Great Country Academician

Chapter 247 Science and Technology Award Conference

"Brother Fan, have you finished your thesis on artificial SEI films and electrolytes?"

After reading the project information in his hand, Xu Chuan raised his head and asked Fan Pengyue. The Nobel Prize has also been received, and it is time for him to send out his achievements in lithium-sulfur batteries.

In the room, Fan Pengyue nodded and said, "It's finished. As long as the patent application is approved, it can be sent out."

The achievements in materials are different from the achievements in the field of mathematical physics. The latter can publish the papers as soon as the results are produced.

The materials are not good. You have to prepare a series of things such as patents before you can send out the paper.

Otherwise, if someone copies something based on your thesis and applies for a patent first, even if it is only from the other country, you will lose a lot.

Such things have not happened before, and international patent lawsuits are particularly troublesome.

Sometimes even based on the principle of local protection, or because of interest issues, the other party will directly protect the company that steals the patent.

Therefore, research related to materials has always been the focus of secrecy.

Nodding his head, Xu Chuan continued: "After the patent application is completed, contact domestic and foreign manufacturers, and then make a publicity for this artificial SEI film."

"Will the boss come in person?" Fan Pengyue asked with a smile.

"Of course." Xu Chuan nodded affirmatively.

He wears the honor of the Nobel Prize winner and the Fields Medal winner, and he will be more convincing when he attends this kind of press conference in person than by arranging someone.

After arranging the follow-up work of the two projects, Xu Chuan also relaxed, his body softened, and he lay back on the soft bed.

Staring at the ceiling, he pondered the feasibility of building a mathematical model for the research and development of chemical materials.

Although the artificial SEI film in lithium batteries has been completed, the most suitable concentration of ethylene carbonate in the electrolyte has also been tested.

With the solution of the lithium dendrite problem, the prospects for lithium-ion, lithium metal, lithium-sulfur and other batteries are bright.

There is no doubt that the battery industry will usher in a soaring.

But to say that the desired goal has not been achieved.

The problem of lithium analysis still exists. Even if the methyl ethyl ketone he analyzed before is added as an inhibitor, the Coulombic efficiency of the battery will gradually decrease over time.

Perhaps for other capitals, this is already very good.

But for Xu Chuan, this is obviously not perfect.

It's fine if it's not perfect, but there's clearly a way around it.

And it was not his style to choose to let go of the problem when there was a solution.

Thanks to the mathematical model established by Chen Zhengping, a mentor of Nanjing University, he has always wanted to get a larger and more complex mathematical model to help him complete the research and development of various chemical materials.

It is not only the problem of lithium analysis in lithium batteries, but also the research and development of other chemical materials.

If it can be made, this mathematical model will bring great convenience to the development of chemistry.

In theory, this should be possible.

It's just that it may take at least a dozen people who understand chemistry and modeling to spend a year or two to complete the job.

After all, the complexity of the model established for chemical reactions is much higher than that of tungsten diselenide.

With the introduction of each material, the increased variables are at the power level.

In the later stage, the operation level of this model can only be met by the supercomputing center.

If all chemical reactions are to be included, supercomputers may not be enough, and more advanced computers are needed.

After lying on the bed and thinking for a long time, Xu Chuan finally decided to give it a try.

Talent and money are not difficult for him.

After the patent authorization of the artificial SEI film, he has billions of funds in his account every year, and it doesn't make any sense for him to keep this money in the bank to give birth.

Investing it in scientific research is what should be done.

Even if it fails in the end, that's okay.

After confirming his intention, Xu Chuan jumped up from the bed like a carp.

After sending a message to Zheng Hai, he went downstairs to the hotel and waited.

"Go to Mizuki University."

Zheng Hai nodded, started the red flag car and left the hotel.

This time, Xu Chuan asked Zheng Hai to send him directly downstairs to the teaching building of the Chemical Engineering Department. Before getting out of the car, he took a special look around. It may be that there are not many people downstairs who open the door when he is in class.

After all, he just won the Nobel Prize some time ago. In universities like Shuimu University, there are probably many people who pay attention to him.

He appeared in the campus recklessly, and he might not let people get stuck on the road.

Putting on a baseball cap from the hotel to disguise himself a bit, Xu Chuan walked towards the teaching building.

Because Xu Xiao's girl went to school here, he knew the chemical engineering department fairly well. At least know where the office is.

After successfully finding the location, he knocked on the half-open door.

Soon a voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Pushing open the door and walking in, in the office, a middle-aged professor is dealing with official duties.

"Professor Zhou." Xu Chuan greeted the figure behind the desk with a smile. This professor is Xu Xiao's mentor, and he had met twice before.

Sensing that there was something wrong with the voice, and that he didn't look like a student, Zhou Yuanwei raised his head and took a look. The young face on the desk made him stunned for a moment.

But soon he realized, stood up in surprise, and greeted warmly: "Professor Xu, why are you here?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I want to talk to you about some chemical matters."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuanwei straightened his face, and quickly said: "Tell me, as long as I can help."

It was his honor that a Nobel Prize winner asked him for help, and he knew that this was the opportunity brought by that student Xu Xiao.

But if the other party can't solve the problem, there is a high probability that he has nothing to do.

But it's also good to be curious to hear what's going on with the other party.

Xu Chuan briefly explained his purpose of coming. He needed several professors or researchers from the Department of Chemical Materials to help him make a mathematical model.

After listening, Zhou Yuanwei suddenly nodded, and then said politely: "Professor Xu, I'm afraid I can't help you with this job. I'm not a professor of chemical materials. For talents in this field, you'd better go directly to the Department of Chemical Engineering. dean."

"Professor Zhou, please help me introduce it." Xu Chuan smiled. He naturally knew that Zhou Yuanwei was not a professor of chemical materials, and he was just looking for him to get in touch with talents in the chemical engineering department.

After all, he is not very familiar with the people in the Chemistry Department of Shuimu University.

If it weren't for the fact that Nantah University's chemistry department is also so-so, he wouldn't be in such trouble.

Building a mathematical model for a chemical reaction requires not only the underlying mathematical logic, but also a sufficient database of chemical reactions, which NTU lacks.

As for the wool of Mizuki University, I guess Mizuki himself doesn't mind.

To be able to cooperate with a Nobel Prize winner is something that many universities cannot dream of.

Following Zhou Yuanwei's footsteps, Xu Chuan found the dean of the Chemical Engineering Department.

For his arrival, the middle-aged dean seemed quite surprised, and after hearing about his intentions, he immediately made a decision to express his cooperation.

Of course, his thoughts were somewhat different from Xu Chuan's in advance.

At the beginning, Xu Chuan just wanted to 'borrow' a few professors and experts in chemical materials from Shuimu University for a fee, but the dean directly expanded it into a cooperation between the two parties.

Shuimu University provided chemistry professors and chemical reaction database knowledge and experience, and jointly developed this mathematical model with him, accounting for 20% of the share.

Xu Chuan thought about it and agreed.

Twenty percent is not much, and mathematical models are not other research projects. They require huge databases and computing power to support them.

The hardware at Shuimu University can just make up for his shortcomings.

Although he can build it himself after the patent authorization of the artificial SEI film, it will take too long to start from scratch.

After communicating with Mizuki for two or three days, and finalizing some general details, this session of the 'National Science and Technology Award Conference' also started.

The location of the awards is in the Great Hall.

When the reception staff followed by Xu Chuan entered the venue, the hall was already full of people.

Some were sitting and some were standing, but everyone was chatting in twos and threes.

For scientific researchers in Huaguo, this is a grand event, even more important than the Nobel Prize ceremony and the Fields Medal presentation.

After all, it is difficult for the latter two to have a say in the country even if there are big bosses gathered at the top.

But this meeting is different, the real top leaders in the country are in it, in the environment of Huaguo, it is right to make more friends and get to know a few more people.

So most people will come an hour or two or even two or three hours in advance.

In contrast, Xu Chuan, who arrived on time, looked like a strange thing.

Of course, with his current achievements, he doesn't need to deal with these sophistication.

The honor of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Award has made him out of these things.

In a word, it is not in the Three Realms, but outside the Five Elements.

Followers led the staff into the venue, and his appearance immediately caused a lot of commotion.

Although the scholars in the great hall who came to participate in the award ceremony were all prominent figures and would not swarm up, everyone's eyes were focused on this extremely young figure.

"Why are you here now?" In the great hall, Chen Zhengping, who also came to the awards ceremony, naturally noticed the commotion here, and walked over with a smile.

Xu Chuan smiled embarrassedly, and said, "This is the first time I participated in this kind of meeting. I thought that half an hour in advance would be enough. I didn't expect everyone to arrive so early."

Chen Zhengping shook his head, didn't say anything more, and instead said, "Come, let me introduce you to someone."

As he said that, he brought Xu Chuan to the other side: "This is academician Chen Quan, an expert in the field of solid ions and energy materials, a double academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leader in the national energy field."

"Our domestic research and development of lithium-ion batteries and the industrialization of lithium-ion batteries are all guided by Academician Chen."

"Old Chen, this is my former student, Xu Chuan."

With Xu Chuan, Chen Zhengping introduced each other between the two.

He knew that Xu Chuan was researching lithium batteries, but he didn't know the specifics.

Fan Pengyue would not tell him, after all, he signed a confidentiality agreement.

"Hello, Academician Chen."

Hearing Chen Zhengping's introduction, Xu Chuan quickly stretched out his hands, the double academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, this is a real top boss, at least in China.

Of course, what is even more worthy of respect is his spirit of dedicating his life to the country.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be less than 20 academicians of the Shuangyuan Academy alive, each of whom was an important weapon of a great power.

He knew that this was the road paved for him by his mentor Chen Zhengping, and he could avoid a lot of detours if he came into contact with such big men in China.

Chen Quan shook hands with a smile, looked at Xu Chuan, and said, "I've heard about you for a long time, but I haven't had the chance to see you. You look much younger than the legends. A hero born in a young age deserves his reputation." .”

Xu Chuan said modestly: "Compared with you, I still have a lot to learn."

Chen Quan glanced at Chen Zhengping, then looked at Xu Chuan and joked with a smile: "Sure enough, as Xiao Chen said, you are like a handsome young man who came out of an ancient book, gentle as jade, and a gentleman. Unlike me, When I made a small achievement back then, no one paid attention to it.”

Xu Chuan responded with a smile. The old man seemed to have a good relationship with his mentor.

But then again, who didn't have a young man, think back when he first became famous, he was also a young man in fresh clothes and an angry horse, who dared to go to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, dare to go to the five oceans to catch turtles, scold Fang Qiu, and point out the country.

But with the tempering of time, the character will always calm down.

After meeting someone and chatting with a few acquaintances, Xu Chuan returned to his seat and waited for the start of the conference.

As time passed, the professors and scholars who participated in the award ceremony were seated one after another, and leaders at all levels were also present.

Near nine o'clock, the auditorium quickly fell silent.

As the old man I met on Chang'an Street took his seat, the resounding national anthem sounded in the venue.

All the guests participating in the conference stood up, and the awards conference, which marked the highest honor in the academic and scientific research circles of Huaguo, kicked off with the national anthem.

After the national anthem was played, everyone was seated again, and the venue was silent. Huaguo's annual science and technology award conference finally officially started.

When the old man who presided over the conference on the stage finished his speech at the opening ceremony, the conference also entered the most exciting and anticipated process.

Five awards were announced: the National Highest Science and Technology Award, the National Natural Science Award, the National Technological Invention Award, the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.

The first to be announced is naturally the highest national science and technology award.

This is the highest award among the five awards, which is unmatched by other awards.

It is generally awarded to scientific and technological workers who have made major breakthroughs in the frontiers of contemporary science and technology, or have made outstanding achievements in the development of science and technology, and have created huge economic or social benefits in scientific and technological innovation, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and high-tech industrialization.

To be able to win this award, in China, it can be said that the academic career has reached the pinnacle.

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