Great Country Academician

Chapter 261 Absorbing Material

Since ancient times, by improving the concealment of weapons, the tactics and tactics of launching a sudden attack and giving the enemy a fatal blow have been highly respected when the enemy is unprepared.

For example, in the ancient history of China, the famous Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin by placing a dagger on the map to achieve the visual invisibility of the weapon, and almost caused a generation of great emperors to lose their lives.

However, when science and technology are advanced and various methods such as radar waves and infrared rays can be used to detect opponents from a long distance, how to maintain the invisibility of weapons is the goal that all countries are pursuing.

Stealth aircraft was born in this context.

It is a method of reducing the signal characteristics of aircraft by using a variety of stealth technologies, making it difficult for enemy radars to detect, identify, track and attack, so as to achieve the purpose of anti-radar, anti-infrared, anti-electronic, and anti-acoustic detection, thereby achieving the stealth effect. combat aircraft.

The first generation of stealth aircraft was born in the United States, represented by the F-117A "Nighthawk" stealth fighter-bomber, with the famous Specter B2 as the peak.

This is an aircraft that could change the landscape of air combat.

In the 1990s, after the Iraqi students invaded the Ke students, the United States launched the Desert Shield project and sent 45 F-117A to the Sha students' base.

This is the world's first large-scale use of stealth fighters.

In this battle, the F-117A showed its talents. The first wave entered Yi's airspace, and it passed through the gate of Yi's airspace without a sound, and directly dropped bombs at a height of less than 600 meters from the ground. Accurately destroyed a large number of key facilities such as radars, anti-aircraft guns, and anti-aircraft missile positions of Yi students.

This war has been seen by everyone. It turns out that this is how modern wars are fought.

At the same time, it also woke up all the countries in the world, including a certain rabbit who beat Ying Jiang fat with a millet and a rifle in the peninsula.

Everyone is thinking, if Yi is replaced by himself, can he survive or win?

But no matter how you calculate, the final result points to a path, and it is impossible to win.

Even with a broader strategic depth, more personnel advantages, and stronger beliefs, in the face of this new era of war, these are almost impossible to form effective resistance.

This battle woke up and scared all audiences around the world.

Since then, the development of modern weapons and stealth aircraft has officially entered the eyes of all countries.

After learning some information from Fan Pingbo and Qin Anguo, Xu Chuan finally realized how important the radiation energy absorption and conversion technology he developed in the mechanism technology of nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration and conversion into electrical energy.

At present, the top stealth coating materials in various countries account for less than 20% of the overall stealth performance of fighter jets.

However, the absorption of β-rays and γ-rays by the radiation gap band has reached more than 40%. If it can be converted to the absorption of electromagnetic waves, then the invisible coating material produced by this new technology can be said to be 'Ultra Stealth Materials'.

If this 'ultra-stealth coating material' is applied to fighter jets, the stealth effect of fighter jets will not only be doubled, but also much stronger than before.

Although the stealth effect of a fighter does not depend entirely on the stealth coating material, but is also affected by various factors such as model design, surface folds, external protrusions, and gaps in the fighter, at least it is no problem to catch up with or surpass the F35 of the United States.

After all, among the various stealth factors of stealth fighters, coating materials are the most difficult to develop and innovate, and stealth coatings are also the first line of defense when a stealth fighter faces radar wave scanning, and its importance is self-evident.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "Theoretically, it should be feasible to apply the radiation gap technology to the absorption of conventional electromagnetic waves. It's just that it may be necessary to find the most suitable material that can meet the requirements of maximizing electromagnetic radiation. The absorption can meet the performance of fighter jets.”

"I remember that the speed of the fighter plane is quite fast when it is flying in the sky, and the resulting high temperature needs to be solved."

Hearing this, Academician Fan Pingbo of the Aeronautical Research Institute nodded, and said: "Yes, when flying at high altitudes, fighter jets fly very fast, and friction with the air generates a lot of heat, especially supersonic fighters, such as triple-sonic fighters. G-25, the stagnation point temperature of the airframe surface is as high as 500°C or higher at the maximum speed."

"Not just high temperatures, but ultra-low temperatures."

"At present, the ceiling of mainstream fighter jets is about 20,000 meters. At this altitude, the ambient air temperature is about minus 55 degrees. In this environment, the impact of ultra-low temperature on the stealth coating also needs to be taken into consideration."

"In addition, when flying at low altitudes, we need to take into account the friction of small floating objects in the air, such as dust, condensation nuclei, and the viscous effect of the airflow."

After a pause, Academician Fan Pingbo smiled, and continued: "Of course, these things are things that need to be considered in spaceflight. Professor Xu, you don't have to worry about these things."

"Today, the first thing we need to confirm is whether this technology can be applied to the absorption of conventional electromagnetic waves. If it can, we need to consider the follow-up things."

Xu Chuan nodded and reconfirmed: "Theoretically, this should be feasible, but I can't give too many suggestions on coating materials."

"However, from my own considerations, I can provide two or three possible suitable materials."

Hearing this, Fan Pingbo immediately sat up straight, and said solemnly, "Say it."

On the other side, Qin Anguo had already pulled out his notebook from his bag, preparing to record his words.

Xu Chuan cleared his throat and said, "Theoretically speaking, graphene is a very suitable material. According to the characteristics of graphene, it can absorb electromagnetic waves, and the absorption efficiency is quite high. If it can be used If it is made into radiation-gap graphene, it is believed that its absorption rate for traditional electromagnetic waves can be improved."

"The difference between it and the traditional magnetic loss characteristic material is that this material has a high absorption efficiency of infrared rays. In the temperature range of 20-30 degrees, graphene itself can reach 80% of the infrared absorption rate of 16-14um wavelength. Above, this can greatly enhance the stealth performance of fighter jets.”

"Considering that the high-speed flight of fighter jets will generate a lot of heat, graphene materials also have excellent heat dissipation performance, which can further improve the concealment effect of infrared detection."

"In addition, in the face of ultra-low temperatures below minus 50 degrees at an altitude of 20,000 meters, graphene can also have a stable form."

Throughout the day, Xu Chuan spent the living room communicating with Qin Anguo and others about the technical aspects of the 'Radiation Gap Zone'.

It is not only suitable for the types of stealth coating materials, but also some key points and other things for the preparation of radiation gap materials.

As far as Xu Chuan is concerned, he is not like some scholars who do not mind his knowledge being applied to the military.

As the great man said, not having a sword in hand is not the same as having a sword without using it.

Force, no matter at any time, is the most basic condition to ensure one's own safety.

After communicating in the villa for about two days, Qin Anguo left with several experts, and Xu Chuan also returned to normal life.

The analysis of inert neutrinos has been completed, and the next work is naturally to contact CERN to make it public.

Turning on the computer, Xu Chuan deftly found the mailboxes of CERN, Weiteng and others, and sent the analysis results he made to them.

Others can't go to CERN now, and they can't hold a press conference there, so they can only deal with it in this way for the time being.

After finishing the mail, Xu Chuan leaned back, leaned against the chair and looked out the window.

After the hard work in the second half of last year, whether it is the nuclear energy project or the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, the research and development of both sides have entered a phased suspension.

The follow-up of the former needs to wait until the research institute in Qidong is completed, and the customized linear particle accelerator is still in the process of expedited manufacturing. Without the experimental site and equipment, the follow-up cycle cannot be started.

Of course, testing of radiative gap materials is still ongoing. After the test is over, it will be about March, and the research institute has also done it, so we can continue naturally.

The latter Chuanhai Research Institute is currently applying for patents in various countries, and researching lithium-sulfur batteries, lithium-air batteries and other lithium batteries.

After all, after the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, not only lithium-ion batteries can achieve rapid breakthroughs, but also lithium-sulfur batteries and lithium-air batteries can see the dawn of hope.

The latter two are based on the solution of the lithium dendrite problem.

If possible, Xu Chuan hopes to take the development of the battery field into his own hands. This is a huge market, and there are still many cakes that have not yet been developed.

As long as he seizes the lithium battery market, he won't have to worry about his subsequent scientific research funds, at least in a short period of time.

regardless of nuclear power

After thinking about it, Xu Chuan straightened up, manipulated the computer to connect to the educational administration system of Nantah University, and submitted his name to the course arrangement application.

Looking at it now, he doesn't have much to do in the next month or so. In this case, it's time for him to pick up his job as a professor at Nantah University.

That's right, from the beginning to the end, after he returned to China, his most essential job was to be a professor of mathematics at Nantah University who hadn't attended a day of class.

Whether it is a nuclear energy research project, a lithium battery project, or something else, it is an extra job outside of my job.

Thinking about it this way, I am really sorry for the salary given by Nantah University.

At present, his salary consists of two parts, one part is the allowance issued by the state before returning to China, a special allowance of 12.5 million per year, which is paid directly without tax deduction.

The other part is the salary of professors at Nantah University. The annual salary is 3 million after tax. However, after winning the Nobel Prize, this salary has been doubled to 6 million.

These two parts are the basic salary, in addition to various benefits and subsidies.

As the first scholar in history to win the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal at the same time, the salary is not very high despite the state subsidies.

However, Xu Chuan doesn't really care about these things. He is short of money, and he is short of money. The lack of money refers to the lack of money for some future research and development. Do not throw money into it for the unit.

Nantah University, Academic Affairs Office.

A young teacher is sitting in the office arranging the courses. Although the school has started now and all the professors have submitted their own courses, after all, there are always some accidents in life. Some courses need to be adjusted temporarily. The Academic Affairs Office also has A dedicated teacher or assistant is in charge of this aspect.

"Fuck? Did I read it wrong?"

While arranging the class, the young teacher suddenly exclaimed, and in the quiet office, several colleagues immediately cast their curious eyes over.

Rubbing his eyes, the young man who was in charge of arranging the courses looked at the screen again. After confirming that he had read correctly, he raised his head in disbelief: "Guess whose name I just saw on the educational administration system!"

"Xu Chuan!"

"Chuanshen actually submitted a course application!"

As soon as these words came out, commotion broke out in the office.

"you sure?"

"Xiao Xu, you read it wrong, Chuan Shen is so busy, how could he have time for class."

"It must be a mistake. Chuan Shen didn't hold a class in the second half of last year. It's only the beginning of the year. How can he have time to start classes?"

In the office, other people discussed it one after another.

In this office, or in the entire South University, no one has heard of the name Xu Chuan.

At the beginning, many students, teachers, professors, and even people from other institutions in Nantah University were looking forward to the class of this great god. After all, this is the first Nobel Prize + Fields Medal winner in history. .

But the more you look forward to, the more you will be disappointed.

After this boss returned to China, although he took up a professorship at Nantah University, he hasn't held a single class for more than half a year.

Gradually, everyone didn't expect this big cow to give lectures.

Of course, most people can understand, after all, they are all such top bosses, and they must have more important things in their hands.

No one expected that at the beginning of 2019, this boss would submit the course schedule.

It's just unbelievable.

For the Office of Academic Affairs, Xu Chuan's teaching arrangement is a big deal, especially since this is the first time this big boss has given a lecture.

Because he couldn't believe it, the Academic Affairs Office made a special call to ask if he was real, which made Xu Chuan dumbfounded when he received the call.

After confirming that the teaching course was true, the staff of the Academic Affairs Office quickly arranged the matter and reported it to the school leaders.

At noon that day, the news was updated on the campus website, and students who were concerned about the course schedule immediately posted the pictures on the school's stone forum.

[Fuck, I just went to see the class schedule, guess whose name I saw! ! ! ! 】

【who? 】

【Xu Chuan! Kawasaki! On the latest schedule announced by the Office of Academic Affairs, there are actually courses for Chuan Shen! 】

[Don't make trouble, it must be the same name and surname, that boss didn't teach a class last year. 】

[No, I just consulted with the teacher in the Academic Affairs Office, it's true! 】

[Fuck? 】

[Fuck! 】

[Really or not, Chuan Shen started class? When, where, what day, what class? 】

[The day after tomorrow, Thursday, linear algebra and spatial analytic geometry, class at 2 pm, one hour, in the public classroom of the West Building. 】

【receive! 】

[Hiss~, Chuan Shen's first class, don't miss it! Where can I sign up? 】

[It seems that there is no need to sign up, just like an ordinary professor giving an open class? 】

[No need to sign up? He can't beat the crowds? It seems that the day after tomorrow I have to go there early to grab a seat. 】

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