Great Country Academician

Chapter 376 Forty-five minutes!

The superconducting coil fixed on the outer edge of the giant steel beast steadily increases the confining magnetic field until it reaches a certain set value.

Immediately, the fine-tuning magnetic field began to arrange according to the preset values, modifying the strength of each body position of the steady-state magnetic field, and forming a channel that can restrict the plasma flow.

If the former is to clear the entire field, then the latter is to draw a dedicated runway on the cleared field.

High-temperature plasma turbulence is like an athlete, moving on a drawn track.

The numerical control model, like a camera or a referee, specially controls these athletes and prevents them from rushing out of the track to make trouble.

[The steady-state magnetic field strength reaches 40.21 Tesla, the goal is achieved! 】

[The fine-tuning magnetic field has been corrected according to the instructions, and the magnetic field in the reaction chamber has reached the target plan! 】


[Helium three raw materials have been injected! 】

[The ICRF heating antenna is activated, the current temperature has reached 57 million degrees Celsius, and it is expected to reach 100 million degrees Celsius in three minutes! 】


The sound of reports one by one kept ringing in the main control room. Every successful report would bring a gleam of joy to everyone's faces, but it was quickly replaced by a dignified and tense atmosphere.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the various indicators on the total monitoring screen with a solemn face.

Standing in the crowd, Xu Chuan watched and listened quietly, adjusting the timing and parameters of various commands issued by the Lixiao fusion device.

Soon, the peak reached during the acceptance and operation was once again presented to everyone. After checking the running data and confirming that it was correct, Xu Chuan took a deep breath and issued a new order:

"Introduce hydrogen! Start the simulated confined ignition operation experiment!"

The voice of the command was clearly visible in the general control. As soon as the voice fell, the reply from the special control team had already sounded.


With the order issued, the dawn fusion device started a new round of changes.

The plasma turbulence mathematical model of the supercomputing center is constantly expanding the cutting-edge data every minute and every second, and generating the corresponding confinement magnetic field control scheme in real time.

If the previous action was nothing more than the prostrate steel monster waking up from its slumber and yawning, then now, it will start to move forward along the road.

How far we can go depends on everyone's hard work during this period of time!

At this moment, even Xu Chuan's heart beat a little faster.

Standing here directing the operation of the Dawn fusion device is a completely different concept from directing the experimental device at the Princeton PPPL laboratory in the previous life.

Time passed by bit by bit, and every second passed by quite a long time.

Ten seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, two minutes, five minutes

Every time the dawn device breaks through its limit, the engineers and researchers in the master control clenched their fists and gritted their teeth. A few people even dared not breathe, and their faces flushed because of fear. The breathing on my side will interfere with the operation of the fusion reactor.

At this very moment, the giant steel beast crawling on the ground in the core laboratory is pregnant with the most terrifying energy and temperature in this planet and even in this galaxy in its belly.

Looking at the actual temperature of 127 million degrees Celsius on the main control screen, faintly visible tears glistened in Peng Hongxi's old and cloudy eyes, while Zhao Hongzhi, who organized to study at the Planck Institute for Plasma Research, was gritting his teeth tightly, with eyes full of tears. With excitement, hope, anticipation and other emotions.

From the injection of hydrogen to the present, the running time on the main console has exceeded eight minutes!

This data has already refreshed the record of seven and a half points set by EAST innovation a few days ago!

More importantly, judging from the reports of each group, the condition of the Leaping fusion device is quite good now!

That means it can go on!

And every minute and every second that follows is creating a new historical record!

On the other side, Wei Guoyi, who was in charge of security, stood upright at the door. Although he couldn't understand the values ​​and images on the control screen, he could tell from the eyes and expressions of everyone in the main control room, Feel the anticipation and enthusiasm.

The experiment seems to be quite successful?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help standing up straighter, and his eyes fell on the young man standing in position C.

Xu Chuan didn't care about other people's gazes and thoughts. He paid attention to the various data in the master control so that he could make adjustments at any time.

Of course, with the injection of hydrogen and the start of the simulated ignition operation, he no longer needed to issue new instructions.

The plasma turbulent numerical control model of the supercomputing center has become the new brain of the dawn fusion device, directing its progress and path.


Thirty minutes passed before he spoke again.

"The teams report the situation!"

Thirty minutes is a critical node in the plan. Xu Chuan needs to decide whether to continue to operate or stop according to the situation of the fusion equipment at dawn.

In fact, apart from himself, not many people who stand in total control today think they can really do this.

After all, with a runtime of half an hour, it's pretty incredible.

It is precisely because of this miracle that the voices of the special report staff of each group are trembling.

[The current confinement magnetic field is stable, and the external field coil is in good condition! 】

[The supercomputing center is running stably, using 34.7% of the computing power, which can support continued operation! 】

[The ICRF heating state is stable, and the current plasma flow temperature is 128 million degrees Celsius! 】

[The neutron wall load on the first wall has reached 1.5MW/㎡, and it is predicted that it will reach the limit and begin to be damaged after fifteen minutes.】

【First wall temperature.】

The reports sounded one after another in the main control room. Xu Chuan listened carefully, his brain spinning rapidly, and analyzed the situation of the Lixiao fusion device based on the report information and various data on the main control screen.

On the whole, the current dawn is undoubtedly still stable, and all equipment and parts can continue to be stable, but the temperature of the first wall and the load on the neutron beam have begun to approach the limit.

Fifteen minutes of remaining time, plus the thirty minutes that have already been running, that is to say, forty-five minutes.

If this running time is placed in the field of controllable nuclear fusion today, it can be said to be quite exaggerated or even against the sky.

But for Xu Chuan, this duration data did not meet his satisfaction.

He originally expected to be able to do it for more than an hour, but now it seems that he may not be able to achieve it.

As for where the problem occurred, we have to wait for the follow-up experimental data and results to come out before analyzing it in detail.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Chuan said calmly: "Continue to run the experiment, the first wall team will focus on keeping an eye on it! The measurement team will do a good job of collecting receipts!"

The running time of half an hour and forty-five minutes is actually not much different to him.

However, approaching the limit can obtain more and more effective experimental data, which is of great significance.

Fifteen minutes was not very long, the ICRF heating antenna was turned off, the current supply to the superconducting coil was stopped, and the temperature of the plasma in the reactor chamber also dropped rapidly.

When the entire Xiaoxiao fusion device stopped operating completely, the suppressed cheers from the main control room also resounded through the world at this moment.

"Awesome! Chuan Shen is awesome!"

"Forty-five minute run! We broke a world record!"

"Beautiful! I knew I could do it!"

"Hahahahaha, this time I want to see what else Luyang has to say!"


During the total control, the cheers were loud, and many researchers and engineers even hugged each other, slamming each other's backs excitedly.

For everyone present, there is no doubt that this is a miracle!

Standing in the crowd, compared with the cheers and celebrations of other people, although Xu Chuan also had a smile on his face, he didn't look so happy.

On the side, Peng Hongxi obviously noticed his situation, walked over with a smile, and said, "The running time of forty-five minutes is incredible, it can be said to be a miracle, but you seem to be dissatisfied ?”

Xu Chuan turned his head and took a look, smiled and said, "It's not bad, although it is indeed a new record, but it is still some distance away from the one hour in my heart."

Hearing this, Peng Hongxi choked for a moment. Seeing Xu Chuan's calm face and even dissatisfied with the result, he coughed and asked, "Are you serious? Still not satisfied in forty-five minutes?"

"At the celebration banquet for acceptance and operation, I was already surprised when you said that you set the goal of the second experiment at 30 minutes. Now that it has reached 45 minutes, I didn't expect you to be still dissatisfied."

"Using a second-hand equipment purchased from the Germanic country to modify it, the first time the experiment can be run for forty-five minutes, if the Germanic country finds out, I'm afraid I will regret it?"

"If they knew the ASDEX unit could do this, they wouldn't sell it to you anyway."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "But the ASDEX device remains in their hands, and the record that can be created is only a running time of tens of seconds at 50 million degrees."

Peng Hongxi smiled and said: "That's true, your high-temperature superconducting material and plasma turbulence numerical control model played a very critical role in this experiment."

After a pause, he continued: "This time, that old fellow Chen Mingji's face was probably smashed by you."

"The score of 450 seconds in EAST made him very proud, and he made a lot of publicity in the news media. In the interview, he also said that it would be good if 'Breaking Dawn' could run for 20 seconds. Today, when your 45-minute score is released, hahahaha , I really want to see how his face will change in the future."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan shrugged and said nothing.

He doesn't really like doing things like slapping someone in the face.

This time it was the other party who took the initiative to come up to him, he just happened by the way, so what can he do?

PS: There should be another chapter tonight, ask for a monthly ticket

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