Great Country Academician

Chapter 326 Tao Zhexuan at full firepower

To be honest, Xu Chuan was almost amused by these comments.

What If I can read this paper, it should not be possible to solve the millennium problem. If I can't understand this paper, then I'd better not read it.

In a way, this makes sense.

Because cutting-edge scientific theories, whether it is mathematics or physics, are basically far, far away from the general public.

How far is it?

Probably some mathematical physics symbols in these papers, you don't even know what it's called, and you can't read it.

In this case, it can be said that the vast majority of netizens who eat melons do not understand cutting-edge scientific papers.

As for the theoretical paper of Professor Jiang Kangcai, although it was indeed published in SCI journals, it was not a top journal that accepted his paper.

It's a journal called Entropy, Physics Type.

It is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing mainly on entropy and information studies, publishing reviews, regular research papers and briefing notes.

The goal is to encourage scientists to publish as many details of their theories and experiments as possible. There is no limit to the length of the paper.

Since it is encouraging, it means that its review is not difficult, and according to the impact factor, it seems to be less than 2.5 in his memory?

SCI is indeed, but it can only be regarded as middle or even lower middle.

If the paper is submitted, there is a high probability that it will be classified into the second or third area of ​​the SCI search.

Moreover, in the past few years, Entropy journals were also included in the international journal early warning list on the grounds that the journals were academically untrue.

How should I put it, this type of journal is okay as a place to collect inspiration or ideas, but as an academic journal of cutting-edge science, forget it.

After reading the news, Xu Chuan threw the phone aside. To him, it was just a joke.

As for responding to The Washington Times, he doesn't have that much time for the notorious media.

"Professor, aren't you going to respond?" Gu Bing, who was paying attention to the situation here, couldn't help asking after seeing him throw the phone aside.

In his opinion, this is a complete slander and insult to the mentor, which cannot be tolerated!

Xu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "It's a waste of time to deal with this kind of media."

"If I really respond to them, I'm just adding heat and traffic to them. I don't care what this kind of person is doing, just watch it for fun. If I have this time, I might as well do my own thing."

Gu Bing opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Xu Chuan didn't care too much. To be honest, if he hadn't been reborn once, at his current age, there was a high probability that he would go back straight away.

But now, there is no wave in his heart.

Tao Zhexuan was involved, maybe he may 'express' his views and opinions on the Internet.

On the other side, it was just as Xu Chuan expected.

At this moment, Terence Tao is firing on all cylinders online.

After noticing that The Washington Times had implicated him, he went straight to his blog to address the matter head-on.

[First: I have never supported the theory of Professor Jiang Kangcai of Rice University, and I have not even read his theories and papers! 】

[Second: All along, I have been expecting the NS equation to have a smooth solution! 】

[Third: The "Washington Times" is an unscrupulous media. In the past, it mainly fabricated rumors and fabricated various news to discredit others. It has no spirit that a news media should have! 】

[Fourth: For the paper I wrote in 15 years on the construction of NS equation counterexamples, it does not mean that I support the NS equation without a smooth solution, but only for the abstract proof ideas of the Kazakhstan mathematics professor, as a verification of his Seriously flawed evidence used in the thesis! 】

[Fifth: I am very optimistic about Professor Xu's thesis, he is a real scholar.]

With a long list, Tao Zhexuan went all out on the blog.

Those who followed him were stunned by Tao Zhexuan's blog in an instant.

After all, in the traditional impression, Tao feels quite friendly, even a little cute.

Although he has already stood at the pinnacle of the mathematics world and won the Fields Medal, but on the Internet, if you have a math question, ask him, as long as it is a formal question, he will basically reply.

Even if this question is just a basic question raised by a college student, he can easily solve it, and it is worthless to him, and it is possible to get his reply.

Even if someone would tease him occasionally on the Internet, Tao has never been so annoying.

But I have to say that in this wave, he directly attracted everyone's attention, so that no one commented and looked forward to Xu Chuan's reply.

[Good guy, Professor Tao started a group! 】

[Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, the Washington Times was scolded. 】

[I already knew, what good things can this notorious media do? 】

[Le, Professor Tao directly vetoed all the parts about him in the media reports. 】

[The NS equation cannot have a smooth solution! Even Professor Xu Chuan is not necessarily correct. The theory of Professor Jiang Kangcai of Rice University has been reviewed and published in a journal, while Professor Xu's is just a thesis, and there may be major mistakes in it! 】

[Heh, the mouth of a dead duck is hard. 】

[Top professors such as Terence Tao, Fefferman, and Gowers all said that they had read Professor Xu’s paper and expressed their support. You can do it, right? 】

[Oh, by the way, the paper you supported by Jiang Kangcai was only submitted to a physics journal called 'Entropy'. The current impact factor is only 2.089, and it was once included in the early warning list of international journals. It is SCI, but it is a typical junk SCI journal. 】

The controversy on the Internet was immediately detonated with Tao Zhexuan's opening of the group.

The debate, which was evenly divided before, is now overwhelmingly one-sided.

As for Xu Chuan's reply, netizens still haven't seen it, but it doesn't matter anymore. Those notorious things done by the "Washington Times" have been dug out.

Some people who don't know much have discovered that this journal is such a garbage.

As time goes by, December is coming.

Jinling, an ancient city, is once again bustling with flights from all over the world landing here.

The arrival of numerous mathematicians and physicists made the city once again brimming with academics.

For Jinling Municipal Fu and Nantah University, the report on NS Equation is undoubtedly the most grand academic exchange in history.

Teachers from the government affairs office of Municipal Fu and Nantah University handed over to each other and formulated a detailed reception process in an all-round way.

From the cleaning of garbage advertisements on roadside houses and street lights, to traffic coordination, to the arrangement and communication of accommodation hotels near Nantah University, to the safety of scholars who came to participate in the exchange meeting, etc., a report will be released on the official website of Nantah University in mid-November After the time to start preparations.

This kind of world-class academic report meeting with at least 3,000 scholars present and attracting the attention of the physics and mathematics circles at the same time may not be met once even if it is held internationally for a few years.

For a report meeting of this scale, both the Jinling Municipal Government and Nantah University are trying their best to demand perfection. After all, if something goes wrong, the embarrassment will be thrown to the whole world.

At the end of November, downstairs of the New Era Hotel building near Nantah University.

An old man in a windbreaker and a suitcase got out of the taxi.

Just in time, I bumped into another middle-aged scholar who was wearing a gray-black suit, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and was also dragging a suitcase.

Seeing someone coming, the old man took the initiative to walk up with the suitcase, and said hello: "You are here too, Tao."

Hearing the sound, Tao Zhexuan raised his head, saw the old man in front of him and responded with a smile: "Of course, no one in the mathematics world would want to miss such a grand event."

Deligne sighed a little: "Indeed, apart from the quadrennial International Mathematical Congress, it is rare to have such an opportunity to gather so many old friends. Mathematics continues, but we are all getting old."

Tao Terence smiled and said: "There will always be someone who inherits our knowledge, and it will always flow in civilization."

Hearing this, Deligne seemed to think of something, smiled, and said: "Yes, civilization is immortal, and someone will inherit it."

Tao Zhexuan also smiled, and dragging the suitcase, the two walked towards the hotel side by side.

The next day, the report on the existence of smooth solutions to NS equations will officially begin.

Before nine o'clock, the auditorium in the old campus of NTU was already crowded with people.

The sound of chattering discussions resounded in every square meter of the auditorium, and everyone was looking forward to and waiting.

According to the invitation letter, Edward Witten came to the front row of the auditorium and found his seat. On the left was Deligne, and the figure on the right surprised him a bit.

"Why are you here? Isn't there still a lot to do at CERN?" Wei Teng asked in surprise looking at the figure sitting on the red chair.

Roger Penrose said with a smile: "I don't just study physics, but also mathematics. And that's the case with CERN. Besides, I'm not the only one who came here together. If you don't believe me, look over there."

As he spoke, Roger Penrose lightly pointed in a direction, and Edward Witten followed the trend, and as far as he could see, they were all acquaintances.

Frank Wilczek, Alan Goose, Kip Thorne.

Good guy, half of the top theoretical physicists who often work at CERN are here.

"Why are you all here?" Wei Teng glanced at him and asked again. To be honest, he was a little surprised by the people who came here. After all, everyone's research direction is basically not in mathematics and fluid mechanics.

Penrose smiled and said, "I came because I am interested in mathematics. As for them, they probably want to talk about physics or astronomy with your student."

Wei Teng thought for a while, nodded, and said: "Well, he can do it."

Penrose smiled and said, "How about you, there is such a student, why don't you teach him something related to string theory and quantum field theory, maybe he can help you solve string theory problems and win a Nobel Prize? "

Wei Teng coughed, and said, "If I want to win the Nobel Prize with my string theory, I'm afraid I'll have to wait until he becomes a bad old man. I'll be gone by then, so why add burden to him?"

Penrose joked: "Is it possible that you didn't expect this student to be so good, and you graduated before you had time to teach him?"

Edward Witten: "."

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket for the second update, and continue to explode tomorrow!

Thanks to the readers, the big needle is healed quickly (1000), ☆Piaoxueer☆(100), book friend 20230201195521998 (100) book friend 20220519133742404 (100) don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand me (200), thank you Ladies and gentlemen

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