Great Country Academician

Chapter 273 Breakthrough results!

In the study, Xu Chuan stared at the display screen in front of him.

The vortex arrays and ripples formed by the collision of the vortex rings echoed, and his eyes shone with hope.

The swirling ripples on the screen, and the familiar manuscript paper in Qiu Chengtong's office, the two perfectly merged together, opened up a new path, and let him see the path of hope.

No one thought that a graduate student's partial differential equations in the field of intelligent neural networks would bring a new idea to decipher NS equations to a top mathematician.

In this regard, Xu Chuan can only lament that fate is sometimes so wonderful.

If he hadn't gone to the capital that day, hadn't been interested in the student assessment questions on the table, and hadn't maintained a consistent peace of mind to communicate with others, then nothing would have happened today.

A partial differential equation calculation method originally used in the field of artificial intelligence and intelligent neural network, a vector space used to describe the transformation of signals in the frequency domain, is now likely to build a magnificent bridge in a new field!

Taking out the manuscript paper and pen from the side, Xu Chuan embarked on the road of exploring the NS equation again.

He had a hunch that this time, it would definitely succeed!

After a long time passed, Xu Chuan made the last stroke in his hand.

His bloodshot pupils were bright and excited, and he looked at the manuscript paper full of calculations and data in front of him, with a smile on his tired face.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how many obstacles he has overcome. Now, he finally climbed another way on the peak of the NS equation!

The perfect combination of physical experiments + mathematical demonstrations allowed him to find the path to the peak.

Although the road is still rough and steep, this does not stop him who has seen the direction.

This time, it is probably the longest time to prove a problem.

Looking at the messy manuscript paper on the desk, Xu Chuan smiled and began to organize the proof process.

A staged achievement of the NS equation took nearly 300 pages of paper, and a large number of references, derivation formulas, and solution processes occupied its main body.

But fortunately, on this road, he succeeded.

Not only that, but this time he pushed the goal to a position that he never thought of before the start.

At the beginning, Xu Chuan only wanted to complete the step of "given a finite bounded domain and the condition of Dirichlet boundary, in three-dimensional space, to prove that there is a real solution to the Navier-Stokes equation, and the solution is smooth".

But now, he's gone even further.

After thinking about it, Xu Chuan crossed out the title on the first page of manuscript paper, and re-wrote a brand new title.

《Given a finite space, when the initial value is infinitely smooth, the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation smooth solution exists! "

A new title quietly appeared above the old title.

This represents a big step closer to the ultimate meaning of the NS equation in the mathematics and physics communities.

Although it has not been verified by the mathematics and physics circles, Xu Chuan believes that he is successful!

After checking the manuscript paper in his hand and temporarily confirming that there was nothing missing, Xu Chuan also let out a long sigh of relief.

A wave of sleepiness surged from his heart, his eyelids began to fight, and his tense nerves quickly withered away after relaxing.

After staying up late for an unknown number of days, he was finally able to sleep soundly.

Yawning and coming to the bedroom, Xu Chuan casually kicked his shoes aside and lay down on the bed without washing.

Immediately, the sound of snoring evenly sounded in the bedroom.

I don't know how long I slept, but when Xu Chuan woke up, he felt that the sky outside was still dark.

After struggling to get up from the bed, he only felt that he had no strength in his whole body.

Xu Chuan was quite familiar with this feeling.

This is the aftereffect of long-term tension and fatigue, and it can be relieved after two or three days of rest.

In his previous life, he often appeared when he was researching problems, but in this life, after exercising well, it was the first time he had similar symptoms.

It can only be said that studying NS equations consumed him so much energy that his body couldn't take it anymore.

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan stretched his body, got up and went into the bathroom to take a hot shower.

After changing into fresh clothes, the whole person is also refreshed a lot.

After taking out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, he took another piece of bread from the storage box. When he woke up, he was a little bit hungry, so he could only fill up the bread temporarily, and he probably had to order another takeaway later.

With the bread in his mouth, Xu Chuan returned to the study, picked up the phone from the desk and glanced at the time, it was past three o'clock in the morning.

If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have fallen asleep around eleven or twelve o'clock yesterday, my good fellow, he slept for fifteen or sixteen hours this time.

"It's broken! Is there any takeaway at this spot?"

Suddenly, Xu Chuan slapped his thigh and quickly picked up his phone. He was hungry. At three o'clock in the morning, can he order something to eat?

In particular, he lived at the foot of Zijin Mountain, which was relatively remote, and there were no shops nearby, let alone late at night.

Click on the food delivery software, and there are very few restaurants that can deliver food near this point.

In addition to barbecue, there is only one 24-hour porridge shop left.

Fortunately, he wasn't picky about his food, so he put down his phone after ordering something casually.

On the desk, the manuscript paper sorted out yesterday was neatly placed there, tearing open the bread bag, Xu Chuan rechecked yesterday's manuscript while eating.

Last night, he just checked the manuscript to see if there was anything missing. Today he has to go through the proof process carefully from beginning to end.

Check for deficiencies and omissions, calculate where there is a problem, or where there is room for optimization.

The NS equation is a century-old problem, and the proof process is extremely long and extremely difficult. It is a crown both for the mathematics world and the physics world.

The paper submitted by him will definitely attract the attention of the whole world, so Xu Chuan has to carefully and repeatedly confirm that the paper has no major flaws.

In the study room, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Xu Chuan came back to his senses, walked over and opened the door, outside the door, Zheng Hai was carrying a bag of takeaway.

"Professor, your takeaway has arrived."

Zheng Hai handed over the food, Xu Chuan took it, and asked casually, "Why are you still up so late?"

"I came here in the evening and took a rest when I saw you were sleeping. It's not very sleepy."

Xu Chuan asked curiously, "Are you looking for me? What's the matter?"

Under normal circumstances, Zheng Hai seldom comes to the villa to look for him, usually when he has something to do.

"No." Zheng Hai shook his head and continued: "The main reason is that you didn't order dinner, so I came to take a look."

After a pause, he continued: "Even if you are doing research, professor, you should pay attention to your health. You have been staying up late these days."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you, I will pay attention."

To be honest, few people who engage in scientific research have a normal life schedule.

In comparison, he is actually quite good. As long as he is not fully absorbed in research, his work and rest are quite regular.

However, during this period of time to study the NS equation, the work and rest are indeed a bit disordered.

But that's nothing.

It's just a liver explosion, which is nothing more than normal for him.

How many people who are engaged in scientific research are not crazy?

It is not strange to drink a bottle of Red Bull all night.

What's more, if you don't explode your liver when you are young, when you are old, you can't explode your liver even if you want to.

PS: there is another chapter tonight

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