Great Country Academician

Chapter 330 NS Equation Passes Peer Review!

On the other hand, as the major news media quickly sorted out the information related to the report.

There has once again been a wave of discussion on the Internet.

[Laughing, this Washington Times is really interesting. After being slapped in the face by Professor Tao once, he ran to China and was slapped a second time by God Chuan. 】

[I have only seen thousands of miles sent, not Wanli sent. 】

[Chuan Shen: Since you want to take the initiative to send your face over for me to step on, I will grant you! This sounds so cool! 】

[I think it's too ostentatious. After all, he is a guest from afar, and the question was raised at the report meeting. It is enough to point out the mistake. There is no need to step on people like this, right? 】

[Yo yo yo, Li Zhongke is here! Why don't you see which Garbage Times was the first to chase after Professor Xu to bite it? 】

[No way, after all, in their eyes, the person asking the question is a noble foreigner (manual dog head)]

[What I think is even more domineering is that Professor Xu announced on the podium that he would cancel the patent authorization of artificial SEI thin films to South Korea! There is a feeling of challenging a country alone! awesomeness! 】

[By the way, isn’t the Washington Times from the United States? Why ban South Korea? 】

[Because the funder behind it is from South Korea, and the purpose of its establishment is to disgust our country. If you don’t believe me, you can google this media to see what he has done before. 】

With the reports of major news media, the "Washington Times" once again caught the eyes of netizens.

It has to be said that the operation of the technology editor Andrew Whitt was indeed very explosive, and the "Washington Times" gained a lot of traffic.

Of course, this traffic is almost all black streams, all scolding.

But for the "Washington Times", they don't care whether the traffic is black or not.

Anyway, they don't have much reputation, and one black top ten fans! Black fans can bring more circle-breaking effects than fans.

As for Xu Chuan's threat to them at the report meeting, to be honest, the "Washington Times" did not take it seriously from top to bottom.

He even thought it was just absorbing heat for them.

Just when the entire Washington Times was complacent and complacent and thought the plan had succeeded, a phone call came to the office.

The editor-in-chief reached out to take the phone, and the person who called him was the financial backer of the "Washington Times".

Before he could report the good news of the soaring media traffic, there was a storm of cursing from the other end of the phone.


"Bastards, do you want to die? A bunch of bastards."

In the office, the editor-in-chief of the "Washington Times" was like a cucumber seedling in a greenhouse. After being transplanted to an open space, it suddenly encountered a violent storm, and the whole person died immediately.

Hearing the swearing on the phone, he really wanted to refute, and you agreed to do so at the time.

But he didn't dare. If the funders behind him withdrew their funds and stopped giving them blood transfusions, I'm afraid the newspaper would go bankrupt tomorrow.

Just like that, the editor-in-chief was like a little turtledove in a violent storm, not daring to move to meet the scolding.

".Now! Immediately! Give me a formal public apology to that Professor Xu! If the authorization of the artificial SEI film cannot be restored! I will kill you one by one! Bastards! Xiba!"

After cursing for a long time and leaving the last sentence, the benefactor 'Wen Mingxing' who called over hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, the editor-in-chief's chest heaved and heaved, and he was naturally equally angry when he was scolded.

Not just outraged, he needs to publicly apologize to that guy.

This made him feel humiliated one after another.

"Fire! Fire Andrew Whitt immediately and blame him for everything!"

The angry editor-in-chief couldn't find a good place to vent his anger, so he could only push everything to the technology editor Andrew Whitt.

And Andrew Whitt, who was still in China, soon found himself unemployed.

On the other hand, MDPI Publisher, the operator of the Entropy journal in Basel, Switzerland, quickly investigated the Entropy journal under its own name after the news media fermented on the Internet.

After confirming that there is indeed a manuscript submitted by Professor Jiang Kangcai of Rice University in Entropy, Entropy was quickly ordered to withdraw the relevant paper.

Not to mention that at the report meeting, Xu Chuan pointed out problems in this paper from the aspects of mathematics and physics. Even if there is no problem that caused the journal to fall into such a big storm, the paper will be quickly withdrawn for processing.

As for the results, it can be said that most of the retracted papers have almost no chance of being published in any type of journals.

After the report meeting, Xu Chuan didn't pay attention to these things anymore.

He had too much to do and no time to bother with a notorious journal.

Although the NS equation report meeting is over, the peer review has not yet been completed.

During peer review, the reporter of the paper needs to address any normal questions raised by the reviewers throughout the process.

But for Xu Chuan, he needs to finish the peer review before the end of this month, and then go to the capital for a meeting.

Because at the end of December, the 19-year academician co-option meeting will be held, and the biennial academician co-option list will be announced to the outside world. And he has already received the invitation letter specially sent to him by Zheng Hai. (PS, here I seem to have mistaken the co-election time of academicians. It seems that it started in January 2019 in China. I misunderstood it as the end of the year. Forget it, let’s treat it as a parallel world.)

So he must either finish the peer review of the NS equation at the end of December, or ask for a leave of absence at the end of December to attend a meeting first.

As for the specific choice, to be honest, it doesn't depend on him, but on the speed of peer review.

A review team consisting of four members of partial differential equations including Tao Terence, Fefferman, and Qiu Chengtong + two in the field of topology + two in the field of fluid mechanics + a representative of the Clay Institute of Mathematics, a total of nine members of the review team, at the end of the report. Two days later, the paper review of the proof of the NS equation was launched.

The lineup is quite luxurious, and it is also the largest number of peer reviews ever.

Even for the Poincaré conjecture and the Hodge conjecture that Perleman and Xu Chuan proved respectively last time, there were only six peer reviewers.

The reason why it has evolved into nine this time is because the NS equation involves fluid mechanics in the field of physics, so two big cows in fluid mechanics have been added.

However, although the number of reviewers has increased, the speed of reviewing manuscripts is quite fast, and there are not many questions that Xu Chuan needs to answer.

Especially on the key new tool for solving the NS equation, the "micro-element construction method", it can be said that almost no one raised questions and opinions, and no one suggested where to optimize it.

This mathematical tool is perfect for all the members of the Fields Medal team who participated in the review.

It is like a work of art, so beautiful that it makes people addicted to it.

Instead, they found some subtle flaws in the proof process using this tool.

If you compare it with other reviewed papers in the past, there is no doubt that this paper on the proof of the last step of the NS equation can be said to be top-notch.

But if it is placed in front of the mathematical tool of the "micro-element structure method", it is like other snow peaks next to Mount Everest. Although they are equally high, the light of Mount Everest will always be unmatched by other peaks.

The existence and smoothness of NS equation solutions prove that the peer review of the paper is faster than Xu Chuan expected.

Originally, he estimated that it would take at least one month, but in less than 20 days, the peer review panel officially announced that his NS equation proof paper had passed the review.

There were four people who came to the door to announce the results. They were the representative of the peer review panel, Professor Fefferman, the representative of the Clay Institute of Mathematics, the chairman of the International Mathematical Union Committee Shigefumi Ximori, and the editor-in-chief of "New Advances in Mathematics" Robert.

Of course, on this occasion, there are media reporters behind him.

After the four people shook hands with Xu Chuan enthusiastically, Shigefumi Mori, chairman of the International Mathematical Union Committee, tidied up his clothes, coughed lightly, and said solemnly:

"Affirmed by the peer review panel, the International Mathematical Union Committee and the Cray Mathematics Institute, your paper "Proof of the Existence and Smoothness of the Solution for the Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation" has passed the peer review and final review."

"From today, we have found the smooth solution of the NS equation, and also confirmed that in the interior of the fluid motion region, the corresponding ideal fluid is the solution of the initial boundary value problem of the Euler equation!"

"From today, when the initial value is infinitely smooth, the divergence is zero and there is a compact support (the initial value and the size of the region have no restrictions), the overall existence of smooth solutions of the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation!"

"From today, we have also gained a perfect mathematical tool, which can build a great bridge between differential equations, topological structures and partial differential equations, allowing latecomers to pass without worry."

"From today, this difficult problem spanning three centuries has come to a perfect end in your hands."

"Congratulations, Professor Xu!"

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