Great Country Academician

Chapter 383 I, Xu Chuan, Send Money!

Jinling, in the Qixia Mountain Controlled Fusion Engineering Base.

It has been less than half a month since the dawn device broke the world record and completed the 45-minute high-density plasma operation experiment.

Relevant inspection and data analysis work has been completed, and now engineers and researchers are optimizing the water-cooled divertor, external high-temperature superconducting coil, and plasma turbulence numerical control model of the Fuxiao fusion device step by step.

These tasks are expected to take about one and a half months according to the plan.

During this time, Xu Chuan did not continue to stay in the park.

It is enough to entrust these relatively simple tasks to other people. As for him, there are other things that need to be resolved.

For example, mathematics is used to solve problems such as magnetic surface tearing, plasma magnetic islands, and distortions that will occur during the operation of the deuterium-tritium device in the tokamak.

If some people can be found to replace him in the previous transformation work, then there is almost no substitute for the latter work.

At least you can't find it in the country.

Although there are quite a few mathematicians in China, there are really no famous mathematicians in terms of fluid mechanics and turbulence.

This can actually be seen from the field of CFD.

At present, it can be said that more than 95% of domestic CFD software is imported.

ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, STAR-CCM, Comsol, XFLOW and other CFDs that occupy more than 90% of the market are all foreign.

The dependence on industrial software is too serious.

If those manufacturers directly kill CFD software, most of the domestic manufacturers engaged in this industry will be paralyzed.

But Xu Chuan had nothing to do about this.

Although he can be said to be a master in the field of fluid mechanics, and can even be said to be ranked among the top five or top three in the world in this field of mathematics, he can't change it.

Because this is a field that has already formed a system and is difficult to change in a short period of time.

At least for now.

On the other side, America.

In a certain meeting room of the energy department, the new director of the department, Dan Bruyette, was looking at the investigation report in his hand with a headache on his face.

The recent earth-shaking changes in the field of controllable nuclear fusion have made him, the person in charge of the energy department, a little confused and unable to understand the situation.

First of all, Huaguo's Dawn fusion device has been running for forty-five minutes. It is as bright and dazzling as a shooting star in the dark night.

Afterwards, Germania's advanced stellarator Helix 7X achieved half an hour of operation results and spread with the media reports. Although it was not as good as Huaguo's dawn, it also set off a wave in this field again.

Huaguo and Europe have successively made breakthroughs in the field of controllable nuclear fusion. On the contrary, they have always been ahead, and now they have fallen behind countless times.

What just confused Dan Bruyette was that everyone was still playing with mud in the field of second-level running time. Why did they suddenly enter the running time of half an hour, or even close to an hour?

What about the promised controllable nuclear fusion forever for 50 years?

If this posture continues, I am afraid that it will not be realized in the next twenty years.

Just at this time, the door of the office opened, and the assistant hurried in, handed him an investigation document, and at the same time reported:

"This is the latest investigation report. According to the investigation by the CIA, the reason why the Planck Institute for Plasma Research has achieved a 30-minute running time is that they replaced the outer field coil of the spiral stone 7X and replaced the superconducting coil. material, which greatly increases the strength of the confinement magnetic field."

"And the high-temperature superconducting material they replaced came from the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute under the name of Professor Xu."

Flipping through the materials in his hand, and listening to the assistant's report, Dan Bruyette couldn't help feeling a little headache again.

Recently, when he hears this name, his ears almost start to sound cocooned, and he can't avoid it everywhere!

After flipping through the investigation report in his hand, Dan Bruyette pinched the bridge of his nose a little bit.

Judging from this report, the ASDEX device sold by the Planck Plasma Laboratory is not the key, the key lies in the high-temperature superconducting material and the possible mathematical control model of plasma turbulence.

And the key to all this lies in that Professor Xu.

He developed the high-temperature superconducting material, and he also made the plasma turbulence control model

Fuck, why didn't such a talent stay in the United States by force?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Bruyette thought about a solution.

At this time, the assistant across the desk said, "Boss, I have some ideas about this matter."

Hearing this, Bruyette looked up at his assistant and asked, "What do you think?"

Compared to him, this assistant has been in the energy department for a long time, and his opinion may be used as a reference.

At least he doesn't have any good solutions right now. Unless they can get technology or materials from that Professor Xu, it will be very difficult for them to catch up and overtake.

Assistant McAdam said: "Use ITER to put pressure on Huaguo to make them disclose high-temperature superconducting material technology and control models."

"According to our investigation, Huaguo and Europe can achieve a running time of 45 minutes and 30 minutes. This is basically the main factor."

"Huaguo is a member state of ITER. According to the original agreement, member states will focus on technologies related to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Fusion Reactor project, such as device operation schemes, magnetic confinement theory and modeling, overall plasma performance and control, and material physics. It is necessary to share and provide to ITER when researching on technology and other aspects.”

"But now, it is obvious that Huaguo did not do this. Their high-temperature superconducting materials and control models have not been provided to ITER. They use ITER's sharing agreement to draw technology from ITER to strengthen themselves, but they do not share their own research. This is clearly a violation of the agreement."

After a pause, McAdam continued: "In addition, we can also investigate that Professor Xu through the monopoly law."

"According to our investigation, the high-temperature superconducting material he developed has obviously monopolized the global market. Now there is only one high-temperature superconducting material supplier on the market. Perhaps we can use the monopoly law to force the other party to let go of the high-temperature superconducting material. Licensing of superconducting materials.”

Listening to the assistant's words, Dan Bruyette tapped lightly on the log desk with his index finger.

He is very clear about ITER's technology sharing agreement. In fact, this is a piece of paper for the member states participating in ITER.

Whether it is the United States, Europe, or their old rival Tsarist Russia, everyone has never really provided the core technology in their hands to ITER.

It is precisely because of this that the development and progress of ITER are so slow.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for a large-scale international cooperation organization that has assembled more than half of the human race to study it for decades, and has not even completed the construction of the reactor?

But now this waste paper, it seems that it may indeed become a reason.

Of course, if only relying on the United States, it may be a bit difficult to force the opponent to hand over the technology.

But it doesn't matter, I believe that in this position, whether it is the EU or other countries in ITER, they will stand on their side.

After thinking for a while, Bruyette raised his head, looked at the assistant, and said, "Contact the allies of other ITER member states. We will raise this issue in a targeted manner at the next meeting. I believe they should also be interested."

"In addition, collect more technologies that Huaguo obtained from the ITER project, whether it is public or traded, and collect them. These are evidences."

On the other side, Huaguo Capital.

In the building on the north side of Chang'an Avenue, the old man who lived here all year round looked at Qin Anguo who was reading letters in the office with calm eyes.


[Hello, in the past few months, the Qixiashan Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project has ushered in tremendous development, from the completion of the industrial park to the acceptance and operation of the Lixiao fusion device, to the 45-minute high-density plasma We have created miracles and achievements one after another. 】

[Reviewing the entire process of nuclear fusion research, at this moment, our leadership in controllable nuclear fusion research has already stood at the pinnacle of the world. I believe that we are no longer far away from the real application of controllable nuclear fusion technology. Far away, at least, we're on the right track. 】

[Of course, I also believe that you already know these tasks. 】

[As for the potential of controllable nuclear fusion technology, I believe you can understand it without too much introduction. It has many important meanings and has a profound impact on the development and future of human civilization. 】

【Those long-term effects I believe you know better than me, and from an economic point of view, nuclear fusion is a cheaper energy source than nuclear fission. 】

[Theoretically speaking, a nuclear fusion power plant with one million kilowatts needs only 300 kilograms of deuterium per year; while a fission nuclear power plant with one million kilowatts needs about thirty-five tons of nuclear fuel. 】

[The cost of producing one kilogram of enriched uranium is close to 100,000 yuan, while the cost of producing one kilogram of deuterium is only two thousand yuan. 】

[Therefore, from an economic point of view, controllable nuclear fusion power generation has great advantages. 】

[According to the plan, after completing 45 minutes of high-density plasma operation, the next task of the dawn fusion device will be to actually use deuterium-tritium raw materials for ignition and operation experiments. 】

[It will be the first step in the real sense of opening the door of controllable nuclear fusion. 】


Flipping through the letter in his hand, Qin Anguo shook his head with a wry smile.

That's really his style.

The whole letter, in fact, is the same as the letter he wrote when he was working on the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Project" last time, and it can be condensed into one sentence!

"I, Xu Chuan, send money!"

The last time he wrote here was to ask for money and scientific research funds, and it is the same this time. I really don't know if there will be a next time.

Of course, in fact he knew what was going on before he came here.

As the person in charge of the science and technology department, he had been holding related meetings non-stop for forty-five minutes after the Lixiao fusion device was built.

Including the top meeting, he has attended two or three times.

For Huaguo, a powerhouse of energy, it is necessary to seek a new energy source that can replace coal and oil.

Nuclear energy is a good route. Whether it is nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, it is an option.

Especially the former, after Xu Chuan solved the problem of nuclear waste, nuclear fission power generation has become a real clean energy source, and the large-scale construction of nuclear fission power stations can also relieve Huaguo's energy demand to a certain extent.

But nuclear fission power generation has a lot of drawbacks. First of all, the investment in building a nuclear fission power plant is quite huge. To build a 1 million-kilowatt nuclear power plant requires an investment of almost 20 billion.

If you want to rely on nuclear fission power generation to achieve energy self-sufficiency, it can be said that the capital to be invested is quite large.

At least not in a short time.

Moreover, nuclear fission power generation does not mean that there is no danger. Although Academician Xu has solved the difficult problem of nuclear waste, the lessons learned from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the Fukushima nuclear power plant are right in front of us.

Large-scale laying of nuclear power plants, safety and other aspects are also a huge pressure.

Therefore, investing in the research and development of nuclear fusion technology is a must.

And that Academician Xu may also be worried about this issue, worried that since the problem of nuclear waste has been solved, the country's demand for nuclear fusion may not be so urgent, and he deliberately put nuclear fusion and nuclear fission in the letter. compared together.

To be honest, controllable nuclear fusion is a must, especially with the current lead, Huaguo has no reason not to continue to lead.

But what I have to say is that engaging in this thing is really a bottomless black hole.

A letter, a total of 20 billion funds, and it's only the second phase of investment. No one knows how many more phases will follow.

Moreover, according to the way that academician Xu spent the money, to be honest, whether the 20 billion yuan can last for a year is very doubtful in Qin Anguo's view.

After all, it has only been more than a year and less than a year and a half since the establishment of the Qixia Mountain Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project, and in this year and a half, the first batch of 16 billion funds has bottomed out.

There are still many projects, such as the purchase of ASDEX equipment and the purchase of high-temperature superconducting materials, all of which are paid in installments or not paid at all.

If you want to pay them all, I am afraid that the 20 billion funds will be gone immediately.

Of course, the harvest is also huge. Forty-five minutes of high-density plasma operation has directly advanced the original record that was still at the second level by an order of magnitude.

Originally, they were still arguing with Western countries in Europe and the United States, but now they are directly crushed.

I have to say, this is really cool!

Although the German side also made a half-hour stellarator operation a few days ago, in fact, everyone in the know knows that this is very different from the forty-five minutes of the dawn fusion device.

Not just time, but fusion temperature.

The operating temperature of the Dawn fusion device is 120 million degrees Celsius, while the operating temperature of Helix 7X is only less than 30 million degrees Celsius, which can even be said to be a fraction.

But then again, the speed at which the money is spent is really distressing.

Huaguo's economy is indeed huge, but there are also many places to spend money.

An investment of at least 20 billion guaranteed a year is still a single project, let alone China, even the United States or the entire European Union cannot afford it for a few years.

Putting aside those international and industry predictions on controllable nuclear fusion technology, according to his understanding of controllable nuclear fusion, twenty years is an extremely short time to successfully develop this technology .

20 billion a year, 400 billion in twenty years.

This is still the most conservative estimate. After all, for the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, the investment in the early stage is far less than that in the later stage.

Especially after the real deuterium-tritium experimental fusion is turned on, every experimental operation will cause a certain degree of damage to the first wall material and fusion device.

And replacing these damaged things may cost hundreds of millions, or even more, at a time.

According to his estimation, it is possible to spend a trillion yuan in twenty years.

Of course, if controllable nuclear fusion can really be solved.

Then this investment is definitely the most rewarding.

The value created by controllable nuclear fusion is unknown.

PS: In yesterday’s chapter, I went into a small black room ˋ(°▽, °). It’s been a while since I’ve encountered this. I was suddenly locked in yesterday, and I didn’t realize it for a while.

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