Great Country Academician

Chapter 435 The Magical Use of Life Assistants

An interview lasted for nearly half an hour.

Originally, according to Director Xiong Weizhao’s plan, this interview would last about an hour, but considering that Academician Xu needs to take the high-speed train back to Jinling, he still shortened the time a lot and erased some questions.

After the interview, Xu Chuan took his luggage, bid farewell to the two and set off on his way home.

Standing at the door of Beihai Hotel, Xiong Weizhao looked at the back of Xu Chuan leaving in a vehicle, feeling a little emotional.

After working in CTV for so many years, I have also interviewed and met countless researchers, scholars and even politicians, but this is the first time I have seen someone as outstanding as the one in front of me.

There are many scholars at the academician level, but like this one, a scholar who can reach the Heavenly Hall and directly affect the development of the entire country, and even the world, is probably the only one in today's society.

Seeing the back of the vehicle leaving, he suddenly turned his head, looked at Sun Yutong who was standing beside him, and said with a kind smile: "Yutong, I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with this academician Xu. Get in touch."

Sun Yutong looked at the leaving vehicle, and then at the head of the station. For a while, she didn't know what she was thinking.


It's not that she doesn't have any contact information.

As early as a few years ago, when she went to Sweden for the first time to participate in the Crafford Award, she added the contact information of Academician Xu when doing interviews.

It's just that in the past few years, apart from some polite greetings on festivals, there has been no contact between the two.

To be honest, as a girl, at her age, it is normal to think about the other half.

However, her vision seemed a little too good.

Before she could attack, the other party had already reached a height that she couldn't reach.

If she wants to try again, she probably doesn't even think she has the courage.

It was quite late to return to Jinling from the capital.

After taking a shower, Xu Chuan dried his hair and sat in the study.

Although he hasn't been back for several days, the villa is still clean, not even a speck of dust. It was probably when he was away, and there would still be people who would come here to clean things up every once in a while.

Turning on the computer, he clicked on the document that recorded various work before, recorded the recent related matters, and then began to make an arrangement for the next work and research direction.

Now that the controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized, he has planned the next goal, but overall it is still relatively rough.

As for now, it's time to make a new plan for yourself.

After resting for such a long time, it is almost enough.

After all, the mind of a scholar, or a scientific researcher, cannot be left unused for too long.

After thinking for a while, he opened his own notebook and wrote down the two terms mathematics and space engine.

Mathematics was his own path.

No matter what, Xu Chuan is not prepared to give up the field of mathematics even if he realizes the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Instead, in the next few years, he will focus more on mathematics.

Although he has solved two millennium problems, but the vastness of mathematics, he still has many areas that have not yet been set foot and need to learn.

As for the aerospace engine, there is no doubt that it is prepared for breakthroughs in aerospace technology.

After the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is necessary to step into the sky.

But judging from the current situation, no matter whether it is China, the United States, or the European Union and other countries, there is not much progress in aerospace technology.

In terms of the pinnacle of aerospace, it can even be attributed to the famous 'Cold War' of the last century.

In that turbulent but competitive era, aerospace ushered in the most glorious moment in human history.

A series of miracles of launch vehicles, unmanned liftoffs, manned moon landings, space shuttles, and the Saturn 5 super-heavy launch vehicle were all created at that time.

But decades have passed, and the aerospace technology of various countries is still beating on it and making some patches. Not to mention moving forward, maybe even going backwards.

As early as decades ago, Sumi had achieved manned moon landing, but after decades, manned moon landing is no longer in the plans and arrangements of various countries.

Of course, this is also related to the delay in breakthroughs in aerospace engine technology.

In many sci-fi novels or sci-fi movies, aircraft can always provide power for the entire journey of interstellar travel.

But in reality, rocket propulsion engine technology simply cannot achieve this.

The engine of a chemical rocket looks small compared to its exposed propellant tanks, but it has a big appetite.

"Eat a lot, but work efficiency is not high."

Conventional fossil fuel engines need to gobble up huge amounts of energy, but are only effective at providing short-term power—the stored fuel is quickly used up, and the propeller is immediately thrown away as garbage.

Most of the chemical rocket's fuel is used to escape the earth's gravity, and the remaining bit is used to propel the rocket's "space glide". Rockets fly to their destinations only by inertia.

For interstellar flight, this kind of engine is obviously not enough.

Take the famous "Saturn V launch vehicle" as an example.

It is a super-heavy launch vehicle developed by the United States, known as the strongest rocket system in history.

However, with a height of 110.6 meters, a diameter of 10 meters, and a thrust of 3,408 tons, it can only send 118 tons of objects into low-earth orbit. If it is to be sent to lunar orbit, the load will be drastically reduced to 45 tons.

The reason is that a large part of the nearly 3,500 tons of thrust generated by the rocket was used to "drag" the rocket itself and more than 2,000 tons of fuel.

Its "specific impulse" is not high, only more than 300 seconds, which shows that its propulsion efficiency is low.

This is why it is necessary to use a huge rocket to send a person with a small mass into space.

If this kind of traditional fossil energy rocket is still used as a carrier, I am afraid that there will be no way to make a big breakthrough in aerospace technology.

So Xu Chuan wants to focus on this aspect of research to see if he can find a new path for aerospace engines.

Sitting in front of the computer, Xu Chuan thought about the new way of aerospace engines, and the night was getting dark before he knew it.

When the moon climbed overhead, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Xu Chuan picked up his phone and looked at it. It was sent by his new life assistant.

"Academician Xu, it's very late now, if you have nothing urgent, it's time to go to sleep."

Looking at the message, the corner of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched, and he looked at the time again.

Well, before I knew it, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Shaking his head, he put down his phone, sorted out and saved the data on the computer, and got up to wash up.

Is this the magic of the life assistant?

What kind of scientific researcher is a scientific researcher who cannot realize the freedom of staying up late?

After a sound sleep, Xu Chuan came to Nanjing University the next day.

Now that controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized, as a full professor at Nantah University, he should come back to class and lead students no matter what.

Pushing open the door of the office, Xu Chuan walked in. Cai Peng, who was studying by himself in the office, turned his head and took a look, then stood up quickly in surprise and excitement.

"Professor, you are finally back!"

At the end of the sentence, Xu Chuan coughed a little unnaturally. He was probably a little bit embarrassed in the face of Cai Peng, a student.

After all, it has been almost two years since I accepted him as a student, and I have not taught him much. I was busy with the field of controllable nuclear fusion before, and Cai Peng basically left it to Gu Bing and Amelia to take it. taught.

On the opposite side, Cai Peng probably realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly skipped the topic, and then congratulated: "Professor, congratulations on solving the century-old problem of controllable nuclear fusion!"

Xu Chuan: "Thank you, why didn't you see Amelia?"

Hearing this, Cai Peng's expression was a little strange: "Professor, in February this year, you arranged for her to go to CERN for an internship, and she hasn't come back yet."

Xu Chuan coughed, and then remembered that because he was busy with controllable nuclear fusion before, he was afraid of delaying the students, so he arranged for Amelia to practice at CERN.

Amelia majored in mathematical physics. After solving Bloch's conjecture, she graduated from Gu Bing's hands together with him.

It’s just that Gu Bing chose to be a professor of mathematics at Nantah University, while Amelia was more talented and chose to learn from him in depth the method of mathematical calculation of physical particles.

This is a course that requires the combination of practice and theory, and it is not yet possible to provide great help in this direction in China, so he sent Amelia to CERN and troubled his tutor Edward Witten Help take care of it.

Then Cai Peng was left at the school, who could either study by himself or study with Gu Bing.

Speaking of which, he was quite sorry for these students, most of the time he was in stocking mode.

After coughing lightly, Xu Chuan said, "I will have enough time to teach you in the future. I hope that your homework has not fallen behind in the past two years."

Hearing this sentence, Cai Peng suddenly felt a little bad.

From Senior Brother Gu Bing, he knew that this mentor was the one who dared to take a world-class problem as the master of the student's graduation thesis. Could it be that he had to solve a world-class problem to graduate from him?

If that's the case, why not just kill him, maybe that's easier?

Xu Chuan didn't care about the changing expression on his student's face, and then asked: "I remember that you studied the field of differential equations later, right?"

Cai Peng quickly replied: "Yes, Professor."

Xu Chuan nodded and didn't say much. He took out an A4 paper from the desk drawer, thought for a while, and wrote:

"Let K be a zero characteristic differential field, ={δ1,...,δm} be its differential operator, let L = Khη1...ηni be K and finite elements η={η1,...,ηn } generated differential extension field.”

"Define δ1 in Θ,..., the free commutative semigroup generated by δm. If r is any non-zero integer, let Θ(r)=δk11···δkmm∈Θ|mXi=1ki 6 r"

"Question 1: Find an algorithm that can determine the differential generation set η of a known differential extension field L on K."

"Question 2: Find an algorithm that can calculate the minimum differential dimension polynomial of L/K from a known differential generation set of differential extension field L on K and the differential relationship of this set."

In the quiet office, the sound of the ballpoint pen sliding on the white manuscript paper is particularly resonant. Listening to the voice, Cai Peng couldn't help swallowing.

He seemed a little flustered.

Less than two minutes later, Xu Chuan got up and handed the manuscript paper with the questions to Cai Peng.

"Although it's my fault that I failed to teach you properly in the past two years, let me see if you have neglected your talent and homework in the past two years."

"The questions on this piece of paper should be suitable for you. I'll give you three days to solve as many as you can, including thoughts and ideas."

"If you have been lazy in the past two years, you may have to delay your graduation from me for a while."

PS: Make up for yesterday's chapter, there are two more today, ask for a monthly pass.

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