Great Country Academician

Chapter 433 The trend of the times is mighty

Regarding the future development and road, let’s not talk about this for the time being.

However, in the real world, the changes brought about by the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology are proceeding slowly and rapidly.

"The latest planning report of the State Grid Corporation of China will fully deploy charging piles in real time at gas stations along the expressway!" It is planned to have at least ten charging piles for each gas station within one year, thirty within two years, and one hundred within five years! "

"Qinchuan Shaanxi Coal Group announced that it will gradually shut down more than 80% of the coal mines in the province within five years, and restore nature to green water and green mountains! "

"Three Petroleum Group announced that it will gradually reduce overseas oil investment and suspend the expansion of overseas oil and gas fields. "


A series of news, all of which show the adjustment of the country's energy development strategy.

Whether it is the gradual shutdown of coal mines, the reduction of overseas oil investment, or the increase in investment in highway charging piles, it can be seen that the direction of energy will completely shift from fossil fuels to electric energy.

Of course, this is a job that takes time to complete. Even Huaguo, which has a strong mobilization ability, cannot completely complete the transformation in a year or two.

However, it is not difficult to understand that after the completion of controllable nuclear fusion technology, whether it is coal or oil, it will gradually withdraw from the stage of fuel and energy.

And these directions, for ordinary people, the biggest impact is probably that the cars they drive will change from burning oil to using electricity in the next few years.

These things have also aroused considerable discussion on the Internet.

[Have you read the recent news? It seems that the tram is king in the future. 】

[Normal, the controllable nuclear fusion technology has been developed by Chuan Shen, why do you still keep fuel vehicles? 】

[It is estimated that the sale of fuel vehicles will be banned in the future? 】

【impossible? Still have to give consumers the right to choose, just like automatic transmission and manual transmission, although automatic transmission is convenient and simple to drive, there are always those who like manual transmission. 】

[Just one word, the sale of fuel vehicles has not been completely banned, and I will never buy trams! 】

[I have been working on new energy controllers for 10 years, what are the problems in the lithium battery industry? safety! Almost all lithium batteries are faced with a problem, how to ensure the safe release of battery energy during severe collisions? To put it simply, how to ensure that in the event of a vehicle collision, after the battery is short-circuited, the 50 kWh electricity is released instantly, and when the steel frame of the vehicle body is turned into molten iron, the driver and passengers can escape for 30 seconds? 】

[From this point of view, it is true, what if the new energy vehicle has an accident and the battery directly explodes? 】

[Install an ejection seat [doge], and immediately fly up if the situation is wrong! 】

[Fuel vehicles also have this problem, the oil will catch fire and explode! You can't just look at the battery. 】

[Isn't the chaos unsolvable? There was a problem with the hybrid battery and gas started up, and the fuel tank was blown up along the way (manual dog head)]

Regardless of what was being discussed on the Internet, an announcement from Jinling Municipal Fu ignited the Internet again in an instant.

"Jinling Shi Residential/Industrial Electricity Price Adjustment Report"

"From January 1, 2022, residential electricity consumption in Jinlingshi will be uniformly adjusted to 0.2 yuan/kWh, and industrial electricity consumption will be adjusted according to the power consumption section, with a base of 0.5 yuan/kWh~0.68 yuan/h between kilowatt-hours."

A news of electricity price adjustment broke out from Jinling City, which shocked the people of the whole country.

[Fuck! Two cents per unit of electricity! 】

[Mom, if you really want this price, I can turn on the air conditioner 24 hours a day, 365 days to contribute to the country's electricity bill! 】

[My friends in Jinling are too excited! I was so envious that tears flowed from the corners of my mouth. 】

[Chuan Shen Niu Batch! Living in Jinling, I have one and a half months before I can turn on the air conditioner 24 hours a day! Cool! 】

[Wuuuuuu, the people of Beihe said, when will I be able to use electricity that costs 20 cents a kilowatt-hour! 】

[Hiss~, at the price of 20 cents per degree, what kind of fuel car does he want, the tram is so delicious! 】

【take off! 】

[A netizen from Gusu said: Damn it! Let's kick Jinling out of the group chat! 】

With the breakthrough of controllable fusion technology, the first impact has begun to gradually seep into the lives of ordinary people.

Jinling Municipal Fu's expected adjustment of electricity prices is a slogan for charging.

The bigger change is in the world pattern.

With the fourth industrial revolution initiated by controllable nuclear fusion, all countries and all forces will usher in a new round of reshuffle.

Of course, in this process, some people are happy and some are sad.

However, in the mighty changes of the times, not to mention the joys and sorrows of individuals, even the joys and sorrows of big countries seem extremely small.

Just like the irreversibility of time, nothing can stop its progress and beating.

In the changing times, no one can stay out of it. Everyone is a flat boat in the age of great navigation, sailing forward with the tide.

And Xu Chuan, who is promoting the change of this mighty era, is currently recuperating in a nursing home in the capital.

It's not that he's sick, but at the request of the old man, he's going to have a physical examination here to check his health.

After all, for him today, his physical health is no longer his business alone.

Xu Chuan didn't resist the physical examination.

Although I understand my own physical condition. But anyway, the controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized, and the burden on his shoulders has been relieved, and he has plenty of time.

So it's totally worth spending two days to do a comprehensive physical examination to see if there are any hidden problems.

"What was the result? Academician Qiu?"

Looking at the middle-aged and elderly man standing in front of him, Xu Chuan curiously took a thick stack of medical examination report documents from his hand.

It has to be said that the country cares more about his body than himself.

The person who gave him a comprehensive physical examination this time was specially selected from the West Hospital of Haidian 301 Hospital (the specific name is Baidu, I can’t write it down), and an expert at the academician level took the lead.

Academician Qiu Kaiji smiled and replied: "Judging from the physical examination report, there is generally no major problem. It is a little short-sighted, but it does not exceed 50 degrees, and it does not affect daily life. However, there are still some aspects of Academician Xu. Need to pay more attention."

Xu Chuan nodded while flipping through the physical examination report in his hand: "Academician Qiu, please tell me."

Qiu Kaiji smiled and said: "First of all, it is the state of work and rest. Academician Xu must pay attention to this aspect. Judging from the medical examination report, your daily life is a bit messy. Staying up late should be a regular thing, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan raised his head and said with a smile, "People who engage in scientific research probably don't have a stable life schedule. It's normal to stay up late."

"But speaking of it, my life and rest have always been pretty good. It's just that some time ago, because of the controllable nuclear fusion project, I had to work overtime. Fortunately, it has been completed now, and I should be able to cultivate well next time." For a while."

Qiu Kaiji shook his head and said: "Academician Xu still has to take it seriously. If you don't care when you are young, you will be in trouble later."

After a pause, he continued: "The second aspect is diet. Judging from the physical examination report, your eating habits are not very good, especially you are more keen on high-oil and salt foods, so that cholesterol, saturated fatty acids and other indicators They are all a bit high, which may lead to cardiovascular sclerosis, high blood pressure and other problems in the future."

"I hope Academician Xu must pay attention to this point and adjust it as soon as possible."

PS: Ask for a monthly pass in the second shift

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