Great Country Academician

Chapter 253 Dark Matter

From the moment humans look up at the sky, the imagination of the sky, the universe, and the stars never stops.

The sun, the moon, the stars... everything looks so beautiful and mysterious.

After entering the modern society, scientists began to use various instruments and equipment to observe and study the stars in the universe.

It took a long time for them to discover that there may be a huge problem in the universe we live in.

That is, all the substances we are familiar with every day, such as: trees, rocks, atoms, planets, stars, and galaxies add up to less than 5% of the entire universe by weight.

And what the remaining 95 percent is, neither can be seen nor known.

In follow-up research, scientists conducted a large number of follow-up analyzes on the 95% of the substances.

Finally, it is determined through various physical formulas and observational data that there is an invisible substance that accounts for more than 95% of the total mass in our universe.

At that time, Professor Fritz Zwicky, the astronomer who was the first to speculate and discover this kind of matter, named it 'Dark matter', which is the origin of dark matter.

In follow-up research, scientists discovered that Dark matter is actually divided into two types, one is the dark matter proposed at the beginning, and the other is dark energy.

Among them, dark matter accounts for 25% of the entire universe, and dark energy accounts for more than 70% of the entire universe.

Adding these two together, the total mass reaches more than 95% of the entire universe.

The remaining less than five percent of the matter formed everything we can observe today.

However, so far, we still cannot specifically observe 95% of dark matter and dark energy.

The research on them is still based on various speculations and observations of those abnormal cosmic phenomena.

For example, the movement of celestial bodies, the phenomenon of Newton's universal gravitation, the gravitational lens effect, the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe, the observation results of microwave background radiation, etc.

These cosmic phenomena indicate that dark matter and dark energy may exist in large quantities in galaxies, star clusters and the universe, and their masses are far greater than the sum of the masses of all visible celestial bodies in the universe.

Combined with the observation of the anisotropy of microwave background radiation in the universe and the standard cosmological model (ΛCDM model), it can be determined that dark matter in the universe accounts for 85% of the total mass of all matter and 26.8% of the total mass-energy of the universe.

For the study of dark matter, a widely accepted theory holds that the composition of dark matter is "weakly interacting massive particle" (WIMP), its mass and interaction strength are near the electroweak scale, in the universe The observed remaining abundances are obtained by thermal decoupling processes during expansion.

In addition, there are also hypotheses that dark matter is composed of other types of particles, such as axions (axions), sterile neutrinos (sterile neutrino) and other imaginary particles.

In his previous life, Xu Chuan observed two kinds of matter, axions and inert neutrinos, which indirectly proved the existence of dark matter.

If it were not for the Nobel Prize regulations, he would have won the Nobel Prize in Physics directly for this discovery in 2018 in his previous life.

According to the awarding principles of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of a particle or some phenomenon unknown to existing theories, nor will it reward the researchers who operate the Hadron Collider.

Even if it is a sensational achievement in the world, it will only be awarded to the person who proposed or perfected this theory.

Because in the general view of the academic circle, although the work of the first two is important, it is not that decisively important.

The latter work is decisive.

For example, in 2012, CERN detected the Higgs particle, and in 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Peter Higgs and Franco Waengler, who proposed the Higgs boson theory.

As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone has contributed, it is a pity that the Nobel Prize has nothing to do with them.

His mentor, Edward Witten, is actually a famous scholar of this type.

He proposed M-theory and a series of perfect theories. If these theories are verified to be true, then he will undoubtedly win the Nobel Prize.

But it is also quite a pity that he does not know how long it will take to verify his theory.

Just like the Higgs boson was proposed in the 1960s, it was not until 2013 that the Higgs and Franco Waengler who proposed the theory won the Nobel Prize. ten years.

If Witten wants to win the Nobel Prize for his M-theory, it may have to wait until he, like Higgs, becomes a bad old man in his nineties.

Therefore, it is impossible for Xu Chuan to win the Nobel Prize for his discovery of axion particles and inert neutrinos.

However, if he perfects the method he used to calculate the optimal search decay channel of the Higgs particle and the Yuchuan coupling of the third-generation heavy quark, and spreads it to most particles, there may be a chance Get another Nobel Prize in Physics.

A mathematical model or method that can greatly save scientific research funds, save a lot of manpower and material resources, speed up the search for new particles, and replace old methods, is as important to high-energy physics and particle physics as the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to The astronomy community is as important as the astrophysics community.

But he probably doesn't have time to do this recently.

On the one hand, he has a project in hand, on the other hand, this year he has to get the discovery of inertial neutrinos first.

After all, this is his own scientific research achievement, and there is no reason for others to take it away.

Although the Nobel Prize is the supreme honor, he has not never won it.

Inert neutrinos are related to the discovery of dark matter, which Xu Chuan believes is more important than the Nobel Prize.

It's just that he can't go abroad at present, so he can only find a way to see if he can get the experimental data from CERN and analyze and process it in China.

Originally, it was a good opportunity for Hua Guo to join CERN and become a member state, but it is a pity that the current personnel assigned by Hua Guo are mainly concentrated on the two detectors of LHCb and ATLAS.

As for ATLCE, no personnel were arranged to go there.

This made it a lot of trouble for him to find the data.

Fortunately, his mentor is Witten, and his current identity is completely different from before. The reputation of the Nobel Prize winner in physics can help a lot.

After all, even in CERN, a sacred place of physics, there are not many Nobel Prize winners, only a handful.

A Nobel laureate actively participates in the analysis of experimental data, whether it is the team responsible for the ATLCE detector or CERN will welcome it.

Even if he didn't go there in person.

After chatting with Lin Feng about the frontier information of the physics world and CERN, Xu Chuan returned to his villa.

Nantah University's annual figure event has been completed, and there is nothing left for him.

Picking up his mobile phone, Xu Chuan called Edward Witten.

"Hello, Xu Chuan." The voice of Edward Witten came from the other end.

"Mentor, did you participate in the high-energy collision experiment of CERN's ATLCE detector some time ago? Or did any acquaintances participate?" Xu Chuan asked.

Wei Teng thought for a while and replied: "ATLCE detector? Let me think about it. I am not processing the data over there. The high-energy collision experiment some time ago seems to be processing the experimental data from the Caltech and the University of St. Andrews. The team is working on it."

"Why, are you interested in the experimental data of ATLCE?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, I heard that the LHC set a record for a collision experiment at the 13Tev energy level some time ago. I am very interested in the experimental data at this energy level."

Wei Teng smiled, and said: "Then you can come to Geneva. Anyway, you are a formal researcher, and CERN will welcome you at any time."

After a pause, he continued: "I believe that the teams of Caltech and University of St. Andrews will not reject a Nobel Prize winner."

Xu Chuan shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that I have something to do now, so I can't go there. If possible, I would like to see a copy of the original data of the collision experiment."

Wei Teng pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, let me ask for you to see if I can get a copy of the experimental data."

Shrugging his shoulders, he continued: "Although the time for disclosure has not yet come, the teams at Caltech and the University of St. Andrews don't seem to have analyzed anything useful so far."

"Perhaps you can make new discoveries in your hands?"

"After all, no one is better at dissecting these collision data mathematically than you."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Then trouble the instructor."

Wei Teng waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It's a small matter, I hope to find something new."

"After all, in today's physics world, nothing new has been discovered for a long time."

After entrusting the acquisition of high-energy collision experiment data to his mentor Edward Witten, Xu Chuan returned to the Institute of Nuclear Energy to continue the second phase of semiconductor material research and development.

Less than two days later, Witten returned the call.

"Hey, Xu Chuan, I have applied to CERN for the collision experiment data you want, and the analysis teams from Caltech and the University of St. Andrews also agreed."

"This experimental data is being packaged and processed. It will take about two or three days. How will it be sent to you after processing?"

On the mobile phone, Edward Witten's voice was transmitted. Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Pass it to my alma mater, Nantah University. I will go and talk there, and arrange for someone to connect with CERN."

"Okay, I just happen to have a meeting at CERN these two days, so I'll keep an eye on you first."

Xu Chuan said with embarrassment: "It's too much trouble for you, mentor, and it's not a big deal. Just find someone to connect with."

Isn't it a waste of talents for a Fields Medal-level boss to help him watch and transmit data? For such a trivial matter, just find an intern or staff member.

Wei Teng said with a smile: "It's okay, I hope you can find something new in the data of this collision experiment."

After hanging up the call, Xu Chuan turned around and went to Nantah University to borrow the supercomputing center of Nantah University.

Nantah University also has a supercomputer and a supercomputing center, and it has been established for a few years.

NTU's high-performance computing project was officially launched in 2009 and officially established in March 2010.

NTU's School of Atmospheric Science, School of Physics, School of Earth Science and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Astronomy and Space Science, etc., are all the objects of service provided by the High Performance Computing Center.

The theoretical calculation peak reaches 34 trillion floating-point operations per second, ranking seventh in the national computer TOP100 ranking, and the world computer TOP500 ranking 203rd.

In 2018, the supercomputing center of Nantah University was not outdated, and its performance was not bad.

At least there is no problem in processing the experimental data sent from CERN.

Regarding his request, Nantah University agreed without any hesitation, and most of the non-urgent tasks of the Supercomputing Center were postponed for a whole month.

Although the High Performance Computing Center of NTU has been performing high-speed calculations at full capacity, and the daily tasks are heavy, postponing most of the tasks for half a month means that many people's affairs will be damaged.

However, whether it is a request from a Nobel laureate, or borrowing CERN data from NTU's supercomputing center, it is very meaningful for NTU.

The physics department of Nantah University is very strong, ranking at least the top three in China, and it has always been a cooperative unit of CERN, and a large number of students are sent to CERN every year.

Whether it was brought by the professor or applied by yourself.

Being able to participate in the physical sanctuary of CERN to process experimental data, even if it is hard work, it is very good to feel the atmosphere in the past.

There are too many universities there, if you are really interested in academics, I believe you will not miss such an opportunity.

And Xu Chuan will need a group of professors and students to get the experimental data to be processed in the supercomputing center of Nantah University. This will help Nantah University to cultivate more talents and apply for more exchanges with CERN next year.

"Then teacher, I will trouble you with the analysis of the experimental data in the early stage."

In Chen Zhengping's office, Xu Chuan said with embarrassment.

After connecting with CERN at NTU, Weiteng arranged for someone to send the experimental data of the ATLCE detector.

The data are raw data that have not been analyzed and need to be processed.

But obviously he doesn't have time now, the second phase of semiconductor material research and development of the nuclear energy project has entered a critical stage, and he can't spare time to do other things.

So I can only trouble Chen Zhengping and Nantah University to send out a group of doctoral students to help process the experimental data in the early stage.

Although Caltech and the University of St. Andrews have analyzed these data for a long time, it is obviously impossible for others to send him the data they have analyzed.

It would be nice to have an additional consent to let him have access to a copy of the original data, after all, this is the project they applied for, and there is still a long time before full disclosure.

In the office, Chen Zhengping said with a smile: "It's nothing. It's a good thing for the students of Nanjing University. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to practice at CERN."

"Your complete original data is enough for them to experience the experience of working at CERN in China."

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