Great Country Academician

Chapter 300 Controlled Fusion Project Landed

For Xu Chuan, it is actually good that the high-energy physics team of Jiaotong University joined the analysis of the raw data of inert neutrinos.

After all, this can greatly shorten the time required to analyze the data.

As his mentor Chen Zhengping said, the discovery of inertial neutrinos is his achievement, and there is no need for foreign teams to take a share.

As for Nanjing University, with Xu Chuan and Chen Zhengping both agreeing, Yu Yongwang also agreed.

No matter what, the opinions of Xu Chuan and Academician Chen still need to be considered.

At the beginning of September, half a month had passed after the Nuclear Energy Project Commendation Conference.

The people from the Science and Technology Department took the initiative to find Xu Chuan.

Those who came to Jinling to visit him in person were Qin Anguo, whom he hadn't seen for several months, and another middle-aged man in his early forties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with a gentle and elegant appearance.

"Professor Xu, long time no see."

In the villa, Qin Anguo warmly shook hands with Xu Chuan and greeted him with a smile on his face

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Gao Hongming from the strategic planning department of our science and technology department. This time we are here mainly to meet and chat with you. If it is suitable, we will follow up on the controllable nuclear fusion project." Arrange for Xiao Gao to help you."

"You can entrust him to handle some trivial matters on the controllable nuclear fusion project, and you can also directly instruct Xiao Gao if you have any follow-up matters, and he will handle and report in time."

Xu Chuan nodded, smiled and shook hands with Gao Hongming: "Hello, Gao Ting."

The person in charge of the Strategic Planning Department of the Science and Technology Center is a very high position, and being able to be assigned by the superior to participate in the management of the controllable nuclear fusion project shows that Gao Hongming's ability must also be quite excellent.

"Hello, Professor Xu, Gao Ting is too polite, you can call me by my name or Xiao Gao." Gao Hongming smiled gently.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I'll trouble you about the project management work and the preparatory work. I still have some other research here that I can't tell where I came from."

Gao Hongming quickly said: "Don't worry about this, my job is to assist you in handling these matters."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "Then it will be a lot of trouble."

After a pause, he then asked, "By the way, has the official project approval notice for controllable nuclear fusion come down?"

Hearing this, Gao Hongming quickly took out a red document from his bag and handed it over.

Xu Chuan took the notification document and read it.

On the side, Qin Zhengguo said: "The formal approval of the controllable nuclear fusion project has been completed, and the person in charge of the project is Professor Xu, but because it is a confidential matter, it cannot be forwarded to your public mailbox, so I will take it with you." coming."

"In addition, regarding some matters concerning the controllable nuclear fusion project, I also need to discuss with you today."

Although this controllable nuclear fusion is not something that needs to be strictly kept secret. There are many institutions that are working on this kind of cutting-edge technology, whether it is foreign or domestic.

There are even projects that more than a dozen countries have joined together, such as the ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. This project started in 1985, and it has been nearly 50 years now.

But as far as Hua Guo's character is concerned, everyone knows that if you can keep a low profile, keep a low profile, and if you can keep a secret, keep it a secret. Before the results are out, Chinese people prefer to do it by themselves.

Xu Chuan took the notification document from Gao Hongming, nodded while looking at it, and said, "Mr. Qin, please tell me."

"First of all, it is about the location of the project. We have temporarily selected four locations after discussion here, namely Bincheng, Jincheng, Modu, and Shencheng. Professor Xu, which of these four cities would you like to see is more suitable? Or if you If you have suggestions and ideas, you can also put them forward, and we can discuss them together.”

Hearing this, Xu Chuan looked up at Qin Anguo, pondered for a moment and then asked, "Can it be put in Jinling?"

On the opposite side, Qin Anguo and Gao Hongming were obviously taken aback when they heard this answer.

After regaining his senses, Qin Anguo asked, "Don't nuclear projects generally rely on the sea? If I remember correctly, a large amount of seawater is needed to complete the cooling cycle or something?"

Xu Chuan smiled, and said: "This is the inertial thinking. The reason why the nuclear power plant is built by the sea is because a large amount of seawater is needed to remove the residual heat after the reactor releases heat to generate electricity."

"In addition, there are generally continuous winds along the coast, which is conducive to the diffusion of gases. Radioactive gases in inland areas tend to accumulate locally, causing nuclear pollution."

"Although controllable nuclear fusion also requires cooling, it does not have the risk of nuclear radiation. After all, its fusion raw materials are deuterium and tritium, two harmless substances."

"And it doesn't need to fill the reaction area with burning raw materials at one time like a nuclear fission power station. It's more like a thermal power station, and you can add as much fuel as you need in the reactor."

After a pause, he continued: "As for cooling down, what sea water can do, fresh water can naturally do as well. Jinling is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and has sufficient water resources."

"Besides, Jinling is also considered a large industrial city, and consumes a lot of electricity. In addition, other cities in Suzhou Province also need a lot of electricity. I think it is possible to build it here."

Xu Chuan explained with a smile, but there is another reason he didn't say that the four cities selected above are all a certain distance from where he currently lives, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth every time.

This is a problem he discovered when he presided over the nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration and conversion project before. It took him several hours to travel from Nanjing University to Qidong, let alone places like Bincheng and Jincheng.

The point is that he doesn't know what's going on, obviously he only needs to take a car, but he can't calm down to do research or something during the journey, let alone research, it is difficult to immerse himself in it simply by reading a book.

So every journey is a waste of time for him.

If possible, Xu Chuan really didn't want to run around because of the controllable nuclear fusion project, so he just stayed here in Jinling quietly.

Of course, he didn't say this reason, it feels too willful to say it.

Opposite, Qin Anguo nodded and said: "Okay, I will write down your suggestion first, and we will have a meeting to discuss it after returning home. If there is no problem, I will contact you if I am sure to modify the location. There are other requirements. or suggestions?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and asked, "Is Professor Peng Hongxi still working at Shuimu University?"

Qin Anguo: "I'm not sure about this, but I can check it out for you. Do you want to invite Professor Peng to join the controllable nuclear fusion project?"

Xu Chuan nodded, and said: "Professor Peng is one of the founders of our country's nuclear energy field, and he is also the leader who pioneered and developed the research on particle beam inertial confinement fusion in Huaguo. It would be great if he could be invited. "

To be honest, there was no way to bring Peng Hongxi, who was already in his eighties, over.

Although Huaguo can be regarded as the world's top tier in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, strictly speaking, many domestic universities have not actually offered a professional course on controllable nuclear fusion.

At present, the personnel engaged in research in the field of controllable nuclear fusion in China basically come from plasma physics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics and other fields to cross-industry.

Academician Peng Hongxi is a true hero in the field of nuclear fusion in Huaguo.

If it wasn't true that he couldn't find any suitable candidate, Xu Chuan didn't want to bother his old man, after all, this old man turned eighty this year.

As for the students of Academician Peng Hongxi, Professor Han Jin, who was the person in charge of the nuclear waste recycling project to deal with daily affairs, is relatively too young.

There was no problem in leading the daily work of the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion of Electric Energy" project under his leadership before, but it was difficult for him to support the super project of controllable nuclear fusion.

Controllable nuclear fusion is a systematic project, and the technical difficulties involved cover all aspects from plasma physics to material research and even information technology research, requiring the cooperation of various research units.

It can be said that this kind of super project needs to coordinate too many resources and things, and it cannot be completed without sufficient qualifications and reputation in China.

After much deliberation, Xu Chuan could only invite Academician Peng Hongxi once more.

On the side, Gao Hongming couldn't help swallowing while listening to the conversation between the two.

He knew that Professor Xu had great abilities, but he didn't expect the energy to be so great.

If it is other scholars, after the four sites are given above, they will basically only choose one of the four sites.

Unexpectedly, this person directly raised an objection, and what was even more unexpected was that Qin Shizhang directly agreed.

Although he still replied that he wanted to go back to a meeting to discuss it, but in his opinion, this discussion was basically a matter of going through a process.

To be honest, it still makes sense for the top management to choose these four locations.

These four sites are the core cities of important industrial bases, such as Bincheng, which is the core city of the Liaozhong-South Industrial Base, such as Shanghai, the core city of the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou Industrial Base.

Moreover, these cities are all close to the sea. It is an unspoken rule to choose cities close to the sea for the engineering facilities of nuclear power plants. Not only in China, but also in the whole world.

After all, considering all aspects, coastal cities are indeed more convenient.

However, for a super project like controllable nuclear fusion, the investment is at least tens of billions of large projects, and the site selection was changed by Professor Xu in front of him.

This energy can be said to be unique in China without any problem.

In the living room of the villa, after the three chatted for a while, Qin Anguo was about to get up and leave.

I came here today to introduce Gao Hongming to Xu Chuan on the one hand, and on the other hand to talk about issues related to site selection, investment budget, and personnel requirements.

All these have been answered, and he is not going to delay Professor Xu's time any longer.

After sending away the two people from the science and technology department, Xu Chuan put his energy back on modeling the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

With the theoretical basis already perfected by him, it was only a matter of time for him to model plasma turbulence.

The days passed day by day, and Xu Chuan was busy with his own research.

In the middle of modeling, he received a return visit from Gao Hongming. After discussion, the site selection for the controllable nuclear fusion project was finally settled in Jinling.

As for the specific location, it is currently discussing with the government of Jinling City.

The city leaders of Jinling almost dropped their jaws when they received the news.

With an investment of tens of billions, the sudden settlement of a national super project such as controllable nuclear fusion in Jinling is like a surprise that fell from the sky to Jinling.

Prior to this, the leaders of Jinling City had never thought about it, let alone dreamed about it.

When Gao Hongming, who is responsible for the daily work of the controllable nuclear fusion project, came to the door, the leaders of Jinling City were as if they were dreaming, and they were all stupid.

The systematic super-engineering of controllable nuclear fusion will be of great help to the development of high-tech and science and technology industries in Jinling City, as well as the introduction of talents.

A large-scale project will definitely require the help of countless people, and for controllable nuclear fusion, I am afraid that even serving tea and water in it will require doctoral students to start.

People of this level, in the country, are the targets of introduction no matter which city they are in.

Not to mention the development of science and technology and high technology, God knows how many new technologies can be driven by the research of controllable nuclear fusion.

Or to put it more simply and bluntly, for Jinling City, the settlement of the controllable nuclear fusion project is like a "huge" political achievement that fell from the sky.

After hearing that this was Xu Chuan's proposal, the city leaders quickly brought their troops to visit in person.

Of course, they also have legitimate reasons for visiting.

The controlled nuclear fusion project is located in Jinling. As the municipal government, they naturally need to listen to the opinions of Professor Xu in terms of site selection.

Gao Hongming and Peng Hongxi came with the city leaders.

"Professor Xu, do you think Jinling is more suitable as a site?"

In Xu Chuan's villa, the leader of Jinling City looked at Xu Chuan with enthusiasm and expectation and asked. On the tea table, there was a huge map of Jinling City, which was still of the 3D type, and Jinling was marked on it. situation across the city.

Xu Chuan: "Look for a less crowded place by the river."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "Of course, the geological structure must be stable, and there will be no subsidence."

Hearing this, the city leader thought for a while and pointed to the map and asked, "How about Wumadu Square in Yanbin River Scenic Area?"

"The geology here is stable. There are no residential areas nearby. Except for some tourist attractions, there are no other buildings. It is also convenient to demolish. Opposite is Bagua Island Wetland Park. Considering confidentiality issues, this park can be closed."

Xu Chuan: "This needs to be detected by professionals. If there is no problem, I can do it."

"As for the issue of confidentiality, controlled nuclear fusion is not much different from ordinary nuclear power plants from the outside, so don't worry too much."

The city leader nodded and said, "If the Muyan Riverside Scenic Spot is not good, it can be placed at the foot of Qixia Mountain. It should meet the requirements."

"Professor Xu, if you have no objections, we will arrange personnel to explore these two places. If you can, then you can choose one. If not, how about re-negotiating?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what we should do. What's more, we wish we could come to this kind of 'trouble' more times." The city leader said with a smile on his face: "It's not too late, let's go back and arrange personnel to deal with this problem." Two sites are selected for exploration, so we won’t bother Professor Xu and Academician Peng.”

Thanks for the reward of one less sheep boss, the boss has rewarded a rudder master, according to the rules of adding more, a new update will be made, write it down first, and add it to the big brother when the leader's addition is completed More, thank you boss, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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