Great Country Academician

Chapter 400 Invisible pretense, the deadliest

After completing the calculation of this new type of carbon composite material in a targeted manner, there are less than two days left before the 21st New Year.

Bringing some data back to the place where he lives, Xu Chuan is also preparing to start the New Year.

Restricted by the ban on fireworks and firecrackers in Jinling, the atmosphere of the New Year in the city is far less strong than that in the countryside.

But for him, it was already very satisfying.

The family is eating reunion dinner together and watching the Spring Festival Gala. The days are plain and warm.

"Brother, do you think there will be life on Mars?"

After dinner, when the family was resting watching TV in the living room, Xu Xiao suddenly poked his head out from the other side of the sofa and asked curiously.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Xu Chuan asked casually without looking back, his eyes fell on the Spring Festival Gala sketches. With the withdrawal of the previous teachers, the Spring Festival Gala sketches are getting more and more boring now.

"Hey, the country of America has landed on Mars." Xu Xiao handed over the tablet in his hand and said.

Xu Chuan turned his head curiously, took the tablet casually, and a piece of news came into his eyes.

[NASA "Perseverance" Mars rover successfully landed on Mars and sent back the first photo]

Seeing this news, Xu Chuan swiped his finger with interest to learn more about the information.

".According to foreign media reports, NASA's "Perseverance" Mars rover has reached the red planet after a 7-month journey. It has successfully landed on the surface of Mars and captured and sent back the first batch of Mars images, becoming NASA's fifth A successfully landed Mars rover."

"It is worth mentioning that due to the thin atmosphere of Mars and the long distance from the ground fire, the probe must complete the deceleration and landing independently, which is extremely difficult. Previously, NASA predicted that the probability of the "Perseverance" landing safely was only 40%."

"In addition to collecting geological and climatic features of Mars to pave the way for human exploration, the rover will focus on astrobiology, the study of life throughout the universe."

"At present, the "Perseverance" has successfully landed in the Jezero Crater (Jezero Crater), which is about 45 kilometers wide in the northern hemisphere of Mars. NASA believes that this place once had abundant water resources, and hopes to use the instruments carried by the Perseverance to detect it Organic molecules and other potential signs of microbial life may be preserved here."


"Brother, do you think there were Martians on Mars before? Is there life on Mars now?"

At some point, Xu Xiao groped over from the other side of the sofa, nestled beside Xu Chuan, looked at the tablet and asked with interest.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm afraid you will need to go to Mars to investigate this question yourself before you can find out."

"However, judging from the geological structure of Mars and previous data, I think the probability that life exists or has existed on Mars is quite high."

"If its core is not cooled, the magnetic field can protect the surface ecology, and there may be a chance to derive advanced life."

Xu Chuan has some understanding of the situation on Mars, but not much.

This is indeed a planet very similar to Earth, the difference is that the metal core of Mars has cooled, there is no flow of liquid iron, and the magnetic field has disappeared, resulting in a barren surface under the long stellar wind.

I don't know if there is life, anyway, it should be gone now.

Even if there are, it is estimated that at most they are some microorganisms, living in the abyss of the stellar wind that can be avoided such as canyons and craters.

Hearing this, Xu Xiao immediately said with anticipation: "It would be great if I could catch a Martian and dissect it."

Xu Chuan: "."

He just said that there is a high probability of life such as microorganisms on Mars, but he didn't say that there are Martians.

And if there are really Martians on Mars, no one will know who dissects them.

After all, being able to hide it from being discovered by human civilization on the earth shows that the opponent's technology has reached a very high level.

But he didn't care, he just thought that the girl was fantasizing, and asked with a smile: "By the way, how is your study?"

Like him, this girl is also a talented player. Perhaps because of his influence, she graduated from university in two years and has officially become a graduate student.

Speaking of this, Xu Xiao became interested and said excitedly: "Brother, our college and the McGovern Institute for Brain Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have jointly conducted a 'brainwave data analysis project', and my side has already I applied to participate in the study, but I don’t know if I can be selected.”

"Brain wave data analysis?" Xu Chuan looked at Xu Xiao curiously.

"That's right! It's the one you told me about last time."

Xu Xiao nodded, and continued: "It is to establish a comprehensive database for human brain waves, and then analyze these brain waves, and use brain waves to do human-computer interaction."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan rubbed his chin and asked with interest: "Is it just your Shuimu and Massachusetts schools? If I remember correctly, the analysis of brain waves should be quite a huge workload, right?"

Xu Xiao: "At present, it seems that our school and Massachusetts are the only ones, but I heard that Peking University also wants to join, so I don't know the specifics."

After a pause, she remembered something, then puffed up her cheeks and looked at Xu Chuan, complaining: "Brother, I really got into this business, and I just realized that you fooled me last time and really made me miserable. Now fell into the pit, no, fell into the bottomless abyss and couldn’t crawl out.”

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "How come? I'm not you, I never cheat anyone."

Xu Xiao ignored him, sighed and continued: "It is too difficult to do human-computer interaction through brain waves."

"There are also many types of brain waves, such as 'human active nerve information database', 'brain wave information molecular imaging database', 'EEG, ERP, fNIRS, Ecog neural information database' and so on."

"To make a complete analysis of these things, the difficulty is no less than that of the Human Genome Project."

"Through sensing chips, human physiological information is converted into recognizable program data sources through algorithms and equipment. These technologies are now very popular."

"For example, devices such as smart watches, step counting, blood pressure calculation, and heart rate detection in smart phones can monitor the data of the human body."

"But the signal conversion of brain waves and the above-mentioned things are really not of the same order of magnitude."

"Although it is easy to obtain brain waves, it is too difficult to read and identify them with high precision."

"Unlike the obvious ups and downs of heart waves, the voltage changes caused by brain waves are on the order of microvolts. Not to mention that such small voltage changes are difficult to detect, and external signal noise (signal noise) can easily interfere with the reading of brain waves."

"Not to mention the interference caused by head movement, facial muscle movement, and the stability of the contact sheet are quite serious for the reading and resolution of brain waves."

"Even a difference in air humidity can interfere with it"

Listening to Xu Xiaotu, Xu Chuan couldn't help but smiled, and said, "If it was easy, these problems would have been solved long ago, why wait until you come?"

"Besides, there is no question of difficulty, why study it?"

"Just like climbing a mountain, conquering an ordinary mountain is completely different from conquering Mount Everest."

Xu Xiao squinted at him, just about to complain, but then remembered his brother's brilliant achievements, and suddenly didn't want to talk.

Invisible pretense is the most deadly.

Ma Dan, with such an old brother, her pressure is really overwhelming.

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