Great Country Academician

Chapter 405 No problem, the country will fully cooperate with your work


In the capital city, in the building on the north side of Chang'an Avenue, the old man who has lived here all year round reached out and took a letter from the guard.

When he heard that the letter was written by the person far away in Jinling, even he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

So fast.

Are you out of money again?

To be honest, it is not a problem for the elderly to feel this way.

After all, every time that person wrote a letter, he asked him for money.

So much so that after hearing that the letter was written by that person, he couldn't help but think of it.

But no matter what, the letter still needs to be read.

Opening the envelope, the old man took out the letter paper from it.

The letter paper was very thin, only two pages, which surprised the old man slightly. It seems that maybe he didn't come here to ask for money this time?

His eyes fell on the letter paper. After a brief pause, the old man's pupils shrank slightly. After briefly reading the contents of the letter paper, he quickly got up with the letter paper and rushed to the Academy of Sciences.

On the other side, Jinling.

Three days have passed since the completion of the high-energy neutron irradiation experiment.

Thanks to the 24-hour overtime efforts of researchers in the Computing Materials Laboratory, the testing experiments related to zirconia-carbon composite materials are finally over.

After getting the detailed test report, Xu Chuan read it carefully.

Overall, the parameters and properties of the zirconia-carbon composite material are in line with his previous calculation results through the phenomenological model.

There must be numerical deviations or something, after all, it is a phenomenological calculation, but the deviations are all within the allowable range of the standard.

Relatively speaking, the test results are undoubtedly quite good.

Theoretically speaking, there is no problem in using this material as the first wall material and structure in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber.

Of course, in fact, what changes will occur to this first wall material after long-term exposure to high temperature, strong radiation, and neutron irradiation produced by deuterium-tritium fusion is still unknown.

All these need to go through real experiments to know.

However, Xu Chuan is very confident in this material. He believes in his own atomic cycle technology, and he also believes in the efforts of Zhao Guanggui and other researchers.

Putting down the test report in his hand, Xu Chuan turned on the computer in his hand. Just as he was about to deal with the emails, Gao Hongming knocked on the door and walked in, bringing a reply from the senior management.

There is no stationery, no red-headed documents or anything.

There is only a sentence that Gao Hongming personally relayed.

[No problem, the country will fully cooperate with your work. 】

In a word, it brings not only high-level opinions and affirmation, but also funding and related policy support.

Even though in this letter, Xu Chuan didn't mention anything related to the funds, the central financial administration still added the funds to the account of the Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project according to the standard of 20 billion.

It has to be said that the resolution of the materials for the first wall and the construction of the demonstration reactor have allowed everyone at the top to see the real dawn and hope.

Everyone is looking forward to the first sparks to light up on this land of China.

On the other side, the Jinling Municipal Government received instructions to fully cooperate with the Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project. Not to mention, the Army Group also assigned a regiment-level troop to comprehensively strengthen the Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project. base security.

These were implemented together with Gao Hongming when he came back.

And on the second day, a working group arranged by Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group was led by two academicians from different fields to the engineering base at 9:00 am.

The two academicians leading the team are academician Wang Yongnian in nuclear power plant construction and academician Hou Chengping in nuclear industry science and technology.

These two academicians are top experts in the nuclear industry construction group. They have worked in the nuclear industry for many years and have rich experience in the design of fission reactors and nuclear power generating sets. Nuclear power plant engineering.

Including the fourth phase of nuclear power plant technology currently under development in China, these two are also the foundation laying leaders.

Xu Chuan and Peng Hongxi greeted the two academicians in the office. Although the four of them met for the first time, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"I heard that academician Xu is going to build a demonstration reactor here. Several academicians from our nuclear industry group almost fought in the conference room in order to grab the spot to lead the exchange."

Compared with Academician Wang Yongnian, who is in charge of nuclear reactor construction, Academician Hou Chengping, who is in charge of nuclear technology design, is a few years younger and more active, laughing and joking around in the office.

But there's nothing wrong with what he said.

When the nuclear industry group held an emergency meeting two days ago, they heard that they were involved in the construction of the demonstration reactor at the Lixiao fusion device, and everyone was surprised.

For most people in the nuclear industry group, the demonstration reactor of controllable nuclear fusion is just something that exists in an unknown number of years.

After all, as far as the development of the field of controllable nuclear fusion is concerned, it is not known how long it will take to realize it.

The eternal fifty years is not unreasonable. To achieve controllable nuclear fusion technology, there are too many problems to be solved.

Even though the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project reported a two-hour high-density plasma operation, most people still think that it will take a long time to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

At least in the last five years, it is almost impossible. Ten years later, there may be a glimmer of hope under that leader's leadership.

However, the higher-ups told them that the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project is about to start the construction of a controllable nuclear fusion demonstration reactor, and the nuclear industry group needs to arrange manpower to assist the other party with all their strength.

Not only that, at the meeting two days ago, the president of the group who presided over the meeting also announced on the spot that the research and development of the fourth-generation and fifth-generation nuclear fission power station technologies will be completely suspended.

This surprised them even more.

You must know that after this person solves the difficult problem of nuclear waste, the technology related to nuclear fission power stations has ushered in the most vigorous development stage in the history of the country.

Not only various funds and government support, but even the fifth-generation controllable nuclear fission technology, which was originally planned to be launched in 2025, has been arranged in advance, with project approval and research and development by scientific researchers.

However, at the meeting two days ago, the boss of the nuclear industry group personally announced that the research and development of the fourth-generation and fifth-generation nuclear fission power generation technologies had been completely suspended.

The nuclear fission technology, which was still thriving in 2020, seemed to be swept into the dust of history after one year, which caught everyone by surprise.

But at the same time, this news has everyone excited.

After all, that is controlled nuclear fusion.

In the office, Xu Chuan took out the tea that the old man entrusted someone to bring over last time, brewed a pot of tea himself, and said with a smile: "The construction of the demonstration pile this time will trouble the two academicians."

Academician Wang Yongnian took the tea, put it on the tea table in front of him, and said with a smile: "Academician Xu is too polite, this is our job, there is nothing troublesome."

After a pause, he cast a curious gaze on Xu Chuan, and asked, "Can I ask curiously about the progress and situation of Lixiao?"

Aside, Academician Hou Chengping also cast a curious look.

The research progress of Qixia's controllable nuclear fusion project is kept secret, unless Xu Chuan announces it, the outside world will not know. The latest news they know is still the high-density plasma operation of the previous two hours.

Now Academician Xu has started the construction of the demonstration reactor. Although it has not been officially announced, it also makes them curious about how far Lixiao has gone in the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "We have already found a material suitable for the first wall."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yongnian and Hou Chengping's eyes tightened, and their eyes and faces were full of disbelief and shock.

A breakthrough in the first wall material!

So incredible, so shocking!

No wonder he directly started the construction of the demonstration reactor.

Although they are experts and academicians in the field of nuclear fission, both of them have some understanding of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

In controllable nuclear fusion, the most difficult problems are the control of ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence, the resistance of the first wall material to neutron irradiation, and tritium self-sustainability.

And combined with the previous two-hour operation time of the Lixiao fusion device, Qixia's controllable nuclear fusion project has made a breakthrough in the first two conditions.

Plasma confinement + first wall material, if the self-sustainability of tritium is solved, the most difficult core will almost be solved.

As for other issues such as temperature control, energy recovery, helium ash removal, safety issues, etc., the impact is not that great.

Not to mention Xu Chuan, even the two of them have no doubt that after these core issues are resolved, Huaguo will soon usher in the spark of controllable nuclear fusion.

PS: I am asking for a monthly pass at the third shift. There will be an explosive change tomorrow. It’s the end of the month. Let’s vote for the monthly pass in the hands of the bosses. Please ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

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