year, tsk tsk, a 21-year-old Nobel Prize winner, the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history. 】

[Upstairs, you remember wrongly. The youngest Nobel laureate is 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai. In 2014, she was only 17 years old and won the Nobel Peace Prize. 】

[Peace Prize? Hahahaha, let me tell you a joke, the president of the United States can get it, even dogs don’t want it (squinting smile)]

[Peace Prize? If you don’t give it to me, I still want it, there are several million——]

[It's so terrifying! Fortunately, he has returned to China. If Chuan Shen is still in the United States, he probably won't be able to come back. 】

[For sure, won the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal at the same time, how could the United States let such a person back. 】

[I'm even more curious, hasn't the Nobel Prize been targeting our country all the time, why did it break this time (dog head)]

[Ghost knows. 】

On the Internet, this is not the first time that Xu Chuan has been on the top of the trending searches by many netizens and media.

Countless netizens are discussing enthusiastically.

Compared with the Fields Medal in mathematics, the Nobel Prize is undoubtedly more famous. In China, everyone knows it, not to mention a household name, but it is almost the same.

In the scientific world, whether you admit it or not, the Nobel Prize, especially the natural science award inside, can be said to be the highest honor that a scientific researcher or scholar can get.

For Hua Guo, although it is not the first time that such a medal has been obtained, the meaning it represents is completely different.

What's more, the winner has another identity, a Fields Medal winner, who is only 21 years old.

Whether it is for scholars or scientific researchers, the age of 21 is just the beginning.

It is conceivable that with the blessing of such an honor, in the next few decades, he will be the most important voice in the scientific community in China, and even in the whole world. The future will also be controlled by him.

For academia, especially for astrophysics or astronomy, the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem will be fully included in the study courses of universities, even masters and doctors.

Although many universities have been doing this before, but that is only some universities.

After today, it can be said that most of the colleges and universities with astronomy colleges or astrophysics departments will take the initiative to offer this course.

Even though it's only just starting to make a name for itself in academia.

But a new beginning also means new opportunities. If this course can be made world-class, it will be a great achievement for the school.

Besides, it was also a carnival for the mathematics community.

This is the scenario that the International Mathematical Union is most happy to see.

Mathematics, once again expanding its influence, perfectly integrates with other disciplines, helps and improves each other.

If it is said that when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the Nobel Prize in Physics on October 4, it was already dark in China and it was not widely spread, so it was not known by everyone.

Then, on October 5th, when the national propaganda robot was activated for this purpose, Xu Chuan, this familiar name, once again entered the field of vision of the general public.

Although this is not the first time the state propaganda machine has promoted the name.

The previous Crawford Prize, Fields Prize, and the Hodge Conjecture among the Seven Millennium Problems were all publicized when they were solved.

But when the name was associated with the Nobel Prize, he completely entered the minds of the people.

Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Seven Millennium Problems, Crawford Award, extended application of Xu-Weyl-Berry Theorem, double gold medals from IMO and IPHO, top scorer in the college entrance examination.

One after another, the glory and achievements were rediscovered by netizens, causing countless people to lament why they don't have such a brain, and countless parents lamenting why they don't have such a child.

At the same time, Nanjing University, Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, and even Xu Chuan's former junior high school and elementary school were all found out.

It is conceivable that these schools, both the teachers and the college as a whole, will benefit from this.

Even Xu Chuan's hometown, that quiet mountain village, will become a new tourist attraction.

The original old house may be offered incense and wished by tourists from afar.

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