Great Country Academician

Chapter 289 Only Success, No Failure

If there is hope, who would not want to see their motherland leading other countries in the frontiers of science and technology?

Those sitting in the living room today, whether it is Qin Anguo, Wang Guanghe, or Xu Chuan, all hope.

As far as the current development is concerned, despite the rapid development of the motherland over the past few decades, it has gradually caught up with the first echelon of Western countries.

But I have to say that in most cutting-edge technological fields, they are still far behind because they started too late.

Just like in the battery field.

Although the lithium battery supply produced by Ningde era in Huaguo now accounts for nearly a quarter of the world, more than 20% of the power battery market, and although BYD's lithium iron phosphate power battery is also at the world's advanced level, this Still can't get around the blood-sucking of those Western countries.

Every time they produce a battery, they will pay certain patent fees to foreign companies because of the various patents in it.

Take lithium iron phosphate batteries as an example. In the early years, every ton of lithium batteries produced in China required a patent fee of 2,500 yuan. Most of the money earned from battery production was taken away by those foreigners.

Although there have been many major breakthroughs in the domestic battery industry, there is still a big gap compared with foreign countries or laboratories that have been studying the battery industry for a long time.

Especially in the layout of cutting-edge technology fields, the gap is even greater.

For example, after the lithium dendrite problem is solved, the lithium-sulfur battery that finally hopes to greatly increase the energy density of lithium batteries has been applied for numerous patents by those countries in the West.

In such an environment, even if you develop the lithium-sulfur battery first, you may not be able to get rid of other people's patent barriers in the end.

In contrast, lithium-air batteries have few patent barriers.

As difficult as it is, it's more energy-dense and more enlightened. If it can be developed, it will directly bypass lithium-sulfur batteries and lead other countries by leaps and bounds.

Undoubtedly, this is quite tempting.

Facing Qin Anguo's question, Xu Chuan could only smile wryly and shook his head: "Master Qin, you think of me as omnipotent. I'm just a mathematician. Even with a certain scientific research ability, it's impossible to solve all problems. The problem."

Hearing this, Qin Anguo showed a hint of disappointment.

Indeed, he was asking too much.

But to be honest, this is also an illusion given to him by the young scholar in front of him.

Since I got to know this person, this person has given me a sense of omnipotence both in theory and application.

World-class problems, the seven millennium problems, the nuclear waste problem, and the lithium dendrite problem. All in his hands have been solved one by one.

This makes people feel as if any problem can be solved in his hands.

On the side, Wang Guanghe did not pay attention to this aspect. He then asked: "You mean, we should focus on lithium-sulfur batteries?"

Xu Chuan nodded, then shook his head again, a little confused seeing Qin Anguo and Wang Guanghe.

After pondering for a while, he said, "I don't recommend focusing on the ultra-difficult technology of lithium-air batteries at present, not to say that lithium-air batteries do not need research and development and are not important."

"But for now, we need to spend money on projects that really need money, such as finding ways to bypass the patents applied by those western countries on lithium-sulfur batteries, such as developing a new generation of lithium-ion batteries and so on. "

"Those are the things we need to do right now."


"I'm so disturbed today." Thank you, Professor Xu, for your valuable advice. We will seriously consider these things. "

After a long exchange, Wang Guanghe stood up with a smile and shook hands with Xu Chuan, ready to say goodbye and leave.

Xu Chuan got up with a smile and sent the two old people to the gate of the courtyard.

This afternoon, he chatted a lot with Qin Anguo and Wang Guanghe.

But the conversation is basically what he understands, or looking back at the past twenty years after the rebirth, and doing some guidance, so that the motherland can avoid unnecessary investment and wrong routes as much as possible.

It's the only thing he can do right now.

As for the layout and arrangement of the energy field, as well as the future development trend of domestic energy, he remained silent as usual.

Because he doesn't understand.

Standing at his current height, his speech is no longer a matter of one person. To some extent, what he says today will affect the development of an industry, a country, and even the entire world.

Just like the lithium battery this time, as long as he expresses his optimism about lithium-air batteries or other directions, he will guarantee strong support from above, and even establish a special research project, the kind that asks people to give, and asks for money. And the project is almost destined to be led by him.

In addition, other countries and capitals in the world will also frantically pour all kinds of funds into the field of lithium-air batteries.

But Xu Chuan's innate sense of responsibility made it impossible for Xu Chuan to do so.

He knows very well that the lithium-air battery is currently a super big hole, not to mention that he, a big bull in the field of 'fake' batteries, jumped into it, even if the real big bulls in this industry fill in, they may not be able to fill this hole.

There are many companies that have stumbled on lithium-air batteries. For example, IBM, a business giant in the United States, announced in 2013 that it would cooperate with Asahi Kasei and Central Glass, two companies in the small island country, to develop lithium-air batteries.

But until now, until Xu Chuan's rebirth in the future, this project is just a project, and there are almost no really useful results.

According to the so-called historical development, two years later, that is, in 2021, after seven years of research, they will come up with a lithium-air battery with an energy density per unit weight of 500Wh/kg.

But that was just a joke.

Indeed, it has achieved this energy density standard, but the number of charging and discharging cycles will cause the battery capacity to drop sharply after 10 cycles, and it will basically be scrapped after more than 20 cycles.

After investing tens of billions of dollars and taking seven years, the joint cooperation between a business giant like IBM and a battery industry giant in a small island country has not made any breakthrough in lithium-air batteries.

It can be said that the various problems of lithium-air batteries are not problems that can be solved in the last two decades.

After seeing off the two bosses, Xu Chuan took a break and set off for Qidong.

A temporary episode does not affect the overall work arrangement, at most it is enough to ask Zheng Hai to help change the time of the high-speed rail ticket.

On the other hand, the bustle of the battery industry and battery-related industries, such as the mobile phone industry and the new energy vehicle industry, has just begun.

Not long after the press conference was held at Chuanhai Materials Research Institute.

Some well-known mobile phone manufacturers in China have held product launches at the same time.

Huawei, Rice, VIO, OPP and other Huaguo mobile phone suppliers all released the concept map of the next-generation mobile phone at this press conference, or the preset copy of the PPT.

In addition to some performance improvements, the most striking thing is that these manufacturers have unanimously increased the battery life of mobile phones by a full three times.

This means that a mobile phone that can barely be used for one day on a full charge can be used for at least three days on a single charge in the new generation!

As soon as the news came out, the entire Internet became a sensation in an instant.

[Fuck, battery life tripled? I am not wrong, right! 】

[Domestic machines are about to rise this time! Triple the battery life! Awesome! If the battery life of the domestic machine is increased by three times, who will use Apple? 】

[What about Apple? Apple didn't move at all this time. 】

[All of you upstairs are thinking too much. This upgrade seems to be a breakthrough in the lithium battery industry. Since it is a breakthrough in the entire lithium battery industry, all mobile phones will definitely be upgraded along with it. It is impossible for Apple to be so short-sighted. 】

[It seems to have something to do with Chuan Shen. Chuan Shen made that thin film not long ago. It is said that it is used to increase the battery capacity. 】

[Battery battery life is improved, isn't it possible that the battery life of electric vehicles can also be improved, now 400 kilometers, three times the increase, 1,200 kilometers, hiss~, awesome! 】

[Chuan God? Isn't he a mathematician? How did you get started with the battery? Kneel to the boss, dedicate your knees! 】

[I am in the third year of my third year of research, and I really want to vomit. My graduate thesis is about how to solve the lithium dendrite problem, and I am planning to study this field as a Ph.D. student, but now it is gone]

[I am the same, I am also studying the direction of lithium dendrites, it is much more comfortable to see that I am not the only victim. 】

[Yun is sad, but somehow wants to laugh! 】

[I went to check it, it is called 'artificial SEI film', which is used to solve the lithium dendrite problem. With this, the negative electrode of the lithium battery can be replaced from graphite to lithium metal, and the battery capacity can be changed from graphite negative electrode to 372mAh/g Upgrade to 3860mAh/g of lithium metal negative electrode! 】

【etc? 372 raised to 3860? Isn't this ten times? These shitty manufacturers only give us three times? 】

[Capitalists, everyone understands (squinting smile), if I give you ten times this time, you won’t get a promotion next time, if you don’t upgrade, how can you make them pay? 】

[Let's hang the street lamp! Gan! 】

[I'm afraid there are not enough street lights! 】

It has to be said that Huawei, Rice and other manufacturers announced the press conference of the next-generation mobile phone parameters and performance before the artificial SEI film patent authorization has been settled, which is indeed shocking.

But with the discussion on the Internet, they did not gain much reputation, but mixed reputation.

The main reason is that some data emperors made a comparative copy. In theory, the lithium dendrite problem is solved, and the performance of lithium batteries can be increased by at least ten times, but these mobile phone manufacturers only give three times.

This undoubtedly made the originally excited netizens feel cheated.

The explosion of public opinion instantly turned these manufacturers into "capitalists" that everyone shouted.

The strange development of the incident led several major mobile phone manufacturers and some battery manufacturers to stand up and publicly explain that although the lithium dendrite problem has been solved, the performance improvement of the battery cannot be solved just by talking about it.

Giving you a battery with ten times the performance in a hurry may cause various risks such as explosion and so on.

In addition, they also guarantee that as long as the battery performance improves and the safety test passes, they will immediately use it on their mobile phones.

Coupled with the help and explanation of a big V blogger, Shui Jun, this incident was barely calmed down.

I have to say that the first batch of crabs is still risky, and you will be caught if you are not careful.

After domestic manufacturers fired the first shot, other foreign mobile phone manufacturers have also followed the pace and held their own product launches.

Including Apple, which has always been proud, also publicly stated that it will greatly improve the battery life of the next generation of mobile phones.

After all, the battery life of Apple mobile phones has always been criticized by fans.

In addition to the mobile phone industry, there are also new energy vehicles, which have also stood up and said that the mileage of their vehicles has increased.

But the strange thing is that almost all of these manufacturers have locked the battery life increase at about three times the original.

It seems that lithium batteries after technological breakthroughs can only reach this limit.

As for whether it is true or false, ordinary people probably don't know, or they don't have the right to choose.

The breakthrough of lithium battery technology is still affecting all walks of life.

On the other hand, Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to these things.

After successfully arriving at the Nuclear Energy Research Institute here in Qidong, more than a week has passed.

Now the Institute of Nuclear Energy and the nuclear waste power plant have basically completed their work. At present, only the final linear particle accelerator and the placement of high-concentration nuclear waste are left.

In a few days, the nuclear waste power station will start its first, or only, comprehensive test in its life.

For other projects, the product testing during project acceptance will definitely not be so sloppy.

However, nuclear waste power generation is different. Due to the high risk of nuclear waste, after the waste is transported to the core conversion area, the core area will be completely closed.

Unless there is a major problem, or the radiation of the nuclear waste inside is exhausted, the core area will not be opened again.

In fact, both Xu Chuan and the high-level executives have made preparations for the complete closure of the entire industrial park in case of accidents in the power generation process.

Without him, this place is really too dangerous right now.

If more than 500 tons of high-concentration nuclear waste leaks, the surrounding area of ​​at least ten kilometers will become the hardest hit area.

Of course, the probability of this is very small, even if there is a problem, the 500-ton nuclear waste can be completely preserved by deploying the "crystalline erbium zirconate" countermeasure material with a thickness of one meter outside the core conversion area. inside.

It is equivalent to spending more than 10 billion yuan to build a base to store 500 tons of high-concentration nuclear waste.

In the past, it was actually worth it.

In recent years, with the rapid increase in the number of nuclear power plants, the amount of nuclear waste that is a headache has also increased rapidly.

Huaguo spends more and more money on nuclear waste disposal every year, and more than 10 billion is nothing for a huge country.

After all, these are highly radioactive high-level nuclear waste.

But for the nuclear energy project as a whole, this is undoubtedly a failure.

Although a scientific research project cannot always be smooth sailing, and failure and encountering problems are the norm, but for Xu Chuan, this project, he only allows success and does not allow failure!

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