Great Country Academician

Chapter 276 Problems in Nuclear Energy Projects

After receiving a call from the leader of Nantah University, Xu Chuan didn't think much about it, and agreed to hold a report meeting at Nantah University after a brief exchange.

The phased results of the NS equation are not unknown, and it deserves a special report.

And it is also a good thing for him to have someone take the initiative to worry about this kind of thing for him.

After all, it is quite troublesome to hold a large-scale report meeting. Invitation letters, personnel reception, etc. are all things.

Of course, for Nantah University, they wish that such troubles would come up a few more times.

With Xu Chuan's reputation and the importance of the NS equation, it is entirely foreseeable that the scale of this report meeting will exceed all report meetings in the history of Nanjing University, and it will be the most ambitious one in history.

Not only mathematicians, but also physicists, and even engineers who study fluid dynamics may come to participate in this report.

Such a report meeting is undoubtedly very important for Nantah University who is determined to further enhance its reputation, gain international prestige, and become a world-class university.

For NTU, this is a boost to its academic reputation.

For the school leaders of Nantah University, and even the entire Jinling City, this is Hong Guoguo's political achievements.

A university or a city that can undertake such an academic exchange report will undoubtedly greatly increase the academic atmosphere for the entire university or city.

Especially under the current theme policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, what is this? This is****!

So after communicating with Xu Chuan, the report on the NS equation will immediately become a top priority in the school and even in the city.

Various meetings were held, from the list of invitation letters to the safety of the report meeting, to the appearance of the school and the city, all of them were carefully exchanged and discussed several times before coming up with the safest plan.

But fortunately, there is still enough time. After communicating with Xu Chuan, the report meeting was finally scheduled for May 5th, which is still half a month away, enough for Nanjing University and Jinling City. The city has been tidied up.

Xu Chuan didn't care about these things either, as things like face-saving projects couldn't get away in China no matter what.

But face engineering is not without its benefits.

At least, whether it is for the students of Nantah University or the citizens of Jinling City, the living environment, the convenience of transportation, and the problems of potholes on the road have not been reported before. speed resolved.

After handing over the report on the phased results of the NS equation to Nantah University, Xu Chuan also returned to his normal life.

It's already mid-April. From the beginning of 2019 to the present, he hasn't been to the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Project" once.

Although Professor Han Jin sent the project report to his mailbox every week, he really didn't know what was going on at the Institute of Nuclear Energy.

So, after completing the staged results of the NS equation, Xu Chuan quickly rushed to Qidong by high-speed rail.

When he arrived at the nuclear energy project research base, he was a little shocked by the scene in front of him.

I haven't been here for a few months, and this place has changed from a barren mountain to a small town.

The sea breeze is blowing from the sea not far away with a salty smell, and what is in sight is a nuclear power plant with a large area and supporting buildings.

Several tall condensation towers with a height of more than 100 meters stand in the northeast direction, facing the sea; a long steel dragon stretches in the center, majestic and majestic; the brightly colored concrete ground is flat and wide under the feet.

On the other side not far away is a six-story research center. Although it only has six floors, its height reaches nearly forty meters.

Around the nuclear waste power plant, there are various supporting facilities and a wide concrete road leading to the distance.

The outermost wall is several meters high, stretching as far as the eye can see, tightly enclosing the entire nuclear power plant park.

Farther away, there are dense and primitive forests and wilderness.

This scene is like the doomsday city in a sci-fi movie, the outside is a barren doomsday, only the small town has the light of hope, and the conflict on the opposite side of the screen is inconsistent but real.

After passing through the security guards and entering the park, Xu Chuan still couldn't stop his inner shock.

I'm afraid that anyone who comes here can't imagine that a few months ago, this place was still a barren mountain.

Although he has heard the title of infrastructure madman countless times, when everything miraculously appeared before his eyes, the shock was unimaginable.

"Professor, you are here."

In the base of the nuclear power park, Han Jin who received the call rushed over quickly.

Looking at the weathered and wrinkled Han Jin, Xu Chuan smiled embarrassedly. "I haven't paid attention to this place for a few months, thank you for your hard work."

Han Jin shook his head quickly and said: "This is my job, nothing hard. Besides, Professor, you have already overcome the most difficult part, so there is no need to delay your time for the remaining simple tasks. You still have more important research."

After a pause, he then smiled and said, "Congratulations, Professor, for proving the NS equation!"

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "No, it's a staged achievement, and it hasn't been verified by the mathematics community yet. Whether it is really successful or not is uncertain. It's too early to congratulate."

"Professor, you are too modest." Han Jin smiled and said: "No one in the mathematics world knows that if you are not sure, you will not publish your paper."

Xu Chuan shook his head with a smile, and did not continue on this topic.

"Take me to Mr. Qi's side first, and then tell me about the situation here along the way."

Han Jin nodded, and led Xu Chuan to another direction of the park, introducing him as he walked.

"At present, the main construction of the entire park has been completed, and relevant equipment is being purchased and deployed."

"The linear particle accelerator you requested will take another week to be delivered. After all, it is very delicate and requires various protections and declarations during delivery."

".According to the plan, the park can be put into use in mid-May."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "What about the recruitment? How is it going?"

Han Jin replied: "There may be some resistance in terms of personnel recruitment. According to your arrangement last year, recruitment has been going on."

"It is true that many people come for interviews, but not many meet the requirements and are willing to stay."

"After all, professor, you also know that this is a place for dealing with high-concentration nuclear waste, which is extremely dangerous. Even though it is theoretically safe and there is no risk of nuclear radiation in the park, many people are still worried. "

Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Quicken up the recruitment."

For this, he doesn't have much to do at the moment, after all, in the past, nuclear waste has always been synonymous with danger or death.

It is also normal not to want to come here to work.


After pondering for a while, Han Jin said, "I have a suggestion regarding the recruitment of personnel."

Xu Chuan: "What suggestion? Just say it directly."

"I recommend using automated machinery or intelligent robots to work in core hazardous areas."

"This aspect is the biggest gap in personnel recruitment. Up to now, even if we have guaranteed safety and compensation during the interview, and have a sound system, there are still only two people who are willing to accept this job."

"But compared to the gap that is needed, it is not even one-tenth."

"And if automated machinery or intelligent robots are used, there will be no shortage of personnel."

"The ionizing radiation of high-energy nuclear waste does interfere a lot with electronic equipment, but don't we have lead-free nanocomposite reconstruction protection materials? We can use this kind of soft material to wrap the whole machine equipment, so that it can be extremely Greatly reduce the impact of nuclear waste on electronic equipment."

Han Jin made a suggestion, but Xu Chuan didn't answer immediately.

To be honest, he didn't think about using machines to replace labor.

But there are still many problems.

The biggest problem is that today's artificial intelligence is not good enough to replace humans in facing various emergencies.

No matter how detailed the program is, it is impossible to imagine everything.

He would naturally not mind if machines could be used to replace labor, but it was obviously not possible at the moment.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said, "Let me think about this first. You should follow the normal recruitment process first. If it still doesn't work in May, I'll come up with a solution."

Han Jin nodded, and the two communicated all the way to the other side of the park.

In the office, Qi Zhongxing, the chief engineer in charge of the construction of the nuclear energy industrial park, was thinking about something in front of the drawings, and he didn't realize it until Xu Chuan walked in front of him.

"Yo, Professor Xu, why are you here?"

Feeling someone staring at him, Qi Zhongxing suddenly raised his head and saw Xu Chuan and Han Jin standing in front of him. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly got up and greeted with a smile.

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "I'm still in charge of the nuclear energy project, although it's true that I haven't been here for a long time."

Qi Zhongxing laughed and said, "Hey, don't you have more important research in hand? The nuclear energy project has come to an end, so there is no need to waste the time of an expert like you."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll come over to check the situation and see if there is anything that needs help."

Getting to the point, Qi Zhongxing also became serious, and said: "If you want to talk about the problem, there is indeed one here."

Xu Chuan: "Qi Gong, tell me."

Qi Zhongxing nodded, picked up the draft he was looking at from the table, walked up to Xu Chuan, and said, "This is about the linear particle accelerator."

"Professor Xu, look, this is the conversion design of the core area, here is the area for piling up nuclear waste, and here is the location for the linear particle accelerator."

"Using ADC transmutation technology, using a linear particle accelerator to complete neutron diffusion, increase the reaction speed of nuclear waste, and improve energy conversion efficiency. This is one of the cores of the entire system of radiation power conversion. reactions in nuclear waste."

"But there is a problem here. Through our previous experiments, we found that we cannot obtain enough neutrons through the accelerator. In this case, the transmutation step of nuclear waste will not be fully reacted."

"Moreover, what's more deadly is that the energy level output of the linear particle accelerator is not stable enough."

"This will lead to unstable conversion of radiation electric energy, which is a huge pressure on the operation of the entire core. If it is operated for a long time, it may lead to the risk of nuclear radiation leakage."

"These days, Professor Han Jin and other researchers are thinking about how to solve this problem, but there is not much progress at present."

PS: The second watch asks for a monthly pass, the time for the protagonist to pretend to be aggressive is here again!

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