Great Country Academician

Chapter 249 Infrastructure Maniac

The event started at nine o'clock in the morning and lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although there are only one or two first prizes in the five major science and technology awards, there are quite a few second prizes; for the second prizes of the Natural Science Awards alone, there are nearly 20 this year, plus the group photo What, it's normal for the time to be longer.

After the award ceremony, the evening is the state banquet.

For such a grand event, the specifications of the state banquet can be said to be full immediately. Its scale is much larger than what Xu Chuan ate last time.

State Banquet Lion Head, State Banquet Boiled Cabbage, State Banquet Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, Potted Sambo Duck, Red Flower Shark Fin Rice, Shark Fin Cup in Crispy Skin

Although it is not a full banquet in the traditional sense, the various dishes are even more exaggerated than the full banquet.

Each of these dishes on the table can be said to be the top quality of each cuisine, and each dish is from a real top master, which is extremely rare.

Xu Chuan, who has always been not very demanding on food, only regrets that he does not have two mouths, let alone other people.

"Congratulations, Professor Xu."

At the dining table, just as Xu Chuan put the duck meat on the chopsticks into his mouth, a voice came from his ear.

It was a middle-aged man who came to say hello. I don't know which research institution it is from, but he soon found out.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he skillfully picked up the wine glass and stood up to touch the other party, thanked him, and asked the other party's identity by the way to leave an impression in his mind.

"Han Kaiyu, a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, mainly studies analytic number theory and algebraic number theory. I hope to have the opportunity to talk about mathematics with you in the future."

The middle-aged man in front of him smiled and introduced himself.

"Hello, Professor Han."

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile. Although he didn't know the other party, there are many people who came to him today to greet him and make him familiar.

As this year's first prize winner in natural science + Nobel Fields double prize winner, his performance at the award conference made everyone envious.

Especially the intimacy shown by the old man made people even more jealous and wished he could replace him.

But to be able to sit here today to participate in the award meeting, everyone is not an idiot.

Even if some old stubborn people have opinions in their hearts, they would not show it on their faces under normal circumstances, expressing their dissatisfaction here.

Those who can do this kind of thing will not be able to enter the Great Hall.

Apart from these people, most people showed considerable kindness and concern.

Not only because of a first prize in natural science, but also the addition of Nobel Prize, Fields Medal and age. More importantly, it was because of the importance shown by the old man when receiving the award.

After all, this is domestic.

Therefore, many people came up to greet and communicate with him after the awards ceremony.

After a brief chat with this Professor Han, and after exchanging contact information, Xu Chuan sank into eating and drinking to fill his stomach again.

After the state banquet of eating, drinking and drinking is over, this grand event is almost over.

If it is someone else, this meeting can also leave.

However, for scholars like Xu Chuan who won the first prize, there is another interview the next day.

After all, being able to win the first prize of the five major awards at the Science and Technology Awards Conference is enough for the country to fully promote it to the entire society.

In particular, he, as the youngest ever winner of the first prize in natural science, is a representative figure promoted by high-level officials.

In a quiet reception room, Xu Chuan met a familiar reporter.

"Professor Xu, we meet again."

CTV reporter Sun Yutong came up to say hello with a smile on her face.

Seeing this familiar reporter, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Hello, Reporter Sun."

Although he didn't know why the same person interviewed him every time, he didn't care.

Interviews with acquaintances are also good, but it makes people feel uncomfortable to change someone every time for an interview, at least for him.

Sun Yutong smiled and said: "The interview may take up a little time, I hope it won't disturb your research."

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "It's not that exaggerated, I can't do research 24 hours a day."

"Then shall we start now?" Sun Yutong asked with a smile. The whole interview was only given half an hour, so she had to hurry up.

"Of course." Xu Chuan nodded.

"Professor Xu, how do you feel as the youngest scholar ever awarded the first prize in natural science?"

Xu Chuan: "Excited? Proud? It's hard for me to describe my feelings. Of course, the first thing is to thank the country for its trust and support."

This kind of formal interview, his answer is also quite formal.

"Many Chinese people and students regard you as a role model and learn from you. Do you have anything to say to them?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while, and said, "In the depths of everyone's heart, there is infinite potential, and to discover them, what you need is your persistence and hard work."

"Persevere, one day when you look back, you will thank yourself for your hard work. Come on!"


"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. This is the end of today's interview." The half-hour interview passed quickly, and Sun Yutong stood up with a smile and said goodbye.

Although today's interviews and questions are quite satisfactory, as a central media, this is enough.

After dealing with matters related to the award ceremony, Xu Chuan returned to Jinling by high-speed rail.

At the gate of Nantah University, several bright red banners were hung.

[Warmly celebrate our school's 2016 graduate and our school's professor 'Xu Chuan' winning the Fields Medal! 】

[Warmly congratulate our school’s 2016 graduate and our school’s professor ‘Xu Chuan’ on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics! 】

[Warmly celebrate our school's 2016 graduate and our school's professor 'Xu Chuan' winning the National Natural Science Award! 】

Several banners were almost too large to be hung at the school gate, which made Xu Chuan, who was sitting in the car and glanced at it, blush with embarrassment.

He has no objection to hanging the banner, after all, it is not only his honor to win those awards, but also the honor of his alma mater.

But anyway, isn't it a bit too long for the banner that won the Fields Medal in August to still hang there in December?

Is it possible that the alma mater is really planning to fulfill its original promise and let these banners hang for the first half of the year?

Finding the office of Principal Liu Gaojun, Xu Chuan knocked on the door, and walked in after hearing the voice of "please come in".

"How did you come back?"

In the office, looking at the person in front of him, Liu Gaojun asked in surprise, then smiled and got up to make tea.

Seeing the principal's astonishment, Xu Chuan spread his hands and said with a smile, "Anyway, I seem to be a professor at Nantah University. Why do you sound so surprised?"

Liu Gaojun laughed loudly and said, "My fault, my fault."

Although Xu Chuan is a professor at Nantah University, he has not given a single class since the beginning of the term, and has not accepted students at Nantah University except for the two students he brought over from Princeton.

At the beginning, the students of Nantah University were still looking forward to the scene of this big cow giving them a class, but now they have almost given up this thought.

Not to mention the students, even the school leaders didn't expect him to appear on campus.

The position of a professor is more like a temporary or honorary professor.

It's a bit against the rules, but who's to say what.

"By the way, I just came back and saw the award banner at the door. Why is the Fields Medal for August still hanging on it?" Xu Chuan asked with a smile.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Liu Gaojun who was making tea asked curiously.

"Is this too long?" Xu Chuan asked helplessly.

"How long?"

Liu Gaojun handed over a cup of tea with a smile, and continued: "This is the first Fields Medal in our country! Even if it hangs there all the time, no one will take it too long."

The corner of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched, and he kept hanging there, let him be spared.

Skipping this topic, Xu Chuan asked: "When I went to Beijing this time, I talked about a cooperation project with the Chemical Engineering Department of Shuimu University. I plan to borrow it. I wonder if my alma mater is interested? If If you are interested in ideas, I can reserve a few positions."

He briefly talked about his previous cooperation with Shuimu University in Beijing, and invited Nantah University to join him by the way.

Although the chemical engineering department of Nantah University is relatively weak, not as good as physics and astronomy, it is still a top 98 university and one of the earliest chemical departments established. It is not so weak.

"Computational chemistry? Of course I'm interested. It's just, are you busy? Don't you have two projects in hand? Plus research in mathematics."

Liu Gaojun didn't think too much, and agreed directly.

Whether it is to cooperate with Xu Chuan, a Nobel laureate, or with Shuimu University, this is a rare opportunity for Nantah University.

The success of the project is not in his consideration. The project carried out by two top universities + a Nobel Prize winner can produce some results no matter how poor it is.

And aside from the results, the talents cultivated in the project cooperation are also the focus.

It's just that he has some doubts about Xu Chuan's time and energy.

According to his previous understanding, Xu Chuan should have two large-scale projects in his hands at present, and this will add another one, that is, three. In addition, I heard that he is still working on NS equations and other issues.

All kinds of things come down, I'm afraid I can't count the things at hand. This energetic machine is almost like a robot, and it feels like it can run continuously for 24 hours just by adding oil.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, I will arrange it."

Liu Gaojun nodded, and said with concern: "The project is actually not very important. Don't squeeze your time so tightly. The future is still long. Just don't wear down your body."

For Xu Chuan, Nanjing University pays more attention to his body, after all, he is a student who has gone out from here. As long as we still recognize Nantah as our alma mater, Nantah will be able to benefit from it in the future.

As for scientific research results, he is only 21 years old, even if there is one in the next ten years, how many will there be?

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, one of the projects I'm working on is almost finished, and there's nothing wrong with time and energy."

Hearing this, Liu Gaojun was a little surprised: "There are results so soon? Lithium battery or nuclear energy?"

He knew about Xu Chuan's research. The secrecy level of the principals of 98 colleges and universities was not low, and many researches of a state-secret nature were also carried out in colleges and universities.

"This will be kept secret for the time being, and you will know after a while."

Xu Chuan smiled mysteriously, but did not disclose the results of the two projects.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Liu Gaojun said with a smile.


After inviting his alma mater to participate in a computational chemistry project, Xu Chuan left Nanjing University.

The conversation with Principal Liu Gaojun was just a rough arrangement.

The establishment of follow-up projects, resource requirements, personnel arrangements, etc. need to sit down and discuss in detail with Nantah University, Mizuki, and him.

As for now, it's time to start the next scientific research stage of the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Project".

After sending a message to Zheng Hai, Xu Chuan came to the coastal city of Qidong.

A few months ago, it was a deserted area.

But in just four months, the barren hills have turned into buildings everywhere. In the huge park, the main building of the Institute of Nuclear Energy has been completed.

In four months, a nuclear power plant and research institute covering an area of ​​2,000 mu, even if it is only the main body, is probably as efficient as Huaguo in the world.

The title of infrastructure madman is not called for nothing, but it is built through one after another world miracle project.

"Qi Gong, how long will it take for the institute to be available?"

After finding Qi Zhongxing, the chief engineer in charge of the entire project, Xu Chuan asked after a few words of greeting with a smile.

Qi Zhongxing made some calculations and replied: "It depends on the time of your supply of radiation isolation materials. If everything goes well, it will be officially put into use in March or April next year."

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Don't worry about the isolation materials. The corresponding manufacturers have been arranged to produce them here. According to the demand data you provided before, a total of 650 tons of isolation materials will be produced."

"The first batch of 300 tons can be delivered before January 15th, and the rest can be completed before January."

"If so, I can make sure it will be delivered by March 15th."

Qi Zhongxing nodded and replied seriously, for such a national project, Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group, which is responsible for the construction, has signed a guarantee.

There are strict requirements for what kind of standard and when it can be completed.

It is not uncommon for a person in charge to go in and squat for a few years if it is not completed within the time limit.

After learning about the construction situation at the research institute site, Xu Chuan walked around the park again to ensure that the overall progress of the nuclear energy project was no problem, and then got up and prepared to leave.

"In terms of construction, Qi Gong will be more troublesome. After the research institute is completed, I will come to ask for credit for you."

In front of the industrial park, Xu Chuan said goodbye to Qi Zhongxing with a smile.

Although this is a state-owned project, rewards are indispensable if you want people to do their best.

"No trouble, this is what I should do."

Qi Zhongxing responded quickly, with a hint of joy in his heart. With the energy of the person in front of him, just saying a few words on it can enrich his resume a lot.

Of course, the premise is that he has to do his job well. If the project goes wrong, he probably has to go to court without the other party saying anything.

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