Great Country Academician

Chapter 282 What if there is hope? (Add 6/10 for the lord Gaoshan Liushui, ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 282 What if there is hope? (Add 610 for the lord Gaoshan Liushui, ask for a monthly ticket)

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the unfinished report in the morning will continue.

Compared with the morning, more scholars who raised their hands to ask questions in the afternoon were physicists, and the questions raised were more applied-level.

Regarding these things, Xu Chuan was indeed powerless.

He can guarantee the correctness of the theory, but he doesn't know how to apply the staged results of the NS equation to the actual industry.

And there are some things that he can't answer at this report meeting.

For example, how to use the staged results of NS equations to model turbulence, even ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence, and so on.

These things can only be said that science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries.

Even if he knows how to use this achievement to build a model for the ultra-high temperature plasma in the chamber of a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, it is impossible to say it here.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after another two hours of busy work, the report meeting on the staged results of the NS equation finally came to a successful conclusion.

Judging from the online response, the academic community has basically recognized his thesis.

At least, the mathematical community doesn't have much doubt.

As for the problems in the physics world, to be honest, this is not within the scope of Xu Chuan's answers.

The NS equation is indeed a top-level problem in the field of fluid mechanics, and it can also be used to solve various turbulence problems, but fluid mechanics is more applied in the field after all.

No matter how hard it is for a report meeting in the mathematics community, it is impossible to reach into the application field of physics and mechanics.

Amid loud applause, Xu Chuan ended the report, and then walked towards the exit of the auditorium.

Now is the time to go out and break the news to the world!

Walking out of the auditorium, he was surrounded by the crowd who had already been waiting outside.

Among those who surrounded him were journalists, scholars, and some who were simply his admirers.

Not everyone was able to squeeze into the auditorium to attend the report meeting. Many people who arrived late or did not receive the invitation letter had been waiting outside for the results.

"Hello Professor Xu Chuan, I am a reporter from the Los Angeles Times."

"Professor Xu, how is the result of the report? Can you tell me about the success? Has the NS equation been solved?"

"Chuan God! Can I shake hands with you?"

"Hello, Professor Xu, I'm a reporter from Jinling Daily. May I ask if your paper successfully proved the NS equation?"

"Chuanshen, I'm a mathematics student at Peking University, can I add prestige or leave a phone number? I want to learn mathematics from you!"


Outside the auditorium, as soon as Xu Chuan walked out, he was blocked by the crowd at the door.

All kinds of questions flooded in, including questions from media reporters, and enthusiastic cheers and inquiries from other onlookers.

After picking out some media and answering questions, Xu Chuan was about to slip away, but the enthusiastic onlookers obviously didn't intend to let him go so easily.

Fortunately, the staff responsible for the order of the report meeting at Nantah University discovered the situation here, and rushed over to rescue him soon.


After being pulled out from the crowd, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards his office.

There is no need to rush back now, there will be a dinner and exchange meeting in the evening, just to communicate with other mathematicians.

Even he has to keep paying attention to mathematics and absorbing knowledge.

After all, mathematics has always relied heavily on inspiration and communication, and working behind closed doors is not suitable for this subject.

After returning to the office smoothly, Xu Chuan opened the door and went in to rest on the chair.

I have to say that today's report meeting is really the most tiring one he has ever held in his life.

The NS equation is too involved, even if it is only a phased result, it still attracts the attention of many scholars in the two major fields of mathematics and physics.

The impact of fluid mechanics on society is simply too great.

Airplanes, missiles, rockets, automobiles, trains, bridges, tall buildings and other structures are all inseparable from the design of fluid mechanics.

Dams, hydroelectric power, ship design, port and coastal engineering, underwater pipelines, sewage treatment and water supply also rely on the support of fluid mechanics.

Even in medicine, fluid mechanics can help humans better treat diseases in the fields of hemodynamics, respiratory mechanics and digestive system mechanics.

In addition, there are various disciplines such as atmospheric science, environmental protection, and bioengineering, among which fluid mechanics plays a key role.

While resting, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

When he came back to his senses, Xu Chuan greeted him, "Please come in."

"Xu, congratulations, you have solved another problem."

The person who walked in was a middle-aged man, even though the temperature was not low in early May, he was still wearing a neat suit and tie.

Glancing at the person, Xu Chuan stood up with a smile and greeted him: "Hello, Editor-in-Chief Camillo."

He is very familiar with the person who came, the editor-in-chief of the "Annual Mathematics" "Camilo de Leiles", a member of the Princeton system, of course, is also an alumnus.

Camillo de Leiris stepped forward with a smile and gave Xu Chuan a warm hug.

"Long time no see, Xu. Congratulations, you have solved another seven millennium problems. It's really unexpected." Camillo congratulated with a smile.

"Thank you, but I haven't solved the NS equation yet, and it's only a phased result, and it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet." Xu Chuan replied with a smile.

"Wow, Xu, you are so humble. Today's report meeting was wonderful."

Camillo shook his head exaggeratedly, and then continued with a smile: "Xu, I think you should know why I came here, give it to me, and "Annals of Mathematics" promises to live up to it, we will be like relatives Treat it like a son."

"We attach great importance to this. We have already invited Professor Terence Tao, Professor Qiu Chengtong, Professor Smirnov and other experts as reviewers. Now the only thing left is the paper in your hand."

"This is too exaggerated. They are all Fields Medal winners." Xu Chuan shook his head and smiled.

"No, no, it's worth it!" Editor-in-Chief Camillo seriously retorted: "These are the seven major millennium problems. Even if it is only a temporary achievement, it is worth facing with the most serious attitude by everyone."

"Also, I don't think there is any other journal worthy of it except the Annals of Mathematics!"

Xu Chuan smiled, skipped the topic and said, "I believe you will treat him well."

It is not a problem whether it is worthy or not. The "Annual of Mathematics" is indeed the most famous among the four top journals.

Because it was established by scholars of the Princeton school, and Princeton is currently the holy land of mathematics in the world. Most of the achievements of scholars who came out of here were submitted to the "Annals of Mathematics".

He also wrote a lot of papers in the "Annual of Mathematics", whether it is the proof of Weyl_Berry's conjecture or the proof of Hodge's conjecture, they were all submitted to the Annals of Mathematics.

If there is no accident, the staged results of the NS equation this time, it is estimated that they will also be voted for the other party.

What's more, the editor-in-chief Camillo came here in person.

Hearing Xu Chuan's answer, the editor-in-chief of Camillo de Leiris was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Of course! As long as the peer review is completed, we will arrange it to be published as quickly as possible."

After being invited to contribute, Camilo de Leles didn't bother too much, and left after a brief chat.

After Xu Chuan rested for a while, he also got up and went to the dinner restaurant.

The exchange dinner after the report is an occasion not to be missed for any mathematician.

Here, you can find any math guru you are interested in to say hello, exchange ideas, and ask questions. You will almost never be rejected.

After politely responding to the scholars who came up to say hello warmly along the way, Xu Chuan also found his mentor at Princeton, Professor Deligne.

At this moment, the old professor is holding a wine glass and talking with Qiu Chengtong.

"Mentor, Professor Qiu." Xu Chuan smiled and greeted the two of them.

"It's a wonderful proof. It seems that you didn't waste your mathematics after returning to China." Deligne nodded, a rare compliment.

He was worried that this student would waste his talent in mathematics, but now it seems that he did not.

On the side, Qiu Chengtong smiled and said: "It seems that the exchange in Shuimu last time inspired you a lot. I saw something quite familiar during your proof process."

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "I am very grateful to Mr. Qiu and that classmate for the inspiration they brought me."

Qiu Chengtong laughed and said: "You don't know, you mentioned a sentence in the paper, how happy is that student of mine, and you didn't come today. If you came, I guess I would have to ask you to ask dozens of them sign."

On the side, Deligne asked: "What are you going to study next? According to Fefferman, you don't seem to be going to go further on the NS equation?"

Xu Chuan nodded, and said: "Yes, I also want to solve this problem, but my mathematical intuition tells me that it may not be possible for me to solve this problem now."

Deligne nodded. He knew the character of this student. If there was really hope to solve the NS equation, he would not let it go.

Skipping over this, Xu Chuan asked, "Mentor, about the matter that I communicated with you before and borrowed Princeton's chemical experiment database, is there any hope?"

When studying artificial SEI films last year, he thought about making a chemical mathematical model to help him develop chemical materials.

This can be said to be a very grand plan, of course, it is difficult to realize. For this reason, he contacted Nantah University and Shuimu University to try together.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, he also approached Deligne and told him about this matter, and asked Deligne to find the director of the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University to communicate with him and see if he could borrow the database from Princeton University.

Although Princeton's chemistry department is not as good as mathematics and physics, it has produced several Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, and its strength is quite strong.

Coupled with the long-term accumulation of experiments, it would be very good if we can get help from Princeton.

Of course, this probability is not very high.

On the one hand, he is not in Princeton, on the other hand, this kind of cross-border university cooperation, especially between Huami and Huami, is difficult to achieve, especially in the field of material research and development.

But Xu Chuan has to ask, what if there is hope?

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