Great Country Academician

Chapter 292 Walking at the forefront of the world

The cheers in the main control room were still there, and the engineers and researchers embraced and celebrated each other.

Standing in front of the monitoring screen, Xu Chuan had a satisfied and relieved smile on his face.

The regret that he couldn't make up for in the previous life, thanks to God for giving him another chance, finally made up for it in this life.

Nuclear beta radiation energy gathering and conversion technology is just the beginning. I hope that his talent in the past two lives can make the motherland illuminate the whole world like the scorching sun outside the window.

Beijing time, June 15th, seven o'clock in the evening.

In a news broadcast studio, two hosts, a man and a woman, were watching the press release delivered to them an hour ago, making final preparations hastily.

The time was very urgent, although one hour was enough time for them to memorize all the lines, and there were scripts and teleprompters during the show.

But as hosts, they must have a comprehensive understanding of the whole event.

Of course, if it is an ordinary news broadcast, there is no need to bother.

But the press release delivered more than an hour ago was obviously not an ordinary event.

A few hours ago, in Qidong City, the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Aggregation and Conversion of Electric Energy Project" led by internationally renowned scholar Professor Xu Chuan, a Nobel laureate, was successfully launched!

From today, nuclear fission power generation will become a truly pollution-free clean energy, and those dreaded nuclear waste will also become electric energy that benefits the people of the motherland.

Sitting in front of the camera, the two hosts took a deep breath at the same time, taking advantage of the last few seconds to relax their nervousness.

"Xiaokang, Xiaoxia, it's about to start in one minute, get ready."

In the studio, the director stood behind the camera and directed to the two hosts sitting in front of the studio.

The two hosts nodded at the same time, looked at the camera skillfully, and started today's broadcast with standard smiles.

"Good evening, viewers and friends. Today is June 15th. Welcome to the news broadcast program. First, I will introduce the main content of this program."

Just like the countless news broadcasts before, after the male host started, the female host on the other side took over the content smoothly.

". At noon today, under the leadership of Professor Xu Chuan, a well-known scholar in my country, Nobel Prize winner and Fields Medal winner, the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion of Electric Energy" project located in the coastal area of ​​Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, completed the final Nuclear radiation power conversion experiment."

Following Haixia's broadcast, the screen of the news network also jumped.

A short video was inserted, and the shot happened to be the scene of Xu Chuan standing in the main control room announcing the launch of the test.

Like a silent animation, the short video may have been silenced for the sake of secrecy. Apart from the sound of standing in front of the main console announcing the start of the test, there is no other sound.

But whether it is the audience sitting in front of the TV watching the news broadcast at the moment, or other people in the studio, they can feel the excitement, tension, excitement, and seriousness of these people in the main control room.

This is a silent battle!

In the studio of the news broadcast, the male host Xiaokang who was sitting in front of the camera took over the topic, and continued to read in a clear and friendly voice:

"The project "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Aggregation and Transformation into Electric Energy" is a nuclear waste recycling project led by Professor Xu Chuan. Through special technical means, Professor Xu has realized the reuse of difficult-to-handle nuclear waste, turning the harmful substances that were originally full of radiation , and transformed into electricity that enters thousands of households."


"Currently, the core conversion area is stable, and the radiation power conversion is stable. The current nuclear waste power station can provide about 2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year, and it can stably last for at least 30 years."

With the broadcast of the news broadcast, the intervening pictures were also updated.

When the researchers in the main control room excitedly hugged each other and cheered, the voices of the two hosts sitting in the studio also became agitated.

"The wheel of history is rolling forward, and the footsteps of the times will never stop."

"Compatriots, this time, we are at the forefront of the world, opening a new chapter, ushering in a new era and a new journey."

"Although there are still new challenges and new ups and downs on the way forward. But I believe that the take-off of the motherland is a historical necessity! We will also march towards new victories!"

When nuclear waste is no longer a terrifying threat, and when nuclear energy is completely unlocked, the shackles of the energy crisis will also be broken.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, nuclear power plants and nuclear waste power plants will bloom all over China and the world.

When electricity is no longer scarce, industry will also be liberated, and all productivity will increase accordingly.

More importantly, when oil and coal are no longer used as the main means of power and electricity supply, the palm tightly held on the throat will also dissipate with the wind.

For the first time, the changes in the future are clearly and visibly reflected in the eyes of all Chinese people.

Not long after the news broadcast, Renren Daily, Xinhua Daily, Guangming Daily, and many other media immediately reposted the news.

On the Internet, related news directly climbed to the hot search at an extremely fast speed.

Most of the netizens who don't pay much attention to news broadcasts reacted belatedly. Almost everyone was shocked by this amazing result.

[Fuck? Reusing nuclear waste to generate electricity? real or fake? When did our country become so awesome? 】

[Don't you see who announced it upstairs? (squinting smile)]

[Hey, nuclear waste can be reused! 】

【Two billion kilowatt-hours of electricity are generated every year, which is not much, but it is equivalent to the electricity provided by a medium and large thermal power plant, and there are at least 3,000 large thermal power plants in China! 】

[It’s not a lot, but the most important thing is that it can handle nuclear waste, that is to say, nuclear power plants can be built in large quantities in the future! Nuclear power plants are the key to power generation! 】

[Wait, I seem to see the figure of God Chuan? 】

[Young man, remove it, it seems that the host has said that this project is led by Chuan Shen! From theory to design to manufacture are all done by Chuan Shen. 】

[Nima, isn't he a mathematician? 】

【Yeah, but no one ever said that Chuan Shenta can't do something else part-time ((〃'▽'〃))】

[The so-called doing something else is to become the patriarch in the astronomy world and solve the lithium dendrite problem and nuclear waste problem that the world has not solved? 】

[The key is where did he come from? Not long ago, he solved the lithium dendrite problem. Earlier, he also proved the phased results of the NS equation. If I remember correctly, he only came back in the second half of last year. Bar? 】

[Crack! Can snap! I remember that Chuan Shen seems to be twenty-two years old this year, right? It's legal marriage age! 】

The hot discussion on the Internet quickly swiped most of the platforms.

In addition to most of the praise, many people also raised doubts.

[Nuclear waste regenerated? Just kidding, this thing should learn from the United States, build a storage warehouse and store it deep underground, 500 tons, if it is leaked, let alone Qidong, it is estimated that the capital will suffer! 】

【So I'm afraid I won't be able to buy seafood from Sujiang in the future? 】

【Why doesn't Midi upstairs who admires you so much get out? xenophobic dog! I have no confidence in my motherland at all! 】

[People just raised their own concerns, what's wrong? And nuclear waste is indeed dangerous. What if Qidong becomes the next Fukushima? 】

[Oh, the country will not think of it? Chuan Shen would not consider it? You can, right? 】

[This is a necessary question! 】

[Question you are an idiot, you are stupid and lacking things, you just didn’t read the news broadcast and reports carefully, the above clearly informed that there is no harm or nuclear leakage to the vicinity! 】

[In any case, I prefer to believe in the motherland and our scientists! 】

No matter at any time, there will always be discordant voices, questioning this question.

They seem to be born for opposition and polemics.

Of course, these speeches were never mainstream and never will be.

Science should indeed maintain the most rigorous attitude, but it should always be respected by all.

On the other side, on the Atlantic coast, the genius was just getting brighter.

In the white room, the director of the CIA has just arrived in a hurry, and the oncoming person is spitting and scolding all over the sky!



"After investigating for so long, I can't even find out what the other party is doing. A bunch of trash! I can't even figure out what the opponent is doing. I won't know until they start celebrating! What's the point of the existence of the CIA, It's better to disband!"

The CIA director who had just arrived was instantly stunned by the scolding, subconsciously caught the report thrown at him, and then came back to his senses.

After seeing the contents of the investigation report, the face of the director of the CIA changed instantly.

Nuclear Waste Reuse Technology!

Even if he is not a nuclear energy professional, he is quite aware of the value of this technology.

It is not that the United States and its allies have not studied the reuse of waste generated by nuclear power plants. Even in the early years, this was a very important project.

After all, if nuclear waste can be reused, then nuclear energy will be greatly developed.

At present, nuclear fission power generation in mainstream countries around the world is already quite mature technically. To limit nuclear fission power plants from becoming mainstream power generation, on the one hand, the investment in the early stage is relatively large, and on the other hand, the nuclear waste generated is extremely difficult to dispose of.

If nuclear waste can be reused or disposed of perfectly, then nuclear fission power stations will develop rapidly.

Fortunately, the United States is not very eager for this technology.

But across the Atlantic, the EU countries are different.

Energy-wise, they've been held captive by that disintegrated red state for far too long.

Both oil and natural gas are controlled by people.

So, having diverted the desire for energy in other directions, nuclear power is undoubtedly quite appropriate.

However, after investing tens of billions of dollars of gold and spending several years without any results, both the United States and the European Union have given up the method of reusing or perfectly disposing of nuclear waste.

Without him, it cannot be done.

At present, the most suitable method, whether it is the United States or the European Union, is to find a geologically stable area, dig a deep hole, and throw the nuclear waste in it for storage.

Even those who are not moral, such as some small countries in East Asia, even announced that they may discharge nuclear wastewater directly into the Pacific Ocean in the future because the storage capacity has reached the limit.

Of course, they didn't do this kind of thing less, but they didn't make it public.

Staring at the report in his hand, the director of the CIA quickly thought about the impact of this technology.

For the United States, there is not such a shortage of nuclear waste recycling technology. After all, only a small part of their energy supply comes from nuclear energy.

On the other hand, those countries in Europe are probably quite coveted about this technology.

If it is confirmed that this technology can be used commercially, I am afraid that many countries in the European Union will not be able to sit still.

Perhaps, they have to find a way to control it?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something again, and his face instantly became ugly.

Indeed, from an energy perspective, the United States does not rely much on nuclear energy.

But they are extremely dependent on the oil-dollar system established by themselves!

Relying on this financial system, they can release various domestic financial crises to the world, and let all countries in the world help to bear it together.

And they just need to sit at home and print money. As long as their aircraft carriers are still sailing in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, there will always be countries that will pay for their consumption.

But what if the system breaks down?

It was simply the greatest disaster ever.

Energy, materials, and information are the three pillars of the 21st century, and the development of the entire society cannot do without any of these three pillars.

Especially energy, when the energy problem is solved, it doesn't matter much even if the materials and information are a little bit worse.

Relying on endless energy, a car can turn a desert into an oasis.

Of course, it is very difficult to achieve this at present if we only rely on nuclear fission power generation and nuclear waste recycling.

After all, nuclear energy still has certain restrictions after all, and it is impossible to squander it without restraint.

Unless they can make the legendary nuclear fusion.

But this still has a big impact on them. Even if it can't solve all the energy crisis, it can solve part of it.

If oil is no longer used as the main energy source, but when automobiles, industries and other fields start to use electricity instead of oil, the value of oil will be greatly reduced.

So, based on the oil-milk system, can they sit still?

No wonder he was called over early in the morning and scolded.

If it was him, he would definitely scold him angrily.

But, he also felt wronged.

If it was before, they would definitely not know what such a large project was doing. If you give them a little more time, maybe they can also know what the other is doing.

But it's too late to say anything now, the other party has already succeeded.

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