Great Country Academician

Chapter 280 After all, he is my student (seeking a monthly ticket)

Two days passed quickly.

On the day of the report meeting, the campus of Nantah University was crowded with people.

Not only mathematicians and physicists from all over the world, many students and professors who did not receive the invitation letter also came to join in the fun.

In the auditorium of the old campus, there was a rush of people, and it was a dark place. Not only was the auditorium that could accommodate more than a thousand people empty, but the middle of the corridor was also crowded with scholars who had come to listen to the report.

There are no seats, these people just sit on the ground.

In fact, those who could squeeze in were lucky. Outside the auditorium, there were more people who came a step behind and didn't even squeeze into the auditorium.

On the seat in the front row, Wei Teng glanced at the figure walking beside him, and asked with a smile, "I didn't expect you to come here too."

Sitting next to him is Professor Kartik Srinivasan, a top expert in physics and a leader in the field of contemporary fluid mechanics.

Although few achievements in the field of fluid mechanics have won Nobel Prizes, no one can deny the importance of this field.

Especially top experts in this field play an important role in the development of a country.

Professor Srinivasan is such a top talent. He is a tenured professor at Harvard University in the United States. He has solved many problems in fluid and turbulence. He has also participated in the design of space shuttles and the controllable nuclear technology of Stanford University Fusion fluid control engineering and other famous projects.

Srinivasan: "The NS equation is the most important problem in fluid mechanics. Professor Xu is a Nobel Prize winner and a Fields Medal winner. No one can refuse his report."

"Even if it's just a phased result."

As he spoke, he looked around for a week, and then said, "It's not just me, I saw a lot of acquaintances here."

"It's you, I'm curious why you, who are engaged in theoretical physics, appear here."

Wei Teng smiled and said: "I am not only good at physics, but also mathematics."

After a slight pause, he continued: "What's more, he is still my student."

I have to say that when he was in Princeton, breaking the rules and taking Xu Chuan as a student with Deligne was something he was proud of, and it was also the most correct thing.

Srinivasan shrugged and said, "It's a pity that Professor Xu doesn't seem to be very interested in high-energy physics and theoretical physics. He cares more about mathematics."

Wei Teng laughed and said, "It seems that you haven't been out much while staying at Harvard, and you don't know much about the outside world."

"You must have heard about the recent news about inert neutrinos and dark matter in the physics world?"

Srinivasan nodded and said, "Of course I've heard of it."

"That's what he found."


Professor Srinivasan looked confused. He is an applied physics person, and he is not very interested in theoretical physics. Unless it is the top results or the results that he pays attention to, he usually seldom understands them.

The last time the theoretical physics community broke out that it was the discovery of dark matter. He had learned about the situation, and it was the result of CERN, but because it was still in doubt, he was not interested.

When dark matter is really discovered, there is no rush to learn more about it.

After all, the world of theoretical physics is just like that. It takes more than ten years for a new discovery or a new theory to be verified or applied.

For him, instead of paying attention to this, it is better to know what his colleagues are doing.

So he really doesn't know who the discoverer of dark matter is.

On the side, Wei Teng said with a smile: "Are you surprised? After all, he is my student, and it is nothing to make some achievements in theoretical physics."

Srinivasan glanced at Witten, speaking in a complacent tone, as if he had discovered dark matter.

In the auditorium, it was not only the scholars sitting in the lecture hall, but also the staff who maintained the order of the lecture.

These staff and the teachers in charge of logistics have not rested since yesterday.

It is not only necessary to arrange the scene, carefully check the nameplates and seats, but also receive the audience who come to the report meeting, and pay attention to the situation on the spot at all times.

This top-notch report meeting is aimed at top scholars from all over the world, and there are huge crowds of people. If something unexpected happens, it will really make the whole world laugh.

Moreover, this is the first time that Nantah University truly stands on the international stage and presents itself to the world. It can be said that this report will affect the future of Nantah University.

And for today's report, the president of Nantah University, Liu Gaojun, sat in the background directly to prevent accidents.

"Professor Xu, how do you feel? It's okay."

Backstage, Liu Gaojun asked Xu Chuan who was sitting beside him with concern. This is the real protagonist today, and Nanjing University was just promoted along with him.

Without him, it would be impossible for Nantah University to hold such a top-level report meeting.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Principal, you have asked me three times, don't worry, there is no problem."

Receiving an affirmative answer again, Liu Gaojun heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "You are the only one who can be so calm. Look at me, I am so nervous that my forehead is sweating."

This is indeed true. For the smooth holding of this report meeting, he was really worried that his forehead would sweat, even if the air conditioner in the backstage was turned on, it was useless.

Xu Chuan shook his head with a smile.

For him, this is just an ordinary report meeting.

At most, the seven millennium problems of the NS equation are special, attracting scholars from two different fields in mathematics and physics.

But this is not unheard of. In the previous life, when the Yang-Mills existence and quality gaps were reported, the mathematics and physics circles were also present.

"Professor Xu, it's already 8:25, everything is ready, do you think it's time to go on stage now?"

In the background, a doctoral student who was acting as a temporary worker trotted over and asked respectfully as he looked at the person who was sitting leisurely in the chair without any sense of tension.

This man is really a god. There are so many top talents out there, but he doesn't feel nervous at all.

If it was him instead, he might be so nervous that he would faint on the spot.

This is the gap between you and the boss! The doctoral student sighed in his heart.

Xu Chuan nodded, thanked him, got up and walked towards the front desk.

Wearing a formal attire, Xu Chuan walked steadily from the backstage to the stage of the auditorium, and walked to the podium that had already been set up.

When he appeared on the stage, the noisy and noisy voices in the auditorium disappeared instantly, and the auditorium became quiet in an instant.

Instead, countless people cast their eyes on the podium at the same time, and the atmosphere was so tense that people stopped breathing unconsciously.

Being stared at by thousands of people in the audience, Xu Chuan didn't feel too nervous.

After all, this is not the first time he has stood on this kind of occasion, nor is it the first time he has challenged a world-class problem.

Not to mention the previous life, just in this life, he has stood on this level of stage several times.

After briefly testing whether the microphone on the podium was normal, Xu Chuan took a deep breath, and said calmly and clearly:

"First of all, welcome to all of you who have come from afar, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here to participate in this report."

"Everyone's time is precious, so I won't waste too much time, and I will directly get to the point."

As he said that, Xu Chuan manipulated the equipment on the podium, and put out the PPT document prepared in advance.

And the staged results of the NS equation are more than two hundred pages long, so it is impossible for him to use that document as an explanatory document.

After looking at the screen behind him and confirming that there is no problem with the projection, Xu Chuan continued, "I believe that everyone has read my thesis before coming here."

"So in the following time, I will only give a brief explanation of the proof process in the paper, and those references and processes that are not very important will not be explained in this report. I will explain more Time is left to explain the ideas and key steps to prove the phased results of the NS equation."

"I hope this will answer any doubts you may have in your mind."

"Of course, after the report is over, if you still have questions in your mind, you can raise them in the final questioning session, and I will do my best to answer them for you."

"Next, I will start the report meeting on the phased results of the NS equation."

At the same time as the voice fell, Xu Chuan pressed the control device again.

The PPT projected on the curtain behind him opened a new page, and the line-by-line calculations were presented in front of everyone.

"ρ*DV/Dt=ρf-▽p+μ▽V, this is the vector form of the NS equation."

". After changing the weak form, relax the initial value condition, then (v, υ, θ)(×)∈H*H*H becomes (v, θ)∈H(0,1), υo∈ H(0,1)"

"There exists some positive constant C and no η\u003e0 such that for any (x, t) ∈ (0, 1) (0, ∞). It follows that C ≤ υ(x, t) ≤ C, C ≤ θ (x , t≤C), and.”

".Introduce the harmonic equation with the function as the coefficient, replace the Euler equation and apply to all turbulent flows, and obtain a universally valid equation system."

"Under normal circumstances, the turbulent region is the region where cosA evolves from not being approximately 1 to close to 0, and a generally effective analytical solution is difficult to obtain."

"The next step will be the key to the whole analysis."

".From here, introduce Fourier space and perform function approximation on it"

On the podium, Xu Chuan quickly explained his proof process according to the projected PPT.

Under the stage, the audience listened attentively. Even many scholars in the back row who had gradually lost track of the rhythm still widened their eyes and listened carefully, for fear that they might miss some details.

In the front row, Deligne and Tao Zhexuan were sitting together, looking at the young figure on the stage and whispering to each other.

Tao Zhexuan: "A few years ago, I participated in an exchange meeting in Princeton. At that time, I ran into Professor Xu in the corridor and talked with him."

"At that time, his thinking was quite jumpy, and his understanding of mathematics was so deep that he didn't look like a boy of seventeen or eighteen."

"At that time, I was sure that he would be able to make a career in mathematics in the future."

"It's just that I didn't expect that after only a few years, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the mathematics world. Not only has he solved one of the seven millennium problems, but now he is moving towards the second one."

Hearing Tao Terence's exclamation, Deligne seemed to be lost in memory, and it took a while to say: "He is the most talented, best-working and hardest-working student I have ever seen in the field of mathematics."

"When he was in Princeton, his learning ability was so strong that both Wei Teng and I were quite surprised. The teaching of the two of us can barely meet his learning."

"His hunger for knowledge I have almost never seen in anyone but my teacher."

"During that time in Princeton, he had almost no recreational activities, and nothing he liked more than going to the Ivy Club to sit and watch movies."

Tao Terence sighed: "This is a weirdo even weirder than Perleman."

Deligne said: "Actually, you can't say that. Under normal circumstances, he is quite willing to communicate with people, and he is also good at blending into the group, but he rarely does so."

After thinking for a while, Deligne added: "Of course, it's really weird when researching problems. He likes to lock himself in the room alone like Perleman."

Shrugging, Deligne continued: "You know, mathematics is a subject that requires inspiration and communication, this kind of research method"

Tao Zhexuan shrugged and added: "It is indeed rare."

PS: The second one is sent to ask for a monthly ticket

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