Great Country Academician

Chapter 266 The biggest problem encountered by the human science community so far

Xu Chuan was very pleasantly surprised by the words of CERN Chairman Gross.

From arranging two or three collision experiments, to LHC fully capturing sterile neutrinos, these are two completely different concepts.

From the perspective of CERN, the former is just a project worth investing in, and it is even possible because of his status as a Nobel Prize winner in physics.

The latter means that the importance of this discovery has reached the peak of the current high-energy field.

When CERN searched for the Higgs particle, it was in such a state, and LHC suspended nearly half of other projects.

Four detectors, from the ATLAS toroidal detector to the CMS compact muon coil, to the ALICE large ion collision detector, are all looking for traces of the Higgs particle.

On this basis, the Higgs particle was successfully discovered in 2012.

In his previous life, he did not have this kind of treatment when he studied the inertial neutrinos. Although the traces were also discovered in 2018, the detection of the inertial neutrinos was not completed until 2023, with a confidence level of 5.2 sigma.

Now that the LHC is fully committed to capturing the search, it seems that this deadline may be much earlier.

After a small report meeting, several Nobel laureates left and went back to the hotel to rest.

They rushed over from Europe after a meeting. They landed and put down their luggage and came to Nanjing University. The long-distance travel was also very exhausting.

Edward Witten stayed behind, planning to catch up with the student who had been separated for more than half a year.

"After more than half a year, I didn't expect you to even win the Nobel Prize."

In Xu Chuan's office, Wei Teng held a cup of tea and exclaimed, if you want to say who is most envious of the Nobel Prize, he must be one of them.

However, the probability of him wanting to win the Nobel Prize is too low.

For things like string theory, it is estimated that it will take another century or two to be confirmed, and it may not even be confirmed.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I'm also quite surprised. I didn't expect the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to be so bold last year, making an exception and awarding me the Nobel Prize."

Wei Teng smiled and said: "If the existence of inertial neutrinos is confirmed this time, maybe the Nobel Prize will have to be awarded to you again."

Xu Chuan shook his head and said, "Even if I find out, I'm afraid I won't be able to get this medal according to the management of the Nobel Prize."

For the Nobel Prize in Physics, if a certain particle has been predicted and detailed theoretical planning by predecessors, such as the Higgs particle, such as

Then when this particle is discovered and meets the requirements, the Nobel Prize will only be awarded to scholars who make this prediction and planning.

CERN makes countless discoveries, large and small, every year. More than 90% of the achievements in the field of high-energy physics come from there, and many of them are worthy of the Nobel Prize.

But if the Nobel Prizes were to be awarded to these achievements, one hundred places a year would not be enough.

After all, these things can be said to be the joint discovery of CERN, and more than a hundred people have contributed to it.

Just like his inert neutrinos this time, although he analyzed them, the detection and analysis of the original data was done by CERN and Nanjing University.

It is impossible for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to so many people, which is unrealistic.

Therefore, even for the discovery of great achievements such as the Higgs particle and gravitational waves, the Nobel Prize was not awarded to CERN and other laboratory institutions.

From this point of view, it is very unlikely that he will win the Nobel Prize for his discovery of inert neutrinos, at least he did not win the Nobel Prize for this in his previous life.

It was the discovery of dark matter in the future that allowed him to successfully win the second Nobel Prize in his previous life.

Regarding Xu Chuan's answer, Wei Teng has a different view: "It's not the same. Although the liquid scintillation neutrino detector has proposed the concept of inert neutrinos before, it is finally confirmed that it is just a Miu-type reaction. The neutrinos transform into electron-type antineutrinos."

"And the theories you put forward this time are pretty amazing."

"It can be said that the physics community has never thought that there is an intermediate particle between dark matter and positive matter. If it is confirmed, this can be said to be a great discovery that breaks through the standard model."

After a pause, Wei Teng glanced at Xu Chuan expectantly, and then said: "More importantly, behind the inert neutrinos, lies the dark matter and dark energy that the whole world has been looking forward to."

"If we can make a breakthrough through this, it will definitely be the greatest achievement of the 21st century."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I hope it goes well."

In the office, after Xu Chuan chatted with Wei Teng for a while, CERN Chairman David Gross and NTU President Liu Gaojun walked in together.

"Professor Xu, there is something I want to discuss with you." Gross came over and said.

Xu Chuan: "Chairman, please tell me."

"Well, given the significance of this discovery of sterile neutrinos, CERN needs to hold a press conference to show the world what CERN is doing."

"I don't know if you have time, is it convenient for Fang to go to the European Atomic Energy Research Center?"

David Gross looked at Xu Chuan and asked, before coming, he had talked with Wei Teng, and he probably knew that the scholar in front of him might not go abroad, but even so, he still wanted to fight for it.

After all, as the chairman of CERN, he naturally hopes that this press conference will be held at CERN headquarters, which will greatly enhance CERN's influence.

Xu Chuan shook his head regretfully, and said, "I'm sorry, Chairman, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to CERN recently."

"However." After a pause, he continued, "Why don't you arrange this press conference in China?"

"Last year, Hua Guo joined CERN and officially became a member state. There are also resident reporters from all over the world here. I believe that my motherland is also capable enough to hold this press conference."

Hearing this, David Gross glanced at Edward Witten across the way, and Witten shook his head slightly. He knew something, but it was impossible to tell Gross that even if Gross was his mentor, he was also Xu Chuan’s ancestor. .

Compared with him, Gross's position is not the same. Both he and Deligne are not very involved in political affairs, but Gross represents the interests of the United States at CERN.

Of course, as the chairman of CERN, he still has to consider CERN's interests more.

Seeing Wei Teng shaking his head, Gross thought for a while, and said, "How about holding this press conference here? How about having Professor Xu, your alma mater, hold a press conference instead of CERN?"

As he spoke, he looked at the principal of Nantah University and asked, "I don't know your school's opinion?"

Liu Gaojun nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "Of course, this is an honor for Nantah University. Please rest assured and leave it to us. Nantah University will definitely hold this report well."

David Gross laughed. "That would be a lot of trouble."

Before coming here, CERN has actually decided that the report will be released in China, so Gross has no regrets. After all, the main discoverer of this discovery is Xu Chuan, and it is impossible for CERN to hold a press conference alone without Xu Chuan. .

After accepting this task in the office, Liu Gaojun greeted everyone and left.

Being able to undertake such a press conference instead of CERN will undoubtedly be of great benefit to NTU's academic reputation in the field of high energy physics.

As a top C9 school, Nanjing University has experienced administrators. After undertaking the press conference, various administrative departments of Nantah University quickly held a meeting to discuss the scale of the press conference.

For Nantah University, it is the first time to undertake such a job, and the teachers of the administrative staff naturally suggested that it be held in a grand way.

Not only because this is the first time such a press conference has been launched to the world, but also because the content of this press conference is quite amazing.

Discovery of sterile neutrinos, dark matter connection

These things all declare that human physics may soon break through the boundaries and enter the next brand new century! The Standard Model of Physics will also be updated, and the boundaries of science will once again be pushed.

And the name of this great discoverer, Xu Chuan, will be recorded in the most glorious annals of history just like the predecessors.

Even though he is now.

As Xu Chuan's alma mater, Nanjing University will naturally get more attention and honor.

On this basis, these administrative teachers directly suggested to expand this press conference into a press conference + report meeting.

Invite Xu Chuan and the Nobel Prize Scholars who came to participate in the Inert Neutrino Symposium to give a report on dark matter, dark energy, neutrinos, inert neutrinos and other substances and discoveries after the press conference.

After all, the opportunity is rare. In this small report meeting with only eight people attracted by Xu Chuan, there are seven Nobel Prize winners in physics, two Fields Medal winners, and most of them are high-energy physics and particle physics. Big bull in the field.

When did Nantah University gather so many top leaders in the same field?

It can be said that basically no.

So if you don't take the opportunity to post it, it will be really difficult to encounter such an opportunity if you miss it.

In the end, a press conference and presentation were scheduled for five days later.

If David Gross, the chairman of CERN, wanted to hold a press conference as soon as possible to announce the news to all walks of life, Nantah University could still delay the time.

After all, the longer the time, the more convenient it is for those top physics professors to arrange their own time.

As time went by, physicists who were interested in press conferences and reports and had time arrived in Jinling one after another by plane.

This city, which has always had little presence in the international academic circle, has a strong academic atmosphere.

Especially in Nanjing University, as the press conference is approaching, a large number of well-known scholars come to visit every day, which makes the school leaders smile.

It is a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise Nantah University would really like to take this opportunity to hold this press conference as a world-class academic report meeting.

The press conference was held in the auditorium of the old campus of NTU.

The media reporters and physicists who were invited to attend the press conference have all been seated.

Beside Edward Witten, Frank Wilczek, a Nobel laureate in physics, was communicating with him in a low voice.

"I heard that CERN arranged for some people to come over and exchange the analysis data of the ALICE detector with Professor Xu?"

"Yes." Wei Teng nodded, and said: "Today's press conference is very interesting. The LHC's collision experiment in the second half of the year will revolve around the results announced today."

Hearing this, Wilczek was a little surprised, and asked, "Could it be that they are really inert neutrinos?"

Wei Teng shook his head slightly, and said: "At present, it is not certain, but there is a high probability. Moreover, even if it is not an inert neutrino, there is a high probability that there is a kind of neutrino in the data detected by the internal tracking system. An unknown new type of particle, and most likely beyond the Standard Model."

"That's really exciting. Perhaps the biggest revolution in the physics world is coming." Wilczek said with a smile.


As time goes by, the round clock on the wall points to nine o'clock.

The president of Nantah University was the first to take the stage for the opening ceremony.

Immediately, David Gross, the chairman of CERN, took the stage and announced the process of the press conference and report.

Afterwards, Xu Chuan, who was dressed in formal attire, walked steadily into the auditorium.

As he came on stage, there was an obvious commotion in the auditorium, and everyone looked up at the figure on the stage.

This is the first time the young Nobel laureate has been seen in public since his Nobel lecture last December.

After several months, I don't know what kind of results this young top scholar will bring, and how shocking it will be.

Standing on the reporting platform, Xu Chuan looked down at the audience and media reporters. He didn't feel much excitement.

After all, he has experienced such scenes many times.

On the podium, Xu Chuan tried the microphone, and after confirming that there was no problem, he spoke in a clear voice.

"Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here, and in order not to waste your precious time, I will go straight to the topic."

After the brief opening, Xu Chuan opened the PPT file for the screening.

Of course, this is not the data analysis sent to CERN, but a simpler and straightforward report based on this.

After all, today's press conference is aimed at the many media reporters, not the many physicists who came from afar.

"In the past 2018, CERN has conducted numerous collider laboratories. Using large-scale strong particle colliders, we have pursued and explored the secrets of the universe and microscopic particles."

"From the Higgs particle decay to the discovery of the pentaquark particle, these great achievements have refreshed the physics world and given us a deeper understanding of microscopic particles and the universe."

"Today, I will stand here and announce another result."

As he said that, Xu Chuan lightly pressed the laser pointer in his hand, and on the projected screen, the screen jumped a bit, and a new picture rotated out.

It was a cosmic star map, and several river systems were slowly rotating in the picture.

Looking at the picture, Xu Chuan said slowly, "Before today's press conference starts, I want to ask everyone present a question."

"In the face of the vast universe, what is the greatest puzzle that human science has encountered so far?"

Hearing this somewhat unexpected question, there was some commotion in the auditorium, and some physicists began to communicate with their friends.

Some say the speed of light, some say the expansion of space, and some say the origin of mass and the origin of the universe.

In the audience of the report, many media reporters were busy recording this moment with their cameras.

Of course, while recording, many media reporters were curious and thinking about why this young scholar raised such a question and the answer to this question.

Have a py with the boss, this is a big boutique boss!

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